📵How can I protect my agency from sending links, emails, forbidden info, invitations to other sites using ChatOS? [🇷🇺 Русская версия]

📵How can I protect my agency from sending links, emails, forbidden info, invitations to other sites using ChatOS? [🇷🇺 Русская версия]

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1️⃣ Protection against sending links, emails and forbidden invitations

If you work on the Prime.Date and Anastasia Svadba sites, then the ChatOS block list will become your defense.

What is already in it➡️ There is a block list from ChatOS (where there is a basic set of bad words and parts of domains or emails)

What block list can do more➡️ There is an additional opportunity for you to create your own block list where are variations of words and signs that can harm you.

🔽 For example, you think that the site blablablab.com may not use the most correct ways to attract men. As a result you may become a ‘victim’ of some spam translator of your agency.

In this case, you can protect yourself.

▶️ Add the word blablablab to block list of your agency. If a Lady(Translator) tries to start sending invitations or mails with this word, ChatOS will not send the message.

Just enter in the block list phrases, or words or signs that you consider harmful and stay calm.

How the block list works, where to find it and how to turn on it for your agency there is an detail article in detail with screenshots

2️⃣ Protection against sending incorrect words and phrases in chats.

All the same. ChatOS block list helps you.

When you have created a list of forbidden words for your agency, you can use this list for chats with one click (by checking the box in the right place).

And then, even with direct chatting, Lady (Translator) will not be able to send this phrase or word.

ChatOS will stop this.

🔻What you need to remember:

First,➡️ it’s important to understand that blocking will work when ChatOS extension is active.

❗️ Remember: if ChatOS is not launching, here is no control.

Secondly,➡️ ChatOS will block only words from the block list (you can not bother about Caps. The block list understands it. You can also customize the block for the whole word or part of it)

Thirdly,➡️ even if you have your agency block list, do not refuse to use the ChatOS block list also. It contains a lot of useful things.

❗️ Let both block lists work: the more lists, the more reliable the protection.

Moreover, the block list is free for you.

Fourthly,➡️ the ChatOS block list will only work for Ladies’ profiles which are added to your ChatOS personal account. Therefore, when registering a personal account and when new Lady arrive at the agency, it is important to add them to your ChatOS personal account.

❗️ Anyone who is not in the ChatOS personal account stays without control and checking for stop words.

Of course, it is probably impossible to foresee all the words and their spelling variations that could be harmful.

BUT! To protect yourself and the agency, for example, by 80% instead of 0% is already a lot.

Good Ladies and Employees for you!

Insure yourself with the ChatOS block list😉

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