Jerome K. Jerome «Three men in a boat» — Ch. VII (8/9)

Jerome K. Jerome «Three men in a boat» — Ch. VII (8/9)


Джером К. Джером «Трое в лодке, не считая собаки» — Глава VII

He burst into tears (он залился слезами; to burst into — внезапно или бурно начинать что-либо). He said that one of the tombs had a bit of stone upon the top of it (он сказал, что на одной из могил лежит кусок камня) that had been said by some to be probably part of the remains of the figure of a man (который, /как/ некоторые говорят, возможно, является частью развалин изображения человека; remains — остатки, развалины; figure — фигура, изображение, статуя), and that another had some words, carved upon it (а на другой какие-то выгравированные слова), that nobody had ever been able to decipher (которые никто еще не мог разобрать/расшифровать).

I still remained obdurate (я по-прежнему оставался непреклонным), and, in broken-hearted tones, he said (и сокрушенным тоном он сказал; broken-hearted — убитый горем; с разбитым сердцем):

"Well, won't you come and see the memorial window (может, пойдете посмотрите мемориальное окно)?"

I would not even see that, so he fired his last shot (я не согласился посмотреть даже его, поэтому он /старик/ выпустил свой последний заряд). He drew near, and whispered hoarsely (он подошел ближе и прошептал хрипло; to draw near):

"I've got a couple of skulls down in the crypt (у меня пара черепов внизу, в склепе)," he said; "come and see those. Oh, do come and see the skulls! You are a young man out for a holiday, and you want to enjoy yourself (вы молодой человек в отпуске, и хотите получить удовольствие). Come and see the skulls (идите посмотрите черепа)!"


He burst into tears. He said that one of the tombs had a bit of stone upon the top of it that had been said by some to be probably part of the remains of the figure of a man, and that another had some words, carved upon it, that nobody had ever been able to decipher.

I still remained obdurate, and, in broken-hearted tones, he said:

"Well, won't you come and see the memorial window?"

I would not even see that, so he fired his last shot. He drew near, and whispered hoarsely:

"I've got a couple of skulls down in the crypt," he said; "come and see those. Oh, do come and see the skulls! You are a young man out for a holiday, and you want to enjoy yourself. Come and see the skulls!"

Then I turned and fled, and as I sped I heard him calling to me (тут я развернулся и побежал, а на бегу слышал, как он кричит мне; to flee — убегать, спасаться бегством; to speed — спешить; мчаться):

"Oh, come and see the skulls; come back and see the skulls (вернитесь и посмотрите черепа)!"

Harris, however, revels in tombs, and graves (Гаррис однако упивается /видом/ гробниц, могил), and epitaphs, and monumental inscriptions (эпитафий и надписей на памятниках), and the thought of not seeing Mrs. Thomas's grave made him crazy (и от мысли, что он не увидит могилу миссис Томас, он обезумел). He said he had looked forward to seeing Mrs. Thomas's grave from the first moment that the trip was proposed (он сказал, что ожидал с нетерпением/предвкушал /возможность/ увидеть могилу миссис Томас с первой минуты, когда предложили путешествие) — said he wouldn't have joined if it hadn't been for the idea of seeing Mrs. Thomas's tomb (сказал, что не присоединился бы /к нам/, если бы не намерение увидеть могилу миссис Томас; if it were not for — если бы не).

Then I turned and fled, and as I sped I heard him calling to me:

"Oh, come and see the skulls; come back and see the skulls!"

Harris, however, revels in tombs, and graves, and epitaphs, and monumental inscriptions, and the thought of not seeing Mrs. Thomas's grave made him crazy. He said he had looked forward to seeing Mrs. Thomas's grave from the first moment that the trip was proposedsaid he wouldn't have joined if it hadn't been for the idea of seeing Mrs. Thomas's tomb.

I reminded him of George (я напомнил ему о Джордже), and how we had to get the boat up to Shepperton by five o'clock to meet him (и о том, что нам нужно привести лодку в Шеппертон к пяти часам, чтобы встретить его), and then he went for George (и тут он /Гаррис/ принялся за Джорджа). Why was George to fool about all day (почему Джордж должен болтаться без дела весь день), and leave us to lug this lumbering old top-heavy barge up and down the river by ourselves to meet him (а нам предоставляет таскать эту громоздкую старую перегруженную баржу = лодку вверх и вниз по реке, чтобы встретить его; top-heavy — неустойчивый; перевешивающий в своей верхней части)? Why couldn't George come and do some work (почему Джордж не мог прийти и выполнить какую-нибудь работу)? Why couldn't he have got the day off, and come down with us (почему он не мог взять выходной и отправиться с нами)? Bank be blowed (будь проклят этот банк; to blow — веять, дуть /о ветре/; взрывать)! What good was he at the bank (какой прок от него /Джорджа/ в банке)?


I reminded him of George, and how we had to get the boat up to Shepperton by five o'clock to meet him, and then he went for George. Why was George to fool about all day, and leave us to lug this lumbering old top-heavy barge up and down the river by ourselves to meet him? Why couldn't George come and do some work? Why couldn't he have got the day off, and come down with us? Bank be blowed! What good was he at the bank?

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