How To Finger Your Prostate

How To Finger Your Prostate


How To Finger Your Prostate

Dr Alberto Parra

May 12, 2022

8 minutes

Fact Checked

Glickman, C. (2013). The ultimate guide to prostate pleasure: Erotic exploration for men and their partners . Cleis Press.
Gussone, F., & Martin, M. (2021). Prostate massage: health benefits of hitting the male G-spot. Prostate .
Steggall, M. J. (2008). Digital rectal examination. Nursing Standard (through 2013) , 22 (47), 46. 

Dr. Alberto Parra is a Medical Doctor and clinical researcher with extensive experience in diagnostic imaging and sports medicine. He's also interested in nutrition, fitness and family medicine, with expertise and continuing education on preventive healthcare and evidence-based medicine. He provides consultancy services to a number of individuals and entities who require medical validation of their protocols, products, supplements, and medical contents.
Many men don’t know that a prostate massage has a few benefits to consider. 
Stimulating the prostate gland may lead to a powerful orgasm. 
Some patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia may also find some benefits.
Regardless of why you want to try a prostate massage, you need to locate the prostate gland first. 
Where is it, and how do you know you’re in the right spot? In this article, you will learn how to find your prostate.
Finding the prostate gland shouldn’t be difficult if you know where it is. The gland is adjacent to the rectum with no space in between. 
That is why the digital rectal examination is one of the screening methods for prostate cancer. Doctors need some practice before locating the prostate gland, but it is not hard. 
Finding the prostate will be easier if you try a few positions (1):
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Prostate stimulation does not require inserting your fingers all the way through the anus. Quite the opposite, because going too far will make you miss the prostate gland. 
After going into the rectum, you will find the prostate around 2 inches within. That is only 5 centimeters and usually corresponds to two-thirds of your index finger.
When you’re trying prostate massage for the first time, you can try four different tricks to hit the right spot (1):
Remember that we all have anatomic variations here and there. Thus, your prostate can be found in another area. This is the tricky part of prostate stimulation. But once you locate the prostate gland for the first time, it will be easier next time.
The tips and tricks above will give you an advantage if you’re trying a prostate massage for the first time. But even if you do it right and follow the instructions, you still depend on your touch and sensibility.
Doctors train their finger sensibility. They sometimes need weeks or months of practice before noting the difference between the prostate and the rest of the tissue. 
Using gloves can make it even more difficult. Thus, you may want to take them out initially until you locate the gland for the first time.
This is how you will know you’re stimulating the prostate gland (1):
If you’re not comfortable with the idea of sticking your fingers to your bottom, don’t worry. You can also do it from the outside. This is what you should do:
Keep in mind that direct stimulation is more effective. Thus, doing it from the outside may not give you the same results. A direct prostate massage is preferable if you’re trying prostate stimulation to enjoy an intense orgasm.
We gave you plenty of details about what to do and how to locate the prostate gland. Now that you’re in the right spot, what do you do? The first thing you should know about prostate massage is how to perform it correctly. But there is no absolute rule about what to do.
 Try these techniques once you’re there:
The field of prostate massage is still under research, but there is anecdotal evidence of its health benefits. There is also one study in benign prostatic hyperplasia that requires confirmation. 
The benefits of a prostate massage and prostate milking include (2):
Digital rectal examination and the PSA test are the most common prostate cancer screening methods. They also detect benign prostatic hyperplasia. Thus, doctors are trained to detect the prostate gland, even with their gloves on. This requires weeks or months of practice before they can master the technique.
The routine prostate exam goes something like this ( 3 ):
Prostate stimulation can be an alternative way to enjoy sex. It triggers a prostatic orgasm and has extra health benefits. However, locating the prostate can be the first obstacle to a prostatic massage. 
The prostate is located two inches into the rectum. It is felt as a bulbous, smooth, and fleshy structure compared to the rest of the rectal tissue. 
A prostate massage is performed by sticking a lubed finger into the rectum and performing circular movements or gentle pushes forward when you find the prostate gland.
With enough practice, prostate stimulation and locating the gland will become easier. So, take your time and be patient. Remember that doctors also need to practice for weeks or months before developing the skill to perform a prostate exam.
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