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Jessica Rabbit is a fictional character in Who Censored Roger Rabbit? and its film adaptation, Who Framed Roger Rabbit. She is depicted as Roger's human toon wife in various Roger Rabbit media. Jessica is renowned as one of the best-known sex symbols in animation.
Tags: #SL #Secondlife #Roleplay #Jessica #Rabbit
No mum..., Chlamydia isn't the name of a sweet little princess and STD-land surely
isn't an amusement park..., but dad always had a way with words... and
Note: STD stands for Sexually Transmitted Diseases...
... unless you have something to hide.. or tell.
For those who wonder why i am less active here or on Second Life lately... maybe you can put the blame on Her.
These days, Leinjan steals my attention, more than ever. Whether she is redheaded or blonde, i guess i just can't stop but looking at her.
Try to prove me i am wrong. Protip : you can't :)
In the 1920s, "spade" started being used as a slang term, and then a derogatory slur, for a black person just like the word "nigg3r" was used to degrade and belittle the black community the term spade was used in the same sense. This racist shift in the phrase's meaning also lead to the equally offensive phrase "black as the ace of spades" or "Queen Of Spade" (Rerfering to the white woman as queen of Nigg3r's)
In my opinion black men or women should have more respect for themselves than to sell their souls and heritage for pennies in Second life by supporting anything that refers to them as Nigg3rs, Spade, (BBC) Big Black Cock , Breeding Bulls or any other racist term used to give into the NIGG3R FETISH that some of the insecure whites and foreigners of SL use to pleasure themselves (Meaning their Own hand wont fuck them unless they in a black toon) and who have also given into their own perverted gay cuckold nature, because lets face it when they sit there tugging themselves they getting off on watching a black toon fucking. Let me say this for the adults in the room. Human beings are not a fetish. Black people are not a fetish. Trans people are not a fetish.
Also don't tell me you love Black men because you love black dick or because you think we are sexy. What makes us sexy is being able to defy odds/obstacles & thrive. And If you cant understand or respect that than all the Spade or black owned tattoos & gang bangs don’t make you an ally it just means you’re out to exploit our shine.
There is nothing wrong with interracial content/kink/sex/love but it should not be fetishized and play on stereotypes that are detrimental or offensive to any group of people.
This type of roleplay is a part of the problem as any other racists spreading that shit.... unfortunately the ones unaware of just how fucked up it is , try to dupe themselves and others into believing this is a badge of honor or giving them a one up on white men... when in reality it is no different than when the plantation owner would sexually abuse and exploit their slaves treating them less than humans but object of twisted perversions
So to clear the air .This is NOT a nod of adoration for black men.
So if you Fuck in Second life be free and have fun but let go of that racist mind set.
Dutch postcard by Vara. Photo: Fotoatelier Nederlandse Omroep Stichting. Joost Prinssen as Erik Engerd (Eerie Eric), Wieteke van Dort as Deftige Dame (Posh Lady) and Aart Staartjes as Stratemaker op zee (Bricklayer at sea), in De Stratemaker op zee show/The bricklayer at sea show" (Frans Boelen, Aart Staartjes, 1972).
Today, 12 January 2020, Dutch actor and TV Icon Aart Staartjes has passed away. He was known in The Netherlands for such innovative children's TV classics as De stratenmaker op zee show/The bricklayer at sea show" (1972), De film van ome Willem (1974), J.J. de Bom voorheen: 'De kindervriend' (1979) and the Dutch version of Sesame Street, Sesamstraat. Two days ago, on 10 January, Staartjes was involved in a collision between a car and a quadricycle in Leeuwarden. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition and died two days later. Aart Staartjes was 81 years old.
Aart Staartjes was born in Nieuwendam, a neighbourhood of Amsterdam-Noord, in 1938. He had an older brother, and a younger sister. His father worked in a carpentry shop located behind the house. Staartjes started his primary education at the age of eight. After that, he attended the Mulo (more advanced primary education, comparable to Junior High School) in Amsterdam, followed by the Kweekschool, a teachers' college. He dropped out of the Kweekschool in 1958, and went to the theatre school instead, where he graduated in 1961. Staartjes made his debut in 1961 in Meneer Topaze, based on a play written by Marcel Pagnol in the 1930s. During the 1960s, he appeared in several TV films and TV series, and he performed the lead in the sex film Ibiza, zon en zonde/Song for Célestine (Roeland Kerbosch, 1969). Staartjes became known as the host of a religious children's program, Woord voor woord (1965–1976), that featured stories from the Bible adapted by Karel Eykman.
Aart Staartjes had his breakthough with the groundbreaking children's show De stratenmaker op zee show/The bricklayer at sea show (1972-1974) with Joost Prinsen and Wieteke van Dort. The show was directed by Staartjes and Frans Boelen, with music by Harry Bannink. Important lyrical contributions were by Willem Wilmink; other lyricists were Karel Eykman (writing as Hendrik Blaak) and Hans Dorrestijn. Each installment of De Stratemaker featured a collection of memorable songs ranging from hilarious or touching to naughty. Chip Douglas at IMDb: "Controversy struck by the time the third episode was broadcast, in which one of the main subjects was 'Pies & Poep'. It says something that even today these two rather childish names for bodily excrement's can't be mentioned on this site uncensored. Gossip journalist Henk van der Meyden denounced immediately the show in his Telegraaf newspaper column, which of course prompted a lot of parents to forbid their offspring to watch it and in turn caused the television ratings to sour sky high." Another hit was De film van ome Willem/Uncle Willem's Movie (1974-1989), a TV show for 4 to 6 year olds, in which Staartjes was Toon. Chip Douglas: "The makers wisely decided to break as many rules as possible instead of talking down to their audience. 'Uncle' Willem was played by jazz singer Edwin Rutten. He would come in through a paper door and join the musical trio of 'Geitenbreiers' playing the opening tune. Being a big child himself, Ome Willem loved to shock the other Geitenbreiers with dirty words like 'poop sandwich'." The third hit show was J.J. de Bom voorheen: 'De kindervriend' (1979-1982). It was made by the same team of writers and actors as De Stratemakeropzeeshow but aimed at a slightly older audience (10 to 15, just about the age viewers of the original 1972 show would have reached by 1979). This one tackled all kinds of subjects send in by young viewers, concerning teenage angst and puberty problems. 'J.J. de Bom' won the Nipkowschijf (Nipkow Award) for best educational programme in 1979.
Aart Staartjes also appeared in several children's films like Pinkeltje (Harrie Geelen, 1978), starring as the gnome Pinkeltje, and Martijn en de magiër/Martin and the Magician (Karst van der Meulen, 1979). In 1984, Aart Staartjes started to play the role of Mr. Aart in Sesamstraat, the Dutch adaptation of Sesame Street. Mr. Aart is a rather grumpy elderly man who always has something to complain about. Especially about the animal characters Pino, Tommie and Ieniemienie. This character was added because critics felt Sesamstraat was too idyllic and needed something to counteract this. Over the years, Mr. Aart gradually became milder developed into a more grandfatherly figure. In the persona of Meneer Aart, he authored a book called Meneer Aart: Leven en werken van de man die geen kindervriend wil heten (Mr. Aart: Life and work of the man who does not want to be named a friend to children). The team of de Stratenmakeropzee show returned in 1988 with the informative youth show Klokhuis. Staartjes, Wieteke van Dort and Joost Prinsen were now part of a much larger cast and a team of younger presenters filmed items on location. Staartjes also used to present the annual arrival of Sinterklaas in the Netherlands, and he had a starring role in the acclaimed drama series Waltz/Circus Waltz (Norbert ter Hall, 2008). Aart Staartjes was married twice. Only 22 years old, his first child was born, cinematographer Paul Staartjes. He divorced his first wife sixteen years later, and later married a woman named Hanna. On 10 January 2020, Staartjes was involved in a collision between a car and a quadricycle in Leeuwarden. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition and died two days later. He was 81 years old.
Sources: Wikipedia (English and Dutch) and IMDb.
And, please check out our blog European Film Star Postcards.
been on a slight hiatus... i;ve got a lot goin on these days, and i do have a few things that i've done, but none that i've really like enough to post up.... hope ya'll dig, this was s shit load of fun...
Well, 'tis my favorite time of the year again, and for the first holiday of the season I thought I'd revisit the bizarre case of demonic possession that ushered in The Fall of the House of Aurora. It's a story that never fails to make me scream in horror, "WTF WERE THEY THINKING?!!"
I covered it briefly (well, as briefly as I cover anything) in my 2011 Halloween 'toon, and there are a dozen-and-one (or maybe a hundred-and-one) sites on the ol' www where you can get the details, and, if you want to pop over to Amazon, Aurora designer Andy Yanchus and co-author Dennis Prince have written a 256-page tell-all about the entire sordid affair. But none of the foregoing will stop me from retelling the story here.
For the main attraction in their 1971 lineup, Aurora decided to build on (and hopefully relive the financial good times) of their earlier "Famous Monsters" kits by coming out with smaller (1/13th scale) monster kits with diorama-like "movie set" bases and backgrounds. Called "Monster Scenes", they featured a mad doctor called Dr. Deadly, who looked like he probably failed to get a job in the concentration camp medical experimentation field because he didn't meet SS ethical standards; a Frankenstein monster (who was pretty much Mr. Country Club Republican compared to the rest of the crew); a licensed rendition of Warren Comics' Vampirella, whose well-molded contours raised the eyebrows of the sort of whiny-butt do-gooder Liberals and fire-and-brimstone Bible-thumpers who go through life raising their eyebrows at such things just to show how much better they are than you; and an equally well-endowed babe in a ripped halter top and a pair (also ripped) of what Catherine Bach would immortalize a few years later as "Daisy Dukes", who was marketed as "The Victim"--and, as if that wasn't enough to unleash the wrath of the Politically/Morally Correct, the rest of the kits in the line featured a variety of mad lab machines and medieval torture devices for her to be a victim of.
And, rest assured, the aforementioned wrath of the More Socially Concerned Than You/Holier Than Thou crowds was indeed unleashed. Proving that when the issue involves sex in America, politics can not only make strange bedfellows but some downright perverted ones, feminist sweathogs on the Left and religious nutcakes on the Right met Concerned Parent Groups in the middle, so that all of them could get their guts completely tied in knots together over the idea that some kid, somewhere, somehow, might be getting some enjoyment out of life, and hit the street to show their righteous indignation. The street they hit was the one in front of the corporate headquarters of Nabisco, which had just purchased Aurora, and whose management, having no idea that "Monster Scenes" were hitting the shelves (and the you-know-what was hitting the fan) even as the ink was drying on the contract, found themselves waking into a firestorm of controversy and condemnation rather than the sweet deal they thought they were getting into with one of America's most profitable toy companies. Which, of course, led to them to cancel production of the "Monster Scenes", fire the entire Aurora management staff without so much as a "Ho, Ho, Ho!" just before Christmas, and cravenly cave to the do-gooders demands and concentrate on producing "educational toys".
Which, of course, led to Aurora, one of the pioneers and best-known names in the plastic model industry, permanently closing its doors, because what normal child wants "educational toys"? I recall seeing somewhere once a picture of either a N.O.W. cow who was at the protest because she was too ugly to be on a date or a Missionary Position Mom With A Mission, holding a placard saying "Sadistic Toys Make Twisted Boys". Where do people get such bizarre ideas, anyway? While you might--rightly--accuse Aurora of woefully misjudging the general public's potential reaction, you can't say they didn't know their market: if that poor satchel-butt had had even a glimmer of an inkling of the slightest hint of a clue, if she'd ever had a thought in her head that a preacher, principal or political commissar hadn't hammered in there, she'd have known that "Twisted Boys WANT Sadistic Toys".
Still, Aurora should have guessed what was going to happen (after all, even if it wasn't anything like the Schweinfurt-Regensburg barrage they flew into with "Monster Scenes", they'd gotten flak enough a few years earlier over their model of a French Revolution guillotine which actually decapitated its victim). So, I can only continue to be amazed that they went through the whole process, from initial concept skull session to units on the retail shelves without SOMEBODY saying, "Hey, wait a minute, let's think this through..."
But this year's 'toon deals with less of a "WHAT TF...?" aspect of the story than one that begs the question "Why tf...?" For the full details, you can check out Andy Yanchus' "Vampirella's Salacious Sink Mark" at, but for those who don't want to venture further afield, I'll give the down'n'dirty details here.
For those of you not in the hobby, sink marks are a bane of the plastic modeler's existence, the sort of thing that made us reach for our Crucifixes and garlic and wooden stakes until we found out that Testor's Contour Putty and Squadron Green Stuff work a hell of a lot better. They are round or elongated oval dimples in the surface of a plastic model part, caused by uneven rates of cooling of the styrene during the molding process. The uneven rates of cooling are caused by the differing shapes and thicknesses in the part, and the worst offenders in this regard are the locator pins and sockets that are designed to help get the parts aligned during assembly and keep them aligned while the glue dries. Like all Aurora figure kits, Vampi's body was molded in two parts, a front half and a back one, and, like most (or probably all) of their figure kits, one of her sets of locator pins and sockets were in her crotch--so I'll give you three guesses where her elongated oval sink mark sunk!
As Mr. Yanchus relates, viewing of the initial test run parts caused some smirks and giggles among the guys in R&D (one can easily imagine all the wink-wink, nudge-nudge-ing that must have been going on), some laughter among the gals in the office (again, one can envision all the "Honestly, MEN...!"-type eye rolls), and--there's one in every crowd--sent one "challenging individual" (as A.Y. calls her) in the marketing department into a FemiNazi tizzy. And, of course, after the laughter died down, it also caused a revamp of the process.
Which brings us to the "Why tf...?"
Why at this point did they decide to come down with a case of the galloping scruples and go to the time and expense of re-engineering? Given everything else about the whole "Monster Scenes" story, it seems nothing short of astounding that they actually saw this flaw in the molding process as a problem to be fixed instead of as a fortuitous happenstance to be capitalized upon. I mean, when you're selling a line of model kits with names like "Gruesome Goodies" and "The Pain Parlor", with box art blurbs saying "Rated X...for Excitement!", and putting ads for them in comic books with the screaming headlline, "Kids--Build Your Own Torture Chamber!", would it have outraged the public (or jammed the corncob any tighter up Ms. Snitsworth-in-Marketing's rectum) to have put a blurb on Vampi's box about her being "Authentic In Every Detail--From Her Fearsome Fangs To Her Cunning...Camel Toe!"?
Somehow, I doubt it. I suspect the most that would have happened is that it would have made us young pervs even more eager to trundle down to our local hobby shop or five-and-dime as fast as our chubby little legs would carry us to (ahem) snatch one.
Coming with a new Sex Appeal, the Girl 4 is a 3D Toon Pin up with small waist, pixie face, large eyes and sexy lips. She was rendered using the Girl 4 figure and V4 Elite Texture Lana to provide ultimate realism and beauty.
Feel free to visit the Girl 4 and find out more 3D Pin-up Girls.
NW Cosplay June Meet 2016, Cosplay, Cosplayer, Female, Movies, Books, Novel, Fiction, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Who Censored Roger Rabbit, Jessica Rabbit, Burlesque, Femme Fatale, Sex Symbol, Cartoon, Toon, Walt Disney, Animation, Dress, Sequinned Dress, Skirt, Gloves, High Heels, Wig, Sparkly, Sparkle, Red, Purple,
Text: When it comes to the, uhm, SEX thing my husband is more into our neighbor.
Note: every Thursday a FRESH cartoon!
PS: 'About Love And Live' is a cartoon project of scenarist Age Morris and
AtomStyle artist Victor Zilverberg.
In Dutch it is called 'Over Leven en Liefde' and you can find it on
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Yesterday my girlfriend told me that Cosmo said that 'not having sex can be VERY exciting'.
Note: every Thursday a FRESH cartoon!
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