How To Have Sexual Dreams

How To Have Sexual Dreams


How To Have Sexual Dreams

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Sex dreams are the equivalent of watching porn in your sleep, so it’s safe to say they’re one of nature’s most beautiful gifts to the unconscious. They’re fun (if not a bit of a tease), and you wake up in a stellar mood. Now thanks to science, we know the exact thing that makes you more likely to have them.
According to a study published in the scientific journal Dreaming , people who sleep on their stomachs reportedly have more sex dreams than those who sleep on their backs or sides. You may have heard that sleeping on your stomach is really bad for your spine , but whatever. Sex dreams are more important.
In the study, 670 college students in Hong Kong were surveyed on how often they snooze in different positions, as well as how often and how intensely they have certain types of dreams, like erotic dreams.
Of the 71% of participants who reported having one dominant sleeping position, 72% said they were side sleepers, 23% were back sleepers, and 5% reported being stomach sleepers. And guess what – that tiny 5% of participants who said they like to sleep on their stomachs reported having the most sex dreams, and more specifically, the more often they slept face down, the naughtier their sex dreams got. Weirdly, they reported dreaming of UFOs, too. But not erotic UFO dreams. 
Scientists aren’t exactly sure why sleeping on your stomach causes you to dream dirty dreams, but there is a theory that says pressing your junk to the bed puts naughty thoughts in your head as you sleep thanks to the extra pressure and blood flow and whatnot, which definitely makes sense. However, the author of the study also has another theory that sleeping face down puts pressure on your chest, making you dream of suffocating or being confined, which also makes sense.
So there you have it, the simple key to dreaming about sex or suffocation — just flip over on your stomach and snooze away. 
Just remember to change the sheets.

Now Reading How To Have A Sex Dream
Just this morning, my alarm woke me up from a great sex dream about an ex — half memory, half fantasy. I hadn’t really thought about him recently, though he'd reached out to me a few months ago (and then promptly disappeared again... typical Sagittarius ). In fact, my last thoughts before falling asleep were probably about my busy Monday schedule — not at all erotic. What makes us have sex dreams , anyway? 
Likely nothing specific , Dylan Selterman , PhD, a social psychologist whose work focuses on dream patterns and behaviour, previously told Refinery29 . “I’m not sure that erotic dreams ‘mean’ anything in terms of symbolism or latent content because we don’t have evidence for that,” he said. “Instead, we likely dream about sex because we think about sex while we’re awake. The continuity hypothesis… suggests that dreams mirror our thoughts and behaviours while awake.” 
On some level, though, sex dreams could be a reflection of subconscious desires, Hilda Burke , a therapist and life coach in the U.K., previously told Refinery29 . “When we are asleep, it’s just the subconscious...the desires and wants. It tends to be the level below.” Sometimes this shows up in weird ways, she explained — for example, if you dream about having sex with your boss, it might mean that you’re inspired by their career… but aren’t necessarily attracted to them.
So, our sex dreams reflect how we think about sex — even subconsciously — in our day-to-day life. But what if you want to try to have a sex dream ? Here are a few things you can do.
Sure, if we think about sex on the subway, it might appear in our dreams, too… but your bed is really the ideal place to really indulge in X-rated fantasies .
Hey, what better way to keep sex top of mind than to have an orgasm right before falling asleep?
A 2012 study found that participants were more likely to dream about “having a sexual relationship with a big wheel or celebrity” when they slept on their stomachs. Cons: They were also more likely to dream about being smothered, locked up, or unable to move. 
Proponents of lucid dreaming say you can learn to consciously manipulate your dreams at night — you realize you’re dreaming, and then you're able to control your actions in your twilight state. If you’re new to lucid dreaming, start with your hands, Robert Waggoner , president of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, and author of Lucid Dreaming - Gateway to the Inner Self , previously told Refinery29 . Before you fall asleep, look at your hands and tell yourself, “When I’m asleep, I’ll see my hands and realize I’m dreaming,” over and over again.
There’s a good chance you’re already having more sex dreams than you realize — you just forget most of them. The best way to remember your dreams is to try to recall them as soon as you wake up . An easy way to do this is by writing them down — there are plenty of aesthetically stunning dream journals out there, but any notebook will do the trick.
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Dudes get dealt a pretty difficult card in the early waking hours: not only do they battle morning breath and eye crust, but they're also stuck with the added risk of unconscious tent-pitching and, even worse, waking up to a random, sticky love stain on their sheets in the middle of the night.
Wet dreams are a messy reality, and in an effort to find out WHY, we spoke with Dr. Ian Kerner , licensed psychotherapist and sex counselor, as well as Dr. Darius Paduch, associate professor of urology and reproductive medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. Here’s the inside scoop on sleepytime goop.
“A wet dream, medically called a nocturnal emission, is a spontaneous ejaculation that generally young men entering puberty experience when they are not always masturbating. The wet dream relieves the build up of semen,” Dr. Kerner explains. “They are healthy and normal and not really within voluntary control. Some boys will recall an erotic dream, but most do not.”
“Biologically it is connected to maturity,” says Dr. Paduch. “Ejaculation stems from puberty. A lot of boys will have nocturnal emissions and then begin masturbating around 12 or 13. Nocturnal emissions are associated with REM sleep, which is where we have those vivid dreams, and these dreams don’t necessarily have to be sexual.” Dr. Paduch goes on to explain that on average, younger guys will have one nocturnal emission every two to three weeks unless they ejaculate regularly -- which, let’s face it, isn’t really that tall of an order.
“We don’t really know why it happens. It happens in animals the same way. Evolutionarily speaking, it’s a way of naturally supplying the tissue with blood and sustaining the optimal health of the penis,” says Dr. Paduch.
But wet dreams aren’t necessarily limited to the under 13 set, so don’t take the plastic off those bamboo sheets just yet. Dr. Kerner says it’s not nearly as frequent as it might be for a young, budding teenager, but adults can get nocturnal emissions, too . According to Dr. Paduch, “as we get older and have regular sex and masturbate, then the frequency of nocturnal emissions decreases to probably one in every six to eight weeks. Some men never experience them.”
Wipe that smirk off your faces, ladies, because you too can have wet dreams -- although yours are far less… messy, and frankly a lot more fun. OK, you can keep smirking.
For women a wet dream is called a “nocturnal orgasm,” and it can happen entirely without physical stimulation. Blood flow to the genitals increases during REM sleep, much in the same way it does when a woman is aroused when awake. Paduch says that the amount of natural lubrication in the vagina increases during erotic dreams, and the results can be quite… explosive (yeah, we went there).
A study done by the Journal of Sex Research found that 85% of women had experienced nocturnal orgasms by the age of 21. For women who are lucky enough to be touched by this specific and sexy angel, sleep-gasms can happen multiple times per year.
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Meagan Drillinger is a contributing writer for Thrillist and is VERY excited about going to sleep tonight. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook at @drillinjourneys .

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