I Came In My Sister Stories

I Came In My Sister Stories


I Came In My Sister Stories
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I made an account just to post this. My sister is two years younger than I am and we've always been pretty close. We grew up in a perfectly fine home with two wonderful parents, even though my dad unfortunately is addicted to alcohol and cigarettes, but that's kinda beside the point. I'm not exactly sure how it started but I think I was around 10 or 11 and she was 8 or 9. It started off with me telling her about this cool new "masturbating thing" that I had just found out about from my friends. She wanted to do it too because I was the older brother and she looked up to me. At first we would quietly masturbate next to each other when my parents weren't home or if we get the chance to. It kinda escalated from there and we would start touching each other and all that. We continued doing this as we got older and started figuring out what it all meant. When I was a bit older I realized there was this thing I could do with my ding-a-ling and I could put it inside her and it would feel good. I would never go in far because she always said to stop and that it hurt, so I did. Fast forward about two years and we're still like giving oral to each other it like every time my parents aren't home(which is a lot because they both work a lot). One time when I was like 14 and my sister was 12 my mom actually caught my sister sucking me off and it was super awkward and she said not to tell my dad about it or he would kill us (and he would have if he ever found out). Since then we have kinda stopped doing it once we realized that it's kinda wrong. I never felt that bad about it because it just felt really good (is that bad?). Today we have a very "touchy" kind of relationship, but we haven't done anything for a good couple of months. I am now 16 and she is 14. We don't really talk about it(my mom hasn't mentioned it ever), and I think if we got the chance we would do it again. What do you guys think I should do, because I'm not really sure how to approach this going into the future. Being a teenage boy and all I want to touch her and all (and my sister is a pretty attractive 14 year old I should add, Im talking face and bodywise), but I'm not sure if it's wrong or not.
Don't get help. You're older and any therapist is legally obligated to report it to police as sexual abuse. You will be branded as a sex offender. Just stop and don't talk to anyone.
How is it sexual abuse exactly? He is underage and only 2 years older.
I'm gonna start by saying this, what you and your sister were doing wasn't wrong. It's not sick, it's not abnormal, it's not even all that uncommon, it's just kids experimenting with their sexuality. Happens to everyone eventually.
Now, without even touching on the whole clusterfuck about whether or not being sexual with a sibling is "right" or "wrong", it's clearly going to cause some friction with your parents, particularly your father. That alone should instill a deep sense of caution but it doesn't, because you're a teenager and your brain is fucked with hormones, but that's OK, us oldsters are here to help.
Now, let's say, for the sake of argument, you decide that, no matter what other people think, no matter what the consequences with your parents, that you're young and immortal and it's gonna go right forever, that you're gonna carry on with what you're doing, I will again advise caution. 14 isn't too young to be thinking about sex, but it's awful young to be doing it. And with both of you as young as you are and as likely inexperienced in the sex and relationship department, there's a good chance it's gonna go bad for you at some point anyway. Plus you've got to consider your sister's emotional maturity, how is she gonna be when she gets into high school with an unrequited crush on you?
No one's going to decide for you and if you're hard-headed enough you won't even heed advice, just be careful, use protection, and most important of all make sure your sister is a consenting participant in any and all activities.
Thanks for the advice and the reply. I feel like it's too late, as I think she already has a crush on me because she always calls me cute and stuff even though I'm not the most attractive (I've never even dated a girl before). I feel like I've already kinda scarred her, but both of our hormones are raging sometimes and it's pretty much impossible to stop once you've started. I'm not hard-headed enough to realize good advice when I see it, and I have been trying to just jerk off to get rid of any feeling of messing with my sister. Again, I thank you for your advice and your quick reply.
It happens, it's experimentation, it's not "wrong", but it's not healthy. It will potentially create an unhealthy dynamic as you get older. The best thing for you both to do is look for romantic interests among your peer group at this point.
Most of the world, and certainly the prevailing culture of most nations in the West, sees incest as morally wrong or at least a major taboo, despite what a few Redditors may say. It is very widely illegal. You will both become pariahs if this ever becomes publicly known, you could be targeted for criminal violence, you could be prosecuted, and at some point in life one or both of you may end up with real emotional or psychological problems because you come to accept the prevailing view and decide you did a terrible thing. My advice is STOP, NOW, and never speak of this to anyone. There are millions of people with whom you can both have healthy, public, socially accepted relationships. I suggest you focus your efforts there.
I have gotten a few messages saying that I should just go all the way because I might "never get the chance again", but I'm inclined to disagree. I would like to just stop, but the problem is that when hormones are raging it's quite difficult. I'm making an effort to not think of her in a sexual way and I've been avoiding times when my parents aren't home by just staying at school(I can drive my self home). I'm just trying to forget about what I did in the past because I believe it was juvenile and just a rush of the moment that became habit over time. It feels really good to get this off my chest because practically nobody knows about it.
Why not let your parents know what is going and ask them what they think?
I'm afraid to even bring this up with my dad as I believe he would get extremely upset and probably never look at us the same way again. My mother has only caught us once of the many times we've done this, but I think she blames it on hormones. I don't think bringing it up is a good idea and I would kind of just like to forget about it all.
Uh, yeah. This is illegal. And wrong. Stop it, come clean with mom and dad. Get help ASAP.
It might be illegal but who are you to say it's "wrong?" Because society says it is? Gay marriage was an unspeakable abomination 60 years ago now it's even celebrated. Who's to say incest won't be seen as perfectly ok in the future? I get that it's "wrong" because of the inbreeding aspect but if it's between 2 consenting adults they should be smart enough to use protection.
Which part? Doenst matter its illegal everywhere your mum didnt say anything because she would have to go to the police and you kids would not be able to live with her anymore or because your dad would beat the crap out of you there is a reasom she didnt want to tell him for sure because it is wrong! Thats great that your doing well at school you should focus on school and not your little sister tell her its wrong and never speak of it again
That is sick and wrong. You should stop at once.....
It might be illegal but who are you to say it's "wrong?" Because society says it is? Gay marriage was an unspeakable abomination 60 years ago now it's even celebrated. Who's to say incest won't be seen as perfectly ok in the future? I get that it's "wrong" because of the inbreeding aspect but if it's between 2 consenting adults they should be smart enough to use protection
not only did you not set a good example, seemed like you also break the law by penetrating her who's under aged?
I did not take my sister's virginity just to clarify, as far as I know we are both virgins.
Where do I start? Firstly, you can see that this is a new account, can't really post it through my main account. I am a rather crappy person, though others might not think so. Something similar happened between me and my younger cousin. It was mostly just me being stupid, dumb and horny. I didn't actually do anything beyond putting my watchamatchit-schling-thingy between her thighs did it on ~7-8 different occasions, but it weighs heavily on me. I feel disgusted with myself, you know. For doing something like this. I know with all my heart that this is not something I should have done, and yet I did. This all happened few months ago. I stopped, repented with all my heart and have pledged to myself to never do it ever again, but this doesn't change the fact that I did. I don't know how I should redeem myself. I don't want to be hated, but that hate would be deserved. I don't know what to do. How to go about. Ah

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Posted Nov 12, 2013 16:18 by anonymous



Before my wife and I married, her parents decided to move to Florida. We decided to get married a few years later and got married there in Florida. My wife's little sister was always a cute bubbly kid about 8 years younger than me. She was always my best friend in then family. About a year after we were married and living in another state her parents decided to visit family in the state next to ours and asked us to come over for the weekend. Their plane was to visit there, then in a few days after we left to come visit us. When we left we decided to take my wife's sister with us so she could visit her old neighborhood. On the way back home, we kidded around, we both wanted to ride shotgun while my wife drove. My sister in law at the time was just 17, cute as a button with a really cute ass. She jumped in and sat on my lap. and we were wrestling for the seat, when I started to get a boner. To my surprise she said oh my, what do we have here. I turned red, she jumped in the back seat then my wife came out got in the car and we left. Nothing was said at all, very little was even said at all. When we stopped for gas, my wife went to the bathroom, and we were alone. I got done pumping gas and sat back in the car waiting for my wife when my sister in law, said wow, I know why my sister married you. I was perplexed and said what, she said "you know, your big dick", again I turned red again. She said "don't be embarrassed, you should be proud of your manhood". I just kept quiet. Now there was an awkward big elephant in the room, the rest of the trip home I sat in silence, thoughts of my wife knowing her sister gave me wood scared the shit out of me. It was a Saturday when we pulled in to our townhouse, we went in and my S/I/L asked if she could use my car to visit friends, I agreed and she winked at me as she left. On Sunday my wife was still going to college part time and had 2 classes on Sunday, she said she was leaving and my S/I/L said she was taking my car to see friends. They both left, I expected them to both be gone for most of the day. About an hour after my S/I/L left she returned with one of her friends, she wanted to show her friend where we lived. I was sitting in a pair of gym shorts and a wife beater just chilling, when they both went in the downstairs half bath, I thought it was odd, but who knows what 17 year old girls do. When the door opened, they both came out in panties and nothing else. They had a joint lit up and walked over to me and started trying to get me to smoke, I finally did and told them that they needed to get dressed. Both girls had phenomenal bodies and very nice round upright breasts. My S/I/L/ said come on show us your dick, i refused, but I must tell you it was beyond hard at this point. Then her friend came up and slid her hand under my shorts and grabbed my man hood, and said, fuck that's big. By that time I was just about to shoot my load, then my S/I/L came over and started stroking her friends pussy through her panties, when that happened, they girl got soaking wet and squeezed my dick so are I thought she was going to break it. IN no time we were on the floor with no clothes on, I reached down and started playing with her friends pussy along with my S/I/L. Trying to keep from touching my wife's sister, I was sucking her friends tits. The next thing I know the friend pulled her panties to the side and with one fail swoop, shoved my cock deep in her pussy, as I layed back I look up and there is my wife's sisters pussy about to come down on my face, shit it's gonna happen and I can't stop and really don't want to. I started sucking her clit with all my might while her friend his giving me one of the best fucks I have ever had. Pretty soon I was starting to cum, I pulled my cock out and shot my load up the friends belly and all over me. To my amazement my S/I/L leaned down with her pussy still on my face and began licking cum off of her friends belly. I tried to get up by my dick was quickly engulfed in my S/I/L mouth. As I sat there starting to get hard again in my S/I/L mouth I asked the friend if they had been together sexually, she said no but they had always wanted to be. I pushed them off of me and asked them to put on a show for me, and OMG what a fucking show it was,my S/I/L sucking hr friends pussy, her friend sucking her pussy, it wasn't long before I had another ragging boner. But this time I was fucking my very cute S/I/L. I fucked her doggy while she ate her friend pussy, then I got on my back with my S/I/L on my dick fucking me like a five dollar whore, and eating the tatsy pussy of her friend. I guess we must have fucked three times that day before my wife came back from class. that first encounter was 25 years ago, and we have fucked many times since. My wife works out of town a lot so, when she goes out, my S/I/L finds and excuse to get out of her house at least 1 day and we fuck like rabbits, she is still one of the best pieces of ass I have ever had, and her pussy still oozes honey when I eat it. She is trying to find her old friend to see if we can repeat the afternoon of 25 years ago. Dayum, I'm gonna have to call her as see if she can sneak out later, I need to taste that sweet slit of hers.

Such a long story this is but nice one.

Back in 1979 been married about 2 mouths when i came home and found my wife with her sister and brother in bed. we had a talk and found out they been doing it for years. lets just say for the next 3 years we had fun with our 2,3,4 somes. her brother stop and got married and all that. her sister became a lesbian but for the last 40 years when she and /or her girl friend come for a visit we have fun i can not c** in girl friend p**** (she dont like men and c**)

I love it. Love yo have been there.
β€œI love it. Love yo have been there.”
β€œYea that is nice YUP haha Mrs nice”

Reminds me of me and my sister-in-law many years ago she is still nice today.

Fake or not, this is weird as shit. Don not ever get married.

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