Historical chronicles 

Historical chronicles 

Dr. Mr. Watson 

Anecdotes from Dr. Watson: 

Morning on Baker Street. Dr. Watson reads the paper carefully and suddenly asks: 

"Tell me, Holmes, why did it become so common to see unidentified flying objects in Georgia? 

"It's a simple one, Watson, it's the season of young wine.

What kind of skeleton is that, Barrymore? Is anyone going to clean it up?! 

"It's the skeleton of a cleaning lady, there's no one to remove it. . . .

"Holmes, is it true that you saw Baskerville's dog?"

"Watson, you try to smoke my opium pipe, and you're not just going to see the dog.

"Barrymore, what is this eerie howls outside the window?" 

"This is the Baskerville dog, sir!" 

"Barrymore, what is this wild wail in the swamps?" 

"This is the Baskerville cat, sir! 

"Barrymore, what is this deep, chilling silence?" 

"It's a Baskerville fish, sir!

U.S. 🇺🇸 New York 2021, MSNBC headquarters reports the most important news of the year.

Important U.S. 📰 news 🇺🇸 

Hero of the Year Will Orimus: 

Highly professional U.S. journalist 🇺🇸 on behalf of even more professional and wise top management of the world tv anal 📺 MSNBC conducted an investigation into the protracted shortage of toilet paper 🧻 in U.S. retail chains . The journalist approached the problem unusually and creatively, logically followed the path of the toilet roll 🧻 unwinding it to the end and became convinced of the amazing phenomenon that has not happened since the Civil War with the Indians: it turned out that panic caused diarrhea and increased purchases of rolls of toilet paper 🧻. He did a great job, the whole investigation can be said to have conducted and on top of everything found that toilet paper 🧻 still began to wipe 🧻 nose 👃 and tears. He told MSNBC about these secrets: there are two types of toilet paper, for public places and for home use, and produce them different businesses. With the closure of offices, restaurants and other establishments, the first type became in demand, and the second, which is now used by all, do not have time to produce. With a shortage of goods in the U.S., scarce toilet paper 🧻 was no exception. If it was possible to get, they took several rolls at once, with the help of a rope made of them "necklace" and, putting it on the shoulders, absolutely not shyly carried the toilet paper home.

Bravo 👏 👏 👏 applaud standing tv anal MSNBS 

The Investigation and Report 📑 Editorial on the resulting scarce product groups as of 23/06/2021 in the new York, Washington, D.C., and other capitals of the world: 

Investigating the Editorial board for the absence of any soap and butter. The strange increased demand is recorded by our experts and is noted from 23/06/2021 to the following group of goods: 

a) The timber is a building; 

b) floorboard; 

c) Rope; 

c) soap 🧼 

d) toilet paper 🧻 

      Watson asks Sherlock Holmes: 

     Did you really see Baskerville's dog?

To which Holmes stretched out his pipe to  Watson and said: 

               "Try it, Watson, you'll see it!

Secret documents show that Moderna sent her poison #COVID19 to the University of North Carolina a few weeks before the "pandemic."


Potential candidates for the coronavirus vaccine were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days before the official appearance of the "pandemic" kovid. All these signatures were made before the new coronavirus was announced. It was not until 31 December 2019 that WHO and its hamita Gebreisus became aware of an alleged cluster of cases of viral pneumonia in Wuhan, China.

Barrymore, who's howling in the swamps at night?

"I'm sorry, sir, I've accumulated.

Barrymore, what's that howls in the swamps? 

"You never took your wife to the sea, sir.

The Lord comes home drunk and says to the servant:

"Berimore, bring the basin, we'll puke.

A few minutes later:

"Berimore, everything's canceled, we've shitged ourselves!

AD ON THE GROUND: Brothels in the Auschwitz concentration camp.

In total, ten brothels worked in concentration camps. Very often the girls were bullied by other women, such as the wives of the commandants, just for fun. The nickname of the commandant of stalag No. 337 was "cannibal."

The most horrible things happened in closed brothels for officers, as there were instead of women ...



Our Baby Nicole 

Nicole Mary Kidman has already read on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Now he's thinking of proposing to us. We will also think 🤔, the offer comes every day and we consider them as we receive. The production of toilet paper 🧻 is a very serious technological chain from the manufacturer to each ass. All you need to calculate well 🧮, so that no one went with a dirty ass and did not stink at the whole white light 🗺 

Air balloons, Paris, 1914.

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