Sole To Sole Footsie

Sole To Sole Footsie


Sole To Sole Footsie

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Same size feet= so-so, big+small= good, big+ tiny= not so
Sole trader it means Sole trade agence?
Sole Veronique is a French dish made with fillet of sole, cream,
and white grapes
a sole trader has a limited liability. :)
The Sole F80 is a treadmill used for exercising. It sells for
around $1500 so it is a very high end treadmill. You can use it to
walk, run, jog, or sprint and get a good aerobic workout.

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How do you say i love you backwards?
What do they land on when they jump off balcony in two and a half men?
What is the so what factor of risk assessment?
What was the name of grannys moonshine on Beverly hillbillies?
How do you do the slanted smiley face?
How long does it take to blink 1 million times?
What is the conclusion when the confidence interval estimate µ of a population mean is between 17 and 20?
how do we call a person who catches fish from the lake and rivers?
who is the best metal forming company?
How am i getting 4hrs 30mins for 9:30am to 1pm?
Does the U.S. also have Chinese exams?
What are the difference between local government treasurer and local government cashier?
Who I can be positive influence of television?

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Same size feet= so-so, big+small= good, big+ tiny= not so
Sole trader it means Sole trade agence?
Sole Veronique is a French dish made with fillet of sole, cream,
and white grapes
a sole trader has a limited liability. :)
The Sole F80 is a treadmill used for exercising. It sells for
around $1500 so it is a very high end treadmill. You can use it to
walk, run, jog, or sprint and get a good aerobic workout.

Alright, wierd day today! That's all I really have to say. I never honestly had to do something like this, so it was something else for sure. I mean, I don't know where to start with this, so I guess I'll start right here.

               I had a bet going on with a friend (what it was is not important), and I lost. He told me he was going to give me the wierdest penalty for losing, but he needed time to think about it. I waited for what seemed like eternity, before he finally spoke up, and told me this...

               "You have to go to school this week, and play barefooted footsies with your most recent substitute teacher, no matter who he or she is!"

               I got to tell ya, that was a shocker! I knew this guy was an odd on from day 1, but this was a zinger, even for him!

               Okay, so it got to Wednesday, and I stayed after school that day, because I had a sub for math then, and I thought, "Man! It's now or never!"

               Our sub was Ms. Lewis. Thank the heavens she was a women. She actually was attractive, a tan, young women who seemed to be in her early to mid twenties. She wore flip- flops, so I got a peak of what I'd be dealing with soon. She had thick heals and long toes, painted orange, and an anklet around her ankle. I realized it was like me. I complained about thick heals and long toes. No one else suffered with that. Well, she and I had something in commen.

               After math class, I went up to give her a High- 5 to get on her good side, and she smiled and we slapped our hands together.

               "Hey, what did you rub on my hand?" 

               I shrugged.

               She grinned ear to ear. Two minutes were left, since we were left out early.

               "What do you mean?"

               She hit my raised hand again to mock, since our palms had rubbed apart when our high- 5 was done.

               "I got big hands, so that's just a drawback."

               Ms. Lewis smiled. She raised her left palm to face me and put it toward me, and I put my right palm against hers, our hands still against the other in a hand comparison. We, ironically, had the same sized hands.

               "I'm always getting crap about big hands, and everyone else in your class seems small, between you and me."

                I laughed and nodded.

               "I know!"

               We seperated our hands and put our backs together. The reason we came back to back was so we could see who was taller (of course) and we both were the same height!

We both laughed in unison and I grabbed my stuff when we seperated to leave for computer science, when I asked if she'd be there after school.

               "No, I usually leave after the end of sixth hour."

               "Well hey," I asked, "could ya stay until maybe 3:30. I'm staying until then and I actually have a question about something that is a bit private."

               Ms. Lewis got a face, not a bad one, one you get when considering.

               "Can't today, but maybe tomorrow, so can we talk then. Your math teacher won't be back until Friday."

               "That's cool," I said.

               And with that, teacher and student (me and her) shook hands and I headed off.

               I was nervous all that night and the morning too. I had dreams of failed attempts at getting her to play footsie to end this crazed bet. Well, the day came around, and I went through the day like normal.

               The girl I liked named Annie gave me a high- 5, and we grabbed each other's fingers like in a thumb war and shook, before walking away in the hall.

               In her class, it was like normal. Ms. Lewis actually looked gorgous that day, head to toe, and I was thinking that maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but it was asking her that was the issue.

               The end of the day came, and instead of jumping on the bus with my buds, I went to her class. The room was right next to my LA teacher, so they were chatting. She was an older women, late forties maybe. I thought, man, I won't get the chance.

               I thought maybe tomorrow and started to walk off, when Ms. Lewis said for me to walk over.

               "What had you been wanting to ask so much since yesterday?"

               I looked at my LA teacher, and I cleared my throat, and tried to gather the guts, but thank God my LA teacher said, "I'm going to head home. I need to take care of something."

               Almost something out of a cheesy fetish story!

               She left, and Ms. Lewis and I walked into the classroom, and she sat in her chair behind the computer.

               "So, what's up?"

               I gathered my strength, and said it.

               "Well, you see... hmm... well.... I had a bet with a buddy of mine, and it was pretty long and serious, and we each said that when one of us lose, we would make them do the most craziest thing yet..."

               Ms. Lewis kept nodding as I told this odd, just plain wierd story that was about to wrap up in a twist of total abnormality.

               "...I lost though."

               Ms. Lewis grinned, getting the idea. She had no idea.

               "So, anyway, he sure took his time in choosing, which about killed me, until last weekend, he finally spilled."

               "What'd he tell you to do," Ms. Lewis asked.

               I couldn't keep my eyes off her flip flops, which were her feet actually looked quite pretty, but big, again, like mine.

               "Well, he said..." I gathered my courage, "to find my recent sub, which is you..."

Ms. Lewis looked confused. She nodded.

               "...and ask her or him to play... barefooted footsies."

               Everything seemed to go absolutlely quite for the first time. It was embarassing.

               I was totally planning to sock my friend in the nose for doing this to me. I swear.

               Ms. Lewis had a look. My bookbag and instrument I carried were about ten times heavier than normal then.

               It was humiliating, until Ms. Lewis cracked up laughing.

               "Oh my god!! That's the funniest thing ever!!! OMG! HA!!"

               I gave a nervous laugh with her, while running a hand through my hair.

               "Weird, huh?"

               Ms. Lewis looked up at me and through a laugh said, "No doubt. Asking a teacher to play footsie is just the funniest thing!"

               She laughed some more, and I relaxed. She was cool about it. I was home free!

               It clicked when I saw her feet again about my early foot fetish that I had at an early age. I used to have it when I saw my older cousins, but it grew out of me. It was back now, though!

               "So, what are you thinking of doing?"

               Ms. Lewis looked up at me from her chair, grinning, and stood.

               "Do you need proof?"

               I shrugged, not really thinking about it before.

               "I don't know. Probably."

               She smiled, and walked over.

               "Put your stuff down, and take off your shoes and socks, and we'll do it."
               I swear, that's something I never expected to hear from a teacher! She would do it! Man! This is freaking insane!

               My mind ran a mile a minute. I had done it!

               I placed my books on the floor, and saw her reach down and unstrap her sandal/flipflop, and throw both of them off. I sat across from her, and she lifted her barefeet in the air, waiting for me. I removed my shoes, and worked off my socks. In barefeet, like Ms. Lewis, I lifted my legs to mirror her.

               Before anything happened, Ms. Lewis made a comment.

               "Hey, look. You got my long toes!"

               "And you got my thick heals," I said back.

               We then pressed our feet together sole to sole. It was amazing, her feet were soft and incredibly cold! We were the same sized feet, our long toes were the exact same, tip to bottom, and our heals pressed so tightly, our skin turned the same shade of pure white. Her anklet got caught in between our touching soles, so we lifted our heals apart to let if fall, but still in a toe touch, and pressed them back together. This is what sole to sole footsie feels like, I thought to my self, my heart racing. Ms. Lewis was laughing hard. We did a bicycle, rotating our legs in the air, and even for a heart-stopping moment, I helped her lock out toes together, the way fingers do, when a couple hold hands.

               Orange and plain toe nails got so mixed up, I honestly couldn't tell her toe from my toe, so much foot touching! We held hands in between our touching feet, and actually scooted in, pressing our butts together and rotating in the air.

               After ten minutes of us laughing and rubbing feet, we stood up, and actually hugged. I don't know why, but neither of us could stop laughing as hard as we were. We were built alike, too. Big and tall. Big feet. She was beautiful, man. I could've kissed her, but she was still my math teacher.

               Since it was only 3:12 on the dot, we walked barefoot over to the desk, grabbed her cellphone, and sat.

               "You need proof!"

               "More footsie!"


               We connected our bare soles yet again, and laced toes, and she snapped pictures at all angles, handing it to me to be able to get it all. After ten of those, we had a thumb war in between our legs. She moved her anklet to actually restrain our feet on the left together. I beat her, then we had a toe war, where we locked our big toes together, and pushed against our soles as hard as possible until our knee bent as far as it would go. She won at that. After that we were tired. I laid back to back with her on the floor, our knees bent so we could rub feet still.

               Even back to back footsie. I know.

               I actually clapped her hand on our side and she clapped mine, and back and forth. It was great.

               When we stood, toe to toe, literally, it was time for me to scoot to head back home. I put on my socks and shoes and she slipped back on her sandals, and we did a sole to sole feet five with our shoes (like a high- five but with our feet), and a normal high five.

               "Here, take the pictures, your friend should be satisfyed!"
               "He better!"

               Ms. Lewis laughed. I left, waving to her as she did to me, and I swear, I knew both our feet were sore on the soles, because no one played harder sole to sole footsie then the two of us, the long toed student and teacher, that thirty minutes right there!



yeah man lets see the pics. And yes Mods since he is playing footsie with her that means you will see some man feet in the pics. But who cares
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Sole to sole footsie with bare feet

This poll was created on 2017-11-10 07:11:07
by Footsy

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Have you ever played sole to sole footsie ?
21 voters have answered this question.
If you have, how did it feel to go sole to sole ?
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21 voters have answered this question.
If you are a female, do you like to go sole to sole with ?
10 voters have answered this question.
If you are a female, do you like to go sole to sole with ?
10 voters have answered this question.
If you are a male, do you like to go sole to sole with ?
14 voters have answered this question.
How often do you go sole to sole with someone ?
20 voters have answered this question.
Do you care if other people can see when you play sole to sole with someone ?
19 voters have answered this question.
With who do you play sole to sole barefoot footsie
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21 voters have answered this question.
If you are a female going sole to sole with another female do you care if the toenails are painted ?
9 voters have answered this question.
Chose one or more of the following, which is the best
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Is this a sexual thing for you (get turned on)
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21 voters have answered this question.
Is it common that people play sole to sole footsie and love the feeling of the sole to sole contact with bare feet ?
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Can you tell about your sole to sole experience ?
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