How To Have More Cum

How To Have More Cum


How To Have More Cum
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Have you ever wondered how you could increase your ejaculate and shoot more semen ? Congratulations – you’re officially one of approximately 3 billion men who’ve wished they could increase their ejaculate and shoot bigger loads!
There aren’t many guys who wouldn’t increase their ejaculations if they could – after all, one of the great things about shooting more cum is that you have much stronger orgasms when you do so!
As we get older – men tend to produce both less sperm AND less semen. Most of this is just the natural progression of aging – however there are things you can do to quite easily increase ejaculate and boost your semen production.
There are many things that any guy can do to boost their semen volume and increase ejaculate right away. Here are some quick tips to increasing the volume of your ejaculations:
As you can see – there are many methods that men can implement almost immediately to start increasing their ejaculate volume. Of course, certain things will make more of a difference than others.
A doctor formulated semen supplement will always be one of the quickest ways to restore your load size , and that’s because they contain a number of key ingredients which have all been found to boost semen and sperm production. We review and discuss several good semen boosters on this site, so make sure you compare the best ones before you decide to go with one of these supplements.
If you do consider using a semen pill, as many men do – make sure you purchase one that contains zinc.
Zinc is absolutely essential to healthy semen production , and will make an immediate impact. Take zinc together with folic acid if possible. Zinc is an essential mineral that is instrumental in several factors of cellular metabolism. In combination with folic acid, zinc was found to increase sperm count by 74% in men who had fertility problems, according to one study.
Another dietary consideration is to make sure you’re getting certain amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. These organic compounds, taken regularly, are reputed to boost levels of semen, and are another consideration when considering a semen supplement.
Scientists believe that sperm benefit from amino acids because certain amino acids are found in large quantities in the heads of sperm. Look out for the following amino acids to boost your ejaculate:
3 Important Amino Acids to increase ejaculate:
Most guys won’t like this part – but there are several habits or “lifestyle” decisions that we make everyday that can have a very negative impact on our semen production . Things like drinking alcohol, smoking, drug use, and lack of exercise all have a hand in reducing our ejaculate volume as we get older.
The longer your body has to battle these habits, the more you’ll notice the result – not only in your semen production – but also aspects like erectile function and sexual performance. So – the “hard way” of increasing your ejaculations involves changing your lifestyle and leading a healthier, more active life. The good news is that your body will benefit in many ways – not just the ability to produce more semen and better sex.
Marijuana is known to lower both the male hormone testosterone – and sperm count. If you smoke marijuana regularly, there’s a good chance it’s reducing your semen load – which is quite ironic since many men enjoy smoking marijuana before engaging in sexual activities.
We don’t advocate trying to change a number of your lifestyle choices all at once – but making gradual and permanent changes to some of your ‘bad’ habits will have a noticeable effect on your semen production and ejaculate volume. Try adding a few more fruits and veggies to your diet , get regular exercise, and reduce your drinking and smoking to see immediate changes in your ejaculations.
We know that some men will be resistant to making ANY changes to their lifestyle – and we totally get it. Guys are pretty stubborn, and we do tend to enjoy some habits which don’t necessarily work to the benefit of our health. Many guys won’t consider implementing any of the “hard” choices we’ve listed above.
While we still strongly advocate these changes because they’ll add years to your life and improve your health immensely, we are happy to tell you that there are “quick and easy” ways to increase the amount of ejaculate volume you produce.
We’ve already touched on the recent developments of new semen supplements which have become extremely popular – and with good reason. A well designed semen supplement can boost your ejaculate volume by as much as 500% . This is quite a dramatic difference, and will be very noticeable by both you AND your partner.
After all, just think how much more semen 500% would look like when you ejaculate that much extra compared to before! Of course – there are some products which aren’t as good as others, so make sure you do your homework before you buy a semen supplement.
Porn stars have been using these “sperm pills” for several years to help them produce the big “money shot” finishes that seem so prevelant in porn these days. Seeing adult film stars shooting massive ropes of cum does not help the average guy in his ‘sexual confidence’ in the bedroom!
Now these types of supplements have become quite mainstream – and in fact are one of the best selling male enhancement products sold in this multi-billion dollar industry. Semen boosters are a great choice to quickly increase your ejaculations , and are quite affordable – in fact VERY affordable compared to the money you might spend on cigarettes, alcohol, coffee. etc.
As we said before – don’t buy any semen pill that doesn’t contain zinc , as it’s so essential to proper semen production. If you can, try and find a product that contains L-Arginine as well, as it is vital for amino acids involved in reproduction health.
If you’re not sure which semen supplement is best for your – we’ve made it even easier! Check out our homepage for our semen pill survey tool that will help down the search by asking 7 simple questions to help you pick the perfect supplement!
We encourage you to explore this website for many resources and tips on improving both your overall sexual health and especially your semen production and sperm health. There are many things you can do to help increase your ejaculations – and shoot more semen – harder, and farther than ever before!
Brett Jones is a prolific writer and researcher specializing in male health and supplements. In his spare time he enjoys rock climbing, extreme sports and biking.
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The normal volume of semen that is produced during ejaculation varies from 2 to 5 milliliters per ejaculation. There are many products, most of which can be only be found inefficient, that claim to surge the amount of semen you produce upon ejaculation. Although their claims hold no substance, and the products have been widely discredited and deemed ineffective, this does not mean that there are no steps that you can take. There are ways you can help to increase the amount of semen you produce upon ejaculation, read on to learn how to increase ejaculate.
Pubococcygeus (PC) exercise is believed to increase the volume of ejaculate, as well as extend the duration of the orgasm.Your pubococcygeus muscles, with some help, are responsible for the force of ejaculation you produce. If these muscles are strong, you will be able to exert more force upon ejaculation.
To avoid becoming infected with an STD, you will want to practice safe sex. Some STDs, chlamydia, for example, can lead to sterility in both females and males. If you have had unprotected sex recently with anyone, then it's imperative to get tested for STDs.
Stress is a bad thing. It can lead to many health implications, and stress hormones can affect your body's production of testosterone, which performs a fundamental role in sperm production.
A healthy diet means a lot to figure out how to ejaculate more. What we eat directly affects the function of our bodies, so does the sperm production. Ensuring to maintain a diet that's high in fiber, whole grains, vitamins, minerals, and protein, and low in fat is beneficial to the health of your semen. Adding high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants will also help to promote the health of your sperm.
Meanwhile, there are some foodsyou should avoid, like processed meat and soda pop drinks. Fish is a better alternative to meat, and soda contains corn syrup, which can affect your sperm detrimentally.
Avoid wearing tight underwear and trousers. This will help to reduce pressure around the genital and keep it cool. The perfect temperature for the testicle is a little bit lower than the normal body temperature. Too tightunderwear and trousers will increase the temperature of the scrotal area, thereby reducing the amount of semen and sperm produced upon ejaculation.
It is recommended to wear loose and cotton-made underwear instead of those tight ones or briefs. Also, you'd better wear jockstrap during sports activities.
Smoking has countless, bad effects on a persons health. One of these is reducing the sperm count of smokers (by 22%), as well as make sperm smaller and slower. This is thought to be due to a protein imbalance caused by smoking.
How to ejaculate more? Some supplements can help.
Finally, your sex and masturbation frequency weighs a lot. Always remember that the more you ejaculate, the less dense your sperm will be. Reducing the amount you masturbate or sexual activities will help you to ejaculate more.
Many factors can affect the amount of semen you produce upon ejaculation. Some can't be helped, but others most definitely can. Below is a list of some factors that can affect ejaculation:
Although there are steps to learn how to ejaculate more, the fact remains that your genetics play a big part in how much sperm you can and will produce.
As men grow older, their semen levels begin to decline. This usually happens around the age of 50. Ages from 20 to 30is commonly assumed as the best time in a man's life for semen production.
Ensuring you remain hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and maintaining a healthy dietis a huge factor for optimum sperm production.
The arousal level you get before ejaculation can have a big effect on the amount of ejaculate that is produced.
Leaving sufficient time between ejaculations will help to ensure that every load of semen is ejaculated to its full potential. Some suggest this time period is one day, although others suggest it can take up to seven days after ejaculating.
Your lifestyle decisions can cover exercise, diet, weight, smoking, drinking, etc. If you lead a stressful life, fail to exercise regularly, or maintain an unhealthy diet, the lifestyle choices you have made can seriously affect the health and quantity of your sperm and semen.
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Last Updated 11 July, 2022.

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I once heard the standup comedian Jim Jefferies talk about a time when he worked on an adult film set with some porn stars. The female actress asked the male actor “are you a shooter or a blobber”?, referring to his cumshot.
While everyone has their personal preference, it’s safe to say that most us men want to produce strong, healthy loads of semen . Not only does it look and feel better during sex, but it can help when trying for a baby too.
Whether it’s eating certain foods, taking supplements, or chewing vitamin C, there are many ways that you can increase your amount of sperm naturally. From supplements to testosterone boosters and drinking more water, we investigate various natural methods.
Without further ado, here is how to cum more !
It should come as no surprise that Semenax is the best cum supplement overall. I mean, it has Semen in the name. Weirdly though, the promotional videos pronounce “Semenax” really weirdly so it doesn’t sound like “semen” at all.
Containing a number of amino acids used in sperm production, as well as rockstar ingredients like Zinc Oxide and Swedish Pollen Flower, Semenax is designed to increase sperm production, lengthen your orgasms, make ejaculation feel more pleasurable, and produce strong long-term results.
Often used by men who want to increase their loads with natural vitamins, minerals and amino acids , Semenax is a staple of everyday male health supplements for many men all over the country. If you want to shoot bigger loads in no time, Semenax is the way to go!
Supposedly free from side effects according to the manufacturer, Volume Pills supplements are designed to help you shoot larger loads of ejaculate. It’s really that simple. If you’re looking for supplements that will make you feel powerful in the bedroom by shooting a lot of cum, this product might be just right for you.
We all wanna cum ropes if possible!
The manufacturers of Volume Pills claim that their supplement is 100% natural and approved by doctors, supposedly having no side effects. That seems like a bold claim (natural supplements can still have side effects) so take that with a pinch of salt and consult your physician if necessary.
Still, Volume Pills are packed with Zinc and ancient Eastern herbs thought to help produce more semen in the seminal vesicles. Taking these pills may amount to a huge boost in your ejaculate, helping you to shoot huge impressive loads that make you feel like you’ve got your mojo back, baby.
VigRX Plus is basically a multivitamin for sex – it’s taken by men every day so as to ensure their sexual health. 
With various natural ingredients absorbed by the body, VigRX Plus is able to increase libido in no time, helping guys to regain interest in sex if they’ve felt their sexual desire waning as of late.
It can also give you harder erections.
This matters because all these factors need to be taken into account as they all affect your load! The hornier you are, the more strongly and intensely you tend to ejaculate, so all of these factors are at play if you want to shoot those amazing porn star loads.
This product actually contains Cuscuta Extract, which is thought to improve sperm quality and semen production. In addition to all the other ingredients designed to get you in the mood, you know that this product is probably going to get you real results.
If you’re looking for how to cum more because you’re planning a baby, then Max Performer should be a supplement that you strongly consider. Although this product is technically another “all rounder” for male sexual health, Max Performer does contain some high quality ingredients for your semen.
For example, it contains zinc, which is essential for sperm production and is often taken as pure zinc supplements for men looking to improve their load. You can also find Cordyceps in this product that helps to improve sperm count and make your load more impressive.
Oh, and let’s not forget about motility.
Maca powder is also in this product, known for its ability to improve sperm count and motility. In case you don’t know, sperm motility refers to how fast, agile, and fluid sperm cells are.
In other words, semen with low motility won’t travel far to find an egg, whereas high-motility cells will swim vigorously to find that motherfuckin’ egg if it’s the last thing they do.
If you’re trying for a baby, Max Performer might be your golden ticket to the egg!
If you’re not looking to increase your semen volume by taking supplements or changing your diet, there are some other ways that you can increase your semen volume by changing certain habits and lifestyle factors.
I know it seems like common sense, but ejaculate less frequently if you want to produce more cum when you have sex! Ideally, if you want a large cum shot, you should avoid ejaculating for 2-3 days before having sex.
Lots of people masturbate daily out of habit, often at times where they’re actually not that horny. If this is a bad habit for you, try to get out of it and listen to your body, masturbating only when you’re genuinely horny.
If you listen to your body and masturbate less often, you’ll naturally have more cum saved up when it’s time to have sex.
Exercising regularly is good for your body and your health overall, but it’s also good for ejaculation and male fertility! This is because it can raise testosterone levels, leading to better semen production.
However, getting too much exercise can be bad for your semen, but only if you’re REALLY overdoing it. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, getting more exercise will help your health and your results in the bedroom.
From more stamina to better semen quality, exercising is great prep for the bedroom!
It’s been known for several years now that smoking results in semen problems . A 2016 study found that heavy smokers had a lower sperm amount, motility, and morphology.
In a nutshell, this means that there are fewer sperm cells to begin with, they’re often deformed, and they can’t swim very far. If you’re looking for high-quality semen, smoking is only going to wreck those cells one by one.
Looking to improve your overall health and semen quality? Put down the bottle!
It’s probably no surprise that drinking a lot of alcohol is bad for you, and this extends to your semen too. In fact, one study found that men drinking 40 units per week had 33% less semen cells than men drinking just 1-5 units per week.
Water and hydration are an essential part of the male reproductive system, but alcohol dehydrates you, so it can play havoc with how runny and large your cum shots are.
Booze also shrinks your testicles, making the semen production process much more difficult. No one wants to be Johnny Small Balls.
You may have heard that humans are around 60% water.
Well, as it turns out, H2O can make you cum more too. While water doesn’t necessarily improve the amount of cells that a man ejaculates, it can help with increasing the actual volume of the fluid.
In other words, drinking a lot of water won’t improve your chances of having children, but it will help to give you bigger, runnier cum shots.
This one doesn’t have a ton of evidence behind it, but studies suggest that reducing stress is good for your overall health, including the male reproductive system.
Lowering stress levels is one of the most effective ways to reduce tension and inflammation in the body – these conditions work to reduce the efficiency of the body’s healthy functioning.
Men also tend to be less horny and aroused when they’re stressed, so this has a knock-on effect that often results in smaller cum shots and less libido in the first place.
There are many foods one can eat for increasing semen load. 
All of these foods work in unique ways and use different vitamins, nutrients, and minerals to maximize how much semen you can cum.
Some of the top foods for
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