Hypno Slut

Hypno Slut


Hypno Slut
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This slut recording allows you to live your sexual fantasies freely.
It will slowly remove all shame, guilt, anxiety or anything else holding you back from living and enjoying your fantasies. It will however encourage you to make smart decisions when finding partners, and to keep yourself safe. The effects of this file will play out slowly and over time, turning you into the perfect slut.
This recording is designed to permanently make you more sexually outgoing. Be sure that is what you want to experience before you listen. Listen at your own risk.
This combines nicely with the “Sexed up” series. Part 1 ; Part 2

You like what you hear? Please keep in mind that this really takes a lot of time and efford. If you want to support me, please visit my profle at PATREON and help me too keep Vive Hypnosis alive!
I want to say thank you for this file. It is really good that you also make positive files like this one that are removing all the BS and guilt from society. Looking forward to more files from you in the future that are changing one’s sexual life to the positive!
I miss the “you are a slut!” hypnosis file that made me masturbate off and on during certain parts of it. Bring it back please!
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Quarantine Slut Loop 22. March 2020 With 3 comments
Slut Fractionation Loop 11. June 2018 With 1 comment
You like what you hear? Please keep in mind that this really takes a lot of time and efford. If you want to support me, please visit my profle at PATREON
and help me too keep Vive Hypnosis alive!
I respect your privacy and will never send you unsolicited spam emails, or share your data with anyone.
As November is slowly drawing closer, I’m going to do a public NOvember trance next Sunday. This one is going to completely and totally take away your ability to have any (enjoyable) orgasm all November. And it’s going to be evil. I’m going to block your mental ability to orgasm. Sure, you can still try […]
I will make the next corona live trance available for anybody again. I guess these days anybody can use a little bit of safe space and time… I will do two trance: The first will be a pet trance – if you don’t know what that is, go back in the blog and listen to […]
I will make the next corona live trance available for anybody who wants to join. Seems like a time where anybody can use a little bit of safe space and time… I will do two trance: The first will be a pet trance – if you don’t know what that is, go back in the […]
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sissy hypno addict - databaseor
May 20, 2022 at 2:36 am

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Facebook picture of the male friend after he was hypnotized .
My friend tried lsd for the first time a couple of weeks ago. For some ridiculous reason he and his girlfriend thought it would be a funny idea to see if he could be hypnotized while on acid.
So they hired someone claiming to be a professional hypnotist – I have no idea of his actual credentials. They both agreed that only the girlfriend would know what he was going to be hypnotized to do, that way they would know if it really worked.
I was there for some of the time, and what they were doing seemed pretty intense. I don’t really believe in hypnosis, but it really looked like he was in a deep trance and tripping REALLY hard on lsd. (I think he had about 5 hits).
What I don’t get it why his girlfriend decided on hypnotizing him to dress up like a girl. From what I heard when I was there, the hypnotist tried to implant the idea that he would feel like he was on fire if he wasn’t wearing women’s clothes and makeup along with the need to show it off to other people.
I didn’t take any of this crap seriously, which is why I laughed it off and left after a while.
But what really disturbs me is that he posted this picture on his facebook yesterday:
This guy is one of the straightest most masculine guys I know. I honestly don’t think he would ever do anything like this. But that is definitely him in the picture, without a doubt.
I went to go visit him today, but he wouldn’t come to the door. I don’t believe in hypnosis, but is it possible that the LSD had some kind of effect and now his mind believes everything the hypnotist told him? I’m really worried for him. Is there any way we can get him out of this mess?
This message was reposted anonymously in a number of forums. Don’t know if it’s a hoax, but I do know it’s pretty hot.
[…] Hypnosis Feminized on Acid? – Adult HypnoticWishes […]
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Thanks again to all the sisters who supported me in this project!
I’m creating a new concept with a whole bunch of animations to bring you a new fun experience, a kind of game / program for a deeper sissification.
Thus, this next sissy hypno will offer you more action with a well-designed Control Panel to guide you in your sessions; poppers, dildoing, sucking, and more …
The preview above is a non-animated mockup, I haven’t included the elements of all my ideas… but if you have any relevant suggestions, ideas that are obvious to you… don’t hesitate! I will be delighted that you let me know

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