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Kinky Gay Diaper Guy in Minneapolis
Let's pad up in the 612!
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I'm just your neighborhood masc-looking vers guy into guys in sports gear, thick plastic diapers, shiny Umbro shorts. I am single but would like to meet other sports gear fans, diaper dudes, or kink-minded guys.
Fetlife: DLnNylonGearMN
Diaper-Bois: DLnNylonMN
kik: DLnNylonMN
RUPadded: DLnNylonMN
Diaperboys only cum in pink diapers... its law 🙈
Nicole snapped the picture and sighed contedly. Finally it was done. Well, there was one more step. Sending the picture to the contacts in each diaper fairy’s phone and uploading it to their Facebooks with a proclamation that they were now gay diaper lovers and please respect their orientation. And tweeting it from their accounts. Still had to do that.
But basically it was done. She’d finally gotten revenge on the two boys who had made her life hell in college by fucking her and then uploading vidoe of it online. The sex had been consensual, the video upload hadn’t. It’d ruined her life, forced her to leave college. Now, four years later, after catfishing each 25-year-old and getting them into her house and telling them that each would be arrested for rape by a cop friend of hers unless they did exatly what she said, the diaper queers had tearfully agreed.
She got both men taped into humiliating Pampers as they laid next to each other crying. “Just think,” she’d’ told them as her two diaperboys laid in front of her and she rubbed the front of their Pampers, one with each hand. “No more girls for you. No more fucking. No more pussies. No more blowjobs. At least not from girls. You two are going to be diaper fairies together. Everyone is going to think you are fags in Pampers who want to live this life. And you will live this life for at least 20 years or those horrible rape accusations will resurface. You both will be in diapers all the time. You can fuck each other. Give each other blowjobs. Spank each other. I want videos every day. You can even eventually find daddies if you want but he has to take you both in and I will still need videos. The days of chasing pussy all gone. Diapers forever.”
Now she played Spielberg and arranged the boys just perfect for the picture that would go out into the world. She wiped their tears. Didn’t want anyone thinking they didn’t want this. She positioned each diaperboy just right, told them to gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes. She loved seeing their diapered crotches inches from each other. Later she would make them hump each other with their diapered fronts until each made cummy in their Pampers. The two gorgeous guys played their roles perfectly, looking totally content as diaper fags. This was the start of their new, tortured life. She couldn’t be happier.

Bobby used to be the Alpha male on campus. Keyword, used to be. His roommate Sam happened. Sam did subtle things like alter Bobby’s mp3 tunes. After a while, Bobby woke up wet. It wasn’t long before Bobby had a hard time getting girls due to his taking them to childish places.
Sam started ordering diapers and leaving them out. Since the messages in Bobby’s tapes told him how sexy diapers were.
Today after Bobby lost all dominant traits, Bobby put on the first of many diapers. What Sam did next was tell Bobby to call him Daddy.
Jesse had it all. He’d a great social life, good grades and brilliant at sports. Life was great.
However, Jesse unexpectedly wet the bed one night. He was shocked but thought little of it. Then it happened the next night and then again. It continued happening.
Jesse went to the doctor, who then sent him for tests in the hospital. It found that Jesse’s bladder was shrinking and he could no longer hold it in like he used to.
It was traumatic for him when the doctor recommended that he wear protection. The wetting became constant and began to result in daytime wetting also.
Jesse is diapered 24/7 now and although he might look quite babyish, he likes to insist that he’s still a tough young man.
Mommy recently decided that its time to take my diaper training to the next level and explained that she cut up all of my big boy underwear and replaced them with thick diapers and that my new morning diaper change would consist of three diapers and three stuffers so they would be impossible to hide when out in public. I didn't even try to argue with her and accepted my new diapers and she explained that she plans on keeping me diapered everyday until I lose my potty training and by then there's no going back. She dressed me for a walk around the block and as you can see its completely obvious that I was diapered. I should of been nervous because my diapers were clearly visible to everyone but I love the feeling of being humiliated for wearing diapers and I can't wait to take the next step in my 24/7 diaper training
Vacation mode! Still want to be padded and filled up as much as possible hehe..
Scott couldn’t believe it. He accidentally peed his pants when he crashed over at his buddy’s place the night before. Yeah they had some shots and a couple drinks so Scott just thought it was a one-time thing. However, his boyfriend Gabe wasn’t so sure. What if it was something more? Gabe said he should wear a diaper the next night, just in case. Scott said absolutely not. That was not necessary. It was a one-time accident and the alcohol was to blame.
Gabe said, “How about we make a bet? Wear as diaper just for tonight. If you keep it dry, then you’re right. It was just a one-time accident. And I’ll give you the money so you can get that new pair of Jordans you keep talking about. If you wet the diaper though, then it means this isn’t just a one-time accident. That means you have to wear diapers 24/7, that means day and night for one full month.”
Scott’s jaw dropped. What? That sounded ridiculous. Of course it was just a one-time accident. A diaper? What the hell? Why would he need to go through all this? Why is his boyfriend Gabe even suggesting this? However, he did want those new Jordans. They looked awesome. Scott slowly debated.
Scott responded with doubt. “Why do I need to wear a diaper? Are you just trying to make fun of me? Where would we even get a diaper?”
Gabe brought him into the other room with some Halloween costumes and stuff. “I have this random pack of adult diapers from the frat initiation I went through. I kept them thinking they might make a good baby costume for Halloween or something,” Gabe responded, pulling out an open pack of adult diapers. Gabe reached in and took out a diaper, handing it to Scott.
Scott took the diaper in disbelief. The diaper was not just a white pull-up thing. It looked like a real baby diaper with bright baby blue and pink print on it. It was plastic and had tapes. It crinkled in his hands as he stared at it. It looked humiliating.
“No way. Hell no! I’m not wearing anything like that!” Scott objected.
“Hey, Scott. Just listen to me. It’s just for one night. If it really was a one-time accident, then great. If it’s something more, then the diaper will make sure you don’t wet the bed. And we can try to figure out what’s wrong. Plus, if you’re right and it was a one-time thing, then you get that pair of Jordans.”
Scott thought. True, wearing this for just one night was a small price for those Jordans. “Ummm… this is weird. You really will pay for the Jordans?”
“Absolutely. We’ll go tomorrow. As long as you don’t wet the diaper,” Gabe assured him.
“Im not gonna wet the diaper. I just need to wear it for bed tonight?” Scott asked.
“Yup. You put it on before you go to bed and you can take it off when you get up. If it’s dry, we go get the Jordans. If it’s wet, then you need to wear these diapers every day and night for the next month and we can try to figure out what is wrong,” Gabe confirmed.
“Okay, I guess. Seems like a weird deal. But getting those Jordans will be worth it,” Scott agreed cautiously.
That night, Scott went to go to bed.
“Wait, remember the deal,” said Gabe.
Scott sighed. He was not looking forward to putting on the diaper. Scott started trying to put it on but struggled to get it on right. Gabe helped him put it on and adjusted the tapes.
As Scott looked down, he was in shock and disbelief. It was so weird but there was something comforting about it. Without realizing it, Scott reached down and felt the shiny puffy diaper that wrapped around him. He couldn’t stop feeling it, feeling the smooth plastic and hearing it crinkle with every touch.
“Are you coming to bed or are you gonna stand there touching your diaper?” Gabe asked jokingly, breaking Scott’s attention from his diaper. Scott walked over to bed, aware of every crinkle as he walked and got into bed. The diaper seemed so noisy as he tried to get comfortable in bed.
Scott woke up. As he shifted in bed, the diaper crinkled and Scott instantly woke up, remembering everything. He reached down and was ready to take the diaper off. However something was different. The diaper felt different. He threw off the covers, sat up and looked down. To his horror, his diaper was thicker, yellow, and obviously wet. How could that be?
Gabe walked in at the moment. “Hey, Scott. Good morning! How’s the… oh. It looks like you needed that diaper after all,” Gabe said looking at Scott with a mix of emotions in his eyes, comforting, concerned and loving.
Scott was in a panic. “No. Wait. This can’t have… why?” As he said that, he starting peeing in his diaper, filling it even more and making the diaper swell. It felt weird, both foreign and yet somehow comfortable. Scott was on the verge of tears, not knowing what to think.
Gabe sat down next to him. “It’s okay, Scott. We will figure this out,” reassured Gabe as he pulled out the pack of diapers. “Let’s change the diaper. Good thing we have these other ones,” Gabe said as he reached for another diaper. “I’ll order some more diapers right away this morning.”
Scott looked down at his first diaper since he was a baby. His heart raced as he realized now that it was going to be the first of many diapers in his future.
Do you think this is too noticeable? Idk might be ok 👌 😕
It’s perfectly fine to wear like this you shouldn’t make people wonder if you are wearing. It’s better to be clear about it and make some new friends this way 😋😋💖💖
Morning errand run..plugged and caged…should have opted for that change before we went out😬
So, as i have told you before, my little @madshappyy​ is a Big little boy in disguise from time to time. 
The last few days he had to get some adult chores done, and therefore, he has been in big boy clothes even for bedtime. 
So as monday came to an end, and bedtime approached i asked him, if he had kept his boxers clean without any accidents like a big boy?
He replied in honesty; “It goes well Daddy, i leave no stains i 9,5 out of 10 times”. 
I said; “0,5 risk of you staining your boxers is enough reason for me to put you back into diapers tonight, go put on a Tykables Galactic and dress up for the night little boy” 
Just 5 minutes later i received this and wrote: “A much better attire for you little one”
He replied like only a little boy could; “I thought that Daddy was in need of his diaper-fix, so here you go.“

Aww, trying to make it all about me.
I replied; “Sure little one, as an adult i take the responsibility for you being in a diaper, but I can see you enjoy it as well kiddo.”

All i got back was a big smile, and Tuesday morning, the surprise of a not wet, but a bit of a bulging night diaper. 
But as he cleverly replied to his morning photo; “Promise Daddy, no touching for me, it is just the way the sunlight hits the diaper:”

Sure kiddo, you didn’t enjoy being back in diapers, oh well, this one is still dry. A day in diapers ahead.

Stay safe, take care. be nice. 

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