Gold Rush 🤒 20-21/666

Gold Rush 🤒 20-21/666

੮ⲏ૯ ᑯ૦ς੮૦ʀ ૦ⲛ ᑯυ੮ⲩ

"You, whose evil effect has no end in sight,

On Judgment Day, don't expect to be the Mercy of the Creator!

God, who fortheded not doing a good 000,

He will not forgive the scoundrel who created the evil!"

Omar Khayyam

From the AMA's encyclopedia of diseases published in 1989, page 1051: Coronavirus is a common cold.

A farmer from Oklahoma is saved from a dust storm with his family. 1939.

In fact, Friends, the climate agenda is just another scam, similar to couridious, and the temperature on the ball is rising and falling, and in a few years it has dropped by 0.3 degrees. Money, money, money and power ...

🔹 Average global temperature in 1997 is 16.92 degrees Celsius (62.45 degrees Fahrenheit)

🔹In 2019 - 14.85 degrees Celsius (58.71 degrees Fahrenheit)

🔹In 2020, 14.9 degrees Celsius (58.8 degrees Fahrenheit)

What kind of vaccine is it that required such an enchanting advertising company around the world, which the world has never seen before. 

If you "click" channels right now, ten switches are enough to hear a couple of times about the horrors of the couid and how it kills everyone, despite the off. survival data of more than 97.6%, or what a good thing this co-vaccine vaccine, which still does not have the results of studies of its effect on fertility.

Oh, my God, how 😂 you're a moron.

⚽️ Ronaldo reads our analysis with Greg and is aware of everything that is happening! 

You've got it better, we think, let's not worry too much, in the mornings. 

Today, our material is extremely chaotic, because yesterday the editorial team was almost in full part of the wedding. A fair amount of cocktail 

""Ersh' (whiskey 🥃 Champagne beer 🍺 soda ice in one glass) did the trick. The head hurts 😩 in the mouth of the bay, thoughts 💭 and movements dispersed in space and partially remained at yesterday's wedding. Now we see through the cracks a swollen eye 👁 the final in Israel 👇. So at the end there must be a start and there will be a start at the end.

We hope, Friends, you will be sympathetic to our infallible text. Thank you 🙏

 🇺🇸 A flagrant violation of the Constitution.


The Beautiful Maria Stinger, 1955

💉 Gates decided to earn more on animals. The UK is promoting a program of "new vaccinations" for the world's livestock, based on zoonous LWW - with funding from the Foundation of the Friend of the King of Paedophilia Epstein Gates:

"G7 Leaders Agree on The Epic Global Declaration of Health: June 12, 2021."

UK to set up new vaccine development centre to prevent animal-to-human spread of zoonous diseases

75% of new human diseases come from animals, and these diseases are becoming more frequent. The fight against zoonous diseases is a key element of the Prime Minister's Five-Point Plan to Prevent Future Pandemics outlined at the UN last year, the first plan formulated by the G7 leader to ensure pandemic preparedness. To stop new diseases carried by animals before they put humans at risk, the UK will set up a British Centre for Animal Vaccines and Innovation at the Pirbrait Institute in Surrey.

The UK has set aside 10 million pounds to fund a centre that will make the UK a world leader in the rapidly growing development of new vaccines for livestock. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will allocate 14.5 million pounds to establish the centre, building on its ongoing investment in livestock vaccines and zoonotic diseases at the Pirbrait Institute.

This follows the Prime Minister's announcement last month that the UK had launched plans to create a global "pandemic radar" to identify new COVID-19 variants and track new diseases around the world. Today, he will ask the G7 to support the Global Pandemic Radar, which will protect domestic vaccination programs from new vaccine-resistant options, identifying them at an early stage and before they can spread.

💉 We've been saying for a long time, the military will say the last word: and here in Australia they say the consequences of the vaccine is a sedge and a snuggle...

Health Minister Greg Hunt:

"There hasn't been a single person in Australia this year who has contracted a covid and died"

Australian Army Lieutenant General John James Fruen:

"... the effects of the vaccine are worse than any potential side effects..."

Fires can be done like this. 

The directed energy weapon can be used to create fire from sky to ground using powerful lasers attached to aircraft. 

Real411 "checked the fact" from the tweet, which highlighted this and concluded that the tweet was "fake." The moment when the fact-checkers do not check their own facts. 

💉 Fascism on the march. 

Canadian Liberal Satanists are introducing fascism and segregation: the abolition of quarantine measures for fully vaccinated air travelers has been announced.

The fact that people do not see in today's situation with the covid #COVID19, the survival rate of which according to the CDC is more than 97.6%, no analogies with fascism and segregation in the states, poses an existential threat not only to our country, but to the whole world, Friends, and to blame for the consumerism, the cult in which lives almost the entire human herd, which is not accustomed to self-analysis, and chewing TV media.

💉Durs break into where angels are afraid to set foot

The verbal narrative "Fools break into where angels are afraid to set foot" was first used by Alexander Pope in his 1711 poem "The Essay of Criticism."

This phrase indicates that inexperienced or just short-sighted people are trying to do what the wise avoid. 

Why you're a fool, someone richer and more difficult than your children's lives. 

BigPharma gets richer when you're sick. Pfizer, whose ex-chief scientist says the scam is the largest pharmaceutical corporation in the U.S., pleaded guilty in 2009 to the largest health fraud in U.S. history, receiving the largest criminal conviction for illegally selling four of its drugs. 

This was the fourth such case for Pfizer. As if Pfizer's massive use of animal experiments was not heartbreaking enough, Pfizer decided to use Nigerian children as guinea pigs. 

In 1996, Pfizer went to Kano, Nigeria, to try out an experimental antibiotic against third world diseases such as measles, cholera and bacterial meningitis.

They gave throftasacin to about 200 children. Dozens of them died during the experiment, while many others developed mental and physical deformities and became disabled. 

According to the EPA, Pfizer can also proudly claim to be one of the top ten companies in America that cause the most air pollution. Strangely, the friend of the king of pedophilia Epstein fascist Eugenit Gates, concerned not only with the health of those whom he said was going to destroy, so that the population of the Earth did not exceed 1 billion, is silent about it.

 "Modeling a Reasonable World": The Pentagon has a whole world and digital avvatar abs. every person on earth, including yours.

Long ago, Google Ventures and In-Y-Tel, the CIA's investment arm, invested in technology startup Recorded Future. Recorded Future has developed a time analytics mechanism for web monitoring that can predict the future.

A program has been developed that scans the Internet for websites, social media profiles, blogs, news stories, and other incidents to try to find connections between people, organizations, and incidents. The program gives the initiators a detailed analysis of the present and predicts the future.

Christopher Alberg, CEO of Recorded Future and a former Ranger in the Swedish Army, said: "The cool thing is that in many cases you can really predict the curve. We can collect dossiers on people in real time."

The Pentagon uses a neural network (super AI) with huge computing power, SENTIENT WORLD SIMULATION and they have built a virtual world where they will test us with the latest psychological tricks, so-called psiopas, to prevent us from rising against their terrible crimes against humanity.

The program uses artificial intelligence procedures based, among other things, on the psychological theories of Marty Seligman. (Seligman introduced the theory of "learned helplessness" in the 1960s, after he shocked and frightened his hounds until they hid and began to urinate with fear at the bottom of their cages.)

Intelligent World Simulation (SWS) is a "synthetic real-world mirror with automatic continuous calibration in relation to current real world information." 

"SWS provides an environment for psychological operations testing (PSYOP), "so that military leaders can" develop and test several ways of doing so to predict and shape the behavior of opponents, neutrals, and partners."

The simulation in minute detail shows an avatar for every person in the real world, based on data collected about us from government archives and the Internet.

The synthetic environment for analysis and modeling at Purdue University, or SEAS, is currently used by the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Defense to simulate crises. Simulation absorbs the latest news, census data, economic indicators, important events in the real world, as well as official information such as military intelligence. 

SEAS was designed to help companies including the so-called BigPharma and BigTech from the Fortune 500 list in strategic planning. It has already been used to help "recruit commanders to develop a strategy to improve the recruitment of potential soldiers." In 2004, SEAS was evaluated for its ability to help model "non-kinetic aspects of combat, such as diplomatic, economic, political, infrastructure and social issues."

Intelligent World Simulation is the name given to the current vision of SEAS becoming a "constantly working, constantly updated mirror model of the real world that can be used to predict and evaluate future events and actions."

NATO article "Using the Federation of Simulation and Simulation of Multinational Experiment 4 (MNE4) to support joint experiments" begins with the words:

"Multinational experiments are a critical part of the Joint Concept and ExperimentAtion Administration (J9) Joint Command (USJFCOM) concept and experimentation program. The Multinational Experiment (MNE) series explores ways to achieve the coalition's political objectives by influencing the behavior of our adversaries, relying on the full weight of the collective national coalition forces (diplomatic, information, military and economic actions). MNE4, conducted in February -March 2006, was one of these sites for experimentation, which explored new ways of applying different elements of the significant influence of the coalition, with the exception of direct military conflict..." 

Given the amount of time and money 💵 that AI has spent on data collection and training, Friends, about its current abilities can only be guessed.

🐏💉As are prepared for the fact that you will need to prick more often. The more often the better.

Why this wash-up in a fake media article depicts hygienic tampons for women used in menstruation 🩸. They teach pure evil.

💉🐏 Now, Friends, as the idea that there is a biological war is advancing, that the covid death, despite the fact that the survival rate is higher than that of the flu and equals (CDC) more than 97.6%, each advertisement of coercion to ringers focuses on the method of "overcoming guilt" that makes out the unspecies danger and, in fact, the killers, despite the fact that the vaccinated covid are afraid of nothing.

Such advertising works and is focused on the ignorant layer of plebs and allows to introduce an experimental vaccine of this part of society. 

Video shows Canada 🇨🇦 

True, friends of the king of paedophiles Epstein all sorts of gates and other fascists-eugenits of the swabian did not read this book and now the whole world is worth cancer . 

Friends and colleagues, it is very important to call things by their names: today we observe quasi-medical fascism. 

💉🐏 In Brazil, the vaccine is not branded, because it is just a vaccine. 

There's no "Pfizer" or "Modern" on the tube with an incomprehensible solution, nothing, saying, "Just shut up and stick to this shit."

Unbelievable, Friends, what can a person get to if you let the media pump up panic. If you take and give yourself to inject an unknown substance, then what, in this case, say, this kind of people are different from animals, from the same sheep ...

👆It's their plan. The leak came from a member of the Canadian Parliament. Anonymous, of course.

Scientists say humans can use bioluminescence using a chemical enzyme called luciferase, the root of which means light-bearing, and the word itself is also the name of the Vatican's binocular telescope, located atop Mount Graham in southeastern Arizona, as well as the name of the infamous fallen angel. 

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created a micro-needle platform using fluorescent microparticles called quantum dots (zD) that can deliver vaccines while discreetly encoding the history of vaccination directly on the skin. Bill Gates calls it a human vaccination system using implantable quantum dots with microneedles. Researchers developed their dye for application with a micro-needle patch, rather than using a conventional syringe and needle. Such patches are now being developed to deliver vaccines for measles, rubella and other diseases. The zD consists of nanocrystals, which also emit light in the near infrared range (NIR), which can be detected using a specially equipped smartphone using the app. The dots have a diameter of about 4 nm and are enclosed in biocompatible microparticles, which form spheres with a diameter of about 20 microns. This encapsulation allows the dyeer to remain in place under the skin after the injection.

Lucifer's chain reaction phase: 

1) The introduction of a universal injection to each; 

2) Creation for buying/selling on the human body zR-markb with quantum dots and with information about vaccination 3). connection of this with the digital ID2020.

A single crypt, the prototypes of which already appear in the form of electronic yuan, dollars, rubles and other - it is not a currency. It's a control system. 

"Your cryptocurrency (in the digital system) can be selected arbitrarily if you do not behave as you should. It's not your asset. It's a credit at the company store. And they can take it away or change its value," says Katherine Austin Fitts, an investment adviser, "Unlike the dollar, which is pegged to the oil standard as an petrodollar, the cryptocurrency's collateral will be a person. So you see Bill Gates releasing ID2020, so everyone has a biometric ID. They're talking about moving from the oil standard to the human standard. And where I come from, we call it slavery. What the dollar syndicate wants is the Beast Sign System, the control system. The end of currencies. Slavery- Spiritual War - Biological War - Global Superbrace."

This assimilation is called and something similar has a clear record in the Nuremberg Tribunal . We know it well and don't forget. 

According to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience, exponential advances in nanotechnology, nanomedicine, artificial intelligence (AI) and computing will lead to the development of the "human brain and cloud interface" this century. Connecting to and from the cloud would mean that neural nanorobots would provide direct real-time monitoring and control of signals to and from brain cells to ensure that information was downloaded in a matrix style. There are plans for "nanorobots in veins" that will collect "honey. information" and send it to the AI, which will diagnose you, recommending in case of disease self-isolation, for failure to comply with which you can simply disconnect from the system of the Beast or somehow limit, which has been described and said from different stands more than once in different veiled matches. 

"These devices will move through the human vascular network, overcome the blood-brain barrier and precisely self-position between brain cells or even within them. They will then wirelessly transmit coded information to and from the cloud supercomputer network to monitor brain condition and extract real-time data. With the development of neuron-nanorobotics, we anticipate the creation of "supermozs" in the future that can use the thoughts and thinking abilities of any number of people and machines in real time," said Robert Freitas, senior author of the study at the University of California, Berkeley and the Institute of Molecular Manufacturing in the United States.

"Cryptocurrency is not a currency, it is a crypt." - Katherine Austin Fitts, Luciferace (Lucifer Aza) is not only "bioluminescence enzyme in the near infrared range", it is a chain reaction that catalyzes the ID tracking system. No matter what COVID, virus, bacterium, fungus, there are natural solutions that do not include giving up personal freedom and human rights."

The study was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Koch Institute Support Grant of the National Cancer Institute.

The Venatal "Beast Tag" with quantum dots has been successfully tested on corpses, labels do not disappear for a long time.

You're not being chipped, Friends. You're being edcoded. The Greats don't talk about the chip anywhere. The Greats talk about the "mark of the beast" and the "number of his name." The zR code has all the hallmarks of this - it's visible to the smartphone label, which the machine will not read, and the AI will not analyze if the label does not have three squares in the corners corresponding to 6, which together AI sees as 666, and which it perceives as a sign that it should be read. 

All this is also described in The Rockfeller Lockstep's 2010 plan - it explicitly describes that it must be carried out through medical violence through an unprecedented scam. 

"Scenarios of the Future of Technology and International Development" - so in principle it is possible to translate the title of the document, which was published in May 2010 The Rockefeller Foundation in conjunction with the consulting company Global Buisiness Network. 

The original source of this document 👇

Cannibal scenario

Why would a globalist want such a scenario? What are they benefiting from it? People who live in fear are easier to manage. It is possible to introduce totalitarian control "for epidemiological purposes" and then to freely redraw the world for their needs, a world where only elites have the right to life, and the rest will be formatted as obedient slaves. Unnecessary people will be "eaten" by epidemics. The rest will work for life on vaccines against new viruses. And it is necessary to somehow lower the financial bubbles of debt.

The global scenario for humanity has long been written, published and, for now, the development of events is strictly written...

According to the document, a group of analysts of the Rockefeller Foundation and the consulting company Global Business Network were asked to conduct a scripted analysis of the near future of mankind. The analysis was based on a review of the uncertainties of the elites of different countries (and the communities they manage) in relation to various global processes.

Two of the many uncertainties chosen (apparently in terms of influence on human development) were chosen.

The image is taken from the original report.

Global political and economic alignment

"This uncertainty concerns both the volume of economic integration and the flow of goods, capital, people and ideas, and the extent to which sustainable and effective political structures enable the world to address many of the global challenges it faces. At one end of the axis, we will see a more integrated global economy with high trade volumes, which provides access to a wider range of goods and services through imports and exports, as well as a growing specialization in exports. We will also seek to expand cooperation at the supranational level, promoting greater cooperation, strengthening global institutions and building effective international problem-solving networks. On the other hand, the potential for economic development in developing countries will be diminished by the fragility of the overall global economy, combined with protectionism and trade fragmentation, along with the weakening of governance regimes that create barriers to cooperation, thereby preventing the harmonization and implementation of large-scale, interconnected solutions to pressing global problems." - verbatim quote from the Rockefeller Foundation report.

In other words, the first uncertainty - Global political and economic alignment - means the degree of integration processes in the human world, the degree to which people of different countries (and their respective elites) are equal to different technologies born in different parts of our world and the readiness to do so by appropriate political and economic instruments. This uncertainty is seen as a scale, with its "plus" and "minus." Plus - strong (Strong) alignment - means a greater degree of integration between countries in the exchange of technology and information, the absence of restrictions (both political and economic) on the promotion of global technologies. The downside - weak) alignment - means low integration in the exchange of technology and information, the erection of political and economic restrictions on the promotion of global technologies (sanctions, bans, duties, lack of patent support and banal closure of borders).

Adaptive ability

"This uncertainty relates to the ability of different sectors of society to cope with change and to adapt effectively. This adaptability can mean proactive management of existing systems and structures to ensure their resilience to external forces, as well as the ability to transform these systems and structures when the changed context means that they are no longer appropriate. Adaptation capacity tends to be associated with a higher level of education in society, as well as opportunities for those with education to contribute to their individual and social well-being. High levels of adaptive capacity are usually achieved through the presence of trust in society; presence and tolerance for novelty and diversity; strength, diversity and duplication of human institutions; and the free flow of communications and ideas, especially between different levels, such as from the bottom up and from top to bottom. Lower levels of adaptive capacity arise in the absence of these characteristics and make the population particularly vulnerable to the devastating effects of unforeseen shocks." - verbatim quote from the Rockefeller Foundation report.

In other words, the second uncertainty - Adaptive ability - means the ability of elites to react quickly to changes in both external and internal factors (both natural phenomena and social and political events) and, at the same time, to quickly change the political and economic add-on of society (up to the constitution of the country). This uncertainty is also seen as a scale, with its "plus" and "minus." Plus - high (High) adaptive ability of elites to rapid changes in the social and political life of society, depending on internal and external factors of influence and taking sufficient measures to neutralize the factors that have arisen. This degree of readiness is the presence of powerful think tanks that collect and analyse the current situation and offer the necessary measures and, if necessary, changes in the political and economic system (up to the change of the country's constitution). This situation shows a high degree of trust between different segments of society. There should also be a high degree of delegation of authority to make operational and political decisions from the lower (subservient) sectors of society to the respective elites. Minus - low (Low) adaptive ability to social and political changes due to the impact of new external and internal factors, neo-conservatism and the dogmatism of elites in relation to necessary changes and the pursuit of dissent without proper discussion in society. In this society, the population tends to be more vulnerable to unforeseen factors.

Analysts of the Rockefeller Foundation have arranged data of the scale of uncertainties in 2D space: on the axis of X was located Adaptive ability, on the axis of Y - Global political and economic alignment 

The image is taken from the original report.

The crossing of these two axes and the respective position of the public elites (and the societies they manage) in relation to these two uncertainties resulted in a matrix of four possible scenarios (see Figure 3):

LOCK STEP - BLOCK OF THE WORLD - A world of tighter government control from top to bottom and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing opposition from citizens.

HACK ATTACK - WORLD HACKING APC - An economically unstable and shocking world in which governments are weakening, criminals are thriving and dangerous innovations are emerging.

SMART SCRAMBLE - An economically depressing world in which individuals and communities develop localized, improvised solutions to a growing set of problems.

CLEVER TOGETHER - A world in which highly coordinated and successful strategies are emerging to address both pressing and world-entrenched challenges.

The author deliberately changed the way these scenarios were described, based on the logic below. In the original source, the order of the scenarios presented is: LOCK STEP, CLEVER TOGETHER, HACK ATTACK and SMART SCRAMBLE.

Many politicians and analysts, in reference to this report, view these scenarios as separate possible scenarios of the near future with different combinations of the position of elites in the specified scales on the X and Y of the above matrix (Two uncertainties - Adaptive Ability and Political and Economic Alignment). If we consider this matrix at once in static, then yes - we have four different scenarios.

We have a completely different reading of this scenario due to certain hysterical knowledge and ideas about the logic of analysis...

There is nothing static in the world - everything flows, everything changes. The position of elites in relation to the given uncertainties is not absolutely static (although very often such a desire to "freeze" the current state takes place in real life). One way or another - the elites change under the pressure of circumstances (another question at what speed). In extreme cases, society REALLY ELITU. Therefore, if we include not standard (or rather - not stereotypical) thinking and consider the presented matrix in the dynamics of the change in the position of elites in the set scales of uncertainties - then we will see a single global scenario consisting of four global episodes. The sequence of episodes presented in the report in the following logic is seen exactly as the author of this article stated above, namely LOCK STEP, HACK ATTACK, SMART SCRAMBLE and CLEVER TOGETHER...

It is clear that the goal encrypted in the Rockefeller report is a scenario of the movement of nation states and their populations under control from one center, the so-called World Government. You see the synchronicity of the actions of many administrations of the world in decisions for a year and a half. It's a plan, the plan is done under a criminal agreement. 


Half a century has passed since its first publication! 

Doesn't it remind you of anything?

So, consider the matrix of scenarios for human development presented in the Rockefeller Foundation's 2010 report in the dynamics of changing the position of the world's elites in the set scales of selected critical uncertainties (see Figure 3).


LOCK STEP - BLOCK OF THE WORK - as an episode of the global script...

The image is taken from the original report.

"WHAT'S OFTEN surprising in new technologies is the CONDING: SCALE PROBLEM, YOU CAN CREATE, NEW ANOTHER PROBLEM, ALWAYS A LITTLE SURPRISE." - Michael Free, Modern Technology Program in Health (PATH - Global Health Organization, see reference). A quote published in the Rockefeller Foundation report.

If we follow the logic of analysts of the Rockefeller Foundation - the position of elites regarding the scale of the specified critical uncertainties in this starting (in the opinion of the author of the channel) scenario - the following.

Global political and economic alignment. The level of globalization in the spread of various technologies is so high that the level of access of local elites (and their respective populations) to mass technologies in the world has become universal. This is widely facilitated by the political and economic decisions taken by the elites of most countries. At the same time, nano-level technologies are widely distributed: genetic engineering, production of new type of medicines, technologies based on deciphering of the human genome, etc., etc.

Adaptive ability. Together with the above, the above-mentioned in government solutions are very poorly represented analytical tools that allow to adequately assess the possible damage from the introduction of a particular technology (see quote above). In addition, local elites "in pursuit of short-term profit" often hinder the process of creating such analytical tools (institutions) at the state level. In addition, the speed of making adequate decisions with the help of established types of "liberal-democratic" institutions of government is too low. It is enough to pay attention to the endless debates in the British Parliament and how the decisions of the US President are strongly challenged by his opponents, which does not contribute to the prompt adoption of adequate decisions... Thus (according to the logic of the authors of the report), the adaptive ability of elites to respond promptly (and most importantly adequately) to the emergence of possible problems due to the introduction of new (sometimes not sufficiently developed) technologies is at a very low level.

With this ratio of these two critical uncertainties in the state of elites, it is not difficult to predict a possible pandemic (in particular viral) attack on humanity associated with an underdeveloped or other nano-bio-technology. If we put aside all sorts of conspiracy theories - the current pandemic (so spectacularly painted by analysts of the Rockefeller Foundation in the scenario LOCK STEP - BLOCK RASTING) - this is an objective and quite expected REACTION OF NATURE ON THE FREE MAN IN NANOMIR. Based on this logic, the current pandemic is in any case the RESULT of human.

Analysts of the Rockefeller Foundation planned the beginning of the pandemic - 2012. These medics - virologists predicted the appearance of an unknown influenza virus, from which at the predicted moment there were no antiviral vaccines, apparently pre-analysts pretty much sniffed Coke . 

We will not retell this scenario of the report here, the reader can read its original source and translation on their own. Let's note only the interim result.

As a result of the pandemic attack and the use of quarantine measures by most States, society is being dumped into "a world of tighter government control from the top and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing resistance from citizens".

In order to escape from the viral attack to which the elites and the societies they control were clearly not ready, the governments of virtually all countries are closing borders and physically blocking the population in the "SAMORARANT" mode. Economic development of virtually all countries is being blocked. Due to the fact that the level of "digital technologies" and the level of development of the material base of computer systems has reached sufficient heights (especially in the speed of processing huge amounts of data) is a natural attempt by the elites to "digitize" the communities they manage and take control of all aspects of the life of the population (up to the intimate - see above quote by Brzezinski from 1970).


Logic dictates that when local boundaries are closed and local elites are closed to the relevant problems, the level of alignment of access to new technologies drops sharply. This is being hindered by political and economic decisions taken by different countries.

In countries that have been the sources of different technologies, access to technology remains relatively high. At the same time, however, the development of new technologies is seriously slowed down by the general economic downturn.

In countries that have been consumers of conventionally developed "foreign" technologies, the level of access to new technologies is falling sharply, and technological development actually stops.

If you follow the logic of the "Rockefeller Matrix", the world community should fall into the scenario of HACK ATTACK - WORLD HACKERA ATTACK, this is what every day dreams neo Marx young man Klaus 🤶 Schwab. And that's why in this Rockefeller Foundation report, the episode about both critical uncertainties ("global political and economic alignment" and "adaptive ability") are in the negative zone of the matrix.

Going to the "World of Hacker Attacks"

The weakness of the elites and their unpreparedness for such rapid changes in human life, together with the closure of borders and the simultaneous inhibition of economic development will inevitably lead to instability in society and the transition to another episode of the "Rockefeller Matrix", namely "HACK ATTACK - WORLD OF THE WORLD OF THE ABAITAL" 

HACK ATTACK - WORLD HACKER ATTACK - as an episode of the global scenario...

The image is taken from the original Rockefeller Foundation report.

An economically unstable and shocking world in which governments are weakening, criminals are thriving and dangerous innovations are emerging.

It should be understood that there will be no clear watershed between episodes. Episodes will flow smoothly out of each other, intersect and be supplemented.

So, after getting the first real experience of blocking a pandemic attack, two global processes begin to develop in the world:

Digitalization (many of this process is called the creation of a "digital concentration camp");

The decline in the economic development of states and the living standards of the population.

The attempt of local elites to close the communities they manage from a pandemic attack (especially from outside/closed countries) and to take maximum control of the population's livelihoods through digital technologies leads to a natural reaction of rejection in the human masses. The "convulsive" introduction of digital technologies leads to the unregulated and unregulated creation of BIG DATA.

Big Data - Big Data is a designation of structured and unstructured data of huge volumes and a significant variety of effectively processed horizontally scalable software tools.

In these huge amounts of information collect all data about the population of the world (often up to intimate details). The most unpleasant thing in this process is that huge databases are formed anonymously and are not regulated by the existing laws of countries. Huge amounts of information are formed by IT professionals who have no government obligations. Only corporate liabilities within the corporation that collects this information. In fact, unknown people are given the opportunity to dispose of information about the human individual at their own discretion. With the known weak control by the state and open borders in the information space there are huge risks of large-scale leakage of collected information.

In addition, the degree of digitalization is at such a high technological level that a group of unknown persons (ANONIMOUS) is able to apply illegal, unconstitutional and extrajudicial decisions against a particular person, limiting his generally accepted rights, which in turn goes beyond the rule of law... That's what we're seeing now, Friends. They've scored a bolt on the national constitution and they're doing whatever they want. Imagine what will happen in a year - two - five. You'll be boiled vegetable unquestioningly performing commands from the plasma monitor TV 📺 and radio 📻 points, Megaphone 📣 

As a result of the closure of territorial borders and digital passports, the suspension of economic development is a sharp drop in the living standards of the population. Income levels are falling and the population's financial reserves are being depleted. There is a drop in total solvent demand, which in turn leads to a further drop in production (due to lack of demand). The economies of states are beginning to shrink as "step-skin." The process of "snowball - vice versa" starts. Industrial production, in the absence of adequate loading, falls into the zone of inefficient production economy. The profitability is sharply reduced, the total balance in the financial reports falls into the negative zone. Businesses can not pay off their debts, begin to save on everything, including wages, which in turn leads to a further fall in the total solvent demand. In addition, companies are also beginning to save on renovation and maintenance of the company's fixed assets, which leads to a high risk of man-made problems in the near future. This, in turn, also does not contribute to improving the economic efficiency of enterprises. And so - a few revolving production cycles in a row.

At the same time there is a paradoxical and terrible uncontrolled situation, to which the existing talentless elites are clearly not ready - investments in the construction of new production assets only worsen the economic efficiency of the total industrial production, as these assets in the falling markets become "conditionally superfluous" and do not find use against the background of falling solvent demand ... The de facto launch of a "new investment cycle" without the formation of growth points of solvent demand of the population will cause even more harm to the underloaded economy. 

"An economically unstable and shocking world..." (quoted from the Rockefeller Foundation report) leads to massive social tension. The elites are trying to remake falling markets and production and financial flows and political power.

The population, not understanding to the end of what is happening, begins to express more and more loud dissatisfaction with what is happening. It is only necessary to bring a match and the flame of discontent falls out into the streets. This is what we all see now around the world : the U.S. turmoil countries of Europe and beyond everywhere ! 

As a result of the collapse of the economy, a large number of people of various professions are unemployed. Including IT specialists who only yesterday participated in the creation of BIG DATA in various financial or near state-owned corporations. Cyber crime is reaching a new level of organized activity. If earlier cyber attacks were the lot of lone hackers or small groups (also this activity was the lot of the intelligence agencies of different countries), in connection with the mass loss of work spontaneously begin to create highly organized informal, and most unpleasant - anonymous, cyber groups, which, having the relevant experience of implementing BIG DATA, begin to use it for the purpose of blackmail and fraud in the first place just individual citizens and then organizations and individual government agencies.

The very briefly described process of creating informal "shadow groups extends not only to cyber space. Other "shadow" high-tech groups, including the use of genetic engineering and gene modification technologies, are beginning to form on this algorithm.

Based on the logic of analysts of the Rockefeller Foundation, it is not difficult to guess what task was set by David: in the depths of "shadow" self-education for the purpose of unregulated (illegal) redistribution of resources in their favor begin to arise very dangerous innovations. 

Dangerous primarily for two reasons:

Insufficient technological innovation in terms of safe human life (what is called the vaccine 💉 already made this potion at the expense of 🧮 budget injections).

Next, we see deliberately created dangerous innovations (mosquitoes 🦟 robots 🤖) to improve the effectiveness of blackmail and fraud.

In the world elite club all 2029-2021 formed the principle of the mafia - when an informal (non-state) structure creates problems, and then - for budget money - "helps" to solve them.

This is what the analysts of the Rockefeller Foundation warned about, describing the scenario of HACK ATTACK - WORLD HACKERA ATTACK back in 2010.

Local elites, brought up by previous decades, will be clearly unprepared for such a development. They urgently need to reformat (so to speak "re-shoe on the go"). We see that in countries society simply has to change ELITS... There is no other way out of this deadly peak of the world into the abyss. 

The speed of decision-making to neutralize the problems that arise as a snowball or an avalanche of problems in the prevailing model of social governance does not correspond to the speed of these problems in the development of technotronic society.

Therefore, officials united on the basis of state of the world corporation went to conscious restrictions in human rights in order to create a more centralized vertical of power. There is a conscious need for the community to delegate expanded powers to newly created state institutions to respond more quickly to emerging problems...

The existing political and financial and economic order is criminal and more on is legitimate and effective. The point of no return for elite groups is passed in the status of exorbitant lies and in the attempts of a coup d'etat by New to the village in an unknown way. Here we put a point. A fat point, although you can continue this word-and-word for a long time. 

💉In these days, we hear a lot about vaccinated magnetism and the possibility of nanomagnetic particles in the bodies of the poison-vaccinated BigPharma begolg.

Meanwhile, seven years ago I knew very well about this technology. Roberto Chingalani, Draghi's Minister of Environmental Transition and former CTO Leonardo. 

In the video, he clearly explains the functioning of these particles, which can remotely (by "order" from the outside) to secrete pharmaceutical substances.

That is, Friends, Global - Kagal for many years prepared in the style of David's report and under his sensitive guidance and in advance put in his government this smack, who knew the technology of nanoparticles, which were in the vaccines-injections of mRNA therapy.

Vaccinated will become a population of automatons, run by a large technological robot dude. "Well, 30 million will die out - they just did not fit into the market," and which in 2011 directly and openly declared on camera that the number of humanity by the end of the 21st century should be reduced to 1.5 billion people ... 

Operation under a fake flag. 

Operation flooring with fake flag 👇

🎥🇺🇸6 cameras... No comment.. 😂

"A good communist is a dead communist."

USA, Iowa, September 23, 1959 . 

In preparation for World War I, a massive military vaccination experiment was conducted, involving numerous previously developed vaccines in Fort Riley, Kansas, where the first case of "Spanish influenza" was reported.

The young pharmaceutical industry, sponsored by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, had something they had never had before - a large supply of test people supplied at the first call of the U.S. military.

Yes, Roni! 

Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was not "GRIPPOM" at all. The death was caused by random dosages of an experimental "vaccine against bacterial meningitis" that to this day mimics the symptoms of influenza. Those who were not vaccinated were not harmed

🇺🇸y is the name of desperation and coercin... and we do it not without good reason. 

Harris" "Let's ensure that by July 4, 70% of adults will receive at least one injection of the COVID-19 vaccine. It will take time for all of us to achieve this ambitious goal#COVID19👇

🇺🇸💉A this is how Kamala was "vaccinated": Americans and the world 🗺 everything, including the bending needle on the syringe 💉 👇

Nancy has a personal nano 💉 syringe and needle 💉 

These 👆sor's girlfriends Areka bad consultants from Hollywood and the stage version of creativity . And the hand of 🦾 of one of the masters of cinema here is clearly present guys 

Bonaparte Vissarion 2 : 0

Yes, the Editors realize that the material is difficult to perceive and understand reality, especially in the part of David's villainous project. In the second part of the final drunken material of the editorial office you will find a lighter charming end. 

Good luck friends ! 

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