Asstr Shower

Asstr Shower


Asstr Shower
Tracy sat in the back seat with Lynn as her family headed out for 2 weeks vacation at a campsite. It had been a year of changes and firsts. Her birthday was coming up next month. Finally a teenager and not a child! She would be going into junior high. She was even loosing that "little girl look" as her body proudly sported a pair of A cup boobs and hair was growing on her pussy.
It was almost a year ago she had met Lynn too. She had newly moved into town and started school in Tracy's class at the beginning of the school year. The two had hit it off right from the beginning and had become best friends.
This vacation was also a first. Tracy had always gone to scout camp with her sister. Lynn's family had been going to the same campground for the last five years. It had always been just the three of them in a camper, but this year they let Lynn bring a friend, Tracy, of course, and had even bought a tent for them to sleep in. It would be the parents in the camper and the two girls in the tent. Lynn was also excited. Finally she wasn't going to be dragged all over the place with her parents.
"My Mom finally let me get a bikini!" Tracy whispered to Lynn.
"Great! They're good boy magnets," Lynn giggled. Tracy looked at her puzzled. "We've been goody two shoes all year. For the next two weeks no one knows us. We can get vacation boyfriends, silly." For the next 8 hours the conversation centered around boys.
"Gawd! Finally! We only lived an hour from here before," Lynn sighed as they finally pulled into the campground. As soon as they were at the site, Lynn jumped out of the car. "I gotta go to the bathroom. Come on, Tracy!" As they ran off, her mother shouted the old standby speech about not being long; they had to get set up; there would be plenty of time after the campsite was set, etc.
The bathroom was almost like the one at scout camp, but one difference. There were two sides, one for men and the other for women. Inside was the same only smaller - a couple of stalls, sinks across, and a shower area at the rear.
The two girls each went into a stall. Once done, Tracy came out to see Lynn standing in the shower area. "Why are you in here?" she asked as she stood at the entrance.
"I just wanted to check and see if it was still here... and it is," Lynn grinned.
"What's still here?" questioned Tracy.
"Come here," Lynn told her. Once Tracy was beside her she continued. "See that little hole? Look in it."
Tracy bent down and peered into the hole Lynn was pointing at. "I can see into the men's shower!" she blurted.
"Wait... If I can see in there, that means they can see in here. I'm glad you showed me that so I can stay away from it," gasped Tracy.
"...or stay near it?" Lynn stated with an evil grin. Tracy's jaw dropped. "Never know... it might be fun."
"Yeah... Right! Have some guy perving me when I'm naked. No thanks!" exclaimed Tracy.
"What's the big deal? Nothing's gonna happen and it might be a cute boy looking. Besides, it's fun," Lynn answered.
"You're serious..." Tracy returned. Lynn nodded. Tracy pondered for a moment. "You've done it?" Lynn nodded again. "I don't know... Boys talk a lot and in an hour everyone knows what the girl did."
"So what? There's not many our age around here and who cares if they tell everyone? It's not like anyone back home would find out anyway," explained Lynn.
"You've really done it?" Tracy repeated. Lynn, as before, nodded. "What's it feel like to have a guy see you naked?"
"It's fun, but it's not usually a guy. The boys here all know about the hole and they're usually the ones peeping. It's a good way to meet boys. They like what they see and... It's how I met my last year's boyfriend Jake. He told me on his last day here he had seen me and wanted to meet me," explained Lynn.
"Do you peek at the boys?" Tracy asked as she became more intrigued.
"Silly girl. You don't have to peek at them. They'll let you see and more if you know how to do it," grinned Lynn.
Suddenly Tracy felt a bit foolish and awkward. Changing the subject, she mentioned, "We should be getting back before your parents get mad."
"Yeah, I guess... We'll come back tonight for a shower," Lynn said as she headed to the door.
The two made it to the campsite and after an hour, which seemed to last longer that their trip, everything was set, even their tent was set up. The girls dragged their things into the tent and began setting up. As they finished, dinner was ready so they went into the camper and ate and talked some. The two girls didn't do much talking as Lynn's parents gave them the ground rules. They were free from breakfast until supper. They could eat lunch whenever they wanted, but had to make their own. After supper they had to stay at the site unless they got permission to leave, which detailed where they were going and a time would be set for their return.
The girls had no trouble getting permission to go to the shower and would even be allowed to walk around the grounds so Lynn could show Tracy around. Their curfew was 9:00PM. Tracy was in heaven as her parents probably would have said 7!
As they entered the shower area and began to undress, Tracy remembered the little peephole. Lynn, once nude, walked straight into the shower while Tracy almost hugged the wall and chose a shower head in the corner, the furthest from the hole. Lynn, on the other hand, chose the one directly in front of the hole. Tracy showered quickly, trying to keep her back to the hole, but glancing at it constantly. Lynn largely ignored it, it seemed.
After showering the two walked out, Lynn casually and Tracy shyly. �Do you think anyone watched us?� Tracy whispered.
�Nope. No luck tonight,� Lynn laughed.
�I'll show you. Come here,� she stated as she walked back into the shower room still naked. Tracy was still naked as well, but followed. �Stand here,� Lynn said, indicating the spot she had stood as she showered � directly in front of the hole. Nervously Tracy stood where Lynn had pointed, hoping no one would look through the hole. �Look at the hole. She how it kinda looks like a white spot?� Tracy nodded. �That's the white floor on the other side you see. If someone looks through the hole, it looks dark because you can't see the floor. Brilliant, huh?� Lynn explained.

�So if it turns dark, like someone is watching, what do you do?� Tracy questioned.
�Nothing, silly. I let them look! It is kinda fun to know someone can see you naked though. You'll see...� Lynn laughed. Seeing how her friend reacted made Tracy think. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
�Let's get dressed and I'll show you around,� Lynn suggested and the two went back out to the dressing area. Tracy stepped into her panties then reached for her bra. �Nah... Don't worry about that. You're on vacation, so don't need that,� Lynn remarked. Tracy gave her an odd look. Her mother had told her to always wear a bra. It was part of being modest. �You like wearing that harness??? I know at home it's kinda required, but, like I said, we're on vacation. Everyone knows you have boobs and bras do nothing to hide them,� Lynn added.
�...but what do you do about your... um... nips? Don't they poke out? It's no secret you're not wearing a bra,� Tracy pointed out.
�Duh... Of course they poke out. So what? It makes the boys hard and then they poke out so we can see them too,� chuckled Lynn.
�OK,� Tracy grinned as she tossed the bra aside and pulled on her tee. Both pulled on a pair of shorts, wrapped their bras into their towels and Tracy turned to follow Lynn out the door, but almost ran into her when she abruptly stopped. �Why did you stop?� Tracy asked.
�Look in the mirror,� Lynn grinned.
Tracy turned and looked at herself in the mirror. �What am I supposed to be looking at?�
�Look at your boobs,� Lynn answered. Tracy's face turned red. She was covered, but, even though small, her two nips were obvious under her thin tee. �Sexy, huh?�
The comment turned Tracy's embarrassment into almost pride. She hadn't thought of it that way before. �Yeah...�
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