Hoe Vs Whore

Hoe Vs Whore


Hoe Vs Whore

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What is the difference between whore and hoe ?Feel free to just provide example sentences.

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What is the difference between Whore and Hoe ?Feel free to just provide example sentences.

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On Russian SE we had a discussion about some Russian intentional misspelling one can encounter in Internet. As an example of such phenomena in English I've pointed to the following example: using "hoe" instead of "whore".
An native English speaker first denied this but ironically provided a link to an article where following is written:
ho (also hoe ) informal, derogatory "A prostitute"; 1960s representing a dialect pronunciation of whore.
Ho(e) originated as a variant of whore (just like mo’ is a variant of
more), but their meanings have diverged somewhat. It’s not uncommon
slang to call your girlfriend your ‘ho’ (and just mean ‘girlfriend’),
but if you call her your whore, you are actually saying she’s a
My question would be: is it so? Up to this day I was sure that it's an internet slang and nothing more.
Additional to user067531's excellent answer:
In English people will often use derogatory words (or variants of those words) in ways that would typically be viewed as hurtful, but given the context in which they're used they become almost an in-joke.
This is often accompanied by adding the word my in front of the word, which makes it more clear that it's a term of endearment.
Calling your girlfriend my ho is probably not something you'd say in front of her father. Nor would you introduce her to your boss as my bitch .
I don't feel comfortable reproducing the various usages here, but the n-word has similar usage among the African American community.
There have been many calls to stop these practices as they normalize the degradation of others. This is especially true of the n-word .
And, because the examples you've cited (and I've added to) are particularly identified with the African American community, their usage by a non-member will often be perceived as cultural appropriation at best, or flagrant racism at worst.
I don’t think the term has a neutral connotation:
Ho or hoe noun, (plural hos, hoes, ho's). Slang: Disparaging and Offensive .
First recorded in 1965–70; dialectal or Black English pronunciation of whore
Green’s Dictionary of Slang has a couple of entries about the “neutral” meanings of ho:
generic term describing any woman ( ostensibly neutral, but the undertones of its ety still make it controversial ).
1997 [US] Da Bomb Summer Supplement 8: Ho [...] 2. (n.) (Offensive, derog.) Girlfriend.
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Difference between bitch and hoe/ho [whore]

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Mar 9, 2011


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Hello everybody,

I'm student of English and would like to know if there is any difference between the words bitch and hoe . I have seen these words in song lyrics. I know that in my first language we use the same word for both. So, does one refer to one type of person the other one does not? Or can they be used interchangeably?

A bitch is a derogatory term for a female, that you happen to dislike for whatever reason.

A ho, or a hoe, would be one that you consider promiscuous.

Note that both words are highly impolite and rather sexistic. Unless, of course, you speak of female dogs or garden tools.
I agree with Renaiisance man's interpretation... except that it's my understanding that "ho" is a shortened form of "whore" (derogatory slang for "prostitute").
These words are used in vicious, often literally murderous "rap" "lyrics."

"ho' " is an imitation of how illiterate murderous thugs say "whore" It's not spelled the same as the gardening implement.

Whore = prostitute

Bitch = a shrewish, quarrelsome woman.

The vile misogynists who spew out this filfth regard all women as prostitutes and "bitches" and so use them as synonyms for "woman."

They are obscenities, but then so is all "rap" "music."

Hello everybody,

I'm student of English and would like to know if there is any difference between the words bitch and hoe . I have seen these words in song lyrics. I know that in my first language we use the same word for both. So, does one refer to one type of person the other one does not? Or can they be used interchangeably?


Could you explain in what way the word "hoe" (synonym: mattock) is offensive? I can't see any similarities with "bitch" .

Could you explain in what way the word "hoe" (synonym: mattock) is offensive? I can't see any similarities with "bitch" .

Could you explain in what way the word "hoe" (synonym: mattock) is offensive? I can't see any similarities with "bitch" .

Fabulist says it well, but is a bit kinder than I would be.

I emphasize that such terms are more likely to be used by members of uneducated subcultures, possessing limited vocabulary, such as typified by rap "music" and which learners of English should avoid, rather than emulate.
Thank you for the clarification and for pointing out the offensiveness. I found both words in the lyrics of the song "Bitches Ain't Shit".

" Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks"

It's interesting because I have even heard men using the word among themselves, for example,

Hey, you stop being a little bitch !

So my guess is that you can use this word to refer to men too?

As Fabulist explains, the word is not actually "hoe," but "ho." It is a shortened form of the word "whore," which itself is a derogatory word for a prostitute.

This word is offensive when used to describe a woman, because it is implying that the woman is promiscuous and therefore worthless, not worthy of respect. It's a dehumanizing word that reduces a woman to her (supposed) sexual behavior, and then insults her for it.

As Fabulist mentions, the word often appears in rap lyrics which are otherwise demeaning to women -- and often exhibit a great deal of hypocrisy. The man might brag of sleeping with many "hos" -- he's putting down the women for being promiscuous, while bragging of his own promiscuity!

I disagree with Fablist that all rap is misogynistic or that it is not really "music." There's a good deal of rap and hip hop out there which isn't misogynistic in nature at all, but it's harder to find on commercial radio. Likewise, you'll find that artists in a lot of other genres promote negative stereotypes about women -- take a close look at some country, pop, or rock lyrics and you'll find numerous examples. They might be less profane or violent, but they're often just as hateful.

...but maybe that's a little too off-topic for this thread!

The technical or perhaps I should say legal term for a woman who engages in sex in return for money is "prostitute," and the activity is "prostitution." Unless it is literally accurate—the woman in question does in fact receive money specifically in exchange for engaging in sexual activities—it is highly offensive. There really is no "nice" way to call a woman a whore.

There really is no "nice" way to call a woman a whore.

So my guess is that you can use this word ("bitch") to refer to men too?

So my guess is that you can use this word to refer to men too?

Ok, but could it be then for girl that "being a bitch" is like being fun, popular, a little bit crazy and having a bad temper? Is it right?

Ok, but could it be then for girl that "being a bitch" is like being fun, popular, a little bit crazy and having a bad temper? Is it right?

This is a very interesting point. To me, the word "bitch" denotes gender transgression. You call a woman a bitch when she is acting too "manly" -- loud, forceful, assertive, etc. You call a man a bitch when he's acting too "womanly" -- whining, weak, sexually passive.

This is one reason why I find the word "bitch" so insulting -- people use it to put people of both genders "in their place," using a vulgar word to imply that someone is exhibiting the negative traits of the "wrong" gender.

I suppose "bitch" as a verb for "complain" is "gender-neutral." As a noun, it's a pejorativeexcept in its original sense to describe a female dog. But the pejorative use is so widespread in the U.S. that here I think female dogs are just described as female dogs, except perhaps by dog breeders when speaking among themselves.

Insulting words can always be used among close friends who understand each other, but, frankly, an English language learner should never, ever use bitch, ho' , or any similar words unless they have been used by others first and he or she is quite sure that the intent was not hostile.

Yes, I have had the chance to hear the word in both cases, and you are right, in the first case a girl working as a clerk was being rude to the costumers, and I guess one of them got tired of it and told her, "Why do you have to be such a bitch?" In the second case, this guy didn't want to play baseball (I guess he was shy or something), so one of the guys told him, "Hey, you stop being a little bitch".

I suppose "bitch" as a verb for "complain" is "gender-neutral."

I still perceive this usage as derogatory toward women. It's usually used to apply to men only when they're complaining in a particularly whiny way, about something that they should be able to tolerate. The implication, to me, is that women are bitches, and "bitching" is "complaining like a woman," which is something that is bad enough when women do it, but even worse when men do it.

I heard the verb to bitch referring to a group of employees in a weekly meeting. One of the employees commented in her social network site:

"Oh, these meetings... It's always the same people bitching about the same things."

Hope her boss didn't get the "update".

These words are used in vicious, often literally murderous "rap" "lyrics."

"ho' " is an imitation of how illiterate murderous thugs say "whore" It's not spelled the same as the gardening implement.

Whore = prostitute

Bitch = a shrewish, quarrelsome woman.

The vile misogynists who spew out this filfth regard all women as prostitutes and "bitches" and so use them as synonyms for "woman."

They are obscenities, but then so is all "rap" "music."

Bitching is a different animal from bitch, although it is derived from it. It almos
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