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General News of Sunday, 30 July 2017
The 23-year-old says he finds it extremely difficult to desist from the act
The shocking account of how a 23-year-old who has been in an amorous sexual relationship with his 52-year-old grandmother for the past 5 years has left residents of New Juaben Municipality of the Eastern Region spellbound.

Sampson Lartey [not real name] who developed the habit of masturbating after his colleagues introduced him to the act, revealed that he was at one point in time caught in the act by his grandmother. He claims his grandmother used that information to blackmail him into having sex with her.

Subsequently, he began sleeping with his grandmother. He was 18 at the time.

“I was eighteen (18) years when it all started. I lived with my grandmother when I was fourteen (14). My parents were not in the country by then, so I spent a lot of years with my grandmother. She took care of me just like her son, and gave me the best of education.
 It was vacation, I was inside my room masturbating. The pleasure in the act made me forget that I had not locked the door. Half through the process, my grandmother who wanted to send me on an errand suddenly opened the door. There I was, masturbating. She had caught me in the act. I felt very ashamed and dirty. She closed the door gently without saying a word.
Days after the incident, the cordial relationship that existed between my grandmother and myself froze. I panicked anytime my eyeballs met with hers. I had my nerves loosened. What have I done to myself? I quizzed over and over again.
 I gathered courage and went to my grandmother; I apologized to her for the mess I have created. She told me right in the face that, what I have done is a great offense and she finds it very difficult to forgive me. My heart was bleeding after she made these pronouncements. I was sobbing. She could sense I was frustrated and had regretted ever doing that," he narrated.

He continued, "She drew me closer to herself and asked me to calm down. She assured not to tell anyone about what happened and made me promise her it is not going to happen again. I felt very excited. At least I can feel at ease at home," he said.

Describing how his first sexual act with his grandmother happened, Lartey said he succumbed to lust after walking in on his 'naked' grandmother on his way back home from an errand.

"My grandmother sent me on an errand one Saturday afternoon and asked me to bring the item into her room. I knocked at her door and she ordered me in. When I entered, what I saw was scary. I saw the nakedness of my grandmother. She asked me to come closer to her since I was stunned beside the door. It took a long pause but I eventually went closer. I had a feeling I knew what was going to happen, but curiosity took me there.
Even though I knew it was erroneous for me to do that, I proceeded anyway. I felt very confused and frustrated but that did not stop me from making love to my grandmother after one act led to the other. And from there we’ve had sex regularly for the past five years’’. He lamented.

Lartey says he regrets the act with his grandmother saying the situation has cost him his relationship with his girlfriend.

"Though my girlfriend is not aware of my sex escapades with my grandmother but in a way, it has affected the healthy relationship I used to have with my girlfriend. As a result, my girlfriend has decided to call it quits since I do not give her the necessary attention, care and love anymore".

He added that despite feeling guilty about the act which has also led to a decline in his academic performance, he finds it extremely difficult to desist from it.

"I really want to stop this bad behaviour but am really finding it difficult and it has even again affected my education. My grades are getting worse as the day goes by and all what I think about is my grandmother but nothing else. I feel very guilty for everything I have been doing with my grandmother. I pray no one especially the youth, enters a predicament like this because it is very disgusting and can haunt you for the rest of your life”.

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Part 1 – Will you help me into this please?

Amy turned the parcel over in her hands and smiled. The package, bearing only her name, address and postage stamps on an otherwise bare, manila surface, gave no clues as to the goods contained therein. But Amy knew what secret the anonymous wrapping held, and with hands noticeably trembling with anticipation she began to tear away the outer layers to reveal her purchase. For several seconds she fought with the paper, then the inner polythene bag in which her purchase was sealed. Finally, after much fumbling, she was able to unfurl and unveil the garment of her dreams.

All black and manufactured from soft yet extremely durable and hard-wearing leather, Amy held the jacket out to examine it in detail. It was, she soon decided with a shiver of pleasure, exactly what her heart desired. Hanging from the main body of the garment there were straps attached at strategic points, without which the whole outfit would have been of no use to Amy whatsoever, as it would have failed to live up to its purpose. Amy grabbed one of the sleeves and studied it. What would have been the open end at the wrist on any normal item of clothing, on this garment was enclosed and stitched up into a padded a cul-de-sac from which no hand could exit. Instead, dangling loosely from each of these dead-ends was a thin yet strong belt-like strap of leather with several holes punched along its length. Similarly, from the open back - through which the wearer entered the costume - five leather belts hung limply from the right hand side, spaced at intervals from the collar down to the waistband, with the securing metal buckles - their counterparts - situated on the left of the opening.

Having scrutinised the straps, and satisfied herself that they had all been stitched securely in place and couldn’t be removed by brute force, Amy turned her attention to the front of her new outfit. Compared to the back, there were only minimal adornments. Across the chest area, a vertical strap had been fixed in place at both ends, forming a loop. And on the hem at the bottom, one final strap had been fitted – probably the most important part of the whole rigging, to Amy’s mind – which for now hung freely downwards, betraying its intended purpose.

Amy was in love with of every facet of her newly procured item, and simply couldn’t bear to take her eyes off it. She tested each of the straps and buckles to make sure they all functioned properly, then released them all again.

Now it was time to find out how restrictive – and therefore amazing - her new straitjacket really was.

But there were problems... as she had known there would be. Slipping her arms into the thin sleeves and pulling the heavy garment around her shoulders and up to her neck, Amy found that she could take things no further. With her hands now cocooned in mittens of cushioned leather, her fingers were no longer able to be of service to her. And it was her hands and fingers that she so desperately needed now to complete her encasement. For without them, there was no way she could do up the collar strap or any of the others that would, once secured, have enclosed her in a tight embrace. Nor could she thread her arms through the strap on her chest, wrap her arms around her body, then buckle the belts on the sleeves in their rightful positions, to make certain that her arms remained trapped and inescapable. And likewise the fastening of the strap that was intended to pass between her legs, in order to guarantee that she couldn’t remove the whole garment by lifting it up over her head, was also frustratingly beyond her capabilities at the moment.

Amy sighed deeply with regret. She’d known all along that this impasse was going to surface, but had until now put off taking steps to remedy the situation. For she knew that, without the assistance of someone to help her, there was no way she could utilise her new most treasured possession to its fullest potential. And there lay her dilemma. For Amy knew of no one within her circle of friends that she would feel comfortable with asking for help.

Amy had been fascinated by bondage ever since she could remember. But she had no interest in the binding and imprisoning of anybody else. No, the person Amy had always fantasised about being tied up was herself. The trouble was that, being shy and lacking in confidence when it came to expressing her desires and dreams, she had never been able to pluck up the courage to tell another living soul about her obsession. And therefore, up until now, her hobby had remained a solitary vice; a pastime restricted to, at first the bedroom of her family home, and now the flat she’d rented since flying the nest more than a year ago. In other words, the twenty year old, slim, attractive blonde had been forced to resort to self-bondage. 

Over the course of time, Amy had experimented with, and become something of an expert at, tying herself up in every conceivable way, using every available medium she could lay her hands on. There had been several close calls too, when her enthusiasm had got the better of her and she’d found herself in a situation from which extricating herself was almost impossible. But that didn’t worry Amy in the least. For wasn’t the whole point of being tied up supposed to be that you couldn’t escape? The more she diced with danger, the better. As long as it remained almost impossible to get out, but didn’t cross that invisible line into totally impossible, then everything was just fine with her. Just so long as nobody else found out, that was her biggest fear; bigger even than getting stuck and having to remain helplessly trapped for hours on end. For the ridicule and embarrassment that the revealing of her secret would cause, if friends or family caught her in some tight dilemma of her own making, would be difficult for her to live down; especially if her strange little games were subject to whispers and rumours, and thus became common knowledge.

Amy pulled the straitjacket around her and gazed in the mirror. With her arms held tightly across her chest, she could almost believe that she really was all nicely strapped and secured into the gorgeously sensual leather encumbrance. But of course she wasn’t; a fact confirmed when she turned around, looked over her shoulder and gazed at the open back of the garment with its straps drooping lifelessly downwards. And this detail had been a source of much soul-searching as she sought a way to overcome the problem.

But maybe there was light at the end of the tunnel after all. For the seeds of a solution had been planted in her mind the other day, and since that time she’d been mentally focussing on the pros and cons of this daring scheme, in the hope that she could fine tune the details, and with any luck bring her plan to fruition.

She needed an accomplice. That was the crux of the matter, pure and simple; someone who would help her into the straitjacket, pull all the straps tight, buckle them securely, then leave her trapped and tied that way for a few hours. But asking any of her friends was anathema to her, just in case, when they discovered her kinky side, they decided to shun her and - even worse - began to spread the word about her strange tendencies and turned her into a pariah of sorts; someone who everybody avoided, and who, when her back was turned, they would snigger and gossip about. For several days, Amy had been wrestling with this conundrum, racking her brain to try to come up with an alternative candidate; someone who wouldn’t spread her secret to everybody and their dog. And finally, she thought she’d come up with the perfect confidante .


Jenny wasn’t really a friend. She just happened to work for the same firm as Amy. In truth, they worked in separate offices, and had very little contact with each other on a day to day basis. In fact, they probably hadn’t exchanged more than a few words with each other in the year or so since Amy had started her apprenticeship at the company. The two were roughly the same age, but other than this Amy had no clue as to Jenny’s interests, hobbies, friends, or virtually anything else about her.

There were, of course, many employees of around the same age as Amy working in the huge complex of offices in which the multi-national organisation had its headquarters, so why had Amy singled out this Jenny character from the other possible contenders? Well it was quite simple; she needed someone who wouldn’t spill the beans regarding her strange pursuits, and she thought that she’d hit upon the perfect reason why her prime candidate would be in no rush to break this confidence.

Just over a week ago, Amy - who worked in the finance team - had come across some irregularities in relation to petty cash payments and the receipts that accompanied certain purchases. Digging deeper, she found Jenny’s signature kept cropping up on what at first appeared to be legitimate expenses, but which under further scrutiny seemed slightly more dubious. Nothing was clear cut, and she had no concrete proof that Jenny was on the take. But the more she looked into the matter, the more she realised that something underhand was going on. So what should she do? Should she report her suspicions to the powers-that-be? Under normal circumstances, that would have been the sensible course of action to take. But having already ordered the straitjacket from the mail-order company, and knowing that she needed an assistant if she was going to reap the full benefits from her purchase, Amy had begun to hatch a plot that would give her work colleague little choice in cooperating, if she wanted to keep her job. Or put another way, Jenny was ripe for blackmail. Not that Amy would use that word when she broached the subject with her would-be helper. A favour, that’s what she decided to call it; a case of one good turn being repaid with another. Although whether Jenny would see it that way remained to be seen.

There were, of course, grave dangers involved in this undertaking. What if Jenny, having secured Amy nice and snugly in her leather restraint, then refused to let her out? Or simply abandoned her like that? Amy had thought these things through and realised that she was walking a proverbial tightrope without a safety net, and that the dangers were many and varied. But hadn’t she always wanted to be kept in inescapable helplessness for long periods of time? And didn’t she crave the uncertainty that went with not knowing when – or even if – she was going to be set free? Yes there were many rational objections that could easily be put forward against reckless actions such as she was planning now. But Amy was desperate...and desperate times call for desperate measures. 

Although not over-familiar with her proposed, still unsuspecting collaborator in this weird venture, one of the few things Amy did know for certain about Jenny was where she lived, as it was only a stone’s throw from her own apartment. And it was also only a short distance away from the venue which Amy had chosen as the location for her incarceration; for didn’t captivity deserve a fittingly isolated and dramatic setting for it to truly create the desired atmosphere and ambience?

Amy slipped her arms out of the sleeves and laid her treasured straitjacket on the bed. Walking over to her bedroom window, she looked out into the gathering gloom. Tomorrow was Saturday, and she resolved there and then that this was going to be her big day...providing she could get Jenny to assist, of course.


Amy spent much of the night in sleepless anticipation of what she hoped would be a momentous occasion. Once daylight arrived, she rose and pottered about her flat, going over her plans what seemed like a thousand times in her mind, checking and rechecking that she hadn’t missed some crucial detail which could scupper her scheme before it had even begun. There were unknowable elements of course, such as what if, when she reached Jenny’s place, she found her to be out or unavailable for some reason? Or what if she refused to play along? The main problem, as far as Amy could foresee, was getting her would-be associate to visit the rather unusual location that she’d earmarked. She would, she decided, have to be slightly vague about their destination and the nature of the business in hand, and use the fact that the situation was urgent and couldn’t be discussed anywhere else as a means to hopefully intrigue Jenny and arouse her curiosity as to why they needed to meet in secret. She was keen to get on with things, but knew that she had to reign herself in. It was Saturday, after all, and people didn’t always appreciate being disturbed that early on a non-working day. And the last thing she wanted to do was annoy Jenny by turning up on her doorstep at too early an hour. That would not augur well for the arrangements Amy had all mapped out for the rest of the day, and in fact might render the whole mission dead-in-the-water before it had even commenced.

By ten o’clock, however, Amy decided that she could wait no longer. She was on tenterhooks as she left her flat, the straitjacket and a few other essential items packed into a holdall bag. En route, she deposited the bag at the site she’d selected for this day’s uniquely significant events, before making her way quickly to Jenny’s apartment.

Amy knocked on the door with more than a little trepidation. “This is it girl”, she told herself, “you’ve come too far to back out now”. For several seconds there was no sound from within, and Amy’s heart began to sink. Jenny must have gone out already. But just as she was about to knock again, she heard a chain sliding back, and the catch on the lock click. A second later, the door opened an inch or two and Jenny’s face peered out, squinting into the bright sunlight. At first it didn’t seem to register with her who Amy was. But then, suddenly, a mixture of recognition and puzzlement simultaneously engraved themselves on her features. In a slightly groggy, half-asleep voice, she greeted her visitor.

“It’s Amy, isn’t it? What are you doing here?”

Amy had been rehearsing exactly what she was going to say - and in what order - all morning. Yet now she was confronted by the person who she hoped would help her attain one of her most cherished goals, she found herself flustered, and began talking much too fast and babbling in unfathomable riddles.

“Look, I need to speak to you’s about something that’s cropped up at work... and it can’t wait until Monday.”

Jenny gestured for Amy to slow down.

“What are you talking about? You’re not making any sense.”

Amy was into her stride now and desperately wanted to get on with things. But she knew that she had to lure Jenny to the site she had all set up, otherwise the whole scheme
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