Girl Shits Diaper

Girl Shits Diaper


Girl Shits Diaper
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"Bye!" Emily watched as her parents drove away from her house and flew down the road to the highway. Emily's parents were leaving for almost a month, and she was staying home with her sister, Wendy. Emily headed back into the house and found her sister on the living room couch with her phone, most likely texting friends. "So now that they're gone, what do you want to do?" Emily asked her 19-year-old sister. "I want to do exactly what I'm doing now.” Wendy responded without looking up from her phone. “You can't just sit on your dumb phone for a month.” Emily said with her hands on her hips. Wendy just muttered an agreement before turning around and ignoring her sister. About an hour later, Emily walked up to her sister again. “I'm hungry, can you make something to eat?” She asked with a small amount of whine to her tone. Wendy briefly made eye contact with her sister before going back to her texting, “You're like, 14, make it yourself.” Emily stomped her foot. “No, you're in charge and I'm hungry, so it's your job to make food. Not mine.” Wendy sighed and got off the couch, “Fine, I'll go whip something up for us.” She said, clearly a bit annoyed. So Wendy went about making a pasta with pesto and cheese, with garlic bread on the side. About 40 minutes later, Wendy was done cooking, and she put the food on the table. Emily took her fork and dug in. “Ew!” She exclaimed as she threw her fork down. “It's gross!” Wendy looked a little bit alarmed from the sudden shout. “What's wrong with it?” Wendy asked, looking over. “I hate pesto!” Emily told her. “You can still eat it.” Wendy snapped. “Nope, nope I'd rather eat rotting fish.” Emily said as she flipped her hair and left the table. About an hour and a half later, Wendy turned on a movie and sat down to watch. Emily came running into the living room, “What're you watching?” She asked. Wendy shrugged, “Just a movie about some magical people.” She said absently. Emily sat down on the couch and pushed her sister over with her feet, “Sounds good.” she said. Wendy looked at the time and shook her head, “No it's getting late, Mom and Dad never let you stay up past, like, 10.” Emily smiled lightly, “It's a good thing Mom and Dad aren't home then huh?” “No.” Wendy replied. “I have to give you the same rules they do or I'll get in trouble.” Emily kept her eyes on the screen. “Well that's a shame.” She said defiantly. Wendy paused the movie and looked pleadingly at her sister. “Please go to bed.” She asked with defeat. “Nope, you're not the boss of me” Emily said antagonistically. Wendy looked her sister right in the eyes, “Go upstairs Emily, NOW.” She ordered. Emily grinned at her and answered, “You're not my parent, you can't do anything.” Then Emily grabbed her sister's phone and held it out of her reach, “Let me do what I want or you won't see this again.” She said, still grinning. “Give that back right now Emily!” Wendy shouted and grabbed at the phone. Emily ran upstairs with her sister close behind her. She ran into their parents' bedroom and stood beside the window, that by chance, was open. Emily held the phone out the window, “Let me do what I want or my fingers might accidentally slip.” She said innocently. “Don't you dare.” Wendy said angrily as she made her way towards her sister. But as soon as she got within a foot from her sister, she heard a smash on the pavement below the window. She looked down and saw her phone destroyed on the sidewalk. “Nooo!!” She yelled as she slouched down under the window. Emily crossed her arms, “I told you so.” She said coldly before exiting the room. Wendy raised her head and yelled after her, “You're acting like a baby!” She sat there for a moment longer before an idea came to her. “A baby...” She said to herself. The next morning, Emily woke up and walked out of her room and down the hall to brush her hair, but she found the door was locked. “Wendy, hurry up in there!” She shouted as she banged on the door. “Hurry up in where?” She heard her sister ask from downstairs. Emily marched down the stairs and glared at her sister, “There's something wrong with the bathroom door, you should fix that.” Wendy smiled, “There's nothing wrong with it, but that wouldn't matter to you anyways.” Emily walked into the middle of the room and uncomfortably crossed her legs, “Whatever weirdo.” She retorted. Wendy saw her sister tightening her legs, “You have to use the restroom.” She said slyly. Emily rolled her eyes, “Yeah, a little bit.” She answered. Wendy grinned and got closer to her sister, “You think you can do anything you want.” She told her, “You don't show me any respect and you act very entitled all the time. So let's see how you do once your independence is taken.” Emily looked at her sister with confusion, “What are you talking about?” She asked. Wendy patted a long table covered in patterned plastic, “Hop up here and I'll show you.” Emily shuffled in place and looked at her sister with concern, “What are you going to do?” She asked, clearly a little worried. “I'm going to put a diaper on you.” Wendy responded calmly. “What?! No! You're not putting me in diapers! I'm not a baby!” Emily exclaimed. “You act like a baby though.” Wendy said coldly. “You might as well be treated like a baby.” “No way!” Emily yelled. “Would you rather pee your pants like a toddler?” Wendy asked slowly. “Yes!” Emily retorted. Wendy 's smile perked up a bit as she responded, “If you pee yourself, I'll take a video and send it to your friends.” She said harshly, holding up a digital camera. Emily's head shot up to meet her sister's gaze. “You wouldn't.” She squeaked. “I sure would.” Wendy assured her. Emily walked over to her sister, “Fine, I guess I'll play along.” She said in a defeated tone. Wendy patted the table again, “Jump up baby.” She said sweetly. “Don't call me that!” Emily yelped as she climbed onto the table. Wendy pushed her gently into a laying position. “What now?” Emily asked, obviously very annoyed. “Just let me take it from here.” Wendy said soothingly. Wendy pulled off Emily's pajama bottoms and picked up an extra large baby diaper. With one hand she pulled up Emily's legs and slid the diaper underneath her with the other. Then she took a container of baby powder and sprinkled some on her before taping the diaper tightly closed. Emily lifted her head to look at her sister, “Is that all?” She asked awkwardly. Wendy smiled back at her, “Not quite.” She said. Wendy helped her sister off the table, grabbed a bag from under the table, and took her upstairs. “What now?” Emily demanded. “Babies need baby clothes.” Wendy replied. Emily's sister helped her get into a pink and white shirt with the words: 'Lil pooper' on it. Then Wendy pulled a bonnet onto her sister's head. “I really don't like this.” Emily whined as Wendy stuck a pacifier into her mouth. “It's ok baby.” Wendy soothed as she brought her sister downstairs and plopped her down on a playmat with a bunch of toys and mobiles. Emily sat there and felt the diaper press against her, it was really puffy and soft. She thought if this was the worst thing her sister could do to her, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. But then she got a reminder of how badly she needed to use the bathroom. “Oh no.” She tried to say as her bladder started to give in. She tried for hold it back for a few moments before realizing that wasn't going to work, so all she could do was relax. She felt like a little kid as her diaper began to expand and get warm with her pee. She saw the wetness indicator vanish as her diaper filled up. Wendy saw what was happening and came over after Emily was done. “Did someone go pee pee in their diapie?” She asked almost mockingly. “Be quiet.” Emily snapped as she took the pacifier out of her mouth. “You wouldn't be laughing if YOU just wet your diaper for the first time in 10 years.” Wendy examined her sister's diaper, “You really flooded that diaper, didn't you?” She asked her. “Yeah yeah.” Emily said, annoyed at her sister's interest. Wendy handed Emily a toy and started walking to the kitchen. “No need to change you yet, there's still a fair amount of room in that diaper.” She said as she grabbed something and walked back over to Emily. “Here's your bottle.” She said as she handed Emily a baby bottle full of milk. Emily dropped in onto the mat. “You're not serious.” She demanded. “Of course I am, if you're going to be a baby, you're going to eat like one too.” Wendy told her before picking up the bottle and holding it near Emily's mouth. “Go ahead and drink.” Wendy instructed. Emily sighed and started drinking from the bottle, it wasn't easy, but she eventually drank all the milk. “Good job baby.” Wendy said as she picked Emily up and patted her back. Emily was confused, “What are you doing?” She asked. “Burping you.” Wendy told her. Emily finally burped very loudly, and Wendy put her back on the mat. As soon as Emily was sitting on the mat again she felt the now partially full diaper squish her like a wet pillow. She stood up for a moment to get the T.V. remote and was surprised by how much it weighed. Emily got the remote and turned on the T.V., and she got the movie channel. Wendy, however, came over and plucked the remote from Emily's hands. “No no no, we don't watch these scary movies.” She scolded her. “I'll put on something you'll like.” And with that, she changed the channel to some kids' show Emily had never seen. “I don't want to watch this garbage.” Emily told her. “Well that's a shame.” Wendy said, grinning. Emily felt like she needed to pee again, so she figured she should just relax this time. She felt her diaper fill up even more, spreading the warmth to all parts of her diaper. Wendy came over and saw the very expanded diaper. “Does little Emily need a changey wangey?” “Stop it.” Emily said crossly. “I'm not going to help you until you ask for it.” Wendy said calmly. “Ugh, fine.” Emily moaned, “Will you please change my diaper?” Wendy nodded and carried Emily over to the changing table. She undid the plastic straps on both sides of the diaper and pulled it off. “This is a very full diapie.” Wendy said, giggling. Emily rolled her eyes and ignored her sister. Wendy wiped and powderd her sister, then she slipped a fresh new diaper under her. “There you go, you're out of your icky used diaper.” Wendy said soothingly as she put Emily on the couch and turned the volume on the T.V. up. After a few hours of watching kids' shows and throwing blocks around, Emily felt her bowels moving. “No. I'm not doing that.” Emily said to herself, “I am not going to poop my pants, so just forget it.” It was as if she was talking to her body like a separate human, she realized. Emily held it for a long time, and then she didn't feel the urge to go anymore. “Told you so.” She said to herself. Wendy came out of the kitchen and put food on the table, “Dinner time.” She said kindly. Emily bounced off the couch, which she instantly realized was a mistake. Her bowels were giving out with that little bit of strain. She bent over and realized trying to stop it would only make it worse, so she decided to just let it go. She really felt like a baby now as she began pooping in her diaper, she hardly had to push at all, it just came smoothly out and filled the bottom of her diaper. After a minute or so she stood up and realized she just messed herself, and it was a weird thing to wrap her head around. Wendy came over and looked at her diaper, “Did you just poop yourself?” She asked, giggling again. Emily turned red, “Kinda, yeah.” She said, embarrassed. “Well don't worry, I'll change your stinky diaper for you.” Wendy said kindly. Emily cringed as her sister undid her diaper again. “Holy cow, you really made a stinky.” Wendy said, fanning her nose with her hand. After Wendy was done changing her she helped Emily into a highchair and threw the diaper out. “There we go, no more poo poo.” She said gently. Emily looked at her sister, “Okay, ha ha, you've had your fun today, but the day's almost over, so can I get out of this diaper now?” She asked, still very annoyed. Wendy shot her sister a confused glance, “What do you mean? Did you think this was only going to be for one day?” She asked. Emily gulped, “Um, yeah, I thought we were done now.” She said lightly. Wendy giggled, “Oh we're not done yet baby.” She responded slyly. “There's still so much to do, we haven't even gone into town yet. It may take a while to do everything on my list, we might have to keep doing this until Mom and Dad come home!” Emily looked at her sister, “Oh no...” She said.

  “Almost done!” Melody said to herself as she put the finishing touches on her art, it was the last day of school for the whole summer and Melody had skipped the last class to spray paint a wall. She grinned widely as she stepped back and took a look at her masterpiece, 'Mellie was here' was sprayed onto the wall in purple, blue, and orange. Melody took her paint cans and put them in her backpack, than she ran down the hall to wait outside her homeroom for the last minute of the school day.
“School's over now, so what can they do?” Melody giggled to herself, “Besides, I have to make my mark in this school.R
A Messy Workspace - Act 1 of 2

Amy clutched her panties tight, dancing around beside the toilet stall like a chicken with no head.
 'Come on, come on…' she murmured, not wanting to pee her panties. Amy would have to go out there and face her office-mates in her best pants, sopping wet. Mustering any strength left in her, she banged against the toilet door.
 'Who's in there? Did you have Indian last night or something?' Amy panicked, sobbing further indecipherable remarks. She gasps, a drop of pee escaping into her panties. Trying to get back into control was like driving a car with no wheel; she used the door handle to balance hers
The Curse of the Diaper pt.1

*Author's note: I have attempted to put a bit more of a story into this one, and it will be in parts, enjoy!*

The periwinkle-blue sky overlooking the quaint cottage suggested nothing out of the ordinary that fine Summer's day. In fact, for a group of teens such as themselves, this was planned out to be the best week of their lives.
 Josephine rolled her eyes whilst lugging a rucksack full of supplies over her shoulder. Why did Rosie always have to be like this? It was uncalled for.
 'This place seems a bit - um - bland,' Rosie nagged, squinting out into the horizon of the mountainous, bleak land, 'you sure w
Chapter 1
By dsguyX

It was a rainy summer night in Maple Creek and Jennifer was asleep in her house. The past couple of nights weren't much to Jennifer's favor because she was on break. However, she was able to get by visiting the town library daily to read whatever book caught her interest. Jennifer always went to bed after eleven after a whole day of reading, hanging with her friends, and chilling in her room. Suddenly, the loud rumble of thunder echoed outside her window.

"The answer is Sir Isaac Newton," Jennifer said, woken up from the sound of the thunder.

She looked around and noticed that she was in her room.

Writing the Baby Bet is an ongoing creative experiment for me - when I posted the first version of this chapter, it was incomplete! Because I didn't know what to put there yet! I've now gone back, cleaned it up, introduced all five of the core cast members this time, and it's closer to a proper chapter length. I might still give it another pass, but now at least the entry point to the story isn't unfinished! Chapter One Grace, as in elegance, surveyed the scene. “Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” The kitchen was a wreck; the aftermath of four adults - she wasn’t counting herself - who couldn’t clean up after themselves if their lives depended on it. She frowned. That wasn’t true. It was the result of three adults who could clean up after themselves (Badly!) and one adult who, she suspected, didn’t know how to wipe his own ass. Sighing, she rolled up her sleeves, stepped up to the plate, and got to work. Dishes were the first thing. She had to reorganize the washer to make sure
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