How To Naturally Increase Penis Size

How To Naturally Increase Penis Size


How To Naturally Increase Penis Size
Home / Wellness / Mens Health / The Only Real Way To Increase Penis Size
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Can we talk? Let’s be real: size DOES matter. We all know that. We all try to not think about that, but the honest truth is, size really does matter.
There is billion dollar industry for male enhancement drugs and products to increase the size of a males penis, but many of them just plain do not work. So that leaves men wondering, can I really increase the size of my penis?
According to experts, the long answer has to do with what you are doing to your God-given organ in order to maintain it, keep it healthy and grow it over time.
First let’s talk about things that DON’T work:
• Forget enlargement products. . Three simple words: Waste of Time. Well, three more words: Waste of Money. They are expensive, and 99% of them are clinical frauds. No pill, potion, device, or exercise can permanently enlarge a penis. Some may give you other effects, like tingly down there or increased heart rate, which will have you THINK that it’s working, but it’s really now.
• Forget surgery. The full lengthening and girth enhancement, is expensive (around $15,000) and problematic. Lengthening surgery cuts the ligament that makes an erection stand up. This adds an inch or so, but erections no longer salute. They just hang between your legs and must be manually directed into erotic openings. Girth enhancement takes fat from the buttocks and injects it under the penis skin. Sounds good, but quite often, the result is a lumpy, deformed-looking penis. Not to mention if overtime it could cause problems.
• Quit smoking. Flaccid or erect, size depends on the amount of blood in the organ. Less blood means a smaller penis. Smoking narrows the arteries, including those that carry blood into the penis. Smoking limits blood flow into the organ, which makes it smaller.
So with that out of the way, what can you REALLY do to increase penis size? Well, let’s talk about what really works:
Before you do any manual stretching:
Only do these exercises while you’re flaccid.
Stop if the exercise causes pain or discomfort.
Sit or stand against a wall or table while you’re doing them.
Only do these exercises once or twice a day to avoid injury.
Talk to your doctor if you want to hold these exercises longer or do them more frequently.
• Exercise counts. Exercise improves arterial health, allowing more blood into the penis. But exercising the penis itself is pointless. The sex media sometimes refer to the penis as the “love muscle,” implying that like the biceps, certain exercises can buff it up. But there are different kinds of muscle tissue. The penis contains smooth muscle, not the kind that gets bigger with exercise. Lose the big belly, because a big belly encroaches on the base of the penis, making the organ look smaller. Lose abdominal fat, and your penis looks larger.
• Eat less meat and cheese, and more fruits the vegetables. A diet high in animal fat raises cholesterol, which narrows the arteries, including those that carry blood into the penis. Try going a day or two a week without meat or cheese. And eat five to eight daily servings of fruits and vegetables. They contain antioxidants that help keep the arteries open.
• Embrace meditative relaxation. The arteries the carry blood into the penis are surrounded by muscle tissue. When men feel anxious (including worrying about penis size), these muscles contract, constricting the arteries and reducing blood inflow and size. But as men relax deeply, these muscles also relax,…

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What if I told you it was 100% possible to increase your penis size?
But, let's be 100% clear. We're not talking about 3 or 5 inch length and girth gains.
I'll say it upfront - that's 100% BS
In fact, we'll as far as to say that a 5 inch gain is impossible .
However, a 3/4 inch gain or even 1 inch is completely possible .
When we're talking about penis enlargement we mean, on average, 1.5 inches and for every guy and a strong potential of up to two inches gained in their lifetime.
Oh, did I mention that these methods are all-natural (as backed up by scientific evidence within the past decade) and extremely cost effective?
Not to mention it's becoming exceedingly popular all around the world.
Increasing penis length is fairly straightforward.
All you really have to do is train by stretching it.
The most popular ways to do this are:
All these methods "stretch" the penis to train it.
First we're going to explain why it works.
You're creating small disruptions in your penile tissue called micro-tears.
Your body's natural response to micro-tears is to heal and repair itself bigger and stronger.
This is almost exactly like conventional bodybuilding (weight training).
With weight training it's called hypertrophy .
With penis stretching, it's called hyperplasia .
The main difference between the two is that in cell hypertrophy, each individual tissue cell grows bigger and the result is more visual size.
In the case of cell hyperplasia , the micro tears are filled in with more cells so you gain real, visual, physical size by simply having more cells in your penile tissue.
The best thing about cell hyperplasia is that the results are essentially permanent .
With weight training at the gym? Not permanent.
Ever see someone "go out of shape"? They essentially lose all their muscle from not working out in a long time.
But that's only in the case of hypertrophy, not hyperplasia.
It's because you essentially only have to do your penis training once in your lifetime and you'll have the gains for the rest of your life.
Clinical labs have literally collected data in studies done on stretching methods.
Here are the clinical results for one such study:
Amazing, huh? This study showed that an average erect length gain of 0.71 inches was achieved after 6 months of using a penis extender device!
Don't want to spend all that time and effort stretching?
Then you might want to let a penis extender device do all the stretching for you automatically !
The most popular extender devices on the market are:
Check out the best penis extenders - and learn how they work, and the best one to buy.
Penis extenders are the only method that have been clinically proven in a rigorous medical setting.
Here are before and after photos of men who have used penis extenders (PhalloGauge Medical Lab Study) :
There are about 15 different penis stretching exercises.
If you want to get started on them right away - we'll teach you how to do all the exercises here .
Penis Enlargement Hangers & Weights:
Penis hanging utilizes the same traction principle as extender devices.
However, instead of the device creating the traction through elongation of the device, the traction is created by weights that are hung from the penis as a result of gravity.
Like weight lifting, you increase the load by increasing the weights hung from the device are done as you progress from a newbie to a veteran.
While these devices can induce great stretches, they are obviously very inconvenient to use unless you can set aside a specific time and place to use them.
Popular hangers and weights include:
Penis girth is a measure of how wide or thick your penis shaft is.
The science behind penis girth size gains is the same as length - only the direction of growth is outward, not length-wise.
There's a couple ways that you can do it.
The first way is an extremely popular, well-known exercise known as jelqing.
Jelqing is popular because it's free - all you need is your hands to do the exercise.
It also can contribute to something minor length gains as well, due to the pulling nature of the exercise.
To summarize jelqing in a few words, it's essentially like milking your penis.
You create a OK sign with your fingers and "milk" your semi-hard (70-80% of your maximum hardness erection level) penis from the base of your shaft down to the base of your glans (mushroom tip).
That's the whole process in a nutshell.
However, there's a whole bunch of important considerations that you need to learn to make sure you're doing it properly.
In our ultimate jelqing guide, you'll learn:
We go way more into detail about penis pumps here .
Unlike traditional air-based vacuum pumps, the Bathmate is our favorite because it uses a water-filled chamber to create the suction on your penis.
The reason it's safer compared to air-based pumps is because the water prevents your penis from getting blisters.
Additionally, the pressure is much easier to maintain and control which also contributes to the safety factor.
Air-based vacuums put pressure directly on your penis skin and have the safety risk. Water-based vacuums distribute the pressure evenly in the liquid, evenly spreading the pressure forces on your penis.
The Bathmate will provide temporary girth gains that are immediately noticeable after doing a training session with it.
However, long-term girth gains can be observed with consistent use.
The Bathmate was meant to be used in the shower or bathtub with single-day training sessions that last between 10 to 15 minutes.
Contrary to what you might expect at first, using the Bathmate is actually kind of fun rather than tedious.
It never gets old to see how much bigger your penis temporarily increases immediately after a Bathmate session.
These exercises for girth use compression to stress the tissues of the penis, encouraging new cellular growth and enlargement. Compression exercises are particularly good for girth expansion.
The Compressor is one of the more common advanced compression exercises and is excellent for girth enhancement. This is a two-handed exercise. Here are the steps for doing the Compressor exercise:
However, here are some non-conventional herbs that you can eat to increase size:
The most popular herbal remedies typically include one or more of the following:
Some supplements out there include:
Learn more about the best erectile dysfunction pills for male enhancement, here.
Surgery is the most radical, risky method of enlarging your penis.
The effects are permanent and the results are immediate.
The increases are most noticeable in the flaccid state, so be sure you understand that quoted increases may reflect flaccid growth, and not erect.
Penis enlargement surgery involves medical alterations to the various parts of the penis.
There are different procedures for what you are trying to specifically accomplish.
For lengthening, the ligament attaching the inner penis to the public bone is severed, allowing the inner penis to slip forward.
For widening, fat is injected under the skin of the shaft, or a cellular matrix sheet is wrapped around the penis shaft, under the skin.
Glanular enhancement enlarges the head of the penis, through injection of fat material, to keep it proportional when other surgery is performed.
Just as there are many plastic surgery options to target your nose, cheekbones, or breasts, there are a few different ones to target length, girth, and specific part, in the penis surgical procedures; there is no one solution procedure to getting a bigger penis.
Risks of penis enlargement surgery include:
There are three primary surgeries used for penis enlargement:
After all, it's useless to have all that size when you can't even get your penis fully erect when it's time to do the dirty.
Let's take a step back and make sure we understand how the penis works again.
When its flaccid or hanging, that means there's little to no blood flow in the penis. But when you're at your maximum erection size, blood flow is at a maximum.
That is, a lot of blood is flowing in all of the cells and cavities of your penile tissue.
I'm sure you already know this but as you age, the ability to get blood flowing in your penis decreases.
This is called erectile dysfunction.
However just because you're not old, it doesn't mean your subject to your penis not working properly.
In fact there are some guys who simply watch too much porn such that they can't even get hard in real life sex.
Again, if you have trouble getting hard for whatever reason, you're wasting all the time and effort you put into making size gains because it can't even be used.
That's why we here on the PhalloGauge Team constantly stress how important blood flow is for increasing penis size, as well as overall men's sexual health.
One exercise that you can do to improve blood flow and increase overall hardness is called kegels.
In a nutshell, kegels are the squeezing of your PC muscles which are located slightly above the area between your testicles and anus.
By training these muscles you can get harder erections and a stronger ejaculate shot.
It also used to naturally increase blood flow. As a result, you can get harder, fuller erections, allowing you to consistently reach your maximum erect size.
Another popular technique to increase and the maximize blood flow through your penis is to do another exercise called edging.
When doing edging, you are trying to maintain a 80-90% arousal level.
The goal is to not hit 100% arousal level or else you orgasm. Game over. Edging training failed - try again after you recover.
Naturally, you're maximizing blood flow in your penis during this time, but another side benefit is that it strengthens your mind-penis connection so that you don't orgasm too early when you're having sex.
It's a great exercise to treat premature ejaculation, a type of erectile dysfunction.
However, if you're too lazy to do kegels or edging, then you can use thermal wraps to wrap around your penis which trap heat inside your penis to prevent vasoconstriction or the narrowing of the blood vessels.
These wraps naturally provides an enhanced blood flow to your penis without having to put in any time or effort.
All you do is just where the thermal wrap and reap the benefits.
It all depends on how much time and effort you're willing to put into it.
Overall, the more time and effort you put into it, they more results you're going to get.
Obviously, that's up to a certain point. Like we said at the beginning of the article you can't increase your penis size by 5 inches.
There's some genetic limit that prevents you from doing so.
But, like we also said at the beginning of the article, every guy can expect at least 2 inches of size gains in their lifetime.
Call me crazy, but that's a lot of size, considering the average size is about 5.5 inches.
Managing your expectations is important. So the time it takes to obtain these sorts of realistic size gains will usually take between 4 to 6 months.
After this amount of time you will definitely notice an increase in size.
Again, we like to stress that these results are permanent unlike muscle weight training which you have to spend hours and days maintaining for the rest of your life. That is, if you want to keep those muscle gains.
If you do it properly then it's 100% safe.
The complications start to occur when guys get too ambitious and impatient and start to overtrain.
Then, they end up pulling a ligament or bursting a blood vessel due to their own irresponsibility.
If you go to the gym and it's your first time ever, you wouldn't go straight to 300 pound dumbbells, would you?
The same is 100% true with increasing penis size.
Just be smart about it, start off small, and slowly work your way up and you will gain your size without sacrificing your penile health.
Again, we urge you to speak with your doctor or urologist before trying to increase your penis size.
While there are actually a few more common mistakes that guys make than the ones listed here, we're going to cover the ones you definitely need to know, right now.
Just like with regular fitness, overtraining is very real and undesirable.
It usually happens when guys get too excited and start stretching either too hard or too long during the day.
The biggest disadvantage to over training is that when you injure yourself, you set yourself back 1 - 3 months - a big loss of time.
That's because you have to spend time healing yourself - very similar to a athlete who tears their ACL or breaks their leg.
Natural penis enlargement is also not the fastest process, so any setbacks simply increase the burden on you.
In terms of not stretching too hard, the easiest rule to follow is to make sure that you don't feel any sharp intense pain.
If you follow that simple rule then you won't overtrain from applying too much force.
Overtraining from pulling to hard is not an issue that arises a lot, because once guys feel pain, they will stop - their natural reaction to pain.
Complications occur when guys think that they have to create pain to get results - completely untrue, and now you know better!
Just like regular fitness training, recovery is a very important aspect of succeeding.
The most common way that guys will overtrain is when they spend too much time each day stretching.
Specifically, you need to give yourself sufficient time every single day to rest and allow the tissues to regrow bigger and stronger than before.
So what's the general rule to follow for overtraining by stretching for too long?
For manual penis stretching exercises, don't stretch more than 20 minutes a day.
For those who use penis extender devices, don't stretch for more than 6 hours a day.
Again if
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