Insemination Dildo

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Insemination Dildo

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Dildo-inspired insemination kit designed to make queer conception more intimate – and pleasurable




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The Way home insemination kit. (YouTube/ Kamila Rudnicka)
A dildo-style home insemination kit is designed to make conception a pleasurable and intimate process for queer couples.
Even if queer couples decide to self-inseminate at home, the procedure can feel strange and clinical, but the Way device makes sure that there can still be fun when it comes to baby-making.
At first glance, the insemination device looks exactly like a minimalist, silicone, pink and white dildo . But on closer inspection, a small bubble is visible at the base, which is used to hold semen.
The kit comes with a jar, into which semen is deposited, before the user sucks it into the bubble. When inserted into the vagina during sex, the bubble can be pressed to release its contents.
The tubes through which the semen travels along the dildo can also be removed, and worn as a harness around the hand to inseminate the conceiving partner while fingering.
Way device designer Kamila Rudnicka, from Poland, told Dezeen : “Hands are very important when we are making love, especially in lesbian sex.
“That’s why I decided to use them to connect two people. Just using a device will not give them the same feeling as using their own body during sex.”
While the Way clearly makes for a more pleasurable insemination experience for the conceiving partner, it also allows the non-conceiving partner to feel part of the process. 
During the design process, Rudnicka said she consulted with gynaecologists and psychologists, and also interviewed potentials customers.
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She said: “I wanted to create a device that would help them focus on something other than just getting pregnant.
“In a survey I did of couples, the majority said that even if at-home insemination can be less effective they still want to try it in their own bed.”
Although home insemination is a great option for many couples, it is not always as effective as other methods like intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro insemination (IVF), which can be better choices for those struggling with fertility.
Rudnicka explained: “This is not a device for people who have been trying to get pregnant for years.
“It’s for couples where one side has HIV, for lesbian couples, transgender people and those with disabilities – people who are unable to conceive during their regular sexual activity… The hope is to make it a ‘first step’ people can take before resorting to the sterile medical procedure at the hospital.”
The Way is not yet on the market, and is still in the prototype phase, but the designer hopes it will be available for purchase in the near future.

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While most people imagine a cam girl using an ejaculating dildo in a private show, this toy has other purposes as well. Ejaculating dildos are often used for conception as well. The difference is, of course, that instead of using fake, the couple will use the real cum. There are several reasons why this might be the best option for conception.
There are so many factors that can affect the chances of conception. As a result, many couples have trouble having a baby. Usually, if the problems don’t disappear, the couple might be sent for artificial insemination. But what is artificial insemination? It is a method of achieving pregnancy using methods other than sexual intercourse. Sometimes the need for AI can occur due to age, health problems, or some disabilities.
One of the main reasons that can cause problems conceiving is linked to sperm. Sometimes, it can be low motility of spermatozoids or any other type of male infertility. There are two types of motility. Progressive means that sperm cells swim either in a straight line or in large circles. The other type is non-progressive. Non-progressive means that cells are not traveling in a straight line, or that they are creating tight, small circles. If less than 32% of the cells are able to travel efficiently, the patient will be diagnosed with poor motility or asthenozoospermia.
Other reasons that can cause male infertility, besides poor motility, are low sperm count and abnormal sperm shape. Whatever the reason for infertility may be, the couple will have problems with conception. Besides infertility, there can be a problem with erectile dysfunction or ejaculation issues. We should mention that there is also unexplained infertility. The doctor will diagnose this condition if everything is in order, but the couple still fails to conceive.
Whatever the reason may be, the couple can always try their luck in artificial insemination. According to research, the artificial insemination success rate is between 10 and 15% per menstrual cycle for Intracervical insemination or ICI. For Intrauterine insemination or IUI, the success rate is between 15 and 20% per cycle. Using the second method, between 60 and 70% of couples have achieved pregnancy after six cycles. It is worth mentioning that these numbers are not as precise as it seems, and there are many factors that can impact the results of artificial insemination. ICI is the most common method, and it is rather appealing since couples can try artificial insemination at home instead of visiting a clinic or a hospital.
Finally, the stress can play a major role in conception, and each couple is often pressured with the results. The longer it goes without pregnancy, the higher the pressure will get.
Another case where there is a need for artificial insemination is with same-sex or lesbian couples. “Can two women have a baby?” might be a question on someone’s lips, and the answer is yes. However, it is not possible through natural means. Two women having babies is possible either through adoption or artificial insemination. The lesbian couple would have to find a sperm donor if they chose the second option.
Using IUI and a sperm donor, one of the women can become pregnant and carry the baby. It is worth mentioning that there was a case where two women made a baby together. However, it was still accomplished using in vitro fertilization, where they carried the baby during different stages of pregnancy.
Either way, if one woman wants to carry the baby and be pregnant, the only option is artificial insemination. The donor sperm can be from either anonymous (through a sperm bank) or a known donor.
The last option is surrogacy. This is the case where neither of the women wants to carry the pregnancy. The couple will find a woman who is not genetically related to the baby, and who will agree to be a carrier. She will carry the pregnancy for the couple, and the couple will use an embryo that is created using an egg or through an embryo donation. Either way, artificial insemination is unavoidable.
So, it seems that everything works, and one might ask what exactly is the problem with current methods. The whole process of artificial insemination can be rather dull and sterile. The couple will spend hours and hours at clinics searching for the best solution for their problem.
Besides, it can get rather stressful, and not every couple is lucky enough to succeed during the first try. This means that they will have to repeat the whole procedure a couple of times before they are able to conceive. Even though the doctors suggest that it might take between three and six tries, it is not easy to remain cheerful. We already mentioned that stress can play a major role in pregnancy, and delaying it can sometimes seem hopeless.
Furthermore, the whole process of artificial insemination lacks the intimacy that is otherwise easily achieved between the couple. Visiting a clinic always feel impersonal, and the whole process is something that everyone would love to avoid. Instead of enjoying your significant other, you will have to sign the forms, waiting in line, and keep hoping for the best.
Of course, the results can be beautiful, and that is the only reason why the couple will endure the whole process. Even though they might have trouble conceiving, it is important to know that there is a solution.
Using an ejaculating dildo might be the solution everyone was looking for. We all know now that there is a method that the couple can use at home. However, this method usually involves syringes (without needles, of course) or even a turkey baster. Even though turkey baster pregnancy is possible, no one wants to feel like the main course on Thanksgiving.
Instead, couples could use ejaculating dildos to help them. Not only is it the perfect solution for lesbian couples, but it can be fun even in a heterosexual relationship. The couple will use sperm from the donor, insert it into the ejaculating dildo, and enjoy themselves as they should.
An ejaculating dildo is easy to use. There are even versions that can be placed on a harness or used as a strap-on. Besides the ejaculating part, these dildos work the same way as regular ones. The only difference is their ability to simulate ejaculation. Usually, they will come with a pump or a syringe that the couple can use when they are ready for the finale. This way, they will be able to keep intimacy and enjoy themselves while trying to conceive in a more natural way.
Of course, this might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it is still better than the alternative. Somehow there is still a taboo cloud around sex toys, even though they’ve been around for thousands of years. But that should change, and it should change as soon as possible.
People are more and more talking about the sex toy that can “knock you up,” and that’s incredible. Most thought that artificial insemination and fun, sexy time couldn’t go together, and we are more than happy to prove them wrong.
There are couples out there who are trying different methods to conceive, and it looks that there is a way to keep the fun part of getting pregnant. Whether you are a heterosexual or lesbian couple, using an ejaculating dildo can help you avoid soulless and sterile waiting rooms. Similarly to regular AI, the couple will use donor sperm. However, instead of using a syringe or a turkey baster, they will load their new sex toy with it. This way, they will keep the intimacy and fun while achieving the goal they dreamed about.

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This strap-on ejaculating dildo makes insemination a breeze by using a small tube inserted through the toy’s body and a handheld pump to easily control timing sex dolls for sale . Refill kits are sold to ensure that however long it takes, you and your lover can experience conception as a moment of intimacy.Many women have also been looking for insemination dildo.
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