How to choose name and username for Telegram channel?

How to choose name and username for Telegram channel?

angels media

In the previous article we talked about how to analyze our competitors, entering the Telegram market and creating your own channel.

And so, when you, taking into account all the factors, have already chosen the topic for the channel, one, at first glance, a very simple question arises in front of you — how should people call this channel? And when you think about this issue, you know for sure that not everything is so simple here.

The name of the channel is its face, this is what users pay attention to first of all, because the name is visible in the contact list and displays the essence of the content. To call the channel in the Telegram is necessary so to achieve success. And for a quick channel promotion, you should choose a good name.

The name for the channel is like a sign for the store, according to which potential buyers evaluate the assortment and decide to stop and ask or pass by. And only after the user has logged on to the channel, s/he wants to know the details and begins to study the description.

In aggregate, according to these two criteria, a potential subscriber can already make a decision: subscribe and follow the news or pass by.

We will talk about how to create a qualitative description in the next article. And now about what principles should guide the choice of channel name.

Channel name

The principles are in many ways similar to other projects, where the name should bear a certain meaning:

  • The name must correspond to the content, that is, reflect it directly or indirectly. If the topic of the channel is related to the area of ​​activity in which creativity is valued, then you can experiment with the name. The main thing is that the name is not associated with something completely opposite, since subscribers see exactly the name of the channel and its avatar in the contact list.
  • It is desirable that the name was original, memorable and different from dozens of projects with similar subjects.
  • And, of course, you should monitor your competitors. This action is necessary for a significant reason — the name may not be original and repeat the name of an already existing channel. Yes, it happens often. And you already know how to analyze competitors.

What is indicated in the link is just as important as the name of the channel, ideally it should duplicate it so that there is no confusion during the search. Most Telegram users search for channels of interest through the search box in the messenger or through directories that are openly accessible on the Internet.

Duplicate name

Continuing the idea of ​​the previous paragraph, it is worth paying attention to individual cases where the name is completely duplicated, but the link is individual for each. This fact distinguishes the original from the channel-clone and helps to avoid fraudsters. The link, as well as the name, can be changed, but it is better to leave it the same so as not to confuse the subscribers.

for example

The Angels Media team has a network of 12 Telegram channels. And for each of them we picked up the name and link. They turned out to be of three types:

  • channels that have matching names and addresses (for example, “Come on Ua” @come_on_ua);
  • channels whose address is a simple translation of the name from Russian/Ukrainian to English (for example, “World hits” @world_hits)
  • and channels that have different names and addresses, but still serve the same purpose (for example, “Ask Uncle” — a channel for repair and construction — has a short name @building_ua).

How to change the name and description of the channel

Sometimes you have to change these two parameters completely or make some changes. For example, when updating contacts, you should replace outdated information in the description. The same with the name of the channel can be made at the time of its creation an error. Or after some time, it was decided to change its name.

The procedure for smartphone:

  1. Open the channel and click on its sign located at the top of the screen.
  2. In the window that opens, click on the sign with the image of the gear.
  3. Click on the "channel description".
  4. Change name or description.

The procedure for the PC:

  1. Open the channel and click on the sign with the image of three points, located in the upper right corner of the window.
  2. In the pop-up menu, select "Manage Channel".
  3. Click on “Channel Info”.
  4. Change name or description.

The examples above are generalized for all platforms. The Telegram application does not have any striking differences for either an iPhone or an Аndroid. Exactly the same way PC applications do not differ in their functionality on different operating systems.

So that the name and link of your Telegram channel are as efficient as possible, they must:

  • match the channel theme,
  • be unique, interesting and memorable,
  • adapt to the possible search queries of users.

See you soon!

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