Jav Lib

Jav Lib


Jav Lib
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Java Library is the collection of classes that are written by some other programmers that we can use in our code by downloading those classes. Java library allows you to read and modify bytecode generated by an application. Some of the popular bytecode libraries in the Java world are “javassist” and “Cglib Nodep.” Eclipse is an open-source community rather than the best open source IDE whose projects are focused on building an extensible development platform, runtimes, and application frameworks for building, deploying and managing software across the entire software lifecycle .
Note: Here most users do tend to forget to set a path after installing libraries, so we will be covering it in two halves where we will be covering
Follow are the sequential steps to be followed in order to install java libraries.
Step 1: Download and extract the library from its website
Step 2: You need to locate the jar file(s) for the library and where the API documentation is stored. Once you know where the files are located, you can add a user library to Eclipse.
Step 3: Open the “Preferences” window in Eclipse. Navigate to “Java » Build Path » User Libraries” then on the left-hand side click on the “New” button, enter the file name and then click on the OK button.
Step 4: After that, you need to click the “Add External JARs” button to add the jar file. Browse the jar file(s) required for the library and click the “Open” button.
Step 5: Go and select the “Javadoc location” entry and click the “Edit” button.
Step 6: Browse to the folder or directory containing the API documentation and click the “Validate” button.
Step 7: Click “OK” until you exit the “Preferences” window entirely.
Note: Once you have successfully added the user library, you need to add the user library to your project’s build path.
Step 1 : Right-click the project and select “Build Path » Add Libraries…”.
Step 2 : Dialog the window that pops up, select “User Library” and click the “Next” button.
Step 3: Select the user libraries you want to add and click “Finish”.
Now you can see the library listed in your project directory underneath the default Java class files.
Note: You need to do this for every project that needs this library.
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Java Platform, Standard Edition Core Libraries
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The core libraries consist of classes which are used by many portions of the JDK. They include functionality which is close to the VM and is not explicitly included in other areas, such as security. Here you will find current information that will help you use some of the core libraries.
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$ gradle init

Select type of project to generate:
1: basic
2: application
3: library
4: Gradle plugin
Enter selection (default: basic) [1..4] 3

Select implementation language:
1: C++
2: Groovy
3: Java
4: Kotlin
5: Scala
6: Swift
Enter selection (default: Java) [1..6] 3

Select build script DSL:
1: Groovy
2: Kotlin
Enter selection (default: Groovy) [1..2] 1

Select test framework:
1: JUnit 4
2: TestNG
3: Spock
4: JUnit Jupiter
Enter selection (default: JUnit 4) [1..4]

Project name (default: demo):
Source package (default: demo):

2 actionable tasks: 2 executed

├── gradle ( 1 )
│ └── wrapper
│ ├── gradle - wrapper . jar
│ └── gradle - wrapper . properties
├── gradlew ( 2 )
├── gradlew . bat ( 2 )
├── settings . gradle ( 3 )
└── lib
├── build . gradle ( 4 )
└── src
├── main
│ └── java ( 5 )
│ └── demo
│ └── Library . java
└── test
└── java ( 6 )
└── demo
└── LibraryTest . java

├── gradle ( 1 )
│ └── wrapper
│ ├── gradle - wrapper . jar
│ └── gradle - wrapper . properties
├── gradlew ( 2 )
├── gradlew . bat ( 2 )
├── settings . gradle . kts ( 3 )
└── lib
├── build . gradle . kts ( 4 )
└── src
├── main
│ └── java ( 5 )
│ └── demo
│ └── Library . java
└── test
└── java ( 6 )
└── demo
└── LibraryTest . java

rootProject . name = 'demo'
include ( 'lib' )

rootProject . name = "demo"
include ( "lib" )

plugins {
id 'java-library' ( 1 )

repositories {
mavenCentral () ( 2 )

dependencies {
testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:5.8.2' ( 3 )

api 'org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1' ( 4 )

implementation 'com.google.guava:guava:31.0.1-jre' ( 5 )

tasks . named ( 'test' ) {
useJUnitPlatform () ( 6 )

plugins {
`java-library` ( 1 )

repositories {
mavenCentral () ( 2 )

dependencies {
testImplementation ( "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:5.8.2" ) ( 3 )

api ( "org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1" ) ( 4 )

implementation ( "com.google.guava:guava:31.0.1-jre" ) ( 5 )

tasks . named < Test >( "test" ) {
useJUnitPlatform () ( 6 )

Generated src/main/java/demo/Library.java

* This Java source file was generated by the Gradle 'init' task.
package demo ;

public class Library {
public boolean someLibraryMethod () {
return true ;

Generated src/test/java/demo/LibraryTest.java

* This Java source file was generated by the Gradle 'init' task.
package demo ;

import org . junit . jupiter . api . Test ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions .*;

class LibraryTest {
@Test void someLibraryMethodReturnsTrue () {
Library classUnderTest = new Library ();
assertTrue ( classUnderTest . someLibraryMethod (), "someLibraryMethod should return 'true'" );

$ ./gradlew build

4 actionable tasks: 4 executed

$ jar tf lib/build/libs/lib.jar

$ ./gradlew jar

2 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 1 up-to-date

tasks . named ( 'jar' ) {
manifest {
attributes ( 'Implementation-Title' : project . name ,
'Implementation-Version' : project . version )

tasks . jar {
manifest {
attributes ( mapOf ( "Implementation-Title" to project . name ,
"Implementation-Version" to project . version ))

$ ./gradlew jar
$ jar xf lib/build/libs/lib-0.1.0.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF

Manifest - Version : 1.0
Implementation - Title : lib
Implementation - Version : 0.1 . 0

* This java source file was generated by the Gradle 'init' task.

$ ./gradlew javadoc

2 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 1 up-to-date

$ ./gradlew build --scan

4 actionable tasks: 4 executed

Publishing a build scan to scans.gradle.com requires accepting the Gradle Terms of Service defined at https://gradle.com/terms-of-service.
Do you accept these terms? [yes, no] yes

Gradle Terms of Service accepted.

Publishing build scan...

© Gradle Inc.
All rights reserved.

This guide demonstrates how to create a Java library with Gradle using gradle init .
You can follow the guide step-by-step to create a new project from scratch or download the complete sample project using the links above.
You’ll generate a Java library that follows Gradle’s conventions.
A text editor or IDE - for example IntelliJ IDEA
A Java Development Kit (JDK), version 8 or higher - for example AdoptOpenJDK
Gradle comes with a built-in task, called init , that initializes a new Gradle project in an empty folder.
The init task uses the (also built-in) wrapper task to create a Gradle wrapper script, gradlew .
The first step is to create a folder for the new project and change directory into it.
From inside the new project directory, run the init task using the following command in a terminal: gradle init .
When prompted, select the 3: library project type and 3: Java as implementation language.
Next you can choose the DSL for writing buildscripts - 1 : Groovy or 2: Kotlin .
For the other questions, press enter to use the default values.
The init task generates the new project with the following structure:
You now have the project setup to build a Java library.
The settings.gradle(.kts) file has two interesting lines:
rootProject.name assigns a name to the build, which overrides the default behavior of naming the build after the directory it’s in.
It’s recommended to set a fixed name as the folder might change if the project is shared - e.g. as root of a Git repository.
include("lib") defines that the build consists of one subproject called lib that contains the actual code and build logic.
More subprojects can be added by additional include(…​) statements.
Our build contains one subproject called lib that represents the Java library we are building.
It is configured in the lib/build.gradle(.kts) file:
The file src/main/java/demo/Library.java is shown here:
The generated test, src/test/java/demo/Library.java is shown next:
The generated test class has a single JUnit Jupiter test.
The test instantiates the Library class, invokes a method on it, and checks that it returns the expected value.
More information about the features the java-library plugin adds to any JVM library project, such as API and implementation separation, can be found in the Java Library Plugin documentation .
To build the project, run the build task. You can use the regular gradle command, but when a project includes a wrapper script, it is considered good form to use it instead.
The first time you run the build, Gradle will check whether or not you already have the required dependencies in your cache under your ~/.gradle directory. If not, the libraries will be downloaded and stored there. The next time you run the build, the cached versions will be used. The build task compiles the classes, runs the tests, and generates a test report.
You can view the test report by opening the HTML output file, located at lib/build/reports/tests/test/index.html .
You can find your newly packaged JAR file in the lib/build/libs directory with the name lib.jar .
Verify that the archive is valid by running the following command:
You should see the required manifest file — MANIFEST.MF — and the compiled Library class.
All of this happens without any additional configuration in the build script because Gradle’s java-library plugin assumes your project sources are arranged in a conventional project layout .
You can customize the project layout if you wish as described in the user manual .
Congratulations, you have just completed the first step of creating a Java library!
You can now customize this to your own project needs.
You will often want the name of the JAR file to include the library version .
This is achieved by setting a top-level version property in the build script:
Next to the version, other important identity properties of a library are it’s name and group .
The name is directly derived from the subproject name that represents the library.
It’s lib in the example so you probably want to adjust it by changing the name of the lib folder and the corresponding include(…​) statement in the settings.gradle(.kts) file.
The group is used to give your library full coordinates when published.
You can define it directly in the build script by setting the group property similar to how you set the version (shown above).
You’ll notice that the resulting JAR file at lib/build/libs/lib-0.1.0.jar contains the version as expected.
Another common requirement is customizing the manifest file, typically by adding one or more attributes.
Let’s include the library name and version in the manifest file by configuring the jar task .
Add the following to the end of your build script:
To confirm that these changes work as expected, run the jar task again, and this time also unpack the manifest file from the JAR:
Now view the contents of the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file and you should see the following:
You can easily generate a sources JAR for your library:
The additional JAR will be produced as part of the assemble or build lifecycle tasks and will be part of the publication.
The resulting file is found in lib/build/libs , with a name using the conventional classifier -sources .
The java-library plugin has built-in support for Java’s API documentation tool via the javadoc task.
The code generated by the Build Init plugin already placed a comment on the demo/Library.java file.
Replace / in the comment by / * so that it becomes javadoc markup:
You can view the generated javadoc files by opening the HTML file located at lib/build/docs/javadoc/index.html .
You can also generate a Javadoc JAR for your library:
The additional JAR will be produced as part of the assemble or build lifecycle tasks and will be part of the publication.
The resulting file is found in lib/build/libs , with a name using the conventional classifier -javadoc .
The best way to learn more about what your build is doing behind the scenes, is to publish a build scan .
To do so, just run Gradle with the --scan flag.
Click the link and explore which tasks where executed, which dependencies where downloaded and many more details!
That’s it! You’ve now successfully configured and built a Java library project with Gradle.
You’ve learned how to:
Initialize a project that produces a Java library
Run the build and view the test report
Customize the Jar files the build produces
Now you could complete this exercise by trying to compile some Java code that uses the library you just built.
Building a library is just one aspect of reusing code across project boundaries.
From here, you may be interested in:
Consuming JVM libraries using dependency management
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You can open this sample inside an IDE using the IntelliJ native importer or Eclipse Buildship .

Settings file to define build name and subprojects
Apply the java-library plugin for API and implementation separation.
Use Maven Central for resolving dependencies.
This dependency is exported to consumers, that is to say found on their compile classpath.
This dependency is used internally, and not exposed to consumers on their own compile classpath.

The first time you run the wrapper script, gradlew , there may be a delay while that version of gradle is downloaded and stored locally in your ~/.gradle/wrapper/dists folder.

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