How To Take A Big Cock

How To Take A Big Cock


How To Take A Big Cock
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So you meet this guy and he’s everything you would ever want: strong, sexy, adorable, funny, smart… the whole package. You’re getting on great and you start making out. And you’re like, “Wow, this is gonna happen.” And happen, it does. You start touching each other, your shirt comes off, his shirt comes off. Next is the bra. Then the pants. And then, you realize…
Maybe it’s long. Maybe it’s wide. Worse – maybe it’s both. You have this moment when you’re like, “This is full on porn star dick. I can’t even deal. Like, what the fuck am I supposed to do with all of this?”
First: take a deep breath. Big dicks come on guys of all shapes and sizes. Previous pseudoscience tying dick size to shoe size and/or height has been proven false. The only thing science is now saying may predict dick size is index finger size relative to ring finger size. (Pretty crazy, right?) But unless you’re checking out a guy’s index finger size (*cue awkward conversation about why you’re looking at his hands*) you’re not gonna know until you get to that moment when it’s too awkward to turn away just because of dick size. I’m here to tell you there’s no need to turn and run. With a little bit of knowledge and a few tips, you’ll be working the extra large dick like a pro in no time.
As I always tell friends, remember, your vagina can literally push out a baby. Like, babies are fucking huge compared to penises. Granted, there are some complications with that, like tears and injury… But for most penises, your vagina can (usually) handle it – with the right preparation, that is. There’s a number of things you can do to get ready for it.
Editor’s Note: Everybody is different, both vaginas and penises. If insertion is causing you pain – please take that as your body’s cue to stop. We recommend several techniques like foreplay, relaxation, lubrication, and trying different positions – but if you are experiencing pain, please stop. We recommend seeing your doctor if you have any pain, and definitely not pushing yourself past your limits. You know your body best!
The most important thing is to make sure you’re aroused and excited. Foreplay becomes the utmost of importance. With smaller guys, you might be able to take the dick right in, but trust me, it WILL be painful if you try to shove an extra large peen in before you’re ready. As you’re playing around with foreplay- nipple play, making out, touching, hitting, tying each other up, etc. – play with his dick, too. Get comfortable with the size of it in your hands, in your mouth, and anywhere else. Basically – own that dick.
Keep in mind, however, that oral sex with a big dick is different than with an average dick. Also, keep in mind that he does not (nor should he) expect you to deep throat if he’s too big. If you have a gag reflex or taking a whole dick in your mouth at once weirds you out (and let’s face it, no one eats a whole banana all at once), then that’s ok. The tip of the penis (especially on uncut guys) is much more sensitive than the shaft anyways.
What do you do if you’re still terrified of taking his D because as it gets harder and harder it just becomes bigger and bigger? Take a deep breath, and try to change your thinking about it. Anxiety never made an orgasm. Imagine you’re a super sexy porn star. Picture yourself in a porno of your very own (bonus points if you actually film it). Then, know that you’re in total control of the situation.
Once you get to the point where you feel ready to go for it, make sure you slather up his dick and your pussy with lots and lots of high quality, water-based lubricant . Distract yourself as he’s entering you by continuing to make out with him or doing something with another body part that will keep your mind off thoughts like, “Ow, this is going to hurt.” If it feels a bit tight when he’s first inside, ask him to stop and just kinda hang out there for a second while the pussy expands, then slowly start going at it.
For big dicks, especially, when you’re inexperienced with them, I highly recommend girl-on-top positions as they allow you to control the motion and pace. Other good positions include side by side positions because neither of you can thrust that far, such as spooning (which is a doubly good position because he can’t go too deep AND you’re cuddling which releases all those feel-good hormones)! Some people recommend missionary with legs closed, but honestly, it’s not my fave when I’m dealing with extra large dicks. Personally, I like to have some modicum of control, which missionary doesn’t really give me.
If you’re still having trouble, talk to him about keeping things slow and letting him know when he can come inside of you and how fast and/or deep you like it.
Another thing to consider is, if you’re anything like me, there will be times in your cycle that’ll feel more flexible than others. During the times of the month when you feel tighter than a clamshell, take it extra slow and easy with the foreplay and you’ll find you’ll still be able to take his dick in time.
The last very important thing to remember is that your pussy is a wonderful thing that can stretch, stretch, stretch more than you think it can. Meaning, there are very few penises too big for it (remember, it’s capable of releasing babies).
So please don’t make the mistake I did when I was 18, thinking that my relationship was doomed because it seemed like his penis wouldn’t fit. In reality, since we were both virgins, we had absolutely no idea what we were doing.
But now you DO know what you’re doing! Use your new knowledge wisely and you might just find that you love how deeply that big dick can penetrate!
I’m completely sex positive, I agree a lot of people might be able to fit a larger dick in their vagina than they think they can (and that foreplay is under-utilised and leads to a stretchier pelvic floor and a lengthened vagina.) I get that.
But “Meaning, there is NO penis too big for it” is totally, totally incorrect. When we push babies out, our bodies are releasing so many hormones to allow this that just aren’t released during sex. Even WITH those hormones, a huge amount of women tear their perineum and need stitches. Not even mentioning the vaginal opening has limited stretching compared to the pelvic floor and so can tear more easily. Vaginas are not gonna stretch to baby-size unless they are actually having a baby.
I believed all this about no-penis-too-big until I tried to fit a huge one in me. I used lube, I was on top and went slowly, we tried multiple times in different positions, hours of foreplay – and he tore me so badly I needed stitches, caused inflammation from micro-tears that left me inflamed for 5 weeks. I went to my gynaecologist, my women’s health physio (who deals EXCLUSIVELY with vaginas/pelvic floors) and my practice nurse. They all confirmed – some vaginas are stretchier than others, some penises just won’t fit in some vaginas. It’s just a fact. That huge penis might fit fine in some vaginas, for others it is a no-go zone. They explained about how the baby analogy is wrong as stated above. And that penis I tried to fit in me? It was too big for my vagina. (It was 8 1/2 inches and 7 inch girth.)
I love this website and when this happened to me, I googled everything, and so many articles said “hey any size penis fits in any size vagina” that I felt like I was wrong, like there was something wrong with me. I felt like I wasn’t trying hard enough, and I blamed myself for the significant pain and trauma I went through.
So for anyone who has tried everything suggested: don’t blame yourself. You’re not the one at fault. It’s not because you haven’t tried hard enough. Maybe his penis really is too big for your vagina, and that’s okay. Maybe you can try other forms of sex that aren’t penetrative (or use sex toys for penetration), or maybe you can move on. Just please, please don’t blame yourself.
Thank you so much for sharing your story! It is so important, and your experience is so powerful – and often overlooked. We are so sorry you had to go through all that!
Certainly, some penises might just be too big – and it varies widely depending on person to person. Every one’s body is different, so what works for one person might not work for another.
We would always recommend that if insertion is causing you pain, to stop immediately to prevent any injury. Even with foreplay, relaxation, lubrication, and trying different positions – pain is your body’s cue to stop. We always recommend seeing your doctor if you have any pain, and definitely not pushing yourself past your limits. You know your body best!
We’ve added an Editor’s Note to reflect this.
And of course, we agree any pain is not your fault! Every body is different. If anything, blame biology! 🙂
We hope you’re all healed and have a fabulously satisfying sex life here on forward!
i have had as much as 10 inches and thick if your partner takes his time working it in slowly it becomes a very pleasureable time
This dude is telling me he doesn’t want to make the effort to come out here unless I prove to him I can take a big dick. He’s suggesting I use a cucumber. I’m not going to do it but I just thought that was a little bit relevant. He’s a douche.
Tbh why do you have to prove yourself I mean like you have a good time to show it why are you talking to him in the first place whore ?? If I don’t have trust in the ability which ironically has been a bit of trauma for me too my bf is literally a rock that thing hurt so bad cuz i over tightened for months and one day I just used a toy and it felt so much better Tbh I suggest he gets the chick with the big pussy and you can understand that dick is the bane for you bruh ? I mean what are you women even doing and also if you can take 10 inches why are you here?
Hmmmmm I started bleeding because it was too big. Now I’m anxious to try again
i had a baby 3 years ago and my partner and i have recently split as i wouldnt sleep with him. i tried me best and it was so painful as i had to b cut from front to back wen i had my son as it all was a traumatizing time. since we have split im so afraid to try sleep with a guy im seen as i dread its going to b so bad paibful sore etc anxiety makes me so scared also. 🙁
find a nice man with a small penis every one is different there are small vaginas and small penises for a reason every one is always obsessed with big dicks. The truth is you should be looking for a key to fit your lock not a battering rams LOL its much better to have fun sex with some one who fits you and not have to worry about getting hurt . Society tells us that the only good dick is a big one its a myth you can have more fun with a smaller penis than a larger one
Ms. A, Let me begin by saying that I love your sex positive attitude and confidence. As for the big dick topic, I think just as they vary in size, length, girth etc, so do vaginas. I wish there was a way we all could find our perfect fit without being judged for it.
I agree. When I was with a woman who had a very large VJ I barely hit a side. I’m above the norm but I would go limp because lack of Stimulation. I wish it was diff as I love and miss her. If I can tell all one thing if love is found. Anything else, even sex is inconsequential. Try to value love the most I am 50 mm and still think bout Smya.
Thank you for writing this! I will be attempting my first time with a big guy! And I’m a bit nervous / scared / anxious at the same time and a bit worried he’s too big!
My guy is about 12 inches and very thick. I saw it and got scared. I mean literally terrified. But we’ve been talking and he’s willing to be patient and gentle. So, we’re moving forward. I waited a long time to meet a man as loving, considerate, kind and did I say loving? as he is. I don’t want to forfeit this treasure trove of love simply because he is very amply endowed. I’m going to prepare myself to receive him and we’ll continue “practicing” until I can handle him like a pro. Besides, a lot of heavily endowed men realize the importance of oral sex and other foreplay because those things aid them in getting their prize; the nooky!
Please could you help. A gynecologist told me I was a little tight -had tight skin at the base of my vagina but it didn’t need surfer – just manual stretching. I have had problems with this tightness beforewirh larger penises . Yet I haven’t let tried stretching it as I have been with a smaller partner for a longtime .now I am with a larger you know of finger stretching works?
my boyfriend too has a very large penis, you have to use many lub hihii.
I’m 20 and just lost my virginity and he was huge. One of my fears and why it took so long for me to finally have sex happened. It was car sex and we tried 3 different positions before we quit and found out I was bleeding. Quite a bit. We hung out together for like another hour or so and when I finally got home I was still bleeding some. First off, I know some bleeding is normal for a first time but I don’t think this is and I’m still sore which I suppose is a given but I’ve never had sex before let alone with someone huge. Luckily he’s super understanding and stopped when I said it was too much but I’m so clueless right now. This happened last night and I still have some light bleeding? Any advice at this point would be great, I’m not gonna try to have sex with him again until I’m not sore so that I don’t push myself but I really like this guy and barely understand the basics due to no real education and finding out what I see online. But he’s like 9 inches and until last night I was a virgin so I’m slightly in over my head
Love wands they are my favorite sex toys I prefer them to be plunged into a wall.
Statistics lover here and a skeptic of women claiming to be having sex with dudes with HUGE dicks (>8 inches). I think three possible things are at play here: 1. A 5’0″ lady fucking an (above average) 6″ dick may think that it’s HUGE. 2. A guy exaggerates his dick size or sucks at measuring (inches vs cms?). 3. A bunch of guys are pretending to be women posting about HUGE dicks because they’re insecure about their own penis.
Now, on to the math and facts: 1. Lots of resources out there about penis length percentiles. A penis that is 8 inches is in the >99.99% percentile. Every little bit more in length increases the rarity drastically. This means that there are less than 1 in 100,000 men with a penis of 8 inches or more (or less than 10 per 1,000,000 men). 2. There are approximately 40 million men in the US between the ages of 18 and 35 (presumably what most ladies online are fucking). This means that there are less than 400 fuckable men in the US with a penis of 8 inches or more. 3. Being generous with the numbers, of these 400 men, less than 100 would have a dick of 9 inches or more, and less than 25 would have a dick of 10 inches or more. In the entire US.
In conclusion, I don’t doubt that women think they’re fucking “HUGE” dicks, but the reality is that there just aren’t the numbers of guys with these dicks (>8 inches) to go around. Just grab a tape measurer, and see how big 8-10 inches really is, and you’ll see how improbable something like that existing.
Also, I’m not a cranky dude with a small dick. I’m about 6.5″ erect (above average), and I’m very happy about my size. I think it’s big and wouldn’t want anything larger. And, for what it’s worth, my wife thinks it’s HUGE.
For a very long time I had a problem getting any woman to sleep with me. I’ve only slept with 2 women my entire life. I had no idea what’s big or how big I am. My cock barely fits into a paper towel roll and it’s 10 inches insertable.
My wife after having kids don’t even want to look at or even touch it it’s so bad and hard all the time I’ve been so frustrated I told my wife if an alien offered me vagina I would take it even if it felt like sandpaper
All the man meat and no where to put it I cannot sell it or advertise it and when I mention I’m packing a tool of monumental pororition most woman think it’s a joke and that 10+ inches is a myth and honestly as long as your making an effort to drain the third leg it’s matters little how it’s done
I want to leave my wife but for what jut to find another woman who even worse then the last bottom line is I never Needed a wife I needed a slut!
Okay, so my ex and I have gotten back together, the only problem is last time, we couldn’t ever really have sex! His penis is bigger then my forearm, he’s not going to be back home for a few more months so I would really like to find a way to make it enjoyable for both of us. (It kinda hurt him too before because it was too tight) I definitely took notes from the post but any other advice would be great!
So my opinion is it depends on the girl. I have had up to a 9 inch before but just met a guy I really really like but he is 10 1/2 or so. I have had 2 kids but by c-section and I haven’t ever had anyone bottom out on me before. I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll be able to take it I mean theoretically it’s only an inch or 2 more right? Fingers crossed lol
SMP I would advise get some bigger dildos and get used to a bigger size being in there. The guy I’m talking to was like let me see ur sex toys and I showed him and he said get bigger ones. He said it helps so maybe help u.
And Jonathan don’t give up u don’t need a slut u need an adventurous girl who is up for the challenge.
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Sex needn’t be hard just ’cause he’s hung – trust us and read on.
Sometimes described as the worst problem to encounter in a partner, there is a misconception that guys with big dicks can be impossible to have sex with – but well hung guys really don’t need to be an issue for you or your sex life.
Penises come in all different shapes and sizes , and it’s true that some people sit quite happily at the larger end of the penis length spectrum.
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