⚠️How Block list works [🇷🇺 Русская версия]

⚠️How Block list works [🇷🇺 Русская версия]

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The Block List is an agency's help to prevent sending incorrect words, links, emails as invitations to chat, mails and even during chat conversations.

🔻Where Block List is

Block list is in your agency's personal account👇

🔻How to use it

Firstly, you can use or not the Block List. The thing is up to you:)

Check mark next to "Use block list in my agency" means that the List of prohibited words and signs works for the entire Personal Account.

If there is no check mark, it means strict rules are not for you. Block List does not work.

If you have decided to use the Block List, then choose the best way for you from the options below:

1️⃣ You can activate ChatOS Block List. Open and view the list (by clicking "Check ChatOS block list") and, if you agree with such prohibitions, check the "Use ChatOS Block list" box and this list will work for the Prime.Date and Svadba.com sites for all types of extensions .

2️⃣ You can also create your own unique Block List by writing down all the bad words and forbidden combinations to send. Add a word, indicate the site on which the ban is in effect, the type of extension (chats, mails), indicate whether the Caps Lock is important for you (small or large letters in the word) and a match for the complete word or part.👇

▪️ And one more!!!

If you want the Block List to work not only for invitations to chat and mails sent with extensions, BUT to prevent you to send bad words directly during chatting, check the "Use block list when chatting or sending invitations manually" checkbox

So ChatOS will protect you from sending words from the list, an incorrect messages will not be sent.

▪️ It is important to remember!

Notice, if the ChatOS extension is not launching and inactive, then,of course, the Block List does not work.

Protect yourself from troubles and problems associated with sending prohibited content. Use Block List!

The ChatOS team wishes you only pleasant and correct correspondence and chats! 💚

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