Jerome K. Jerome «Three men in a boat» — Ch. VII (9/9)

Jerome K. Jerome «Three men in a boat» — Ch. VII (9/9)


Джером К. Джером «Трое в лодке, не считая собаки» — Глава VII

"I never see him doing any work there (никогда не видел, чтобы он делал какую-нибудь работу там)," continued Harris (продолжал Гаррис), "whenever I go in (когда бы я ни заходил). He sits behind a bit of glass all day (он сидит за стеклом весь день), trying to look as if he was doing something (пытаясь выглядеть = сделать вид, будто что-то делает). What's the good of a man behind a bit of glass (какая польза от человека за стеклом)? I have to work for my living (я должен зарабатывать на жизнь). Why can't he work (почему он не может работать)? What use is he there, and what's the good of their banks (какой от него там толк, и какая польза от их банков)? They take your money, and then, when you draw a cheque (они берут ваши деньги, а потом, когда вы выписываете чек), they send it back smeared all over with `No effects,' `Refer to drawer (они отсылают его назад, весь исписанный /надписями/ «нет средств», «обратитесь к чекодателю»; to smear — мазать толстым слоем; марать).' What's the good of that? That's the sort of trick they served me twice last week (этот фокус они проделали со мной дважды на прошлой неделе; to serve — обслуживать; поступать с, обходиться). I'm not going to stand it much longer (я не собираюсь больше это терпеть). I shall withdraw my account (я закрою свой счет; to withdraw — отбирать, отзывать, брать назад). If he was here, we could go and see that tomb (если бы он был здесь, мы смогли бы посмотреть эту могилу). I don't believe he's at the bank at all (я не верю, что он вообще в банке). He's larking about somewhere, that's what he's doing (он забавляется = прохлаждается где-нибудь, вот что он делает), leaving us to do all the work (а нам оставляет всю работу). I'm going to get out, and have a drink (я собираюсь пойти выпить /чего-нибудь/)."


"I never see him doing any work there," continued Harris, "whenever I go in. He sits behind a bit of glass all day, trying to look as if he was doing something. What's the good of a man behind a bit of glass? I have to work for my living. Why can't he work? What use is he there, and what's the good of their banks? They take your money, and then, when you draw a cheque, they send it back smeared all over with `No effects,' `Refer to drawer.' What's the good of that? That's the sort of trick they served me twice last week. I'm not going to stand it much longer. I shall withdraw my account. If he was here, we could go and see that tomb. I don't believe he's at the bank at all. He's larking about somewhere, that's what he's doing, leaving us to do all the work. I'm going to get out, and have a drink."

I pointed out to him that we were miles away from a pub (я обратил его внимание, что мы находимся на расстоянии /многих/ миль от трактира); and then he went on about the river, and what was the good of the river (и он набросился на реку: какая польза от этой реки), and was everyone who came on the river to die of thirst (и /неужели/ всякий, кто отправился на реку, должен умереть от жажды)?

It is always best to let Harris have his head when he gets like this (всегда лучше не мешать Гаррису, когда он становится таким). Then he pumps himself out, and is quiet afterwards (потом он выдыхается и /становится/ тихим; to pump — выкачивать).

I reminded him that there was concentrated lemonade in the hamper (я напомнил ему, что в корзине есть концентрированный лимонад), and a gallon-jar of water in the nose of the boat (и галлонный кувшин воды на носу лодки), and that the two only wanted mixing to make a cool and refreshing beverage (и что эти два /вещества/ требуется лишь смешать, чтобы получить прохладный и освежающий напиток).


I pointed out to him that we were miles away from a pub.; and then he went on about the river, and what was the good of the river, and was everyone who came on the river to die of thirst?

It is always best to let Harris have his head when he gets like this. Then he pumps himself out, and is quiet afterwards.

I reminded him that there was concentrated lemonade in the hamper, and a gallon-jar of water in the nose of the boat, and that the two only wanted mixing to make a cool and refreshing beverage.

Then he flew off about lemonade (он налетел на лимонад; to fly), and "such-like Sunday-school slops (и подобную бурду для воскресной школы)," as he termed them, ginger-beer, raspberry syrup, etc (как он их назвал, имбирное пиво, малиновый сироп и т.д.). He said they all produced dyspepsia, and ruined body and soul alike (сказал, они все вызывают расстройство пищеварения, а также разрушают тело и душу), and were the cause of half the crime in England (и являются причиной половины преступлений в Англии).

He said he must drink something, however (он сказал, что должен выпить что-нибудь, тем не менее), and climbed upon the seat, and leant over to get the bottle (и взобрался на сиденье, и наклонился вперед, чтобы достать бутылку; to lean).

Then he flew off about lemonade, and "such-like Sunday-school slops," as he termed them, ginger-beer, raspberry syrup, etc. He said they all produced dyspepsia, and ruined body and soul alike, and were the cause of half the crime in England.

He said he must drink something, however, and climbed upon the seat, and leant over to get the bottle.

It was right at the bottom of the hamper, and seemed difficult to find (она была на самом дне корзины, и, казалось, ее нелегко было найти; right — прямо, как раз, точно), and he had to lean over further and further (и ему приходилось наклоняться все дальше и дальше), and, in trying to steer at the same time, from a topsy-turvy point of view (и, пытаясь управлять лодкой в это же время, видя все вверх ногами: «с перевернутой вверх дном точки зрения»), he pulled the wrong line, and sent the boat into the bank (он дернул не ту веревку и вогнал: «послал» лодку в берег), and the shock upset him, and he dived down right into the hamper (и удар/толчок опрокинул его, и он нырнул прямо в корзину), and stood there on his head, holding on to the sides of the boat like grim death (и стоял там = в ней на голове, держась за борта лодки изо всех сил; like grim death — отчаянно, изо всех сил: «словно грозная смерть»), his legs sticking up into the air (задрав ноги в воздух = кверху). He dared not move for fear of going over (он не осмеливался двигаться, опасаясь, что опрокинется), and had to stay there till I could get hold of his legs (и /ему/ пришлось оставаться так, пока я не схватил его за ноги), and haul him back, and that made him madder than ever (и не вытащил /назад/, и это взбесило его больше чем когда-либо).

It was right at the bottom of the hamper, and seemed difficult to find, and he had to lean over further and further, and, in trying to steer at the same time, from a topsy-turvy point of view, he pulled the wrong line, and sent the boat into the bank, and the shock upset him, and he dived down right into the hamper, and stood there on his head, holding on to the sides of the boat like grim death, his legs sticking up into the air. He dared not move for fear of going over, and had to stay there till I could get hold of his legs, and haul him back, and that made him madder than ever.

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