Asstr Cunt

Asstr Cunt


Asstr Cunt
(M+, g11, g10, g9, g5, g2, incest, cons, oral)
David and Casey are taken out to dinner and meet new friends...

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Warning: This is just a story. Please do not try this at

Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit
material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please
leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read
or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material,
please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any
resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you
are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are
offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex
between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code
before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not
promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to
unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

After taking Casey into the house and into the shower, I
preceded to wash the cum from inside and outside her young body. When I had
finished, I lifted her off her feet and into my arms and lowered her onto my
hard pulsating cock. My cock slipped easily into her ten-year-old pussy, not
surprising considering the number of cocks that her hairless young pussy has
had inside her.
Pressing my preteen slut daughter up against the shower
wall, I slammed my cock into her pussy again and again. She moaned and wrapped
her arms around my neck, holding onto me tight to stop from falling and kissing
me passionately on my mouth while pushing her tongue into my mouth.
When I started to cum and shoot my hot seed into her tight
hairless pussy, she broke our kiss and moaned, “Daddy, I love you and I love
having your cock inside me.”
“I love you too, sweetheart,” I replied as the last of my
cum squirted inside her young pussy.
I lifted her off my soft spent cock and stood her in front
of me and turned off the hot water and helped her step out of the shower.
After drying her wet body, I took her into her bedroom and
helped her step into a sheer thong that barely covered her hairless young
pussy. I then slipped on a party dress that zipped up from the front. It was
the shortest party dressed that she owned. The bottom of the dress just covered
her thong and the top of her dress just covered her budding young breasts.
I wanted Casey to look as sexy and attractive as ever for
when Robert took us to dinner. After brushing her long hair and tying it into a
ponytail, I applied some red lipstick on her lips and helped her pull on her
knee-high boots. At precisely 6 pm the limousine arrived out the front of our
house and the driver came and knock on our door. When I opened the front door
and the driver saw Casey he smiled at her, led us to the limousine and opened
the back door for us to climb inside.
Robert was sitting in the back of the limousine drinking a
glass of whiskey when he saw Casey. He smiled, patted the seat next to him and
said, “Hi, Casey. You look amazing.”
As soon as Casey sat down beside Robert, the bottom of her
dress rode up, exposing her sheer thong to him. As he gazed at her hairless
young pussy. Robert chuckled, “You don’t need to wear these tonight. Let’s take
them off.”
Robert took hold of the sides of her thong and started to
pull them off. Casey lifted her bottom allowing her thong to easily slip down
her legs. With her thong removed Casey parted her legs allowing Robert to rub
her hairless young pussy. I watched as his finger penetrated my young
daughter’s hairless pussy and he started to finger fuck her.
As he finger fucked my young daughter he chuckled, “David,
open the front of Casey’s dress and let me see her young breasts.”
I slowly pulled down the zipper on the front of her dress
until her dress was fully open, exposing her small puffy breasts with their
hard pointy nipples and pussy to Robert’s lecherous eyes. Casey closed her eyes
and leaned back in the limousine’s seat, nude for all practical purposes and
parted her legs further apart giving Robert easier access to her pussy.
As he began to finger fuck her young pussy faster, I began
to squeeze her budding breasts and twist and pull on her nipples making them
stick out further. When Casey let out a loud groan, the limousine driver looked
in his rearview mirror at what was happening to Casey. On the drive to the
restaurant, the driver was constantly looking in his rearview mirror at Casey
spread out naked in the back seat.
He pulled the limousine to a stop and turned off the
engine. Turning around he looked at what we were doing to Casey and said,
“We’ve arrived at the restaurant.”
After Robert and I helped Casey pull her dress back on and
zip up, the driver climbed out of the limousine and opened the backdoor for us
to exit. The driver grinned as Casey dress slipped up her legs as she climbed
out of the limousine, exposing her hairless young pussy to his gaze.
As Robert led us into the restaurant, I looked back at the limousine
driver he was sitting in the back seat of the limousine with Casey’s thong that
he had picked up off the floor, held over his nose breathing in her sweet
Inside the restaurant, Robert said, “David, this is the
restaurant manager Gerald Robertson… Gerald this is David, and his daughter,
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” said Gerald.
“You too,” I replied shaking Gerald’s hand.
Gerald took Casey’s hand in his and kissed her hand and
sucked on her fingers making her giggle and said, “It’s lovely to meet you,
“It’s nice to meet you to Mr. Ryan,” giggled Casey.
“Robert, do you want your regular table?” asked Gerald.
It was easy to see that Gerald also had a love of young
girls by the way that he looked at Casey and held her hand. As he led us
through the restaurant I noticed that at several tables, several men were
sitting at a table having a meal with a young girl. What was surprising was
that some of the girls were partly undressed.
As Robert and I sat down at the table, Gerald pulled out a
chair for Casey to sit in. When Casey sat down her short dress slipped up her
thighs and exposed her hairless young pussy. As Gerald pushed the chair and
Casey into the table, he couldn’t stop looking down at Casey’s hairless pussy.
“Can you please bring us a bottle of champagne?” asked
“Is there anything the young lady would like to drink?”
asked Gerald as he continued to stare at Casey’s hairless young pussy.
“Just bring us three glasses. I think Casey is old enough to
have a glass of champagne,” said Robert.
As Gerald went to fetch us a bottle of champagne and three
glasses, Robert moved his chair closer to Casey and chuckled, “David, When
Gerald returns, I want you to pull down the zipper on the front of Casey's
“You want me to expose Casey’s breasts to him,” I asked.
“What about the other customers?” I asked looking around the
restaurant to see who was watching.
“They won’t mind,” chuckled Robert.
When Gerald returned with the champagne and moved around the
table pouring the champagne into our glasses. He observed Robert moving his
hand between Casey's bare thighs and rub his fingers over her hairless young
pussy. I reached out and pulled down the zipper on the front of Casey’s dress
to expose her small young breasts to Gerald.
As Gerald stared at my daughter’s small budding breasts and
Robert rubbed my daughter’s hairless young pussy, I watched in disbelief as
Robert smiled at Gerald and pushed his finger deep into Casey's young pussy and
start to finger fuck my daughter in front of the restaurant manager.
“Gerald, David, likes to share and watch other men use his
young daughter for pleasure… just like you do with your two daughters,”
chuckled Robert.
With one hand on her shoulder, Gerald reached down with his
other hand and cupped Casey’s breasts. He squeezed her breast and after
pulling and twisting her nipple chuckled, “Is that correct, David? You like
watching other men use your daughter?”
“Yes, I do,” I replied watching Gerald squeeze Casey’s other
“Casey, you have lovely young breasts and wonderful
nipples,” chuckled Gerald pulling on her nipple.
“How old are your daughters,” I asked.
“Vickie is eleven and Rose is five,” replied Gerald
continuing to fondle Casey's breasts.
“Where are your daughters?" I asked. "I would love
to meet them,” I said as I noticed several men staring at Gerald fondling Casey’s
“Rose is at her babysitter's and Vickie is working here in
the restaurant, I will send her over to take your order,” said Gerald walking
away with a large bulge in his pants.
As I looked around the restaurant, I noticed several men
were continuing to stare at Robert finger fucking Casey’s hairless pussy. What
surprised me was some of the men had their hands under the dress of the girl
they were sitting with. Other girls were stroking the men’s cocks and one was
under the table sucking the cock of the man she was with. Obviously this was a
private club.
A few young girls were now sitting topless enjoying their
dinner with their dresses around their waists exposing their breasts. “Robert,
what is this restaurant?” I asked as I looked around the restaurant.
“A lot of pedophile fathers bring their daughters here,”
chuckled Robert.
As I stared at one young girl with a flat chest, the man she
was with smiled at me and rubbed his hand over her flat chest and pinched and
pulled on her nipples making them stick out further. When I pulled open Casey’s
dress to give the man a better look at my daughter’s breasts, she slipped her
arms out of her dress letting her dress fall around her waist.
A young girl wearing an apron came over and stood in front
of me interrupting my view of the other young girl and asked, “Can I take your
“David, this is Vickie, Gerald’s daughter, Vickie, this is
David and his daughter Casey,” said Robert lifting her apron to expose her
hairless pussy to me. It was apparent that the apron was the only thing she was
“Hello, Vickie, it’s nice to meet you,” I said staring at
her bald cunt.
“It’s nice to meet you both,” gasped Vickie as Robert pushed
his finger into her young pussy.
As Robert's finger fucked Vickie, she wrote down our dinner
order and when she had finished and started walking towards the kitchen, I had
a clear view of her bare ass.
When I looked back at the other table, the young girl that I
had been watching was now under the table sucking the man’s cock. When Casey
saw what the young girl was doing, she crawled under the table, leaving her
dress on the chair. She opened Robert’s pants and pulled out his cock and
started sucking his cock.
Casey was still sucking Robert’s cock when Vickie returned
with our meals and began placing them on the table in front of us. When Casey
crawled out from under the table she was naked.
“You must be hungry for dessert,” giggled Vickie placing
Casey’s meal in front of her and using a napkin to wipe the cum from Casey’s
Casey reached out and ran her hand under Vickie’s apron and
pushed her finger into Vickie’s hairless pussy and giggled, “I would love to
eat you for dessert.”
Vickie giggled, “We could eat each other.”
“Robert and my daddy, both love to eat my pussy,” giggled
“Vickie, I hope you come back and join us when you finished
working tonight,” I said.
“I will ask Daddy,” replied Vickie removing Casey’s wet
finger from her pussy and sucking on Casey’s finger.
As Vickie walked away from our table to attend to another
table, leaving us to enjoy our meal, I had another great view of her bare ass.
As we ate our dinner, Robert told me about Gerald’s wife leaving him to look
after his daughters by himself. It was around that time that his daughters
climbed into bed with him, that he started to fuck them to comfort them and
shared them with a couple of his friends.
Robert explained how when the restaurant started to losing
money Gerald decided to sell the restaurant. When Mr. Miller heard about Gerald
fucking his daughters. He made Gerald a very generous offer to buy the
restaurant from him if Gerald stayed and managed the restaurant and shared his
daughters with him, Gerald happily agreed to all conditions.
The restaurant became an exclusive restaurant for pedophiles
to meet each other and enjoy a good meal and willing children. I now knew why
it was so hard to make a reservation at the restaurant, you need to be
accompanied by a known pedophile. It also explained the nudity and sex that was
happening during dinner. All through dinner Casey sat there exposing her naked
body to the other customers.
“Your daughter loves being an exhibitionist,” chuckled
“Yes, she loves being seen naked,” I replied.
After we had finished eating, Vickie came over to our table
to take our dirty plates away. She leaned down and gave Casey’s a passionate
kiss and squeezed her breasts and giggled, “Daddy said, I can finish work early
and come and join you.”
With the table cleared and most of the other customers
leaving, the lights were dimmed. Vickie was soon sitting naked at our table
kissing Casey passionately and fingering Casey's hairless cunt. Robert waved
for the man watching us come over and join us with the naked young girl he was
When they came over and sat down beside us Robert said,
“David this is Charles and his nine-year-old daughter, Elizabeth.”
“It’s nice to meet you both. That's my daughter, Casey,
she’s ten,” I said.
“Elizabeth is nine,” replied Charles moving her knees apart
to give me a better look at her hairless young cunt.
“Casey says hello to you Charles and your daughter
Elizabeth,” I said.
As soon as Casey and Vickie broke their kiss, Casey turned
around and said, “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Casey, let Charles have a good look at you,” I chuckled.
Casey turned her chair to face Charles and parted her knees
and spread her cunt lips apart with her fingers and said, “Is this better?”
“Yes, that’s much better,” I chuckled.
When Vickie moved over and sat on Robert’s lap Charles said,
“David, do you want Elizabeth to sit on your lap?”
“Yeah, I would love her too,” I replied.
“You should take off your pants or they will get wet,”
chuckled Charles removing his pants and letting his hard cock spring free.
When I looked over at Robert, I saw that he had undressed
and Vickie was sitting in his naked lap fondling his hard cock. That was all it
took for me to stand and undress, when I sat back down, Charles handed me his
daughter and I handed him mine. As soon as daughters had climbed onto our laps,
we had them face each other and we spread their knees to display their cunts to
each other.
Charles pushed his finger into Casey's hairless cunt and
smiled at me, as he started to finger fuck my young daughter. That was all it
took for me to start finger fucking his young daughter Elizabeth. When I heard
a loud groan, I looked over my shoulder and saw that Robert was slamming his
cock in and out of Vickie’s hairless young cunt as she lay on a table with her
knees bent and feet apart.
Charles stood and lifted Casey onto the edge of the table,
laid her down and spread her legs apart. After using his fingers to spread her
young hairless cunt lips apart. He buried his face onto her wet cunt and pushed
his tongue as deep as he could into her sex. Then started tongue fucking and
sucking up her sweet cuntal nectar.
A few minutes later Charles lifted his shimmering wet face
from between my daughter’s legs and thrust his cock into her cunt and began to
furiously fuck her. By the time I had slammed my cock into Elizabeth’s cunt,
Robert had already filled young Vickie’s cunt with his cum. They sat there watching
Charles fucking Casey and me fucking Charles' daughter.
After Charles unloaded his cum into my young daughter’s
cunt, filling her with his hot fresh cum, I started squirting my cum into young
Elizabeth’s cunt. We had just pulled our cocks out of their cum filled holes
when Gerald came walking into the restaurant and over to us holding the hand of
a young girl.
“David, Casey, this is my young daughter, Rose. Rose say
hello to David and his daughter Casey.
“Hello, David,” said Rose kissing me.
“Hello, Rose,” I greeted running my hand under her dress and
over her hairless young cunt.
“Hi, Rose,” giggled Casey kissing her and opening the front
of little Rose’s dress and begun undressing her.
I smiled watching Casey run her hand over Rose’s flat chest
and give her nipples a tweak. Rose responded by rubbing her fingers over
Casey’s cum filled cunt.
Once Rose was rendered her bare, Gerald chuckled, “Why don’t
we all move into the residence where we will be more comfortable and not
As they moved into the residence, they passed a young girl
who looked to be around two years old sitting in a high chair having her face
fucked by one man as another man stood stroking his cock watching the young
girl have her face fucked.
When Gerald saw David staring at the young girl he chuckled,
“That’s Tracy. She’s two and if you want, I can introduce you to her father.”
“Fuck yes, I would love to have some fun with her,” replied
“Tracy hasn’t had a cock in her young cunt yet, but has been
fucked in her young ass,” said Gerald.
“I would love having my cock in her mouth,” said David.
Gerald laughed. It was easy for him to see how much of a
pedophile I was and replied, “I will talk to her father when he’s not so busy.”
“Thank you,” said David, giving his throbbing cock a pump.
After leading them into the residence and through to the
bedroom, Gerald chuckled, “Why don’t you girls climb onto the bed and get to
know each other?”
Casey laid Rose on the bed, spread her legs and began finger
fucking Rose’s five-year-old cunt. Vickie took grabbed hold of my throbbing
cock and pulled me by my cock to a chair and pushed me down into the chair. She
then leaned down and took my cock into her mouth and began moving her mouth up
and down the shaft.
On the bed, Casey was busy licking and tongue fucking Rose’s
young hairless cunt. When they moved into a 69 and began eating each other's
cunt, Robert hooted, “Fuck yes, eat each other’s cunt.”
Sitting on the couch stroking their cocks was Charles and
Gerald watching two young lesbians on the bed. Robert only had eyes for Rose
and it was easy to see that he desperately wanted to fuck the five-year-old
girl. I grunted and pressed down on the back of Vickie’s head as my cock
exploded in her mouth.
As soon as I had finished cumming and Vickie had lifted her
mouth off my cock Charles pulled her in front of him and said, “Now suck my
Robert couldn’t wait for Casey and Rose to finish eating each
other’s hairless cunts and he pulled them apart. Waving his hard cock in front
of Rose's face, Rose opened her mouth wide and took his cock into her mouth.
It was nearly midnight by the time everyone had finished. We
were just relaxing after having drinks as I said, “I need to take Casey home to
bed. She has a big day tomorrow making her first movie.”
“Do you want to give Casey a shower before you take her
home?” asked Gerald.
“No, I will wait until we get home,” replied David.
After dressing Casey and himself, I thanked our hosts and
said, “Goodbye.”
“I will have my driver take you home,” said Robert.
As Gerald led him to the front door to let him leave, Gerald
handed me a message. In the limo, I read the message. It said, "Phone me
when you wan
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