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This is a city which moves to its own frenetic beat - and visitors can either go against it or try to find their place in its chaotic rhythm. Within the labyrinthine medina, an endless convoy of zip-zappy motorcycles will whizz past, leathery stall-holders will grab and yell and heckle to capture your interest, young men will follow and harangue with smiles on their faces but menace in their eyes, the modern world clashes with the medieval and scents and stenches unbeknown to you will strike at will. And then there's the heat; the cloistering, sweltering, sticky heat mixed with exhaust fumes and frying oil and tagine-tinged charcoal. During our stay in Marrakech, we fell in and out of love with the city on an almost hourly basis. An experience would occur or a scene would unfold which would make our hearts swell, only for an interaction a little later to dash our hopes away and dent our confidence in whether Morocco was really a country for us. Not everyone will love their time here, but nobody will be able to leave this city without a sensory experience which stays with them for a long, long time. This is how we recommend you spend your days here and our pick of the very best things to do in Marrakech. However, we implore you to not allow your time in the city to be fully shaped by staying at the riad with 'that pool', visiting 'that spa', drinking at 'that cafe' - by all means experience those places, but don't restrict your experience of a wonderfully complex and textured city by following the photogenic footsteps of your favourite 'grammers. We would however ask you to make an exception - just this once - for the wonderful Ben Youssef Madrasa. The fantastically preserved 14th-century former Islamic school is a fascinating representation of Moroccan design and architecture. Wander around the courtyard, inspect the ornate tiles and, if you're here early enough, bask in the tranquil silence. Make sure you take a trip upstairs to pop your head into the tiny rooms, once home to around students, and then stick your head out of the wooden windows to gain an utterly new perspective on the skill involved in creating this place. After a long hiatus the Madrasa closed for refurbishment in , this must-see in Marrakech is finally open again to visitors! Where Kaat Benahid, Medina. Find it here on maps. Price 50dh the price has increased considerably since it shut for works. Whilst we spent many hours in Marrackech side-stepping puddles and dodging thunder storms one of the risks of a winter visit , it did mean that we made a point to visit the Maison de la Photographie. Housed within this small building is the sort of street photography and portraiture that take our breath away, including some beautiful shots from over years ago. If you have even a passing interest in art or photography, or want a snapshot into Morocco's traditions and people, this is somewhere you absolutely can't miss it may even turn out to be one of your favourite things to do in Marrakech. We spent hours here - and not simply to avoid the rain. Just don't forget to make some time to enjoy a mint tea in the rooftop cafe, a spot with arguably one of the best views in town! Housed in the late 19th century Dar Mnebhi Palace considered to be a fine example of Andalusian architecture , the Marrakech Museum contains a collection of weapons, pottery and other traditional Moroccan objects. The main reason to visit however is the remarkably photogenic central courtyard. Entry is 70 dh per person, and the museum is open every day from 9 am to 12 pm, and then again 3 pm to 6. You can find it here on maps. Together, they created something even grander, and more beautiful than what once existed. A combined entry ticket costs dh per person or separately at a cost of dH for Jardin Majorelle, and dH for the museum and although tickets can be bought on arrival, it is highly recommended that they be purchased in advance. At the top of most people's to-do lists when visiting a new country is trying out the local cuisine. Whenever possible however, we like to go one step further and take a cooking class! Upon arriving in Marrakech, it was time to master the tagine. Or specifically, a class with Souk Cuisine, an excellent cooking school in the Medina. A shopping trip in the local's markets with our gifted wallets of cash and giant shopping bags for the ingredients, then back to a beautiful riad where, along with the three local lady helpers, we learnt to cook a traditional four course meal which included some of the best food we've had in our two visits to Morocco. It was a fantastic half-day experience which left our bellies full and minds enriched, but also led us to parts of Marrakech which would have remained hidden otherwise. Further information Read about our Marrakech cooking class experience here , or book a cooking class. The only time we felt we had control over Marrakech was when we returned to the city after our hot air balloon ride and took our morning coffee outside the riad. The stalls all housing the same souvenirs were not yet open, the motorcyclists were still deep in slumber and only a handful of shops and cafes were opening. With so little traffic, and so few people, it was calm. On a little plastic table, with the sun yet to turn the city into a furnace, we took so much pleasure in seeing a different side to the city. You can find it here. There is the medina the old town , the new town which exists outside the city walls and is home to the vast majority of residents , and then there are the islands of tourist luxury in the hotels and all-inclusive resorts and golf courses on the periphery. If you want to have a full-on Marrakech experience, then it is the medina where you should spend most of your time. All of Morocco's medinas seem designed purely to bamboozle the visitor, to misdirect them, deceive them and unsettle them. Sometimes, this may result in a wonderful discovery of a shop selling thousands of lamps away from the masses, or it might direct you to a part of town where you don't feel welcome; this is the risk and reward of discovering Marrakech on your own. Taste the freshly fried sugary doughnuts, try out your garbled French or Arabic, stop for that syrupy dark coffee on a sidestreet pavement cafe, and play with the kittens that seem to be everywhere. It's free, it's rewarding and it's the best way to truly understand the city. Mellah Created in the 16th century to provide protection to Jews fleeing persecution in the Iberian Peninsula, this pink-tinged section of the medina is a little less crazy than elsewhere. It is open every day, but times vary dependent upon time of year. You can find full details here. Wrinkled berber men proffer thick hand-made carpets, young shop keepers offer iconic Moroccan lamps, countless stalls flog everything from wonderfully crafted ceramics to traditional leather shoes, handbags and jackets. The souks markets of Marrakech are a place made for those that enjoy a barter and a bargain. Not the sort of spot for lovers of pre-decided prices, uninterrupted browsing or swift shopping experiences, instead, the purchasing of gifts and homewares from these sheltered labyrinths is much like a courting dance, a little give and take, never showing all your cards at once. You'll almost certainly overpay at least a couple of times, but, in some ways, that's half the fun unless you get properly ripped off of course. Souk Semmarine This is the main souk, from which all others branch off. They sell a wide variety of items, but most commonly pottery, high-quality fabric and textiles shops think kaftans and pashminas , as antiques, carpets and jewellery - all very much aimed at tourists. Find it here. Souk El Attarine In the market for a shiny item? This is where to head! They also sell spices and perfume. Souk el Kebir and Souk Cherratin This is the place to go if you want to buy anything made of leather think bags, belts, wallets and purses. Both of these souks lead off of Souk El Attarine. Souk Zrabi What many of you will probably want to make a beeline for, this is the carpet souk. Souk des Bijoutiers As you may have guessed from the name, this is the jewellery souk. Souk Chouari and Souk Haddadine Specialising in carpentry and blacksmithing, these are two souks that are integral to the daily lives of local Moroccans, and fascinating for visitors. Souk des Sebbaghine A kaleidoscope of colours, this souk is full of those selling dyed wool and silk. Even after several days in Marrakech the souks can be bewildering so keep your bearings, looks for the - well hidden - signs and try not too panic if it becomes overwhelming which it sometimes can. Want some more information on the layout of the Marrakech souks? Read this post. As the sun awakes from its slumber, rising up behind vast mountains and casting a golden glow over the Moroccan countryside, it's difficult to believe that here, you are less than an hour from the bustling streets of Marrakech. We had never taken a hot air balloon ride before, but that morning a bucket-list adventure came to life. The balloon ride itself lasts around an hour which honestly feels like the perfect amount of time , and the remainder of the tour is taken up with transfers to and from the hotel as well as a typical Moroccan breakfast. Who We took our balloon ride with Ciel d'Afrique and can highly recommend them. Duration The entire tour lasts around 4 hours, with a flight time of one hour. Cost dh per person for Classic Flight. Do note that they offer a variety of options. Bookings can be made here. Yves Sant Laurent Tour Learn about the designer's life in the city on this guided tour of his most beloved locations, including the Jardin Majorelle. This one has good reviews. Medina by Night Tour Plaza Jemaa el Fnaa is at its best once the sun has set - join this local run tour to experience Marrakech and the Medina and night! Arabic Calligraphy Class Join an experienced artist in his workshop and learn how to create beautiful lettering, fine-tune your calligraphy skills. A niche experience but definitely unique and interesting! Night Street Food Tour Discover by the sights, scents, and flavors of Marrakech on a guided street food tour. Includes lots of tastings and the change to explore the Medina and souks at night. Food Tour and Dinner Be guided by a local as you wander through the souks sampling olives, dried fruits, nuts, and pastries. Followed by dinner in the iconic Djemma El Fnaa. Top tip Book your private airport transfer now for peace of mind when you arrive. We recommend this one they have lots of excellent reviews too. In a world of looming high rises and shadowed streets, where cities swell and expand far beyond their intended limits, old towns can often lose a little of what makes them so special. Not however in Marrakech, a city safe-guarded by local ancient laws stating that no building can be higher than a palm tree. It's this decree which makes the Koutoubia mosque, located deep in the heart of the medina, such a tourist draw and standout landmark of the city. Off-limits to all but muslims, its minaret, visible from nearly 30 kilometres away, captures the eye and dominates the skyline. For those of you not entirely sure about what a hammam actually is, imagine this: a lot of nakedness, a soapy rub down, hot steam, a slightly aggressive exfoliation and an enthusiastic massage. In Marrakech, having one of these is as much an integral part of the tourist experience as sampling a local tagine. Unfortunately however, after way too much research to try and find the perfect one, we left booking ours too late and couldn't get in to the hammam we were so looking forward to visiting on our last day - it's definitely top of our list if we ever go back! Now, picking your hammam-du-jour depends very much on your budget. For those ready to rough it with the locals, you can find small hammams dotted throughout the medina usually away from tourist areas costing around 10 dh to enter, with additional fees for a scrub 15 - 30 dh and massage 50 - dh. If you're looking to push the boat out and go for a much more luxurious experience catered for tourists, consider the Royal Mansour , La Mamounia , Heritage Spa or Les Bains de Marrakech. Just be sure to book in advance as, like we found out, they are incredibly popular. Bountiful orange trees, landscaped gardens and birdsong can be found in one of the most ornate mausoleums we've ever seen; the Saadian Tombs are proof that even in death, for some, wealth can truly live on. This remarkable spot is the final resting place of Saadian Sultan Ahmed al Mansour ed-Dahbi as well as nearly of his nearest and dearest. It was pretty much forgotten about until , when aerial photographs revealed what his successor had chosen to hide. A wonderfully peaceful place, even when busy, this is where to come when the medina has become a little too much. Wander the mausoleums and marvel at the Italian marble, the pure gold gilding and the intricate mosaic tiling - or simply make like the stray cats who call the tombs home and sit for a while in the sun. There are a number of well-known gardens around Marrakech, some charging quite extortionate prices for entry, but we found this place a nice alternative. Where Rue de la Kasbah, next to the Koutoubia Mosque. Price 70dh up from 10dh in - proof that Marrakech has significantly increased in popularity! Legend has it that on the day of El Badi's great unveiling, the Saadian sultan turned to the court jester for his opinion on the extravagant new palace. The jester's response? That jester may well have been the wisest man in the room! Built in the 16th century by Saadian sultan Ahmed el Mansour yep, the same one responsible for the grand tomb , this famous palace, translated as 'The Incomparable', has been stripped of much that once made it so grand, the gold relocated to Meknes by the sultan's successor. Yet that does not mean that this vast palace is not worth a visit or that the true scale of its grandeur is entirely lost. These ruins are vast, and those with even a passing interest will needs at least an hour or two to truly take in the grounds. It also has some nice views over Marrakech, as well as some of the most fantastic tiles we spotted in the city! Where Visible on every map we saw, simply head through Pl des Ferblantiers and turn right along the ramparts. Although there are several beautiful resorts within Marrakech, to really get a taste of this centuries old city, opt instead for one of the stunning riads within the walls of the medina. As well as being fantastically, uniquely Moroccan, they provide an aesthetic and tranquil oasis of calm - essential for any visitor spending a day or two in this city. We spent five deliciously hectic days at Riad Porte Royale , and would recommend it to all who are looking for a fabulous riad experience without spending a fortune - read this post to find out more about our stay. Have no idea where to pick? We hated Plaza Jemaa el-Fnaa; in comparison to the beauty that can be found in Marrakech's medina, this was the ugly side. There are men with monkeys on chains, unsavoury characters, henna tattoo scammers and pickpockets abound and an abundance of overpriced and very average restaurants. In a country where alcohol is pretty much forbidden, there is a cruel irony that its day-to-day experience made us crave a cold beer more than anything else in the world. Instead, we settled for another mint tea overlooking the square at one of the number of cafes with terraces - absolutely the best way to do it. This is the cheapest way to get from the airport to your accommodation, costing 30 dh return per person return must be used within two weeks. Buses leave every minutes between 6 am and The fares from the airport are fixed some taxi drivers may need reminding of this! Petit Taxis hold up to three passengers and cost 70 dh to the city centre, and dh to the La Palmeraie suburb. Grand Taxis seat up to six people, and cost dh for the city centre, and dh to the La Palmeraie suburb. Book it here. An important note for taxis and private transfers is that as many sections of the medina is inaccessible to cars, if you are staying in a Riad, you will likely be dropped off a couple of hundred kilometres away. Unfortunately, we speak here from experience! For the vast majority of your time in Marrakech, your two feet will be enough - especially as many of the best things to do in Marrakech are in the car-free, labyrinthine streets of the medina when you have not choice but to walk! You can find taxi ranks outside of the medina walls, or alternatively get your accommodation to arrange one for you. Day passes cost 50 dh and allow three hours worth of rides for a 24 hour period. You can find full details on the service here. Our Night in the Sahara Desert. Please note that some links on our site are affiliate links. If you choose to purchase through these links, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. By using these you are directly supporting Along Dusty Roads to remain an independent travel blog, and to provide you with free content to help you travel more, and travel better. Updated October No guide can prepare you fully for Marrakech. Things to do in Marrakech. When 9am-7pm 6pm winter Price 50dh the price has increased considerably since it shut for works. And, oh my goodness, we're so glad we did! When 9. You will, undoubtedly however, get lost. Travelling by yourself or worried about getting lost? Take a hot air balloon ride at sunrise As the sun awakes from its slumber, rising up behind vast mountains and casting a golden glow over the Moroccan countryside, it's difficult to believe that here, you are less than an hour from the bustling streets of Marrakech. Duration The entire tour lasts around 4 hours, with a flight time of one hour Cost dh per person for Classic Flight. When Closed to non-muslims. Settle down you at the back! When 9am The Essentials Where Visible on every map we saw, simply head through Pl des Ferblantiers and turn right along the ramparts. When 9 a. Price 70dh. Look down on Plaza Jemaa el-Fnaa We hated Plaza Jemaa el-Fnaa; in comparison to the beauty that can be found in Marrakech's medina, this was the ugly side. 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The famous Jemaa el-Fnaa square is known all over the world not only as the main sight of the city, but also it's frightening history. Try traditional Moroccan whiskey, which is a humorous name for a most delicious mint tea ever. It really looks like that strong drink! Soup harira is an authentic part of the magnificent Moroccan cuisine and also is considered to be a national treasure. Have a look at the odd blue rocks of the Atlas Mountains. This masterpiece is not at a miracle of the nature, but the most unusual work of art. This stunning place served as a source of inspiration for the great fashion designer Yves Sen-Laurent. Moroccan hammam it is not a spa as many tourists used to think - it is a pretty harsh public bath for local people. A dizzy road leads to the Dades Gorge. Try to ride all the way by this dangerous, but spectacular motorway. Tagine is an exotic kind of well-known roast beef in a ceramic pot. It differs in many nuances - cooking time, seasonings and other ingredients. Ride a camel in the dunes of the hottest desert in the world. It is so much fun to explore the Sahara when you are sitting up high on an exotic animal. Cast into the Moroccan flavor and go on a balloon flight over Marrakech. Take a picture of the sunrise in a desert. Camels are always accompanied by their keepers - agree with them about the distance of the ride before setting out. Share your ideas of what to do in Marrakesh with other travellers — together we'll make our travellings more interesting! How to walk inside the active volcano in Greece? How to feed flying dogs in the jungles of Thailand? How to cycle along the Great Wall of China? How to swim in the famous Trevi Fountain in Rome? How to ride a kayak along the canals of Venice? How to walk on the roofs of skyscrapers in Dubai? On the stunning Jemaa al-Fnaa square daily performed colorful magicians, jugglers, narrators of folk legends, musicians and of course, snake charmers! One of the most exotic spectacles in Marrakech is snake charmers. They can be found at the famous Jemaa el-Fnaa square. The snake can let itself to take hold, accept a treat from charmers' hands, but there is always a danger for the owner to be bitten and deadly poisoned. Come to the square of Jemaa el-Fnaa. Here, snake charmers come across at every turn. Make a selfie with a snake charmer and his pets, if you dare! Come in the evening. The square is opened day and night, however, all the most interesting happens in the evenings. TOP things to do in Marrakesh. Save it! Reviews Guest 04 December Add review. More things to do in Marrakesh 3 Taste Moroccan whiskey oddviser Try traditional Moroccan whiskey, which is a humorous name for a most delicious mint tea ever. FREE 5 Tafraoute town. Know more things to do? Guest Share your ideas of what to do in Marrakesh with other travellers — together we'll make our travellings more interesting!

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