Is My Gemini Man In Love With Me

Is My Gemini Man In Love With Me


Is My Gemini Man In Love With Me

7 Signs a Gemini Man Is Falling In Love with You – How to Be Sure
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dating a gemini , gemini man , love tips

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Would You like to Calculate Your Chances with Mr. Gemini?
Are you really into a Gemini guy and not sure what he may be feeling for you? Perhaps he’s giving off some signs but you don’t know if he’s just being flirty or if he really actually is falling in love with you.
Here are the 7 signs to look for to know what he may be feeling for you. Keep reading to find out what you need to know so that you can do the right thing with your Gemini guy.
Alright, so you know he’s a lot of fun to be with and he seems to really like you but you aren’t sure if he’s this way with all the ladies or if it’s just you that he’s giving all this attention to.
That being said, let’s get right into it! Below are all the major signs a Gemini man in love is pursuing you with vigor. Gathering all this information for you should help you explore a great love with an easy natured guy.
Like many other men; the Gemini man tends to start getting very silly when he’s in love. He makes every moment with him lots of fun. He’ll do anything to make you laugh.
He’s very much the type that will walk around with a grin on his face when he’s in love. He will glow, he will laugh a lot, and he will make it really amusing to be around him.
In this way; he’s rather obvious that he’s in love. He already has an extrovert personality and is highly entertaining. However; with you; he has an extra dose of goofball type of humor.
He will pick on you, make jokes, play pranks, or do other hilarious things in order to show you his silly side. He doesn’t do this with most other people. Though he’s a social guy; he reserves the really hilarious stuff for when he’s in love.
Singing you songs or serenading you may be something he tries to do as well. Even if he doesn’t normally sing; you could find him singing to you. He’s a big kid when a Gemini man is falling in love.
Gemini men aren’t the emotional type. They don’t try to be hard but they just have difficulties processing anything that they don’t perceive as logical. As such, it takes love to coax a Gemini man to open up.
He takes his sweet time when he’s getting to know a woman before he’ll finally figure out he would like to commit to her and make it something more long term. While going this route; he isn’t likely to talk about his feelings much.
When a Gemini man is in love; he will begin to feel things he’s not used to feeling. He will start talking to the woman he’s into and telling her things.
That means if you’ve been with your Gemini guy for awhile and he starts to open up to you; you can consider him as good as in love. He doesn’t talk like this with anyone else. He doesn’t even talk to family about his feelings.
If you’re looking for long term love when your Gemini man opens up to you; you’ll know that you’ve got him. He is yours and you can finally make something special out of the relationship.
A Gemini man in love is a rare guy indeed. When he feels he can absolutely tell you anything then you’ve won him over and he’s all yours. A Gemini man weakness in love is opening up and telling you lots of secrets.
If your Gemini man starts falling for you; he will start giving up more and more of his free time. I don’t mean all of it though! He will still require some personal time here and there to maintain his sanity.
However; when he’s falling in love; he cannot stand to be away from you for too long. He’ll want to get together and enjoy the romance. Whether it’s spending a night together indoors or going out on the town; he’ll want you by his side.
He can be very romantic and yet spontaneous all in the same swoop. He may want to spend time with you, picks you up, and randomly takes you off somewhere for a mini vacation.
As long as you are open to whatever he may bring your way; you’ll do just fine with the Gemini man. He isn’t one for planning too much so being spontaneous is much more viable.
Just know that when a Gemini guy falls in love; he actually does think about his partner more and he will want to spend more time together in some way. This means giving up some of his free time but at that point; he’s good with it.
Trying to get every little minute with you is a Gemini man weakness in love . He just can’t help himself. Enjoy and bask in his love!
He isn’t above checking with you to see how you’re doing; especially if you are ill. The Gemini man cares about you and wants to make sure that everything is going well for you.
When he’s not with you; he’ll likely text message you or call you to “check in” and make sure things are still good with you or if you need anything. He’s very endearing this way.
If you find that your Gemini checks in on you more and more; that means he definitely has got it bad for you. Making sure his lady love is good and has all she needs makes him feel better.
Some of them will check up on you multiple times in a day. This can seem to be a little obsessive but really it’s just because he cannot get you off his mind and wants to make sure you know it.
Gemini men are typically not the jealous type but when he calls a lot or asks you a lot of questions; it gives you the impression that he’s being possessive or jealous. The truth is; he’s just like a kid in love and cannot stop thinking of you.
You’re in his blood and in his heart so he wants contact with you as often as he can. Even if it’s just to hear your voice for a few minutes; it’ll make him feel like a million bucks.
Gemini man isn’t above giving you lots of tender loving care. When a Gemini man is falling in love, he will want to spend lots of time kissing, touching, and being physical.
Holding your hand, giving you neck nibbles, or licking your ears. Whatever he can do physically that shows you attention, he’s not above doing it. He loves it and he loves making you feel good too.
When a Gemini man is in love with you, he will go above and beyond with how he treats you in a physical sense. He may also send you heart or cute flirting emojis via text message.
He has a poetic way of showing you he cares for you. Take notice and know that you’re very special to him. A Gemini man falling in love is something very special and not too common.
Gemini man loves to live for the present. He is spontaneous and you never know what he’s going to do. He may show up on your doorstep with flowers or a treat for you.
He may also want to take you somewhere really fun out of nowhere. Perhaps you had plans to go to a movie but instead he takes you on a very romantic weekend getaway to a beach house.
A Gemini man falling in love will definitely be something you’ll really appreciate experiencing. He’s very romantic and doesn’t like to plan too often. He also likes catching you off guard to see the cute look on your face.
It’s more romantic and exciting if he plans on the fly instead of letting you know what is going on ahead of time. Be adventurous for your Gemini man in love.
It takes a whole heck of a lot to get a Gemini man to open up but once he’s sure that he loves you; he may very well just go out and tell you what he feels. He may come right out and say “I’m in love with you”.
This is the most obvious approach a Gemini man can make. When a Gemini man is in love with you, he will open up and verbalize it when he feels the timing is right.
Now that you’re aware of the signs a Gemini man is falling in love with you, you can definitely show him how much you care about him as well. Always be honest and up front.
He is a tough nut to crack as far as giving him your time, patience, and understanding. Click here for more information on how to learn about the Gemini Man’s behavior .
Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (don’t worry, it’s anonymous).
Wishing you all the luck of the universe
Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,
Ready to calculate your chances with your Gemini man?
Don't hesitate to take this fast, 9-questions test and see is there a future for you two!
I just started dating a Gemini man he well guarded very busy but try very hard to spend time with me he tells me thank u for being patient understanding he texts once in a while or calls talks about really nothing I really like him is there a chance he starting to like me we’ve kept low side his two sons only knows were friends no one else does
I’d say that if you two are dating then yes, he likes you. He wouldn’t date someone he doesn’t have any interest in. If you need to know where his head is at regarding what the two of you are, you should just be bold and ask him so that you know for sure and can plan your future accordingly. Don’t waste time wondering and worrying.
He found me on snapchat before christmas, and we’ve been talking since, he texts me when he wakes up, when he has free time at work he’ll send me funny random snapchat vids, and he will text me when he’s off work. Then from there he’s super silly and goofy, there’s never a time he doesn’t make me laugh, he’s so sweet! The first things he said to me were that he wants to kiss me so bad, and on new year’s eve we went on our first date he’s so random, and he does act like a kid, but that’s ok cuz I too have a childish side. After the date he drove me home and our first kiss was at midnight! How special??? and oohh did I melt like ice, he also tickled me, laid his head on my lap and let me mess up his hair, he’s like a teddybear I already love him a lot …although he says that he doesn’t know if he’s ready to be in a relationship yet, he said he doesn’t want to break my heart, but he’s also willing to see if it will go anywhere. What are my chances?
Wow tge same words a gem guy told me.
First off..I have been seeing a guy now for over 5 months. A gemini to be exact. I am a virgo! This has probably been one of the most confusing relationships I have ever had. At the start, he was up my the months passed he became more distant. I was getting mixed signals. I have just about had it..I started ignoring him, and now he started to become clingy again. I guess he is freaking out now that I have started to play his game. Honestly though..if he keeps this up, I am quitting..I do not have the time nor the energy for games! I love him, but I can live without the bs.
Your Most likely a Narsisit. Gemini Are Empathic. It’s confusing because you make it that way. Even if it’s Indirectly. Im a Pure Gemini born on the 7th of June. I Married a Virgo 3rd of Sept. I dated her on and off for 6 years then finally married her. To now be looking at Divorce. She led me in so deep that I let her behind all my walls and she began to use my secrets as knifes to deal deep Mental wounds. In short if you are one of the damaged by your dad or someone very young you’ll Most likely end up with a BPD and become Cold Piece of work to a Sincere Gemini Male in love.
A Gemini and Virgo will never make it, my opinion
When he really like you he will call text and wanna see you all the time. They are like butterflies they leave and show back up just to see if they still got it and their off again because you havent capture their full attention yet!
Okay so yes the Gemini I like is a girl but to be fair, she is more like a guy than a girl! Anyways, everything was going good and she would open up to me and always want to call but now, she seems more distant and it was hard to build that relationship. It took 10 months, and now she just doesn’t open up as much. I don’t know why.
Leo woman here having the most amazing 2 months with my new love interest, a Gemini man. He’s been like this article from the very start and hasn’t changed at all. We have so much fun together! We hang out and make new friends together. We went on a road trip together. We talk for hours about everything. He’s perfect!
He does seem to be afraid of having conversations about relationships. He says that he wants to be in a relationship with someone soon but he never mentions me. He also says that he isn’t in a rush but does want to be in a relationship. The only good thing is that he does say that we are dating. I just assume that he is definitely considering me but isn’t comfortable with saying those words yet which is OK.
This is the only thing about him that makes me feel like our situation is unpredictable. He doesn’t speak about me being that someone at all. But he does spend every weekend with me, introduces me to his friends and he is romantic and thoughtful and doesn’t go a day without talking to me. I don’t ask him much about us and our relationship status because I’m waiting for the right time. It’s still early.
Right now, I just want us to keep getting to know each other and keep building on this lovely foundation that we are creating. I’d be in total shock if he didn’t make me his girlfriend. It just wouldn’t make any sense. We are so good together. I’m sure that if he lost me, he’d instantly regret it. So I feel confident that things are moving in the right direction.
I’m Aquarius and Gemini male about a year ago received a friend request from him have been off and on with him since teenager’s we are now going on 50 I can hardly keep his attention and when I do it’s not for long I don’t know what I am to him I don’t know if he loves me or hates me he’s so confusing so why does he feel the need to know what’s going on in my life I am married by the way.but yet he still won’t unfriend me and I am crazy about him what just what does he feel
I am a Libra, my Gemini and I are perfect for each other! He always checks on me, makes sure I have everything I need, and I know without a doubt he is in love with me too. He has told me and showed me. I even heard him tell somebody… “That’s my future wife”! Its important to communicate with anyone, but especially a Gemini.
I’ve been dating a Gemini man for almost a year. I read up on the Gemini personality a lot so I can better understand him. When I do that I read that he will not usually jump in a relationship right away but I live above him in a duplex and we have been with each other every day since we started dating that includes sleeping together. He was in a 30-year marriage and got divorced about 15 yrs. ago. He doesn’t tell me he loves me but he shows it for the most part, in fact, he told me he is not ready to commit saying “I love you” because he was taken for granted when he was married. I will sometimes say “I love you” to him and I asked how it made him feel, he said he likes it when I say it but he will not say it to me. Because of their personality to want change. what if I run out of ideas to keep him interested in me, I might be boring to him one day and that scares me so I try real hard to be exciting. I just wondered if a mature older Gemini man has room to love again and commit after being hurt from a previous marriage. I also have been hurt in a 20-year marriage which he is aware of it, I just wish I can hear the words ” I love you” from him just once. I know actions speak louder than words but it would still be nice to hear it. I thought maybe if you know of anyone that has been in a similar situation you could tell me how it worked for them and if it became something good or bad.
Hi Renee! It sounds like for the most part that things are going quite well with you and your Gemini man. I know you want to hear those words but you also want to hear them when he knows for sure he really means them and wants to say it otherwise it’s a shallow statement. You’re going to have to be patient and wait for him to be ready to say it to you. Otherwise, keep learning everything you can about him. I personally do no know someone who had this particular situation but I think you’ll find success with time and patience. You might also want to read my book “Gemini Man Secrets” as it could help you get closer to him.
Ok so I don’t get my gemini I have known him for along time we had a affair with each other it was wrong felt right at the time 2 year affair he made me the happyest that I have ever been I got pregnant shocker it all ended then had baby he came back around wanted rights to baby had another affair with each other was pretty different since baby alot has happened with us biding married he’s there for his daughter now after many fights so things have settled down so he does all the things that supposly gemini men do with they live a girl but dosent say it and when I go to hug him it’s like a family hug and we no longer go kije to eat are hang out just sex and he calls me and we talk for hours while he works so not really sure what to make of all this
Have known Gemini male for over 15 years on and off through work…last few years we have caught up for coffee from time to time even after we stopped working together…we get along amazing and talk for hours, he always buys coffee hugs and kiss on cheek and then most time hardly hear from him till months later or I text for a catch up…most recent thought just having coffee like normal but instead hung out together with some of his family…was unexpected but lovely…he was always aware of me, refused to say my “friend” to his family and just used my name even when they asked further…took his time to show me natural fruit in the ground he’d researched and then just bye again catch up later kiss and hugs Do I even bother?
I am a Older Sag in Love with a Younger Gemini Man. He and I where Friends in 2004-2008 in that time we both were having difficulties in our spouces his was being taken for granted and demanding of his time. Mine was infidelity which he sensed and flirted but I would never cross that Line. In end of 2015 he walked into a Store I was working at exclaiming with utter joy in his face ” Its You ” His Presence still took my Breathe away. On his next meeting he announced he was leaving his wife and wanted to know if I was interested in getting together handing me his phone number saying call me anytime. My life went into a turmoil – My husband wanted me dead and to be with The Russian Discovered his affair after then I lost my Mother. I texted my Gemin
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