


¹«Ottawa Conference Strengthens Global Partnership to Combat Anti-Semitism; Parliamentarians, Experts Assess Troubling Trends». Osce.org. 10 December 2010;

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¹⁴Benyamin Neuberger, Israel’s Relations with the Third World (1948–2008), S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies, Tel Aviv University, October 2009. P. 25;

¹⁵Hennie van Vuuren & Anine Ariel Sharon Kriegler, Apartheid South Africa and mutual military interests. 21 January 2014;

¹⁶«Israel Slams Latvian Show Celebrating Life of Alleged Nazi War Criminal». JTA. 23 October 2014;

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¹⁹«Israeli Diplomat Slams Croatian Concentration Camp Film». BalkanInsight. 7 April 2016;

²⁰Emily R. Gioielli,“‘White Misrule’: Terror and Political Violence During Hungary’s Long World War I, 1919-1924,”Ph.D Dissertation, Central European University, Budapest 2015, p. 63;

²¹Stanley G. Payne. A History of Fascism, 1914–1945. University of Wisconsin Press, 1995. pp. 274-275;

²²«Israel accepts Hungary’s clarification over PM’s praise for Nazi-allied WWII leader». The Times of Israel. 2 July 2017;

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³³«German-Israeli Project Cooperation» by DFG (Last updated: 19 February 2020);

³⁴«Germany agrees to pay $662 million in coronavirus aid to Holocaust survivors». The Times of Israel. 14 October 2020;

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³⁷Congressional Research Report on Israel: US Foreign Assistance by Clyde Mark (Updated April 26, 2005);


³⁹U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel: Total Aid by Jewish Virtual Library.

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