Guide: enable Biometric Authentication in OpenMask

Guide: enable Biometric Authentication in OpenMask

Nikita Kuznetsov

  1. Install OpenMask and create an account
  2. Navigate: Person icon 👷‍♀️ (top right corner) => Account Settings
  3. Experimental => Enable Biometric Authentication

The feature is located in the Experimental block because it supports a lot of device pairs. The project is limited by funding and can't verify all possible connections.

4. After press enable you should see the native pop-up window the select Authenticator type.

Choose "This device" for built-in scanners like Touch Id in Mac. "USB security ket" for Yubikey

5. Follow the instruction, confirm biometric 2 or 3 times to create and verify signature.

The End!
The wallet offer you to lock account to unlock by biometrics!

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