Instagram Private Profile

Instagram Private Profile


Instagram Private Profile

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Elise Moreau is a writer that has covered social media, texting, messaging, and streaming for Lifewire. Her work has appeared on Techvibes, SlashGear, Lifehack and others.

Jonathan Fisher is a CompTIA certified technologist with more than 6 years' experience writing for publications like TechNorms and Help Desk Geek.

Tap your profile icon and tap Menu > Settings > Privacy . Under Account Privacy , toggle on Private Account . If you want your profile to be visible again, return to the Account Privacy menu and toggle off Private Account .

What if I tag a user or add a hashtag to one of my Instagram posts when my profile is set to profile? Can people still see it?

What if I want to share an Instagram post on other social network sites when my profile is set to private?

If someone decides to follow me while my profile is private, will they be able to see my posts?

Someone is following me, but I don't want them as a follower anymore. How do I get rid of this person?

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If you decide to make your Instagram account private, your posts will be seen only by your followers, and any hashtags you use will be hidden from searches. Here's how it works on the Instagram app on Android and iOS devices.

Making your profile private is quite simple. Here are the steps to getting it done, as explained using the Instagram iPhone app:

Tap your profile icon in the lower-right corner of the screen.

Tap Menu (three horizontal lines) in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Under Account Privacy , toggle on Private Account .

If it's not your whole profile you want to make private, but just a few pictures, you also have the option to hide select photos on your Instagram account. The option is in the photo menu.

If you change your mind and want your profile to be visible again, return to the Account Privacy screen following the steps above and toggle Private Account off again. Additionally, if you're 16 or under when you create your Instagram, your profile will be set to private by default. You'll need to turn the privacy setting off manually to let everyone see your feed.

Only the users who follow you will be able to see it. Tagging other users who don't follow you or putting a hashtag in the description does not override the privacy of the post. It will not be visible to anyone else who does not follow you already.
If you decide to share a post to Facebook , Twitter , Tumblr, Flickr, or another social network, it will be publicly accessible to view as a standalone post. Anyone viewing it will be able to click on the Instagram permalink to view it in full, but if they click on your username to view your full profile, they will not be able to see your other content unless they follow you already.
Not until you approve them. When one user taps the Follow button on a user whose profile is private, it only sends a follow request message. So if you get a follow request from someone, they will not be able to see any of your content until you manually approve their request to follow you.
To stop someone from following you, block the account. Open their profile, tap the three dots in the top-right corner, then tap Block User to remove that account from your followers. (If the account holder is behaving inappropriately, consider reporting the account .)

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Instagram makes it very easy to set a profile to private or public. For users looking for more privacy on the app, it's an unignorable feature.
Instagram can sometimes be too much to handle but, by making an account private, users can regain control over how they use the social media app . While private accounts aren't a new Instagram feature, it's definitely worth considering using.
Since its launch in 2010, Instagram has skyrocketed as one of the most popular social media platforms on the planet. Users can share photos on their timeline, add to Instagram Stories, get lost on the Explore page, and even do a bit of shopping. In addition to seemingly endless features, Instagram has also attracted a downright massive audience — over 1 billion monthly users. Having so many people on the app can often bring unwanted attention to people's profiles but, thankfully, this is a fairly easy thing to avoid.
To make an Instagram account private, Instagram says to open the app and tap the profile icon on the bottom navigation bar. From there, tap the three lines in the upper-right corner, tap 'Settings,' tap 'Privacy,' and then tap the toggle next to 'Private Account.' Instagram then shows a pop-up message with more details about switching to a Private Account, informing users that doing so only allows followers to view the account's photos/videos. After reviewing this, tap the 'Switch to Private' button to confirm the change. If someone switches to a Private Account but wants to disable it, they can do so at any time by re-tapping the toggle next to Private Account.
Switching to a private Instagram account is easy enough, but why would someone want to do this in the first place? For most people, it all comes down to privacy . If an Instagram account is public, anyone can look it up in the app and view anything they've posted. Private accounts can still be searched and found on Instagram, but unless someone is following the account, they can't view any of their posts. If they choose to follow a private account, the account owner needs to approve their follow before that person can see any pictures or videos that have been shared.
Whether someone is sharing personal photos or wants to limit their interactions with strangers on Instagram, setting up a private account is well worth the minimal effort required to create one. It takes mere seconds, can be undone just as quickly, and is a great way to add a layer of privacy that otherwise isn't there. Some people may be perfectly fine keeping their account public, but going private is a smart move for those that aren't.
Joe has been actively writing and talking about consumer tech since 2012. His biggest passion lies with smartphones, but he's happy to talk your ear off about just about anything with a CPU. He lives in Kalamazoo, MI with his wife, two cats, and pit bull/boxer mix.

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I dont think i’ll get permission to View a private Instagram Account..
Nice article but there are some profiles hard to stalk with this
It all about wasting time, I can’t find any proper way to find private profiles.
The problem with those scam sites lies within the fact that they all seem to advocate a method which could actually work, although not in the way they’re offering it.
1 – you need an existing username of another user pre-approved (I.e. part of the target’s “Followers” list) and whose account itself is public.
2 – you need a script which would bypass the request procedure by presenting you as a said follower.
3 – this script must function as an event trigger leech, for example it must force the host to like every post so that an event can be created from within their location on the server, which in turn would allow all liked posts to become scripted for download as a packaged archive.
4 – the script would then require to access your device in order to download copies of posts, meaning that you will only obtain pictures, not the whole text, which probably lies on some other end, unless the script forces host user to mass-like every comment as well.
In other words, it’s doable, but won’t most likely remain a) free of charge and b) functional for too long, seeing how privacy breaches are a big issue with Instagram nowadays.
if you are a parent and worried about your child you have moral grounds for checking up on them, if you own the phone they use then simply install snooping software, which can use key loggers as well as screen recording and send it to your email address, without the user knowing. Be careful with this as if you do not own the phone or are not the parent of a minor, then it is likely you would be making a criminal offence.
What snooping apps or tool you recommend?
So far i know, there’s not a way to view the private instagrams. If you’re a dude, just create a new account, add a bunch of slutty pics from google and you should be added by tomorrow.
TechJunkie is a BOX20 Media Company




How To View a Private Instagram Account
As social media becomes more and more important in our daily lives, the creators of the platforms have come to realize the essential nature of security in preserving the users’ trust.
The users want to know that the system won’t sell them out – or at least, not sell them out too much. Instagram, one of the most popular of the current social media platforms, created a full set of policy protections in their software to keep information away from unwanted visitors.
A private Instagram page means only those who you accept can follow and view your content. Many users prefer to keep that content secure and Instagram obliges.
But what if you want to view a private Instagram account ? Or you want to ensure no one is viewing your private account without your knowledge? Let’s view how to make your Instagram profile private, and how people can view private accounts.
If you’d like to make your Instagram account private, follow these instructions:
Start by opening the app, either from your home screen (iOS) or your app drawer (Android). The app will open up on the homepage for Instagram, showing a collection of posts and shares from your followed friends. Along the bottom of the app, you’ll find five icons for adding photos, viewing posts, and more.
If at any time you want to make your account public once more, follow the steps above and flip the switch for private accounts off. You can do this as many times as you’d like without any repercussions—remember that any posts you shared while your account was private will become public as soon as you flip that switch off.
Technically yes, there are multiple ways to view a private Instagram account.
Below is a more in-depth look at how to use each method to your advantage.
If you wish to view a private Instagram account, the easiest—and most legitimate—way is to request to follow that person. Typically, even a person with a protected profile will approve people they know, so if this is someone you’re acquainted with, you shouldn’t have any problems getting your request approved.
If the other person accepts it you’ll be able to see that person’s profile and view any photos they’ve uploaded to Instagram.
This method is the most straightforward way to access and view a person’s private Instagram account, no matter who they are. Unfortunately, this does depend heavily on you, as an Instagram user, having a pre-existing relationship with the person.
If you’re trying to add someone you don’t know, like a celebrity or a friend of a friend, the easiest way to reach out to them is via Instagram’s direct messaging . Sending the user a direct message, a DM, will let them know a bit about who’s requesting to follow them. The best way to do this is to tell the requested user who you are, a bit about yourself, and why you want to follow them on Instagram.
Saying as much as “I’m a high school friend of your boyfriend” or “We met at your cousin’s birthday party” can be enough to create a connection between you and your target.
Many Instagram users will welcome new friends, especially since they can block or remove you if things get rough. Just remember to keep an eye on what you post and what that person posts.
This is a quick tip and, ultimately, it might not get you far in your quest to find out some information on your Insta-crush or your old high school friends, but it’s worth a shot regardless.
Log into Instagram and look for the profile you wish to research online. When you locate the account, you’ll be able to see the username of your target. Highlight that name and copy it to your device’s clipboard, because we’re going to be using that name in a moment.
Paste that username into Google or whichever search engine you prefer to use. You can also take a photo that you know is theirs and put it into a reverse image search to see if they have used it on a different, maybe not as protected, social media site.
You can follow a similar strategy using the real names of non-celebrities. All in all, this may not end up gaining you access to a full Instagram account. If you’re looking for some additional photos of a specific person on Instagram, use their login ID to find photos of them posted on other sites. That’s an easy way to bypass Instagram’s own privacy protection—even if it’s only temporary.
Searching Google for methods to view private Instagram profiles will bring up endless results of solutions and guides but It will also refer you to several websites with suspicious names that advertise the ability to view private profiles in just a few easy steps.
These sites have names like “WatchInsta,” “Instaspy,” and “Private Instaviewer,” and they all seem to promise the same general idea: use their website to gain access to Instagram accounts marked as private without any extra steps, payments, or requirements. Some of them even promise complete anonymity or have chatrooms where you can discuss the app with other users.
Unfortunately, after testing a few of the results from the first page or two of search results through Google, we absolutely do not recommend using these sites. They come from shady backgrounds at best, typically obscuring the name of the company behind the site. Despite the promise of “free” results, they often ask you to fill out a survey or sweepstakes that requires a credit card or other form of payment to complete.
Some of the sites also seem connected, displaying one name but then showing another site’s name when the survey request loads. We can’t suggest you use any of these sites when their backgrounds are unclear, or if they hide their origin on their website. Stay clear of these sites; they’re nothing but trouble for your account and overall internet safety.
If you’ve tried adding the person on Instagram with a friendly message and still can’t gain access to their account, there’s always one option left, though it’s challenging to recommend that to users as well: fake accounts. Let’s take a look.
Instagram takes claims of identity theft (using someone else’s real name and impersonating them on the service) to be a significant violation, and they will go after duplicators. In a bit, we’ll get to why that’s important, and how to get around it.
If you do choose to create a fake ID, here are some ways to get more accepted by a private Instagram account holder.
There are several different methods of gaining access to a private Instagram profile, using techniques of social engineering and deception.
We do not recommend these methods. They are unethical under most circumstances, and quite possibly illegal under others, but it depends more on intent. There are some subtleties, but if you’re pretending to be someone else online, that is similar to committing fraud.
The laziest method of gaining access to a private profile that you cannot see is for you to create a new Instagram profile with a new e-mail address, a fake name, and have that account submit a membership application to a mutually privately held group.
Instagram spammers use this technique regularly, churning out the output from realistic name generators for hours and assigning names to everyone in their fictitious empires. Every device (smartphone or tablet) can have up to five separate terminals hooked up to it, so unless you’ve been creating fake accounts already, you have options to add accounts.
Once you have the new account (it will need its own unique e-mail address, but Google Mail makes that trivially easy), just submit a request to the private account you want to follow.
You can send a DM first to break the ice and warn the owner of the private account that a new person is coming in. If they deny access to the account for a trivial reason or specific to you, then the signup should be approved if they don’t suspect that this is a patsy account of yours.
The lazy way is easy. It’s also not going to work very often. If an account has private registration, it’s probably for a good reason. What do we do then?
The Trojan Horse takes the same basic idea, but it goes to the trouble of creating a fake profile that looks “right” to the owner of the private Instagram account we want to follow. For example, say that a popular game streamer had a private Instagram account where she shared only the very elite secrets of the particular game.
If you or I try to gain access to this group with our Instagram account, we likely won’t be successful. Instead, you want to create a fake account that nonetheless looks very real. For our gaming account, we would upload lots of skilled playthrough videos and Instagram posts, bemoaning or praising certain events in the world of game design. And so on.
By investing a bit more time and energy into the fake, creating a line of posts and pictures, complete with a comments section, we give a much stronger impression of being a real person who wasn’t a fraud.
People unfollow and refollow all the time; seeing their friend’s account in a follow request is often successful.
So how do we manage to get their friend’s account? The answer is that we don’t – but we fake it. There are two big problems with creating a “duplicate” account.
One, it’s one of the big crimes that Instagram actually bestirs itself to do something about. Two, we don’t know who the duplicate accounts are! Private accounts don’t show their followers list when you browse them – so ther
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