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Http Outdoor Ru
Each year leading Russian and foreign manufacturers and distributors of garden furniture, lighting, household equipment, sprinkler systems, garden landscape forms, kitchenware and cutlery for dacha, grills, barbecues, accessories for bathhouses and saunas, goods for tourism and recreation display their best products, as well as novelties based on future trends at the exhibition.
Spring 2023, IEC “Crocus Expo”, pavilion 2  
Participation in the exhibition provides an opportunity to easily create efficient sales channels with new purchasing agents and increase the geography of supplies, to present your products and novelties to current and potential partners, to strengthen your image of a stable and active company and to increase the loyalty of end customers to your company.
Visiting the exhibition gives you an opportunity to update and increase your product range, to learn about novelties of the industry and find new suppliers and opportunities for developing your business, to consider profitable price and logistic offers and to discuss cooperation with potential partners. The priority of professional visitors is the search of new products and new suppliers.
Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belorussia, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Georgia, India, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Latvia, Lithuania, Lebanon, Moldavia, the United Arab Emirates, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France, Estonia. Russia is represented by 83 regions.
News of the exhibition and participants, important branch events
Novelties and premieres of exhibition participants this year
Special prices for hotel accommodation for participants and guests of the exhibition
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We invite you to the international specialised exhibition of household goods, goods for country life and outdoor leisure OUTDOOR DACHA-2023 at IEC “Crocus Expo”.
The exhibition takes place at the same time as HouseHold Expo – the biggest Russian B2B exhibition of household goods and the key professional event uniting Russian retailers.
We invite you to take part in the exhibition of household goods, goods for country life and outdoor leisure
10 th International specialised exhibition OUTDOOR DACHA – the biggest Russian B2B exhibition and the key professional event of the industry!
Organiser of the exhibition: LLC “MOKKA Expo Group”, Mayer Corporate Group – member of the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI)
Benefits for the development of your business at Outdoor Dacha-2023
towards exhibition expenses from the Government of Moscow. Participation in the exhibition is funded by regional Centres for Entrepreneurship Support, Agencies for Regional Development, Centres for Export Support and other authorized organizations in the Russian regions
with federal and regional retail networks, wholesale companies and distributors, online stores and HoReCa representatives. The exhibition is visited by over 300 chain stores and the biggest wholesale buyers
Chance to conclude from 3 to 5 wholesale contracts at the exhibition
in 1-3 months after the participation in the exhibition (average data based on exhibitors’ survey)
in stores of Russia and the CIS countries due to an increase of sales points in trade networks and retail stores
The share of regional visitors amounts to 43% from the overall number of visitors
Over 80% of visitors are prepared to sign wholesale supply contracts with the participants
Directors and business owners make up 39% from the overall number of visitors. 42% of visitors are category and purchasing managers.
77% of the participants are content with their participation and are eager to take part in the next exhibition.  
Link Group, Aquapulse, Kedr+, Rustrade Jasmina, Teza Trade, Decart Mebel, Yarmarka Tver, Arno Werk, Veles, Finedesign, Git Invest, Globus, Decostek, Tula Sad, Edrem Plast, OSK, Udachnaya Mebel, Invest Decor, Mebeltorg, Lex-S, Floory, Poliphorm, Alternativa, Opttorg Izhevsk, Podarki Leta, Leto Lux, LiveInGreen, Polivchik, Leader Company, Venik Mechty, Chemiline, Phargaz, Nadezhda, Korol Lev, STM Trade, Raduzhnyi Dom, Mir Kleenki, PVC Group, Techlab Term, Roplast, Kolorit, Posuda Pack and Technexport.
Among regular buyers are the largest Russian DIY, Household and Garden trade networks: Magnit, X5 Retail Group, Auchan Retail Russia, OBI, Dixy Group, Lenta, Metro Group, OK Group, Globus, IKEA, Tvoy Dom, Azbuka Vkusa, METRO Cash & Carry, Crocus, Familia, Hoff, Expedicia, Tashir Group, Alye Parusa, Yuzhnyi Dvor and many others.
Within the framework of participation in OUTDOOR DACHA visitors may take advantage of a special programme for visitors. The programme includes:
BUSINESS PROGRAMME OF THE EXHIBITION always means the best experts, unique cases from leading companies, effective tools for the development of your business .
The exhibition takes place at the same time as HouseHold Expo – the biggest Russian B2B exhibition of household goods and the key professional event uniting Russian retailers.
About the company: Mayer Corporate Group is a member of the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI), the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the Russian Chemists Union. For more than 20 years the company organises professional B2B exhibitions and congress events. Nowadays the company holds 8 international exhibition projects, business forums and conferences every year. Mayer Corporate Group exhibitions are held with the official support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. The company also specialises in the production of in-store furniture, POS-materials and premium wide-format printing with its own productive capacity, design of exhibition booths.
IEC "Crocus Expo", Pavilion No. 2, 65-66 of km of MKAD (outer side), Myakinino subway
IEC "Crocus Expo", Pavilion No. 2, 65-66 of km of MKAD (outer side), Myakinino subway
Thanks! Your application is very important for us. In the nearest future the manager will contact you!
Organizers: LLC «MOKKA Expo Group», Group of Companies Mayer J. Group. Official support: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of RF. 20 Ovchinnikovskaya Embankment, building 1, Moscow, Russia Tel.: +7 (495) 363-50-32/33,; e-mail:

Мы не продаём авиабилеты, а помогаем найти самые дешёвые. Бесплатно.
Мы не продаём авиабилеты, а помогаем найти самые дешёвые. Бесплатно.
Авиасейлс — крупнейший поисковик авиабилетов в России. Мы сравниваем все доступные варианты перелётов по вашему запросу, а потом направляем вас для покупки на официальные сайты авиакомпаний и агентств.
Стоимость авиабилета, которую вы видите на Авиасейлс — финальная. Мы убрали все скрытые услуги и галочки.

Письмо с маршрутной квитанцией (билетом) отправляет продавец в течение 3 часов на почту, которую вы указали при бронировании. Если на почте письма нет, проверьте папку «Спам» в своём почтовом ящике — часто потерянные письма оказываются именно там.
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Возможность возврата зависит от тарифа билета и правил авиакомпании. В некоторых тарифах вернуть билет получится только за дополнительную плату, в других же это будет бесплатно, а некоторые билеты вернуть не получится.
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Возможность обмена зависит от тарифа билета и правил авиакомпании. В некоторых тарифах обмен включён только за дополнительную плату, в других же он будет бесплатным, а некоторые билеты обменять не получится.
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Некоторые авиакомпании допускают до трёх опечаток в фамилии, имени или отчестве, но лучше уточнить необходимость исправлений у продавца. Изменение данных может быть платным. Чтобы исправить ошибку, нужно обратиться к продавцу. Посмотрите его название в билете.
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Порядок действий зависит от того, купили вы билет или ещё нет. Если нет, вы можете воспользоваться фильтрами при поиске на нашем сайте, и мы будем показывать только предложения с багажом. А если уже купили — тогда добавить багаж получится через продавца или авиакомпанию.
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