I Spit On Your Grave: Deja Vu

I Spit On Your Grave: Deja Vu


I Spit On Your Grave: Deja Vu
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Some grudges refuse to be buried, Meir Zarchi's much anticipated film I Spit On Your Grave Deja Vu, is the official sequel to his 1978 classic, reuniting him with actress Camille Keaton who reprises her iconic role as Jennifer Hills after four decades.
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Supporting actors Jim Tavare , Jonathan Peacy , Jeremy Ferdman Producers Terry Zarchi , Jan O'Connell Studio Deja Vu, LLC. Purchase rights Stream instantly Details Format Prime Video (streaming online video) Devices Available to watch on supported devices
Todd Bulgarelli Reviewed in the United States on February 14, 2021
So a lot of reviewers are getting hung up on the timeline. If you can overlook that, this film has a lot going for it if viewed within a certain context. Bear in mind that the director, Meir Zarchi, apparently wanted to make this film much sooner than 2015 (when filming first began, a years-long effort until finally completed and released in 2019), but, as they say, life got in the way. The timeline does work for the three main female characters in this film-- Jennifer Hills (Camille Keaton), Christy Hills (Jamie Bernadette), and Becky Stillman (Maria Olsen). Some folks may quibble about Christy, but, although Bernadette was around 28 when filming on "Deja Vu" started, making it impossible for her to play Jennifer Hills' daughter, she can easily pass for 36 or so, making the timeline work (her character's age is never mentioned in the film). These three women also do a great job in this movie, much better than any of the guys, who, I will grant the critics, really cannot fit within the timeline, with the exception of Matthew's father, Herman (played by Jim Tavare). For some unexplained reason, the male actors in this film are always screaming their lines, which is jarring and unnecessary. But again, I thought the three women were great. The basic story is that the relatives of the men Jennifer killed in the original "I Spit On Your Grave" are back for revenge. There is plenty of gore, a moderate amount of nudity, a lot of profanity, and abundant violence in general-- including rape --so viewer be warned. The movie is almost two-and-a-half hours long, with only sparse dialogue, and only occasionally a musical score, and when there is one it is very low-key. I thought this film was delightfully minimalist and the cinematography was sharp and crisp; the sound quality and photography is very good. Given today's social-political climate, films like this are very hard to make and distribute, so I give Zarchi credit for seeing this project through to completion. It is an effective film for what it sets out to do, and I've already watched it several times; despite me only giving it three stars, in its own, quaint way, I think it is quite good. I just can't give it more than three stars, mainly for the aforementioned infernal screaming of the male actors. If you can get past that-- and can overlook the timeline issues --and you are into a good revenge yarn, you might enjoy this film. But as I said, be warned, it is extremely violent.
Grelber37 Reviewed in the United States on May 16, 2019
I Spit on Your Grave: Deja Vu is not as bad as its reputation. I might give it a 4/10. Deja Vu merits some compliments. For example, this art has some unexpected complex symbolism, and it has a wickedly nice plot twist at one point. Furthermore, I must praise Zarchi for having some balls, something missing in most modern horror and other thrillers. This I Spit installment is just as nasty as its predecessors and the old-school grindhouse whence it came. In 2019, we actually get a horror-action movie that doesn't play nice (and safe), and I admire that. Finally, the acting, although uneven, is impressive at times, and, occasionally, one witnesses performers wonderfully rising to the challenges of their roles. However, besides compliments, I definitely have some criticisms along with everyone else who has seen this picture. For one thing, the acting is uneven throughout, and it is sometimes f'n terrible. Overacting is a distinct problem in ISOYG: DV. Oddly, the overacting is especially tragic when certain males are histrionic in a scene while an experienced actress, such as Olsen or Keaton, gives a dignified performance. Beyond certain acting, many, many moments in this movie make no sense. The script is a sloppy one. Occurrences are unrealistic and often exhibit Dickensian coincidence. People say and do things that they (probably) never would. Certain minor characters are utter stereotypes. And, the most egregious script error is the story's timeline. For events to make sense, Deja Vu must happen soon after the rape of Jennifer Hills or decades later in our time. However, the movie has this weird setting in which the 1980s and 2018 occur all at once. As often noted, editing is a problem in this movie. Some dialogue could have been trimmed. Sometimes, a genre movie can be so much better for including some drama, for taking time for that. But, in this case, the movie drags some and is overly long for characters' sharing their backstories and discussing issues at length and that sort of thing. Camille Keaton deserved a better continuation of her star-making role than Day of the Woman: Deja Vu. But, the title perhaps tells us what we need to know. This art is a remembrance of a past esteemed day, but it is not quite equal to it. It is watchable and maybe worth seeing though.
satisfiedcustomer Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2019
While the original went on to become a seminal horror classic because of its depiction of hideous subject matter like it had never been shown before, horrible as it is, this one is horror in a more "conventional" sense, even though there's not much conventional here to speak of... Again, no proper soundtrack (except, as in the first one, incidental notes here and there) and even more atmospheric, almos idyllic photography, serve as the background for a tale of sheer madness like seldom has been captured on narrative film, if ever... unlike the original, which was minimalist and straightforward, this one twists like a mad cat, going deeper and deeper into uncharted areas of the inconceivable as it progresses. Abundant in quotes from the original and even the remakes and spin offs, this is much more reminiscent of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in certain aspects I won't reveal, or The Last House on the Left, chiefly because of the heavy reliance on foreshadowing and the ironies of destiny. The only downside for me was that the clips from the original made it look at times like the Hills Have Eyes, part 2 (1985, or so); probably Wes Craven's nadir as a filmmaker. There's no question that this film will either be loved or hated. There's definitely not gonna be an in between. However, I am afraid the chances are high that maybe it'll meet the same fate as the Wicker Tree, which I thought was a great movie that maybe hit too close to home for its own good. A much more satisfying experience than the remakes, for sure (with the exception of Part 3: Vengeance is Mine, which I thought was pretty solid so, you're probably reading the least objective review that'll show here henceforth). Graves do indeed get spat upon, which is something to keep in mind given that the original's title was gonna be something entirely different (should we thank Jerry Gross? Let each one make whatever they will of this). All in all, they don't make 'em like this no more which, for starters, is an achievement in its own right...
Tmm B Reviewed in the United States on July 29, 2019
The first movie was a creepy grainy cult film that I saw years ago on VHS when it came out. I remember it being violent, oddly creepy and being moved by the violence yet I could not turn away and watched it a time or two after. When I read that this movie was coming out I was kind of excited wondering what was going to happen with all the possibilities that could occur. When some of the plot leaked I thought it would be perfect, the relatives of the original gang of rapists would seek revenge on the heroine of the first movie and her daughter. I was gladly and anxiously awaiting for it to come out. Now that I have seen it........I will say I am disappointed! First the good.... it kicks off with flashbacks from the first movie which are still good to see after all this time. Everything still holds up, grainy, creepy a little spooky I thought it was a good start. Now all the bad..... The family members themselves were just comical at best. They were every other character from every other backwoods movie you have other seen. Just take your pic. They were dirty and nasty and uneducated yes in this movie they were not scary in the least. Here's a plot twist you wouldn't have seen coming (have them educated and decent looking, stalking the mother and daughter all the while not looking or seeming anything like you would think they would look.) I'd buy that plot and be interested. Back to whats bad..... The film looks like its two different movies. The first half was just bad... The main character who was almost unrecognizable cannot act to save her life and I'm talking about the lady from the first film. She was bad. I get it for nostalgia reasons she was in this film but if she wasn't you wouldn't have missed her. Again the first half was so unbelievable and comical especially after the main character ran in the woods it was a joke. Not scary or creepy at all. Everything was bad about it. From the plot to the bad bad acting. The second half of the movie kind of shaped up a little but it was too much of a rip off of the first movie. The daughter got raped and beaten up and left for dead only to have come back and what a shock went after the penis of someone again. The only twist was her parentage but by then it was too late. The grandparent thing was stupid, the organ player was just dumb and the ending with the normal looking kids that was dumb too. I really wanted to like this despite the bad, bad reviews but I could not find anything that could save this film.
Shane Schoeppner Reviewed in the United States on May 6, 2019
This film has some strengths: the return of grindhouse legend Camille Keaton as Jennifer Hills; (relative) newcomer Jamie Bernadette, who gives a daring performance here; flashbacks to the original classic; the absence of a soundtrack, which was an idea well-utilized in the original film, and which works here as well; good cinematography, and a couple of great plot twists. There are even some excrutiating moments of violence in the sequel that stand up to the banned, video-nasty essence of the original film. Unfortunately there are a few outstanding problems with Deja Vu as well, and they're biggies: it's overly-long and drags, with too much exposition, and at 2.5 hours I imagine it could have been cut effectively down to 90 minutes; the overacting of Maria Olsen, she has one good scene (at night in the cemetery) and the rest of her performance is over-the-top and unbelievable, like a parody of a villain; she has a self-consciousness as an actor that reads through. The actor who plays one of her henchman, the skinny guy with the beard (he also has one good scene, in the riverbed), gives Olsen a run for her money in the horrible-acting department. Not to mention the fate of Jennifer Hills herself, which I won't reveal here but which I saw as a slap in the face to the fans who loved Keaton in her powerful - even indestructible - role in the first ISOYG. In the end the bad aspects of the film outweigh the good. Even Savage Vengeance is better than this crap. What a wasted opportunity to make a decent sequel.
Clark P Haberman Reviewed in the United States on May 15, 2019
Ok. This film does have it's flaws. At 2 1/2 hours, it most definitely does NOT hit the ground running. It DOES take a while to build. I ended up watching this over 2 nights due to the length. Becky's psychotic ravings are just inane. Most of the dialogue could stand improvement, but how many of you bought this to LISTEN to? :-D As far as I'm concerned, the best lines went to Herman. Herman [Jim Tavare'] and the elderly couple played by Holgie Forrester and Roy Allen III are by far my favorites. These last played a sort of Jedd and Granny Clampett pair of backwoods loons with a loving intensity. The character of Kevin [Jonathan Peacy], would be right at home in any number of horror, slasher and torture porn movies, or in a strait jacket for that matter. I have a few issues with some minor plot flaws, but in the issue of avoiding spoilers, I'll mention only one. There's a point in the movie where Christy has access to a full auto M4 carbine. She leaves it behind in favor of a revolver. That seems counter-intuitive to me, given the lunatic behavior of Becky and Kevin. Once the action gets going, there is plenty of psychotic raving, bloody violence, nudity and other pleasantries. IMHO it does not quite reach the level of the original, but if you watch it out to the bitter end, I think you will be quite satisfied. PS: Is it me, or does Jamie Bernadette bear a strong resemblance to Jackie Kennedy? :-D
Roger K Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2022
It's not quite as good as the others but still good enough to watch at least once.
GoHurons Reviewed in the United States on February 13, 2021
Hhmmm... let’s start with the fact that this is way too long at 2.5 hours, this isn’t Scorsese material. I loved the 2010 remake of the original 1978, which I also thought was ahead of its time and above average (2 was mediocre, 3 was pretty good with Sarah Butler back). For this stinker, where to begin... the acting all around is atrocious and the first hour of fake screaming could’ve been reduced to about ten minutes. There are a few rules I have that horror movies must include, a big one is hot chicks. So casting the leader of the hillbillies with, who appears to be if Ned Beatty had a daughter, just less attractive, isn’t helping. The protagonist daughter isn’t much better, in fact until her clothes came off, I thought it was a guy in drag. Keaton was pushing 70 and it shows. The plot is supposed to be straight forward enough, but when you think it should be over, there’s more, then more, and more again. Gets an extra star just for being in the genre of rape/revenge and giving it a try, but failing.

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Camille Keaton (What Have You Done to Solange?, Tragic Ceremony) stars as Jennifer Hills, a young and beautiful career woman who rents a backwoods cabin to write her first novel. Attacked by a group of local lowlifes and left for dead, she devises a horrific plan to inflict revenge in some of the most unforgettable scenes ever shot on film.
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