Hysterical Black Pseudo-Scholar Only Trusts Anti-CRT Parents Who Have Been Doxed

Hysterical Black Pseudo-Scholar Only Trusts Anti-CRT Parents Who Have Been Doxed

  • By: Dr. Floyd
  • Summary: none yet, summary suggestions welcomed and appreciated
  • Tags: none yet, tag suggestions welcomed and appreciated

Video Title: Utah State Rep. Steve Christiansen Explains His Anti-CRT Legislation

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzYNRFQ2R7s


4:15. "Without names and lists, and under the shroud of anonymity, it can raise concerns for many of us." Translation: Dox the anti-CRT parents for our hysterical anti-white mobs to attack, or you're lying. Not a very compelling argument. But of course Marc Lamont Hill (MLH), the host, got his PhD as a black man from an ivy league school, i.e., U. Penn., and the PhD was in education. These facts nearly guarantee that MLH learned virtually nothing, and that his entire education was nothing but limp leftists painstakingly coaching MLH into little more than formatting his effeminate anti-white hatred and heterophobia into essays.

One piece of evidence that suggests MLH literally does not know the first thing about research (or pretends not to) is that he called the respondents "anonymous" (4:52). The respondents were not anonymous; that would mean that the identities are unknown. Instead, for the research at hand, the entity that collected the data are keeping the identities confidential; this is expressly stated, right here in the interview. Confidentiality of respondents is entirely common for research. Moreover, confidentiality is the only safe way to collect opinions from people who disagree with the violent anti-white terrorists whom CRT is meant to incite—and does, in fact, incite.

–Dr. Floyd

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