Mature Pleasure

Mature Pleasure


Mature Pleasure

Posted by: admin
7 February 2021

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Art Of The Feminine , Finding Peace , Honoring Yourself , Showing Up , Stillness , Surrendering

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It is so easy to get caught up in today’s fast-paced world that it is only until we fall flat on our faces that we get to really stay still. In praise of the true art of the feminine, Amanda Biccum talks about surrendering and finding the kind stillness that brings out our biggest breakthroughs. Show up for yourself amidst the chaos and into where you most need to be. Honor that in this episode.
I have a terrible time surrendering . I t’s one of the reasons why I’ve committed to li ving life the way that I do, in a state and a space with a lifestyle where most people would probably consider i t quite chaotic. W hen I don’t have a routine, when I don’t know where I’m going, it’s when I can surrender the most deeply. One of the areas that I’ve been practicing for the last years as I’ve been learning to trust the divine feminine within myself , within the world has been about learning to soften, to surrender, to do less and yet the deep ly ingrained programming still l ies thick within my veins. S ometimes , it isn’t until I fall flat on my face and I have no choice but to surrender that I finally get the message. T hat’s when my biggest breakthroughs end up happening. It’s a pr actice after all.  
O ne thing that I’ve learned having been a teacher for many years in different modalities and practices is that by becoming a teacher, b y positioning myself in a space where I’m constantly practicing because any good teacher is truly just a great student . B y putting myself in a state of constantly practicing, constantly embodying, I show up. I show up more fully for myself and in that , I show up more fully for my community, my loved ones, my relationships and anyone else around me. T his is what I teach. This is what I help. Those who come to me are ready to surrender to something greater tha n themselves and their ego, t he stories they’ve been sold and the stories society has sold them. W hat made me prompt this expe rience, this story, this show , is that I am lying on my bed in Ubud and I was incredibly sick. It’s probably one of the most physically, mentally and emotionally exha usted states I’ve been in p robably s ince I got really sick in India.  
I ndia was long – term death it felt like for ov er the course of three months, s o it’s hard to compare to that . This was an acute exhaustion and it was from me doing too much. It ’ s so funny because the doing part of me, the ego part of me, the part of me that still enjoys when she performs and feels like her performance is what creates her story of i f she’s lovable is so deeply ingrained in me and I love it. I love showing up and I love giving . I love being of service. 
S ometimes I love it so much that I give more than I have a nd that’s exactly what happened. I got done having amazing episodes of experiences where I was helping hold space and holding the space, creating temples . H elping hold temples and being in the Holland Tantra festival, su pporting there and having many late nights holding space and just being up late and starting early and serving all day again. I t was in all of those moments of doin g and giving , slowly I stopped doing and giving the things I know that my soul needs giving to myself. I became too tired be cause I would stay up so l ate, 3:00, 4:00, maybe even 5:00 AM that my morning pr actice began to be too much. I would skip out on my morning practice in order to sleep . T hen by the time I would wake up , it was going back into serving mode, holding space. I know this . It’s like a pattern that I’m far too well aware of that when I get into this pattern of giving more than I’m giving to myself, I end up crashing and burning. T hat’s exactly what happened.  
It can be easily disguised whenever I’m like, “I’m not goin g out and partying or doing nothing. I’m serving. I n a way , I am giving to myself.” That’s true b ut truthfully beyond it all, I’m doing too much and I’m not giving to myself. T hi s is exactly what I’m so adamant on when I run the di vine feminine experiences. A nother reason why I love hosting these experiences for women is that I show up as much as I ask the women to show up and we become pillars of consciousness, reflections of one another. T hat’s one of the reasons why I feel so called to continue hosting these experi ences for women. Here I am in Ubud. I came here and I was like , “ I can’t do anything. I’m not going to do anything. I’m sick. ” I had a f ever probably and I’ve been traveling . I rented an A irbnb where breakfast would be delivered to me. O ther than that , I was going to lay in bed and even that i s ha rd for me, the story of resting. I can see how my mind turns it into being lazy. 
The story of resting, I can see how my mind tries to turn it in t hat I’m not doing anything. T here’s guilt wrapped up in the non-doing and it pains me. It pains me that I’v e created a story to where resting isn’t good and that I need to be doing more. T his is the model in which my awareness is tuning to where I can choose to overcome that be cause it’s an old story. In fact, when I rest more, more comes through me. What I mean by that is I open up to receive more. When I rest more, my body is open. It is soft, receptive. When I’m doing, I become tense. Chris Bale put out a blog on doing and working out and the damage that causes to the receptivity of the female body specifically. It’s good . I f you guys ever check him out, Chris Bale on Instagram and Awakened Intent . We did an episode a while back. It’s still the number one episode. 
I sat here an d I landed in Ubud . I slept , then I woke up and I started doing just some stretching on the bed. B reakfast was brought to me and I promised myself that I’m going to get off the computer for three days. I’m not going to answer to anybody’s mess ages. I’m going to be offline, even to my loved ones. I can’t handle it. Th e funny thing was I said I was going to do that the da y before and then I received a WhatsApp message from a client and she’s like, “ Amanda, p lease, before you go offline, check your messa ges. It’s very im portant.” P art of me was like, “Boundaries.” T he other p art of me was like, “This is somebody you know. This is your business. T his is a client and this is somebody you care about. You should check the message.” This is a huge lesson for me, a nd maybe I’ll do a part two on boundaries. Boundaries are a huge lesson for me. Often, I don’t respect my own boundaries and that’s what gets me into a lot of trouble, which is what gets me into where I am now where I’m literally sick. 
I was laying in my bed and I’m like, “I’m just going to lay here all day.” I don’t remember the last time I’ve laid in bed all day and it’s beautiful. I’m in this canopy bed and I’m looking out at the garden and it’s amazing. It’s a bea utiful paradise. Th e masculine side kicks on and i t’s like, “Amanda, you want to find a place to live. Y ou’re g oing to be in Ubud for at least a month. You know that the quicker you find a place to live, the more grounded you become. Therefore, you should find a place to live and your friends told you that the best place to find a place to live is going to be o n the Facebook group. Y ou should do that while you’r e having your morning breakfast,” so I did. I disregarded myself again because I was living from fear that I wouldn’t find a place instead of living and trus ting to surrender. I t was after about 30 minutes online that I realized what I was doing, even though I didn’t check my messages, even though I didn’t respond to anyone other than the couple of people that I was messaging about a place . I t’s like, “What a re you doing? How hard is it to s urrender to yourself?”  
H ere I am working on this blog. The show is such a b eautiful platform for me to share my honesty and my vulnerability, my lessons, what I’m going through. It’ s a creative outlet. S ometimes when I’m too lazy to journal, whic h has been a lot lately, speaking comes naturally to me. It’s a place that I can express and there’s relief in that expression. I have to question, “Am I doing it because I desire or am I doing it because I haven’t put a show up in weeks and I’m feeling guilty about that? ” It never ends. H ere I am on a constant journey, learning to surrender, inviting in . T here’s a part of me that clenches inside, still wanting to hold on because I know the power of the word and the magic of the word. W hen I say inviting in that which will help me to surrender , I know that I’m also inviting in potential discomfort . I’ll share this message for a few reasons. The first is to reach out and to share some vulnerability , to sha re some of that which I’ve been witn essing myself go through . Also to share where I’ve been because I haven’t had many episodes. I’ve be en very busy with the personal and the physical world. I’ve had a little time to myself, which is when I’m alone is when I come up with creative content. 
T hird, I ’ll share as a reminder to myself that every momen t, I have an opportunity to surrender. A s much as every part of me wants to finish this episode and put it online quick, I’m not going to do that. I’m going to surrender that I h aven’t put an episode out and that’s okay. I’m going to practice what I preach and even thou gh sometimes I m ight mess it up, I’m going to commit to continu e embodying where I am and where it is I desire to be. I th ank you. Thank you for reading . Thank you for being a part of this community. Thank you for feeling into what surrende r means to you, how this resonates or doesn’t resonate and feeling deeper into why it is that you were called to read this episode. I’m sending love from Ubu d. Hopefully , I’ll surrender for the next couple of days and I have more time and space to l ean in and share more on the other side. Ciao for now.
Wonderful article! We are linking to this particularly great content on our site. Keep up the great writing. Marnia Major Hyacinthie
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constantly i used to read smaller articles or reviews which as well clear their motive, and that is also happening with this piece of writing which I am reading at this time.| Lorenza Jude Bolen
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I Photographed 15 Women Reaching The Highest Point Of Physical Pleasure
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My name is Albert Pocej, and I have been photographing professionally for 10 years already. This series was my personal challenge to capture the moment of women reaching the highest point of physical pleasure. How did I come up with this idea? I dreamed about it. I simply woke up and I knew I just had to do it. So I tried to explore the female orgasm through a photography experiment.
At first I thought it would be impossible. Finding the models was the most difficult part. I started to write to everybody I know without any boundaries since all the women are so different. The answers I got were mostly two kinds: “I don’t have enough courage”, and just the silence, which is also pretty obvious as an answer. When I finally found 20 women that were ready to take part in this project, some of them refused to continue when I told them that it will not be acting, and some of them weren’t able to relax already while shooting. So at the end there were only 15 left.
All participating models have experienced real orgasms during this photo project. To reach the best results, sometimes I used time lapse photography, making a picture every second automatically while I was nowhere around – this helped the models to relax. Some of the women didn’t need it and there were moments when the shot was taken manually by me.
I didn’t want this project to be a cliché, I didn’t want any acting – just the real feeling as it is. Every human being is different, so are their orgasms. I wasn’t trying to make it any better as it is in life. I wanted to make those looking at these pictures to think. And clichés don’t make people think.
Anyone can write on Bored Panda. Start writing!
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Uh... this is something I feel should be private, its also slightly skewed even still. This is what they look like orgasming while knowing they are being photographed. Would not be surprised if there are differences in expression, etc when they are home alone, and NOT in front of cameras.
I thought they just found out their partners finished cleaning up the house and got the kids to sleep.
I agree. I think Bored Panda must have been VERY bored to have posted this on their site.
Yet a picture of a woman dying is very much accepted by BP-fans.... I find that strange.
This comment makes me wonder a bit. Professional models shot by a professional photographer. If I carefully remark posting from private people posting very intimate shots from weddings, birth, etc. on Facebook people scream at me...
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my Aunty Brooke got a new Cadillac CTS Vsport just by working online... view
I'm thinking about doing a photo series of women farting at the dollar store.
Uh... this is something I feel should be private, its also slightly skewed even still. This is what they look like orgasming while knowing they are being photographed. Would not be surprised if there are differences in expression, etc when they are home alone, and NOT in front of cameras.
I thought they just found out their partners finished cleaning up the house and got the kids to sleep.
I agree. I think Bored Panda must have been VERY bored to have posted this on their site.
Yet a picture of a woman dying is very much accepted by BP-fans.... I find that strange.
This comment makes me wonder a bit. Professional models shot by a professional photographer. If I carefully remark posting from private people posting very intimate shots from weddings, birth, etc. on Facebook people scream at me...
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This comment is hidden. Click here to view.
This comment is hidden. Click here to view.
my Aunty Brooke got a new Cadillac CTS Vsport just by working online... view
I'm thinking about doing a photo series of women farting at the dollar store.
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