Castration Erotic Stories

Castration Erotic Stories


Castration Erotic Stories


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Stuff going on here.

Stories concerning the abuse, removal, discarding, and possible consumption of the male genitalia. Typically F/m.
Blank Tape
 A strange tape sparks an unexpected obsession in a man and his girlfriend. Will they be able to resist indulging in a forbidden temptation, once they know it exists?
Tags: F/m, Orgasm Denial, Cocktease, CBT, Penectomy, Castration, Consensual, Cannibalism, Cooking Prep
 "Gosh, look at this thing.. how do you even hook it up?" my girlfriend asked, as she poked around on the back of the ancient VCR that we'd picked up at a garage sale. "A
Three Witches and the Little Pig
 A story about some naughty, wicked witches playing with their food.
 Tags: FF/m, Femdom, Cannibalism, Magic, Soft Amputation, Casual, Non-consensual
 "Brandy, you're here!" cried the witch as she opened her door. "I thought you might not to be able to make it.. please come in, come in!"
 "Sorry I'm running a bit late, darling. I did manage to pick us up a little something on the way ove
Competitive Cocky Girls Comeuppance
A few short, silly stories featuring cocky dickgirls getting carried away by their competitiveness or pride. Since they're not very bright, they often take things a little too far and instead of winning, wind up losing everything. Read on and find out how in: Biggest Meat Contest, Feed It And Weep!, Coxtail Soup, and Snake Snack Study.
Tags: Futanari/Dickgirls, CBT, Castration, Penectomy, Soft Amputation, Q-knife, Vore, Cannibalism, Cooking Pre
Competitive Cocky Girls Comeuppance
Cock Vore (extended edition)
If your girlfriend asks if she can feed your cock and balls to her pet snake, how would you answer?
Tags: F/m, Snake/m, Soft Amputation, Q-knife, Vore, CBT, Castration, Penectomy, Digestion, Orgasm Denial
My cock came off easily. She took my balls at the same time too; my whole package all in one nice piece. It didn't hurt exactly, but the sensation the blue handled knife created as it passed through my flesh was mildly unpleasant. Sort of lik
Keeping Her Fed
 One must be careful when making an offer to a Fay, even if the Fay in question happens to be your girlfriend. She just might take you up on it.
 Tags: F/m, Consensual, Size Difference, Cooking Prep, CBT, Castration, Penectomy, Cannibalism, Objectification, Orgasm Denial
 "I'm hungry." your girlfriend states. "Don't we have any more sandwich meat?"
 She's bent over in front of the open fridge, rooting around
On Boy Farming
 Take a tour through a modern farm, and see how the livestock it raises arrives, grows, and is finally harvested.
 Tags: FF/mm, Femdom, Non-consensual, Slavery, Objectification, CBT, Castration, Penectomy, Cannibalism, Snuff, Butchering
 "Hey, welcome!" A cute, perky teenage girl says, as she bounces over to greet you. "Didja have a nice trip? I know it takes quite awhile to get out here from the city, and the road's so narrow
CBT Shorts 6
 Four short stories featuring the use, abuse, consumption, and destruction of male genitals. Read on if you want to see some guys and their poor cocks and balls get what they probably deserve in: The Relationship, Sub-Sandwich, Satisfying Work, and A Day at the Beach!
 Tags: FF/mm, FemDom, CBT, Reluctant, Non-consensual, Castration, Penectomy, Cannibalism, Objectification, Slavery/Petplay, Snuff
1 - The Relationship
 The Internet stood
Door Prize
 The story of a college boy who is forced to offer up his manhood during an end of semester party. Will he survive the night unscathed, or will some cute girl win what's his and claim her prize?
 Tags: FF/m, Reluctant, CBT, Penectomy, Castration, Orgasm Denial, Peril, Soft Amputation, Cannibalism, College Girls
 "You ready, babe?" my girlfriend asked. "The party's going to start soon, and you know we have to get
Fitness Food
 A fit man meets a fit girl, and ends up feeding her some fit food.
 Tags: Ff/m, Consensual, CBT, Penectomy, Castration, Cannibalism, Food Prep, Cooking
 He watched the girl as she went through her workout routine intently. He couldn't help himself from staring a bit, or even more than a bit, because she was just that beautiful. She stood directly across the gym from him, in front of a floor to ceiling mirror. He could look his fill at both her
Wild Bill
Billy the Kid
 A shepherd follows in the footsteps of his flock. Unfortunately for him, his flock is a herd of young rams that are about to be gelded.
 Tags: FF/m, Penectomy, Castration
 Billy, like everyone he knew, was a shepherd. It was a good life, he thought. It consisted mainly of keeping the sheep safe, and moving them from pasture to pasture so that they could forage on lush, green grass. Every once in a while, some of t
Receiving a gift often means giving something of your own in return.
(F/m, reluctant, persuasion/seduction, implied CBT, casual)
 "Merry Christmas, dear." she said, pressing a small wrapped package into her husband's hands.
 "Christmas isn't until tomorrow." he replied, quirking an eyebrow up but smiling at her anyway.
 "Christmas eve, then. Close enough." she countered, snuggling into his side.
Her Birthday Gift
A man gives his wife the ultimate gift.
Story Tags: F/m, Consensual, CBT, Cooking Prep, Cannibalism, Roleplay, Romance
1 - Getting The Idea For Her Gift
 The idea came to him on an idle Sunday afternoon, while he was casually flipping through some of his wife's magazines. Her birthday was less than a week away, and he had been wanting to do something extra special for her this year. At first he had simply considered taking her out to a nice
Traditional Young Woman
 A man finds out that his girlfriend and her family have some unusual and rather specific traditions.
 F/m, CBT, Penectomy, Castration, Cannibalism, FemDom
 His girlfriend sat straddling his lap, clad in nothing save a pair of thin white panties. She was writhing against him, moaning into his mouth as they kissed deeply. The soft mounds of her large breasts were pressed deliciously up against his chest. He broke off the kiss, ignorin
The Volunteer
 A man discovers that his local market is selling a rather unique cut of specialty meat, and that meat has to be coming from somewhere, right?
 Tags: Ff/m, Consensual, Penectomy, Castration, mild CBT, Casual, Objectification, implied Cannibalism
 He was browsing through the meat section of the market, idly pondering picking up a bit of pork or chicken to have for dinner when he saw it. A set of cock and balls sitting in one of the display case
A story about a world in which women are the hunters, and men are the hunted.
Ff/mm, non-con, shooting(archery), gore, butchering, orgasm denial, cannibalism, penectomy, castration
 Seresa slowly drew the arrow nocked to her bowstring back, sighting down the shaft at the group of frolicking and playing wildboys before her. It was moments like this, at the culmination of hours worth of tracking and stalking and creeping, her prey only a scant few yards away a
Space Bimbos
They Came From Outer Space! (For Our Balls!)
 Ff/mm, Space!, Green (and Blue) Skinned Space Babes, Oral, Castration, Objectification, Silly
 Annie looked up from her weeding curiously, as an odd whining sound began making itself known. The sound was high pitched, strangely metallic, and relatively distant. At first, anyway.
 The odd noise began growing rapidly deeper, louder, and much, much closer, filling the air around her.
CBT Shorts 5
 Three short stories, Door to Door, Penis Worm, and Walk-Ins, all with the general theme of casual male genital abuse, destruction, and often consumption.
 Ff/m, CBT, Castration, Penectomy, Cannibalism, Casual, Partial Vore, Q-Knife/soft amputation
1 - Door to Door
 "So, just insert the subject's manhood like so.." the salesgirl said, as she placed Elina's husband's penis and testicles into the device. "..making sure to g
Power Snack
 One girl shares her love of boy balls with her friend.
 FF/m, CBT, Castration, Penectomy, Cannibalism, Non-Consensual, Superhero
 "My favorite food? That's an easy one.. Boy testicles, for sure." said the well endowed blonde, as a quick, easy grin flashed across her face.
 The other three women sitting at the table just gawked at her, clearly taken aback at her rapid (and unexpected) answer.
 "When you s
Birthday Request
 A boy finds out that his sister wants something a little unusual from him for her birthday.
F/m, CBT, Penectomy, Castration, Cannibalism, Reluctant, Casual, Orgasm Control and Denial, Incest
 "Mom?" he asked, as he poked his head around the door frame and looked into the kitchen and dining room.
 "Yes, dear..?" his mother replied distractedly, as she moved before the oven, back and forth between simmering pots a
CBT Shorts 4
Four short stories, Central Heating, How Long..?, Elven Traditions, and Regret, all sharing the theme of casual male genital abuse, destruction, and occasional consumption. Sometimes consensual, and sometimes not, with a healthy helping of orgasm control and denial.
1 - Central Heating, or Punishing a Panty Thief
 "Auntie caught you masturbating AGAIN, didn't she?" the girl asked, as she stared down at the nude, bound form of the boy sitting on
Rainy Day Fun
Two girls spend a rainy day outside, squishing anything unpleasant they happen to come across.
 "Ugh! I am SO bored!" Jenny complained, as she threw her hands up into the air in frustration. "I wasn't supposed to rain today at all!"
 "It is pretty messed up.." Angelica sighed, as she stared morosely out of her bedroom's large window into the back yard.
 The heavy and completely unexpected downpour o
CBT Shorts 3
Three short stories, all sharing the theme of casual male genital abuse, destruction, and/or consumption. Fuck Sandwich, Witch VS Peeping Tom, and A Little Extra Spending Money, Part Three.
1 - Fuck Sandwich
 "I'll have mine fucked, please."
 He nodded to the woman, who was apparently mother to the girl sitting across the little table from her, as he set down the sandwiches they had ordered just a few minutes previously.
Solely for Her Comfort
He's a Shoe-in
A girl decides that her new shoes need to be lined with something special: her boyfriend's cock!
F/m, Soft Amputation, Penectomy, Castration, CBT, Objectification, Foot Fetish, Consensual, Reluctant
 "Oh, my feet are soo sore." Tiffany complained, to no one in particular, as she slipped her new shoes off.
 Steve, her boyfriend, glanced up at her, from his place kneeling d
A man picks up a stranded hitchhiker, and soon finds out that she wants much more from him than just a lift.
The Hitchhiker
 The hitchhiker stood on the edge of the road, facing away from his slowly approaching car, with the thumb of one hand cocked out.
 He was quite surprised at this, as the road he was driving on was quite some distance off the main highways. They were so far out, in fact, that the road wasn't even paved. The packed shale, which was relative
Some young women learn the proper way to tenderize male meat.
Properly Tenderized Meat
1 - Balls..
 "What is the most important part of preparing any piece of meat?" the formidable looking woman at the front of the room asked, looking intently at her attentive audience.
 A few seconds passed, during which all of the new culinary students, who were garbed in clean chef's whites just as their instructor was, looked around at each other. They must
CBT Shorts, Number 2
Four short stories: Fae, A Little Extra Spending Money (Part One), Pool Party (Alternate Ending), A Little Extra Spending Money (Part Two), and a bonus epilogue for Pool Party.
All these stories share a general theme of male genital objectification and abuse, penectomy and castrations, cannibalism, and dominant females casually indifferent to the suffering and pain their male peers experience on their behalf.
1 - Fae
 "Thanks for agr
CBT Shorts, Number 1
Four short stories: Pool Party, Glory, Softballs, and Cleaver, with a general theme of casual male genital abuse and destruction, usually with implied cannibalism.
1 - Pool Party
 Jeremy opened the door to the backyard and peered out at the lawn and pool a bit apprehensively. His sister was having all of her friends over for a pool party, and she had absolutely forbidden him from going back there this particular afternoon. She had told him, quite
A Recipe for Pasta Sauce
 "Oh, come in, come in!" Aey exclaimed, motioning in the beautiful young woman standing just outside her front door. "You're a bit early, but that's fine. Dinner won't be ready for a while, though."
 "I know I'm early, sorry." Bea replied. "But I've been looking forward to tonight so much, I just couldn't help myself. I hope it's not a bother."
 "No bother at all." Aey said, smiling
 "So, if you'll follow me, I'll be explaining your new duties and responsibilities as I take you on a brief tour of the mansion and surrounding grounds." Elaine instructed, motioning the new girl to fall in beside her as she began walking.
 "You'll start out doing the most unpleasant chores, unfortunately. Sweeping and mopping the floors, cleaning the bathrooms, and other things of a similarly menial nature." the head maid said, as she led the
Milked and Harvested - A Vespah Story
A boy's sister grows tired of his incessant erections, and his subsequent requests for relief from them by her hand. So, she Vespahs (Vortex Extracted Semen and Penis Automatic Harvester) him. Just how long can he and his manhood last, under the relentless machine's draining influence, before it takes everything from him..
1 - The Final Straw
 "Ah, sis? S-sorry to interrupt you, but do you suppose that you could..?" Jam
Milked and Harvested - A Vespah Story
Testicle Pregnancy: A Miracle of Modern Medicine
 "Welcome! Welcome to Ordinary Daytime Talk Show!"
 "I'm your host, Opal Winters, and do we have a show for you today!"
 "Originally, we had an entirely different topic planned for today's episode. However, when we learned of an incredible new discovery, and the amazing people behind it, we knew that we just had to share their story with you immediately!"
 "As I
The Boy Who Lied Thrice
1 - The First Lie
 "Miss Myers, Jacob is masturbating!" Alice proclaimed.
 The slim girl was standing at her desk, her hand up and waving back and forth for attention. Her face was scrunched up in disgust as she glared at the student sitting directly to her right.
 Said student started violently at the sound of his classmate's voice, looking up and around guiltily. His hands, which had been hidden behind his desk, j
The Vacuum Incident
A cautionary tale
 Jill walked along the hallway, vacuuming the floor.
 She moved slowly, making sure to push the head of the vacuum into every corner and over every crevice, being fastidious in her efforts to ensure the cleanliness of the carpet. The vacuum was a suck type device, with a long metal tube, that served as both handle and head, attached to the main unit, which was worn like a back-pack, by a sturdy and flexible rubber hose.
1 - Training
 "Wow." Holly breathed.
 "Aha, that was my first reaction too." Natalie said.
 The space they had just entered was quite large, warmly lit, and a very comfortable temperature. What had impressed Holly, however, was what room 402 contained: men. There were at least fifty of them, all nude, restrained, and bent over, bound securely to sturdy yet graceful steel frames mounted in rows along the floor.
1 - Wednesday Morning
"Come on, Edward, I don't have all morning." said Miss Myers.
"My my, he is taking an awfully long time." observed Mrs Stevens.
"I-ahh! I'm trying, Miss Myers!" Edward panted, as he worked his hand up and down his rigid shaft.
"Well, if you don't come soon, my coffee will get cold." replied Miss Myers.
Edward was standing to the side of Miss Myers' desk, facing it, with his pants around his ankl
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by NeedMoreBallbusting
on Jul 27, 2020

by InterstellalSkellatal
on Mar 10, 2020


(Magdelyn K. Bordeaux)
"Welcome. Welcome. If everyone will just settle down and find a seat. Find a seat. Thank you. For those who don't know me, I am Anita Seamen, President of SFLRC. I'd like to thank everyone who make it out tonight. It's a very large turn out. The Society for Female Led Relationships and Cuckoldry is celebrating five years a...

This will be a place for all my stories where you can pick and choose which ones you like. All the stories will have ballbusting in them.
Will be trying to add new chapters often. Also if you are going to add a new section to the story or a story branch don’t stop after one but continue to put more and finish. What's next?
Home invasion

The Doctor - Or How My Wife Became a Black Cock Slut
I was in the kitchen preparing some goodies
Big Dick In Panties
Understories Bdsm

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