How to analyze competitors?

How to analyze competitors?

angels media

You have already defined the niche and the theme of your Telegram-channel.

The next step is to analyze the market, find your competitors and understand how you can stand out among them.

How to do it?

There are several Telegram-channels for analysis , but for this purpose we recommend the Telegram Analytics . This is a project with open statistics of more than 50 thousand Telegram channels in four languages ​​(Russian, English, Uzbek, Persian).

The project automatically indexes Russian-language, Ukrainian, English-speaking, Uzbek and Belarusian public channels — builds ratings by subject, makes detailed analytics and helps to track the mention of channels throughout the messenger .

And the stage of competitor analysis does not require registration at the service. So just go to and turn on the necessary parameters.

First you need to determine the country whose telegram channels you want to analyze:

After that — mark the channel category. Please note that by default only a few categories are displayed, and you can see a list of other categories by clicking on “More categories”:

After selecting a category, you need to select the period for which you want to see the rating.


Be sure to check “Only confirmed channels”, which means that these channels have passed the test of this service.

Pay attention to the "Advanced Search" function, with which you can search for channels by a certain number of subscribers, by coverage of 1 post, ERR and advertising cost. For the analysis of competitors such a search is not needed. And more about these indicators we will talk in the following modules of the course.

Now an example. Suppose you are analyzing the English-speaking market, channels in the category “Education” as of “Yesterday”. After receiving the results, you can choose — by what parameter they should be sorted in ascending or descending order (subscribers, growth, total coverage, 1 post coverage, ERR and IC — citation index):

By default, the results are sorted by decrease in the number of subscribers. That is, in the first place you will see the channel of your chosen subject with the largest number of subscribers (in this case, 66.4 thousand). At the last — with the smallest (a total of 75 people):

In addition, you can also see the number of competing channels in this category. In our example, in the category “Education” there are a total of 25 confirmed channels.

In addition to statistical analysis of the number of channels, channels in the first and last places, you can also look at the gap in the number of subscribers between channels. This is important when you assess what limits you strive for.

Clicking on the channel address, in the page that opens, you can see the most detailed channel statistics:

After analyzing the numbers, you can start analyzing the content . All your competitors are now in front of you. You just have to copy the name or nickname of thechannel (as in the previous figure) and paste it into the search field in your Telegram account. And going to the channel, you can fully analyze its content :

  • what it consists of (types and headings),
  • how often is published
  • how is made out
  • etc.

Remember, when analyzing competitors, you should see and understand that there is a demand for such information, but the competition is not too tough and big. Most likely, it will be difficult for you to create a successful channel in a topic that is already oversaturated (now these are, for example, quotes and philosophical thoughts), or in a topic that is not popular.

In the next articles we will continue to share with you the experience of creating and promoting Telegram channels.

See you soon!

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