How To Bang A Milf

How To Bang A Milf


How To Bang A Milf
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I've always been fascinated by the idea of being with an older attractive woman. (I'm a college student.) Where can I find a MILF how do I approach her in a way that is socially acceptable? Is this even possible at all or am I just fantasizing? Where do I look? Thanks, seddit.
Bars are a good place. As far as the approach, just be social, fun to talk to and flirt with them.
Online has been good for me too, POF and Adult Friend Finder were the ones I had the most success with hooking up with Milf's.
a 10 year old post and your 10 days old comment has 98 upvotes , what's going on here ?
Fuck , is this an advertising campaign ? try not to be so obvious next time
Go to a bar, find one that is good looking and do the following:
Be ENERGETIC! They like younger guys because they want to feel young and sexy themselves!
Demonstrate for them that being with you is a lot of fun.
You should not hesitate for a second. If you want to kiss a MILF go for it. She knows all about it and she has probably done thing you cannot even begin to imagine.
So just be young & foolish, make her feel beautiful and have some BALLS!
^ Point #3 is a great one. These women are more experienced than you/we are and they aren't going to be fooled, and don't HAVE to be fooled. A 35+ year old woman getting drunk and wild in a bar is out to get fucked, so just don't be creepy and you're probably in.
Also, DON'T NEG OLDER WOMEN. It doesn't work.
I've bagged about half a dozen milfs. The last I fucked was a milf, 32 with one kid and recently divorced; the oldest was a 40 year old fitness model.
A lot of towns have bars which are notorious for cougar hunting, ask around and see what you come up with. Also grocery stores are good places because you can come in under the radar. Use an opener such as "hey, do you know the difference between this type of apple or that type? I'm in college and trying to avoid ramen noodles" or some such variation.
The rest is exactly the same as you would game any other women. In my experience older women love the wild and crazy fun guy, if they do have a kid there is a good chance they are tied down to a lot of responsibility, so if you can show them a good time, they will reciprocate.
Moreover be observant of the way you dress. As with any woman, the way you dress will influence who deems you a potential mate. It will probably be to your advantage to dress like a stereotypical college kid; as much as we are attracted to older women, they are just as attracted to us, so dressing in business casual may make you look like a 32 year old just off work.
Furthermore try to observe the different kinds of milfs, if she's wearing true religion jeans (with the gawdy white stitching) , tanning and wearing tons of makeup she's probably preoccupied with hanging onto youth; game her and she will be hanging onto your youth. Just also remember that milf's are just like any other women, except probably have a higher sex drive!
Cougar does not equal MILF and vice versa.
32 wouldn't be a milf in my book (even if she was a mother) unless i was like 18.
I love you bro thanks for the advice
MILFs are notoriously easy (assuming they're divorced).
Be direct. Milfs don't play games (well they do, but they're still usually pretty straightforward).
Like everyone else has said, play up the fact that you're younger. It's fine to tease her about being old. You want to establish a really playful vibe with them, which means you can (and should) be doing a lot of teasing and overt flirting. She wants a young guy (and even in cases where she "doesn't," she secretly does ).
Be forward. When you're more forward with a college girl, it can go either way. Some appreciate it, most don't. With an older girl, they'll basically take what they can get (unless they're really hot and every other guy is flirting with them). You can literally grab her tits and she won't be mad, assuming you're being playful and shit (though it still kinda depends on the girl).
Escalate faster than you ever have in your life. They want that. They don't want you to beat around the bush. Though this depends: if she's 25-30, you probably gotta tone it down a bit. But over 30, you're usually golden.
The main issue is that most "MILFs" will be married. You can still flirt, but nothing's gonna happen if that's the case (and that applies to maybe 75% of them). So you still gotta approach and shit, but she'll usually be taken. If she's single though, it's almost literally like you just can't say stupid shit- be cool and there's a good chance it works out unless your logistics aren't good.
Like these guys said, it helps to act younger, because that's usually what she's looking for. You don't have to act like Finch in American Pie- the girl might as well just go for someone her age (though there's definitely some situations where that's a better option).
Otherwise, you do the same shit you'd normally do. Out of all the interactions I've had with "legit" milfs, 2 of them turned into sex, and probably about 10-15 were just really flirty conversations where I could've made a move but didn't because I didn't know how the fuck to handle it. They're usually really forward and tease-y though, so go along with that, and then raise the bar by making some moves.
You can find them anywhere. The only times it's led to sex for me were when I met them at a standard small-ish bar, where people play darts and shit. Any regular dive bar will have some, and college bars usually won't unless it's game day (but then they're more likely to have husbands). They're usually even easier than college chicks once you get a conversation started, and the conversation usually needs to be more sexual and teasing, with less "normal" talk about school/jobs and shit.
Edit: You can also always find the girls in the 25-30 age range who are like a mix between college girls and milfs. In my experience, they're easier than standard college girls but way harder than legit milfs. At the very least though, you'll have a fun flirty conversation. And they're way more open to sex than college girls, so you can just go ahead and try to pull them after talking for like 10 minutes.
A small bit of teasing goes a long with with MILFs. Also, don't go overboard with the whole age thing. Other than that I was going to say the exact same thing as you did.
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT grab a random milfs tits, you will get slapped
Well, from my research, you should either become:
A) A construction worker B) A pool-boy
Or a german plumber or a group of friends being nice and offering someone a lift?
Or a host at a restaurant, personal experience.
there is something fucked up in my college. During mom's weekends the, I guess single, moms dress like a slut and hit the 19 year old college bars. If you college has something like that, try it out.
I was totally going to say that bars on the weekends of home football games are prime hunting. LOTS of drunken, horny MILFs come out to football games.

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Has the modern mating game been making you weary? Are you tired of
dealing with one flighty, stuck-up, flaky girl after another who
wouldn’t know a
strong man if he bit her on the neck?
Well then my friend, the MILF is
the answer for you. You’re not going to deal with any of the
nonsense that you find with younger girls when you learn how to start
seducing their older counterparts. What’s so great about MILFs?
They are more sophisticated.
Even if a MILF is not the smartest person you have ever encountered,
she will at the very least have more knowledge of the world than
younger women. There is something to be said about a woman who has done
some traveling (usually), changed career paths, experienced pain with
family and friendships, and has come to understand the true nature of
the world.
They are realists. The
fact is that MILFs do not look at the world through rose colored
glasses. They don’t have time to play games because they know how the
world really is. They know that they are past their prime and will no
longer have droves and droves of men chasing after them. They know that
they have to worry about bills and putting food on the table and
retirement. So they simply don’t have time to be playing around on
their smartphones stringing guys along for their own entertainment.
They just want a quality lover who will be on the same page.
They have emotional maturity.
Most young girls will drive you crazy with how, well… crazy they can
Never sure of what they want, how to communicate, or what direction
they want to take their lives, young girls are always inviting drama
into your life. On the other hand, older women are very clear and
unapologetic with their desires and know how to communicate their
emotional needs to men.
So how do you go about seducing
MILFs? Let’s talk how:
Before we dive into the nitty-gritty on MILFs, for the sake of
completeness, let me list out for you my three separate, but related,
previous articles on that other svelte older lady: the cougar .
It’s going to be pretty difficult to seduce a MILF if you don’t know
where to find them. So, learning about the locations they frequent will
be an important step in eventually picking them up.
First key tip: If you want to
successfully pick up a MILF, you have to do it during the day . It’s not that MILFs don’t
go out at night, it’s just that the ones who do are more looking for
the validation of men hitting on them or even for a man of conspicuous consumption to take
them home, rather than necessarily finding a young buck to shack up
with for the night. These night MILFs tend to be the more unstable ones
looking to relive the excitement and chaos of their younger years.
Why don’t you usually find the
quality MILFs at night? Well, either
They are at home… caring for
their children.
So if you are not comfortable with day game and you want to pick up
MILFs, then you better start sharpening that daytime axe.
Since we know that MILFs are daytime people, let’s talk about where
to find them:
In a middle/upper-class
residential neighborhood. I can’t tell you how many times I
walked through a residential neighborhood in the middle of the daytime
and seen MILFs jogging, walking their dogs, taking an afternoon stroll
with their MILF friends, or even pushing a stroller with their
children. It is easy to approach them by stopping them to ask for
directions to the nearest healthy restaurant or grocery store. And then
to continue the interaction by saying something like: “Thank you so
much. I figured you to be the right person to ask since you look like
you stay in shape. You must around 25 or something, right?”
In a neighborhood park.
You can often find MILFs in neighborhood parks either looking after
their children or hanging out with their friends who have young
children who aren’t of school age. It’s
vital here not to be a creeper. Start addressing her first. You
can talk about how her child “has her mother’s beautiful eyes” or how
you love kids because you’re a teacher/mentor/single dad or any other
profession that deals with kids (bonus points to you in the MILF’s mind
if you actually are one of these things). Once you get the seal of
approval, you can start moving into light banter.
Health Food Stores.
Really bomb MILFs are very conscientious about what they put in their
bodies – and even more so about what they put in their children’s
bodies. So any health food store (Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, or local
organic stores) or even farmer’s market will be a great place to meet a
One of my favorite health food store lines is: “Excuse me, this
may sound foolish, but I am pretty new to using chard (or any other
super healthy food), and I was wondering if you have any
recommendations on good things I can do with this.” And if she is a
normal human being, then she will try to recommend some sort of recipe
and tell you about how she uses it. And after she does this, you can
say: “That’s so great! Looks like now I’ll be able to cook you a nice
dinner.” This line gets women of all ages – but it’s particularly
effective with the MILF. And in the case that she does not use the
healthy food, you can say: “Well that’s too bad. And here I wanted to
cook you a nice healthy meal, but it just looks like we’ll remain two
clueless strangers.”
And in either case, she will laugh, and you will laugh, and then
you can grab her name and engage in a little idle chat. And when you
are done, in Scenario A you can say: “Well Lucy, in all seriousness, it
seems like you really know what you are doing, so if you are up for it,
I would love to get a cooking lesson.” Or in Scenario B: “Well Lucy, we
really cannot let this happen again; looks like we both need to expand
our cooking horizons. How would you feel about getting together and
making a superstar tandem meal?”
Higher End Malls. MILFs love
shopping for themselves or their children. So whether your excuse is
that you’re looking for something for your niece or nephew in a baby or
children’s clothing store, or if it is wanting to find a new dress
shirt for your sister’s birthday dinner, find a way to get her opinion
on what you are doing.
When you’re approaching an attractive MILF, know that it’s not her
first rodeo; it’s probably not even her hundredth rodeo, for that
matter. So you need to come off as confident and assured when you
approach her.
When you are with a MILF, it is important to build
rapport and a
connection by discussing things that she (and most older
women) are
passionate about. She doesn’t just want to talk about what the
Kardashians are doing. She wants to discuss books, documentaries,
spirituality, cultural events, social issues, and other topics of
actual substance.
A friend of mine was telling me a story about how he was talking to
one of his older colleagues about her love life. His colleague is an
attractive, well accomplished woman. And she had something very
interesting (and shockingly open) to say that really stuck in my brain.
She said, “As an older woman, if you
want to have a chance with me, first you have to fuck my mind, then you
can fuck my body.”
So you may very well need to stimulate a MILF intellectually as well
as sexually. She doesn’t want only a good lover, but also someone who
talks with her about her favorite subjects too.
In the same way that you’re fantasizing about an older woman
releasing all of her pent up passion, experience, and energy on you, she’s wishing the same thing on her end.
There is nothing that gets a MILF going more than the idea of being
with a younger man.
If she’s more of the commanding type, then she’ll be fantasizing
about making you her student and teaching you about how to pleasure her
in all of the right ways. If she is the more submissive type, then
she’ll be fantasizing about you dominating her and telling her what to
Strangely enough, the stronger the
woman on the outside, the more she tends to want to be dominated on the
inside. This is because strong women are used to being the boss
in every sphere of their life, but sometimes they don’t want to be the
boss. Sometimes they do not want to be the equal . Sometimes they want to be
the slutty servant who is reminded by the man who is in control. These
types of fantasies not only take them back to the younger days, but
make them feel like true, sexually liberated women – which she can’t
feel like in most situations in her day-to-day life.
So go in with the mindset that she’s not only fulfilling a fantasy
of yours, but also that you are
fulfilling a fantasy of hers.
It doesn’t matter if the father of her children is as good a man as
the Dalai Lama or an asshole scumbag who she never wants to see again, all women in their right mind will still
deeply love their children, no matter what. They always hold
their children in loving regard no matter how messed up the situation
with the father is.
And this means that you have to be
prepared to listen to her talk about her kids. It’s a very
common misconception among men that MILFs don’t want to talk about
their children. This notion is incredibly false. MILFs love talking about their children.
They always talk about how proud they are of their children, and
will want to share those moments of pride with you – even if you’re a
younger guy. And don’t be surprised if she even busts out a picture or
two as well. So you must be ready to listen and show a caring regard
and appreciation for the fact that she is a mother. And you must make sure to never insult her
children, disregard their importance, or ever imply that you should be
a greater priority.
This is really, really important, and a lesson that I and many of my
associates have learned the hard way. This
in no way means that you have to be around her kids – you should in
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