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Living abroad comes with a fair amount of challenges. Learning the culture and adapting to a new lifestyle is a lot to take on. Having your health needs taken care of is one less thing to stress about. Knowing who to contact and where to go when problems arise offers a lot of comfort and security. Being informed is a little superpower we can all access. Knowing how the medical system works will be very helpful. Illnesses usually come unexpectedly, and sometimes we need prescription drugs to tackle the health problem. You might be wondering how that works in Estonia. Next up we will go over everything you need to know about prescription medications in Estonia. Estonia is a digitally advanced country, where a lot of things are done online. So are prescriptions. A digital prescription is an electronic drug prescription or a digital medical device prescription that a doctor prescribes for a patient on a computer. The digital prescription is not printed on paper but sent directly to the Prescription Center. The Prescription Center is an electronic database established for prescribing and processing prescriptions medicines, baby food, medical devices. That is the most common practice in Estonia. You must log in to the portal to view your information. By default, you can see prescriptions written in the last 6 months but you can change the timeframe yourself. From the same portal, you can also see your referrals, test results and medical records, and you can also fill out your health declaration. That is why Estonians love technology — everything gets done in a fast and convenient way! You can buy your own prescription drugs or have someone else do it for you. But you do have the option to limit the right to buy out the medicine while the prescription is being prepared by your doctor. All prescriptions are otherwise automatically public, but this status can be changed by the doctor if you find it necessary. The different types of prescriptions are:. A doctor will file a digital prescription that a pharmacist can find through your personal code. If the medicine is bought for another person, you must also know their personal identification number. In most cases, it is still not possible to buy medicines abroad with a digital prescription that is issued in Estonia. If you plan to go abroad and want to buy prescription drugs while there, ask your doctor for a paper prescription. A prescription for a medicine prescribed in Estonia is valid in all European Union countries. But you have to keep in mind that the prescribed medicine may not be available in another country, and it may also have a different name from the one your prescription states. Estonian digital prescription is valid in Finnish, Polish, Portuguese and Croatian pharmacies. The same rules apply when going to buy a prescription, you need to have an ID card or passport with you. Other EU countries will gradually join the cross-border digital prescription project, and soon it will be possible to buy medicines with a digital prescription in other EU countries as well. Meanwhile, in a case of emergency, it is still possible to get your prescription drug through your doctors help in other EU countries as well. You can find more information about cross-border digital prescriptions on the website of the Center for Health and Welfare Information Systems. The payment process for medications is the same as for paper prescription drugs. For example, in Finland, a person insured in Estonia must first pay the full price for the medicine prescribed to them in Estonia. Later, it is possible to request a refund of the amount paid for the medicine from the Public Health Insurance Fund Haigekassa. An application for reimbursement of the cost of the prescription medicine must be filed with a purchase receipt for the medicine. The documents can be sent to the Public Health Insurance Fund by mail or taken to the customer service office. For any questions regarding prescription drugs — whether you need more assistance, you need to get a new prescription or renew an old one, Salu is here to help you out! Our medical team is available every day to offer guidance and advice as well. The different types of prescriptions are: Private prescription — only the patient has the right to buy the prescription from the pharmacy. Authorized prescription — the prescription can be purchased from the pharmacy by the patient or by people who have been authorized for this purpose in the patient portal. Upgrade your healthcare game with our Annual Package. Find out more. You might also be interested in these articles. How to stay protected during a new potential Covid outbreak.

Prescription Drugs in Estonia

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These datasets underpin the analysis presented in the agency's work. Most data may be viewed interactively on screen and downloaded in Excel format. All countries. Topics A-Z. The content in this section is aimed at anyone involved in planning, implementing or making decisions about health and social responses. Best practice. We have developed a systemic approach that brings together the human networks, processes and scientific tools necessary for collecting, analysing and reporting on the many aspects of the European drugs phenomenon. Explore our wide range of publications, videos and infographics on the drugs problem and how Europe is responding to it. All publications. More events. More news. We are your source of drug-related expertise in Europe. We prepare and share independent, scientifically validated knowledge, alerts and recommendations. About the EUDA. On this page, you can find the latest analysis of the drug situation for heroin and other opioids in Europe, including prevalence of use, treatment demand, seizures, price and purity, harms and more. European Drug Report — home. The drug situation in Europe up to Drug supply, production and precursors. Synthetic stimulants. Heroin and other opioids. New psychoactive substances. Other drugs. Injecting drug use in Europe. Drug-related infectious diseases. Drug-induced deaths. Opioid agonist treatment. Harm reduction. Between and , the mean age of all clients entering specialist drug treatment for heroin use and for those doing so for the first time increased, as did the proportion of older clients see the figures Age distribution of all clients entering treatment with heroin as their primary drug, and and Age distribution of never previously treated clients entering treatment with heroin as their primary drug, and , below. These changes in the characteristics of those seeking help raise important policy and service-level challenges. Services are faced with the need to respond to clients who present with a more complex and more chronic set of mental and physical health, employment and social care needs. As well as directly responding to drug-related problems, services are also increasingly faced with the need to provide care for older opioid users who may require additional support to prevent or treat age-related illness and disability. This signals the need to reorient existing models of care and services to these challenges and for increased emphasis on establishing effective multi-agency partnerships and referral pathways with general health and social support services. While heroin continues to be involved in the majority of opioid-related deaths overall, the number of countries in which this is the case has decreased; at the same time, other opioids have become more prominent. Acute drug toxicity presentations to sentinel hospital emergency departments show that, in , in some cities, other opioids — often those used for opioid agonist treatment — have overtaken heroin as a driver of presentations. In addition, in presentations to treatment services, a move away from injecting see the Injecting drug use section among both first-time and previously treated heroin clients has also been observed over the last decade, possibly reflecting the effect of safer-use messaging and harm reduction and prevention efforts see the figure Trends in the main route of administration of clients entering treatment with heroin as primary drug, by treatment status. This is important, as this mode of administration is particularly associated with a range of negative health outcomes. Although demand side data are not indicative of any observable increase in heroin prevalence, supply side indicators of availability have returned to or even surpassed the pre-pandemic levels. These increases are associated with large amounts of this drug trafficked in individual shipments, reflecting a more general trend in drug trafficking practices. Despite the greater quantities seized in , there is little evidence to suggest that this has significantly reduced availability, as only marginal changes are observable in indexed trends on retail level prices or purity, and the drug remains relatively affordable by historical standards. While heroin or, to a lesser extent, medications used for opioid agonist treatment remains the focus for discussion on opioid-related problems in Europe, there are concerns that synthetic opioids may represent a growing threat for the future. New synthetic opioids see the New psychoactive substances section currently play a relatively small role in the drug market in Europe overall, although they are a significant problem in some countries. There is, for example, information to suggest an increase during in availability and harms, including drug-related deaths, associated with synthetic opioids in some northern and Baltic countries. Up to now, most concern in this area has been focused on the availability and use of fentanyl derivatives, such as carfentanil. However, more recently, the appearance of highly potent benzimidazole nitazene opioids, including protonitazene, metonitazene and isotonitazene, has been noted, as well as the detection of opioid mixtures containing new benzodiazepines and tranquilisers, albeit on small scale. These substances are discussed in more detail in the new psychoactive substance section of this report. Data are for all treatment entrants with heroin as the primary drug — or the most recent year available. Trends in first-time entrants are based on 25 countries. Only countries with data for at least 5 of the 6 years are included in the trends analysis. Missing values are interpolated from adjacent years. Because of disruptions to services due to COVID, data for and should be interpreted with caution. Missing data were imputed with values from the previous year for Spain and France and Germany Due to COVID restrictions within specialised drug treatment services, and data should be interpreted with caution. Trends are based the 19 EU Member States providing data over the period; only those with data for at least 8 of the 9 years are included. Price and purity of 'brown' heroin: national mean values — minimum, maximum and interquartile range. Countries covered vary by indicator. Show source tables. Back to list of tables. Not enough sample points were available to provide interquartile values for wholesale heroin prices. Homepage Quick links Quick links. GO Results hosted on duckduckgo. Main navigation Data Open related submenu Data. Latest data Prevalence of drug use Drug-induced deaths Infectious diseases Problem drug use Treatment demand Seizures of drugs Price, purity and potency. Drug use and prison Drug law offences Health and social responses Drug checking Hospital emergencies data Syringe residues data Wastewater analysis Data catalogue. Selected topics Alternatives to coercive sanctions Cannabis Cannabis policy Cocaine Darknet markets Drug checking Drug consumption facilities Drug markets Drug-related deaths Drug-related infectious diseases. Recently published Findings from a scoping literature…. Penalties at a glance. Frequently asked questions FAQ : drug…. FAQ: therapeutic use of psychedelic…. Viral hepatitis elimination barometer…. EU Drug Market: New psychoactive…. EU Drug Market: Drivers and facilitators. Statistical Bulletin home. Quick links Search news Subscribe newsletter for recent news Subscribe to news releases. This make take up to a minute. Once the PDF is ready it will appear in this tab. Sorry, the download of the PDF failed. A more recent version of this page exists: Heroin and other opioids — the current situation in Europe European Drug Report Table of contents Search within the book. Search within the book Operator Any match. Exact term match only. List of tables Table 1 age distribution of all clients entering treatment with heroin as their primary drug, and Table 2 age distribution of never previously treated clients entering treatment with heroin as their primary drug, and Table 3 users entering treatment Table 4 trends in first-time heroin entrants for treatment Table 5 Trends in the main route of administration of clients Table 6 heroin market seizures data Table 7 heroin market seizures trends — numbers Table 8 heroin market seizures trends — weight Table 9 heroin market price and purity data Table 10 heroin market price and purity indexed trends Table 11 hospital emergencies: proportion of the acute drug toxicity presentations with heroin Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Percentages except where otherwise stated. Table 4. Trends in first-time cannabis treatment entrants Country Germany Spain Italy France Other Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Heroin wholesale price range EUR Substance Low High Heroin Not enough sample points were available to provide interquartile values for wholesale heroin prices. Table Table 11a. Trends in the proportion of the acute drug toxicity presentations with heroin involved in selected hospitals in Europe Hospital Dublin For the latest data and detailed methodological information please see the Statistical Bulletin Prevalence of drug use. Graphics showing the most recent data for a country are based on studies carried out between and Main subject. Target audience. Publication type. European Drug Report main page. On this page. Prevalence data presented here are based on general populaton surveys submitted to the EMCDDA by national focal points.

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