Guy Makes Girl Orgasm

Guy Makes Girl Orgasm


Guy Makes Girl Orgasm
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The female orgasm can be a puzzle for men — after a while, some guys just say screw it and go play Call of Duty . Jordan Carlos, Girl Code regular and writer for Comedy Centrals The Nightly Show , tells how he cracked the code.
Much like with stand-up, in the bedroom, I had beginner's luck that gave me a false impression of my abilities. In college, I hooked up with a woman who lost her shit at my slightest touch. How could I not think I was truly the gangster of love? Alas, other women didn't experience complete particle reversal by simply having me blow in their ear. It got worse. Much worse.
"Just finish. I wasn't going to come anyway..." has to be the most soul-crushing thing I've ever had a woman tell me. Not only did I feel horribly inadequate, but I also felt like a knuckle-dragging cretin. I was inside her, for Pete's sake! Why weren't the women I bedded immediately spasming in ecstasy? I mean, didn't I put my sex part in her sex part? Wasn't I pumping away like I had seen in all those Skinemax movies? Obviously, I had more work to do.
But what did I really know about women? Nada. And I am the son of an ob-gyn! As such, my understanding of sex was clinical/utilitarian. I knew that to make a baby, people had to make the sex together. I didn't know where the clitoris was or the mythical G-spot for that matter, but I did know what I saw in movies, and the movies told me that to take a lady to Pleasantville, some amount of oral sex was involved. So I entered a period wherein much of my foreplay repertoire consisted of adhering myself to a young lady's labia majora like a hungry sea barnacle . Results were mixed.
With each partner, I learned what I was doing wrong. Like not using my fingers and going too heavy on the tongue. I think I may have pulled it a time or two. But I'd become accustomed to rejection, so rather than settle into early-onset celibacy, I soldiered on. And like my routine, it got better!
I think the secret to finally understanding what it took to please a lady came when I found the right one. We both had super-awkward bedroom fun until we weren't scared of each other anymore and started having mind-bending fun. One night, she told me how she liked it, what angles were "no" and what angles made her say, "More, please!" I was happy she did. Ladies, talk to us. You tell a barista how you like your latte. Baristas aren't mind-readers, and neither is your guy. And for guys, bringing a woman to orgasm makes us feel unstoppable — 19 percent not mere gangsters of love but veritable "Oh, my god-fathers."
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Follow Jordan Carlos on Twitter @jordancarlos .
This article was originally published as " Ladies! Help Us Help You! " in the April 2015 issue of Cosmopolitan . Click here to get the issue in the iTunes store!

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There are apparently nine kinds of orgasms a woman can have, says psychologist John Gray, author of the classic self-help book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.”
In a new podcast interview with Bulletproof Radio host Dave Asprey, the relationship guru spilled the climax beans about a Taoist practice he says will jumpstart the way male/female couples have sex.
“I think we all need sex education,” Gray, 68, said to the “bio-hacking” podcast host.
During this step-by-step process, men shouldn’t ejaculate at all, Gray says, which he explains on the show in great detail. The method is one he learned with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. For nine years, Gray was celibate to better his 16-hour-a-day meditations. “[It] gives you energy,” he told Asprey, 46.
As each area Gray describes is stimulated, the woman will have an orgasm, he says. Each one warms up the body for the next step, apparently leading to a blissful experience.
Here’s his roadmap to sexual satisfaction.
Start by syncing your breathing together, like you would in a yoga class. Soon, you won’t need to think about maintaining that rhythm. “It’s taking on by itself, it’s that ‘hahhh, hahhh,’ ” he said. “That’s the first orgasm. You allow that to happen, and you let yourself go into the pleasure of the automatic breath.”
Once you’re breathing together — you’ll be in a “trance state,” he said — embrace with a hug.
Next, have a hefty makeout. Because of the breathing you just did, “there’ll be more salivation,” said Gray. He explains that an “orgasm” can happen as the kiss heats up, and your tongues are “penetrating” each other’s mouths.
“Now we’re moving down to the whole body. Very systematic, you have to have a sense of structure,” said Gray. Kiss her down the neck, behind the ears, beneath the armpits — everywhere. Get her joints loose and have fun.
Once she’s properly aroused you can head down south, says Gray. Make sure to stimulate the surrounding areas before focusing in, he suggests.
“You always want to tease. You go up to that area, circling that area, lots of circling,” said Gray.
In this move, the man should stimulate the entryway of his partner’s vagina with his genitalia, said Gray.
Next, go a little bit deeper, until you find her G-spot. Gray says it will “pop up” once your partner is aroused, and will feel like the size of a quarter.
“The idea for men is starting little, then going a little deeper, then deeper, for quite a while,” said Gray.
About an inch after the G-spot is something calls the “E-spot,” though he doesn’t know where the name comes from. He claims that it can’t respond to pleasure until the G-spot has spurred an orgasm. “Don’t go all the way in. It’ll feel like you’re almost all the way in.” Continue until she has “an orgasm or two.”
The C-spot is the cervix, at the end of the vagina. “Generally speaking,” said Gray, most men aren’t endowed enough to reach that point.
However, with enough stimulation and at certain times in a woman’s cycle, the cervix can provide pleasure: “Every touch is like sparks,” he said.
After the cervix orgasm, the whole area becomes extra sensitive, said Gray.
Gray says the woman will be highly “orgasmic” at this point, and respond to the slightest of movement, including a push-and-pull pulse. “I’ve done it many times, you push in and her body goes ‘pew pew pew pew pew,’ ” he said.

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If you relied on Hollywood as your guide to sexual pleasure , you'd think that the typical woman only needed to rock the sheets for 8 seconds before finding herself on the brink of an earth-shattering orgasm .

But in the real world, this usually isn't the way it goes. And the results of one study back up the fact that not only do most women need some level of hands-on touching to hit climax during intercourse, the type of touch—the rhythm, motion, and pressure—varies widely.

The study, published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy , surveyed over 1,000 women between ages 18 and 94. Participants were asked how much touching they needed to reach orgasm and what exact strokes produced the most pleasure, among other questions.

One major finding: 37% of women said they need clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm. Another 36% said that having this body part touched isn't necessary for reaching the big O—but it does make the experience that much better.

When it comes to specifics, two-thirds of the women in the study said they preferred up-and-down motions directly on their clitoris, while 52% enjoyed direct circular movements and a third liked direct side-to-side strokes. The majority of women reported preferring light to medium pressure on their vulva , with 11% preferring firm pressure there.

Among the two thirds of women who said they preferred indirect clitoral stimulation, 69% said they enjoyed touching "through the skin above the hood," the study stated. Approximately 29% said they liked it “through both lips pushed together (like a sandwich)." Twenty percent favored indirect touch “through the skin on the right side of [the] clitoris,” and 19.2% chose “through the skin on the left side of [the] clitoris.”

"I hope this study challenges the idea that certain things work for everyone or everyone should have sex a certain way," Debby Herbenick, PhD, director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University and a co-author of the study, tells Health.

"Forever, data on orgasms during intercourse focused on college women or people in sex therapy," says Herbenick. "But this study was nationally representative and speaks to women of all ages, educations, races, and ethnicities, since it matches the demographics of women in the United States."

While there's no formula for the perfect orgasm, the study shows that some types of touch are more popular than others. And while the researchers make no judgments, Herbenick has one suggestion for women hoping to experience more pleasurable orgasms: maintain an open dialogue with your partner about the type of touch you like.

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How to make a woman orgasm? Dr. Phil says it takes a woman 14 minutes to have an orgasm… well I feel bad for Dr. Phil. Thing is, he’s not alone with this number… I’ve seen numerous sources say that it takes a woman anywhere between 15 to 20 minutes to have an orgasm.







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Well, one thing is for sure… unless you have delayed ejaculation, a woman generally does take longer to orgasm than men do.
And if you don’t warm her up, and penetrate her properly, it probably WILL take her 15 – 20 minutes to get off… and most men don’t know what the hell they’re doing when they’re in the bedroom, so either 1) the girl naturally has quick/easy orgasms, or 2) she’s putting on a performance to please her man’s ego.
Thing is, it’s not that hard to even the playing field, and make a woman orgasm simultaneously, or even before you.
My experience with the female orgasm was not always good… in fact it was terrible – trauma-causing terrible.
I had the love of my life leave me due to my inability to satisfy her in bed. And had MANY women that left my bedroom feeling like “this guy sucks”, and never came back.
The female orgasm was a mystery to me. A code that I couldn’t crack. Something I thought was reserved for stronger, higher-level men in the food chain, from a Darwinistic point of view.
Either I wasn’t large enough, or just couldn’t last long enough… that was it. I wasn’t built to satisfy women.
After that girl left me, it became my life mission to be able to make a woman orgasm. Or die trying.
Any free time I had, I obsessively researched on the female orgasm… oral sex tactics, books on the clitoris, sex forums, guides to different penetrative techniques.
I “over-studied”… and put off sex or dating for a long time before I felt I was fully ready.
When I finally had a chance that was too good to pass up and felt I was ready, I went down on her and penetrated her to TWO powerful orgasms in under 10 minutes.
But I have concerned it was a fluke. I repeated this with the same girl several times, but worried if I would be able to repeat the results with other women… but I did.
And over the last 10 years or so, I’ve made somewhere between 20 and 30 women have multiple orgasms in just a few minutes… (I’m not a male gigolo; just a very horny man in Miami, a city with plenty of “resources” in the female department).
So 20 minutes to orgasm? C’mon man… here’s how to make a woman orgasm quickly.
A woman’s mind plays a very strong role when it comes to her orgasm.
A TLC episode of Strange Sex reported on a woman who was able to “think herself” into orgasm, without any physical touch at all.
Scientists put her in an MRI like a machine, studying her brain waves, and they were, in fact, identical to the overwhelming hurricane of brain activity that occurs during orgasm. She was having an orgasm just from thought.
While it took 30 minutes or so, and most women will NEVER come to this level of “self mental stimulation” necessary to have an orgasm, it does show how strongly her thoughts will influence her orgasm.
SO… send her texts telling her specifically what you’d like to do to her, throughout the day… build the anticipation. Talk dirty during foreplay, and during sex… when her mind is into it, and she lets loose, then orgasm will occur quicker, like with an elixir stimulating experience for extended pleasure .
This is also a great way to know what she likes. have you ever asked what turns her on? Different strokes for different folks. This might be shocking news but newsflash, vaginas are not made from cookie cutters, each one is unique in its own way.
Not only on a physical level is each woman different but there is also the mental aspect to consider. If she has in her mind something that she wants but isn’t getting, her body might not respond the way either of you wants. So, just ask.
Your own libido will influence her levels of arousal. If you need a little boost in the area, there is a plant called Butea Superba that is backed both by science and centuries of eastern tradition, well-known for improving men’s sex drive and overall libido.
This tip is especially important if you have problems lasting long .
Your tongue is the perfect tool to stimulate her clitoris as it has no “time clock” before it’s set to go off. Plus, the soft, warm physical sensation it provides… women love it.
Combined with some breaks for occasional dirty talk , going down on your lady will get her much closer to orgasm, so when you do penetrate, it won’t take that many stroke before she’s “gone off”.
Some women can only come with a clitoris, enjoying penetration afterwards, without a climax. Nothing wrong with that! If your partner prefers clitoris orgasm, don’t rush and make her scream just by touching and licking her tiny clit.
Ask her about her preferences. From my experience slow regular moves, without rushing nor pushing too hard works best.
No matter if you touch it or lick it, one thing is crucial: your PERSISTENCE. Repeat the same move between her legs continuously and patiently. Make her feel that you won’t stop until she screams with pleasure. She must feel it that it’s fun for you to take care of her and you will not finish in the middle of doing that. She must feel that she is melting with each stroke of your finger or tongue and slowly falling into the deep hole of pleasure.
Extra tip: finger her upper wall with two fingers, with a “come here” motion, at the same time as performing oral… this will put pressure on her g-spot, which in reality, is the internal part of the clitoral cluster.
In case you haven’t noticed, the clitoris is key to the female orgasm… if you don’t put pressure on the clit, you won’t be getting her off.
Unless a woman’s clitoris is close to her vaginal opening, the doggy style will just be a fun position for you… while it will feel good for her, without a doubt, it will most likely not provide enough stimulation to make a woman orgasm… at least not anytime soon.
One of the best “you on top” positions to get a woman off is a missionary while putting pressure on the clitoris with the lower pelvis/area right above the base of your penis. Rub hard into it on the in- and out-stroke.
It’s more like a very quick up-and-down rubbing against the clit, rather than an in-and-out “banging”.
Does she know how to get herself off when on top? Just watch her, and try to duplicate a similar motion when YOU’RE on top.
Or let her get herself off on top! If she just follows her instincts, and she’s hot and horny enough, she’ll ride herself off into orgasm in just a couple of minutes, and you can get off simultaneously, or right after her, in the position you choose!
It’s important that you pay attention to all of her erogenous zones as well… it’s kind of like entering a cheat code to skip levels.
If you are already penetrating correctly, or she’s on top, then sucking, pulling, spanking her “sexy parts”, preferably a few of them simultaneously (ask her what she likes; I’m sure she’ll point you in the right direction), combined with some dirty talk, and she’ll be tightening up, gyrating and vibrating into orgasm in no time.
It’s funny… when I start really putting this kind of pressure on my girl, she starts telling me “don’t finish yet”… when in reality I’m not even close!
I just play nice and say “okay, I won’t…”.
A woman will stay in a relationship with a broke, abusive, a-hole of a guy, as long as the sex is good, much longer than she’ll stay in a relationship with the perfect man if he sucks in bed.
Good sex is the glue that keeps a relatio
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