Kuala Lumpur Girls

Kuala Lumpur Girls


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Kuala Lumpur dating guide advises how to pick up Malay girls and how to hookup with local women in Kuala Lumpur. Travel, enjoy and have fun with hot single girls and you might even meet the love of your life. Read more on how to date Malaysian women, where to find sex and how to get laid in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia. It is formally known as the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and it has a population of almost 2 million people and if the neighbouring districts and urban agglomeration is considered then the number goes upwards of 8 million people. Besides being the capital city of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur is also the economic, financial, and cultural centre of the country.
To begin with, let's consider the physical stereotype of the women in the city. The women can be broadly classified to be from 5 different types of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The first type being Malay Chinese, these women are descendants of Chinese immigrants. They have typical Asian features such as smaller eyes, petite figures, naturally occurring dark eyes and brunette hair. They make up almost a quarter of the Kuala Lumpur’s entire population. These women speak good English and are open-minded, they have no qualms in drinking, staying out late, meeting tourists and hooking up with them.
The second type of women being the Malaysian Indians, most of these women have typical features of Indian women such as dusky skin, big bright eyes, long brunette hair. They are stunners and are highly qualified. However, they do not come from really liberal families and dating them can be quite troublesome.
The third type of women being the Malays, the women are natives of the moderately Islamic land of Kuala Lumpur, they can be spotted wearing their colourful garbs over the conservative clothing. They are not as conservative as you would expect them to be, they are friendly, and do not mind hanging out with tourists and hooking up with them as long as it is away from the prying eyes of the general public and gossipmongers. They are pretty good looking, they have slightly Asian features as well and are generally soft-spoken. However, you have to be respectful while approaching them.
The fourth type of women to be found in the city of Kuala Lumpur are the Saudis. These women are extremely conservative, you will spot them in their traditional black coloured Burquas. They seldom interact with the tourists, and one can’t even see them except for their eyes. These women are undoubtedly beautiful, with fair skin and light eyes.
The final and the best type of women one can find in the city of Kuala Lumpur are the Iranian immigrants, they arrive in Kuala Lumpur to work away from their families mostly based in Turkey. They are Islamic on paper, but they often live the liberal life and aren’t too religious. They look absolutely stunning. They have fair skin, well-shaped eyebrows, long noses, fuller lips, and a voluptuous body. If you, as a tourist, manage to hook up with one of these Iranian immigrants you should consider yourself very lucky.
Around 50% of Kuala Lumpur’s population belongs to the Malay ethnicity. These are considered to be the original natives of the land. The other major ethnic groups are Chinese and Indians. If the religious demographics of the country is considered then Muslims and Buddhists make up for around 80% of the population, with each having an equal share of almost 40%. Those women who are devout practicing Muslims are the ones who are known for being extremely religious and they wouldn’t ever do anything that would break traditions or come in the way of the teachings of the Quran.
While the other share of women who belong to the Buddhist community and other minorities such as the Hindu community are the ones who are slightly less conventional. These women seldom are seen as overtly religious or conservative, they are known for their open thinking and liberal approach towards life. Nonetheless, a majority of the women have roles defined for them by fellow followers and society predominantly. As far as women from the Islamic faith are concerned, rarely shall you observe women disobeying the preachings and rules of Islam and neither do these women indulge in any vices, they completely abstain from alcohol nor do they smoke either. Women are extremely particular about their deadline, which is either by late evening or early at nightfall. Almost none of the Islamic women indulge in pre-marital sex and they rather choose to remain virgins until they are married. So if you wish to date or marry a woman who believes in a serious relationship, you can always meet plenty of women in Kuala Lumpur.
Again, this does not mean that men who are looking for casual sex shall be left empty-handed in Kuala Lumpur, many of the women who hail from the other religious backgrounds aren’t extremely conservative. As they hail from liberal households they don’t have a long list of do’s and don’ts. A majority of these women are quite open and are quite chatty, seldom are they shy of interacting with strangers. Many of these women do not believe in any deadline either and they step out at night to have a few rounds of drinks at the popular nightclubs or bars. Here at the bars and nightclubs also, these women are quite friendly towards foreign men and are interested in them. As a tourist, it is your primary job of charming these naughty females and getting them to want you as more than just a friend, for many of them may be ready to hop into bed and have sex with you.
There are quite a few educational options in the city of Kuala Lumpur, as it is the capital of the country of Malaysia. The city houses some of the most premier schools and higher education institutes. Therefore, most of the women you shall encounter in the city shall be well educated and have at least a bachelor’s degree. You won’t need to worry about her conversational capabilities in English especially. Depending upon their educational qualifications and cultural background, most of the women do earn money, but their financial independence varies.
Much like a few other major cities in the Eastern part of the world, it depends upon the kind of background that a woman hails from in the city of Kuala Lumpur, that her tastes are defined. Those women who hail from affluent families or high paying careers have rich tastes and they prefer to be in sync with the latest trends across the globe and purchase from some of the most expensive designer brands based out of Europe, they are extremely particular about their looks and social status. The other majority does take pride in the simplest joys of life and don’t care much about materialistic pleasures from the Western part of the world. As a tourist, you need to calculate your spending capabilities before pursuing a suitable woman.
The women of Kuala Lumpur are good looking. Most of these women are from different ethnic backgrounds but shall appeal to tourists nonetheless. They usually are very petite and fair however the ones who come from India, they can look very exotic. The above rating is given only after due consideration to all factors.
The girls in Kuala Lumpur have a friendly nature, they love to meet tourists and converse with them, this might not stand true for every girl out there, but the ones who are liberal will certainly not disappoint you. The above rating represents the attitude of the women in the city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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There is a variety of women in Kuala Lumpur and this variety predominantly refers to the different backgrounds that most of these women hail from. Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of Malaysia and one can definitely expect the country to have a global outlook in comparison to the other cities in the entire country. Hence, picking up horny girls in Kuala Lumpur would be relatively easier. It does not mean that the pickup game is simple, you will have to work for it. Women from kuala Lumpur love polite and well dressed men.
Malaysian girls might not be very fluent in English and they do have pretty strong accents so make sure you keep that in mind while conversing. They can also be very shy and reserved so you will have to break the ice.
The chances of picking up horny girls in the city of Kuala Lumpur are average, as there are women from various religious and cultural backgrounds (Muslims, Buddhists, Chinese, Indian etc) and you will have to make the right moves on these women without offending their sentiments. The above rating justifies the point being made here.
The daytime game in Kuala Lumpur is extremely tricky because of a host of factors. As many readers would have already figured out, it is to do with the conservative approach of the residents of the city. The axe of judgement that sways over the head of most women prevents them from not just dating but also interacting with strange foreign men. The average daytime game is pretty poor and you shall have to incorporate some tricks and trips to efficiently pick up women. To begin with, have a keen eye, you need to screen women on the basis of their outlook and personality while deciding which ethnic background does she belong to if you believe she belongs to some of the conservative kinds, immediately strike her off your list. Approach the liberal ones and start having a conversation with them. Most of them also believe in long term relationships so keep that in mind. Apart from this, avoid getting into trouble with law enforcement agencies and hurting religious sentiments while having a conversation. Given below are some tips and tricks to approach girls.
As mentioned above, firstly screen the women well before approaching them, as this ensures higher efficiency and minimum waste of time. Then when you find the perfect girl, start your conversation with a common topic, this could include anything under the sun, such as the weather, books, or music as they shall most definitely help you in breaking the ice. Avoid asking women anything too specific and most definitely nothing too personal. This is a common blunder and will most certainly ensure that you get immediately rejected by her.
The culture of approaching women on the streets is relatively new in the city of Kuala Lumpur and not acceptable to one and all. Malay Chinese, Iranian immigrants, and Malaysian Indians are quite easy to approach and won’t blow you off in an instant. Start the conversation in a humble way, without being too loud, try to flirt subtly, begin with a compliment, nothing too direct. If she is seemingly comfortable then you can up the ante and give bold compliments and flirt more aggressively. Make sure midway into the conversation you ask for her complete name, and if she obliges, be charming enough and host a conversation with lots of wit and humoUr, you might just get lucky and have her mobile number and a next date by the end of it all.
Chance of picking up at daytime: 2.5/5
Chances of picking up women at daytime are decent and it all boils down to your skill as a flirt and charmer. The above-given rating is sufficient to describe the ground reality in the city of Kuala Lumpur.
For those who have read each word of this article by now might have realized which kind of women they are supposed to approach during the daytime if they want to have a good chance of getting lucky, now we shall discuss some of the best places where tourists can encounter some of these horny girls. Much like the other capital cities around the globe, the best place to meet sexually available naughty females during the daytime there is no place better than a shopping mall. The situation is no different in the city of Kuala Lumpur as these malls provide a safe atmosphere for women away from all the cacophony of the traffic on the densely crowded roads, it also offers a controlled air-conditioned atmosphere while providing a host of shopping, dining, partying, and entertainment options under one roof. Therefore, as a tourist visiting some of the below-listed shopping malls is an excellent idea to meet some horny girls:
One can of course try and visit university areas, as there are plenty of young sexually available girls in those areas. But if caught lurking around in places you are not supposed to you may be in some trouble for sure. Hence, it is better to visit coffee shops and restaurants frequented by female students.
The nighttime game in the city of Kuala Lumpur is much better than the daytime. The city is pretty developed and is home to many of the nightclubs, bars, and discotheques. Needless to say, these are some of the best places to pick up women during the night time. Remember, in Kuala Lumpur, bars have very expensive alcohol, thus, it is highly recommended to pre-drink and head out to party. Do not turn up too drunk as you might not be allowed in at all. Dress well and definitely avoid aggressively flirting with women. Do not forget to book a good suite or room if you are confident of bringing back a naughty female from the bar or nightclub you plan on visiting for the night. Given below are some of the best nightclubs that one can visit in the city of Kuala Lumpur.
Chance of hooking up at nighttime: 3/5
The chances of hooking up at night time are quite good, this is because the public out at night is usually liberal and they do not let religion or culture come in the way of having some relentless fun. The above rating justifies all the above points.
Most of the tourists who visit a city, dream about having all the best party places and best accommodation options in one particular vicinity and this dream comes true in the city of Kuala Lumpur as it possesses a nice concentrated bar district in the form of Changkat Bukit Bintang. The touristy nightlife area implies that majority of the women who are partying here belong to the elite or they have come as tourists from other countries. Given below is a list of some of the most happening nightclubs, pubs, and bars to meet naughty females in the city of Kuala Lumpur:
The nightlife in the city of Kuala Lumpur is electric and there are a number of horny girls you can choose to flirt with. The above rating justifies the nightlife in the city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
As mentioned previously pursuing any woman in the city of Kuala Lumpur has it's on tact, considering the wide diversity in cultural and religious backgrounds. Those men who are interested in hooking up solely must avoid the type of women who believe in monogamy, they particular involve the extremely conservatives Malays and Saudi women. Most of the women in Kuala Lumpur do not even believe in the concept of hooking up, not even with known men from the city itself, the idea of hooking up with strange foreign men is even more far fetched. A majority of women from the above-mentioned backgrounds shall not even interact freely with strange men as they have well-defined roles to play in their society and they cannot really breach certain boundaries. The tightly knit community plays a big role and there are gossipmongers who could assassinate one’s character with one loose talk.
In the city of Kuala Lumpur, those tourists who wish to have sexual relationships with mature ladies must hunt for ladies who are divorced, widowed, or single. As these women are most likely open to interact with foreign men and even hop into bed with them as they are sexually available and they aren’t judged by gossipmongers and the society in a manner that most young single women or married ones are scrutinized.
When visiting Kuala Lumpur, dating can be a fun and interesting experience. AdultFriendFinder.com, lets you meet local members in Kuala Lumpur and get to know them on a personal basis before you arrive. It just takes a few minutes, you simply create an account, upload a few images and tell a little about yourself. Since time in your destination may be limited, get to know each other’s desires beforehand so when you do meet, you can skip the awkward introductions and start having some real fun.
Dating in Kuala Lumpur is a pleasant experience, it is relatively smoother than just finding women to hook up with, as most of the women in the city are quite conservative and prefer long term relationships. If you approach the women well and ask them out in a polite way, they are more likely to say yes. For day dates as a couple, you can walk above the canopy at Bukit Nanas. For a quick getaway, you could always go to Pulau Payar Island for a sunny afternoon. Broga Hill is an excellent venue for a hike at the top offers a view to die for. A visit to the famed Kanching Waterfalls is also a good option. For a cheap date, you can visit the Putrajaya Tropical Botanical Gardens or you could create a terrarium at Ohsum Mossum which is situated in Sunwaymas Commercial Centre.
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Kuala Lumpur has an evenly balanced population where the shyness of some women is made up for sufficiently by the bold liberal women. Most of these women are active on online dating apps. Therefore, tourists who wish to use online apps and websites in the city of Kuala Lumpur to find a date at the earliest can try the given below dating apps:
Most of the above websites and apps won’t have ladyboys, but there are a few prostitutes, hence, it is better to confirm before jumping into bed with a woman.
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Those kinds of men who have a lot of money to spend and drive fancy cars, live in exotic locations are the most likely to have the best chances. Also, men who are from foreign countries are liked by the diverse population here. Apart from this, men who have personality traits such as a good voice, good conversational skills, humour, and a deep acceptance of various cultures are deemed to do well in the city of Kuala Lumpur. It is an added advantage if you happen to follow the same faith as that of the woman you are pursuing.
It is advised to avoid PDA (public displays of affection) and get cozy only in the four walls of your hotel room. At times, hotels may also stop you from taking a woman back to the room if her presence was not mentioned at the time of check-in but that is very rare. It is of utmost importance while picking up women from bars to make sure that they are not prostitutes as it may lead to some kind of an argument and legal trouble later. Also, try and stay away from committed women or married ones as their respective partners may not take your overenthusiastic approach too kindly and it may lead to verbal arguments or even fist fights.
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