It's some kind of universal shame 🙈 

It's some kind of universal shame 🙈 

Don't watch TV 📺 or read newspapers 📰 

Excerpt from the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov '''Heart of a Dog'' 

Professor Preobrazhensky: If you care about your digestion, my good advice is not to talk at lunch about Bolshevism and medicine. And, God save you, don't read Soviet newspapers until lunchtime.

Bormental: Hmm... There are no others.

Preobrazhensky: Don't read any. You know, I made 30 observations in my clinic. So what do you think? Patients who don't read newspapers feel great. Those whom I deliberately forced to read "Pravda" lost weight. [...] Not only that. Reduced knee reflexes, bad appetite, oppressed state of mind.

"Heart of a Dog" was written in January-March 1925. During the search carried out at Bulgakov's OGPU on May 7, 1926...

From this quote from the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog" about today's world media.

When and why TV became an unnecessary thing at home. Probably after the Covid story, 😷. And every month we realize that television has 📺 died, they have turned into a tool for promoting syringe and totalitarianism, low-grade entertainment for the unsuspiring consumer.

From all channels hang noodles tons on the ears. 

1) The lack of freedom of opinion in the media is dangerous ⚠️. Control over the media deprives access to information that is undesirable for the authorities. People just don't know about the serious problems of the incidents, the consequences. 

2) The lack of competition between the media reduces the quality of content. What is shown frankly causes a gag reflex. And the news 📰 American channels is just a program "Time" from the Soviet central television with reports on the number of vaccinated and the general secretary of the Washington regional committee of the CPSU. News from the fields, that is, from the lawn about the murderers of citizens of their country who did not make the injection of it poison.

3) The function of propaganda is to serve the interests of the authorities. Any decision of the authorities is presented in a strictly positive way. How wild criminal phenomena are committed are presented with inspiration and approval. There is simply no information about the problems, it is shown as a successful struggle for unknown slurry in a syringe for a year and a half.

The whole horde of journalists in quotation marks (in fact, propagandists on the salaries of corporations) for taxpayers' money tells how everything is fine with us. It's just infuriating. The media mixed propaganda and patriotism. Their false activities harm the country and the Population, democracy is out of the question at all. It will definitely become a shame for what you are doing now.

It's good to hear that the on-air media is dying. Look at your ratings, they've dropped 70%.. And the Internet has become even better, the world has united. 

How to deal with brain clogging with propaganda? 

Just thinking. Watch, listen, read and think, think, think 🤔 

- You are at the lowest stage of development, you are still a newly formed, mentally weak being, all your actions are purely animalistic, and you, in the presence of several world lawyers, professors and Nobel laureates, people with a university education, allow yourself with a swolling completely unbearable to give some advice on vaccination 💉 an unknown potion of cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity about how to prick, where to prick, how many times to prick, what you can wear, and what can not be 🚫 taken away and divided ... 

And at the same time, you swallowed tooth 🪥 paste washing your face in the morning.

Cut yourself on the nose, by the way, why did you eras zinc ointment from Faust? 

You need to be silent and listen to what you are told, be silent and listen. To study and try to become at least some acceptable member of socialist society. By the way, what scoundrel supplied you with this text in the last issue of the news block?

Maybe whiskey 🥃? But this is harmful and this time, and the second - you and without whiskey 🥃 behave indecently.

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