Hooked Up Urban Dictionary

Hooked Up Urban Dictionary


Hooked Up Urban Dictionary
Being totally in love or addicted to someone.
We went on a date last night and I am totally hooked
by Legitunderstandings July 14, 2016
When a person (the 'Hooker') starts stringing along someone who they know is romantically interested in them, turning them down while still leaving a small possibility of a relationship (with excuses such as "It's a bad time at the moment"). In reality however the Hooker is really waiting for someone more desirable to become available (with the person on the receiving end being the 'Hookee'). The Hooker may also use the Hookee to enjoy some of the benefits of a relationship (such as paying for nights out).
Dave: So, did you ask Jen out? Marty : Yes, she said she really likes me but isn't looking to date 'at the moment'. Dave: Aw man, she's got you hooked !
When a substance or person has you hooked .
Same as your shirt getting hooked to a lose nail, if you stop and un-hook yourself you will be freed , and dont have to go back to that nail. But can choose to do so at ones free will .
To have hooked up with someone. You can also " hook " or be hooking with someone.
Last night Joey Freeman and I hooked .
by trees4life201111 February 28, 2011
When a guy has caught another guy's girl on his dick like a fish . Typically at an orgy.
Guy A : "Yo! I got yo' girl hooked !" Guy B : "Shit man! That's some big bait!" Guy A: "Don't worry, I'll toss her back in."
woman on the street taps you on the shoulder and says 'who the _____ you callin' a hook hook' and then she rips your turtle backpack . :(
The process of engaging in any sexual act with another individual .
I really wanted to hook it with this gorgeous brunette last night, but she was way out of my league . I had to settle with mediocre sex with some fat chick instead.

it begins with a couple drinks and ends with you sneaking out in the morning .
Bob hooked up with Carol . Carol never got the next day phone call .
to have casual sex or make out with a friend with benefit or stranger .
guy 1:"are you two dating ?"

guy 2 :" no we're just friends who are hooking up for sex every now and then!"
When two people make out (kiss with tongue ) and the girl is felt up .
Sasha : Where were you and connor last night?
Gillian : Oh we were just hooking up
“Hooking up” is a candy coated way of saying were going to fuck. It has been adopted by today`s preppy pop culture in an effort to “ candy coat ”, glamorize, and make “ casual fucking ” more acceptable. This same preppy pop culture is notorious for abusing the word “like” and can be found in any Hollister, American Eagle, Abercrombie and Fitch, Express, Armani Exchange ect. etc.

Preppy fake pop culture chick - “Yesterday like me and Jason like were almost “hooking up” in the dressing room at like hollister .”

Real Person - “Hey stupid why don’t you just call it what it is FUCKING, get the hell away from me!”

the act of a man and women making out .
tigga and swigga like hooking up when they are together
According to Moe's laws of physics , "hooking up" is the act of having a conversation with the opposite sex.
Moe : Hi.
Anna : Hello.
Moe: Hey guys, i hooked up with Anna today.
Two people who are not dating , but are only just making out and or secretly dating. It is only known by you, the other person, and your and his/her closest friends.
Brittany and K-Fed are hooking up.
No, they are actually doing it.

What you say when you ask someone for something .
Guy 1 sees guy 2 eating popcorn and wants some
Guy 1: Eyy bruh, hooks up Guy 2 then proceeds to give guy 1 his popcorn
An incredibly ambiguous phrase that drives me absolutely insane when people use it.
John hooked up with Mary. (so what did they actually do? Did they meet at the park ? Did they talk? or did they duke like viagra-injected rabbits ? who knows...)
When 2 people kiss and/or fuck.
I agree , it depends on your region.
Based on the age range and context this term is put in, it can mean a number of different things 1) Middle school age- kissing or making out at most (unless for those few mature sluts who make make it farther ) 2) High School- Generally having sex. For most freshman and some sophomores, this means kissing or making out, unless they make it farther which can be common 3) Young adults- sex. 4) Older adults, like parents- Being really nicely helped out
1)John and Lilly are hooking up at the school dance tonight!
2) I hooked up with the quarterback , his d is tiny
3) I think I might've hooked up with Jerry when I was drunk.....
4) Wow!! Bobby really is hooking me up with those concert tickets!
a way to get something you want. either thru someone or something .
yo, i dont need to do hw cuz i got the hook up
by da madd scientist October 3, 2003
Guy A :"Did you hook up with the guys last night?"
Guy B :"Yeah. Guy C hooked us up."
Guy A: "Was Girl 1 there? Y'all should hook up."
Guy B: "She hooked up with me after. We, like, hooked up."
Guy A: "So...did you hook up?"
Guy B: "No." An actual conversation, heard on the Chicago CTA .
1. recieved a good or service as a favor
2. to make out with someone
3. to have sex with someone
1. Jerry gave me the hook up with those backstage passes.
2. Sandra and I hooked up last night and her adams apple was kinda big
3. Hooking up with Derick last night was the biggest mistake in my life.

To be given somthing for free or at a discount usuly by a Homie.

Background from , hook me up to the obvious been hooked-up
Ive been hooked-up like a tow truck
by my buddy @ Budwiser .
When two people sit in the same car seat . Seat warmers may or may not be involved.
Did you and him hook up last night ? Yup .
something thats fun, but can lead to misunderstanding and broken hearts .
I hooked up with him a few times but apparently we aren't gonna go out .
by beenusedafewtimes March 10, 2005
1. get " perks "; as applied to college athletes;

2. have connections ; for getting preferential treatment
1. The college students got "hooked up" and all received mopeds to cruise around campus

2. He was "hooked up" and could get into the movies free.
The thing you do or want to do with that cute friend your sister has over allot that's a year younger than you, or maybe it's the freshman that sits across from you on the bus and you feel her eyes on your ass or maybe she's your bosses new secretary...you know who I'm talking about... the tan one with the nice ass that sits there and plays with her hair in a seductive manner and looks at you 1/2 second longer than anyone else, quiet, mysterious, and seductive probably thinking of some dirty things. When no ones around you draw blanks on what to say and you play the "let's not get caught looking at each other" game. You both want to have ridiculously rough sex in a very kinky way but don't for some obvious reasons.
Dean: who do you like Tim?
Tim: idk but there's this girl in my study hall that I want to Hook up with. I can feel her seductive eyes on me.
Dean: your weird sometimes man....
Tim: nah she wants my cock brah
by CTU_FieldAgent200 November 1, 2010
" Intentionally Ambiguous " - literally
Phrase is intentionally misused when talking about the relationship between two people.
ive had so many hook-ups i cant even remember who i lost my virginity to.

Fruit Masturbation
Christa Théret Nude
Horny Office Slut

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