Giantess Penis

Giantess Penis


Giantess Penis
no one

...and then he looked up...and up...and up. His eyes saw it,but his mind refused
to believe what his eyes were seeing. Simultaneous with his recognition of
HER,he began to process where he was. An enormous bed in an equally enormous
room. The scale of everything was totally out of prportion to his size. He began
to experience an overpowering sense of panic. His mind was filled with rational
fears but underlying those fears was a sense of awe at the sheer SIZE of
everything. He realized in a flash that he had become smaller - much smaller!
Then she spoke. 'You're so little!' He looked up at her jejune face - a face the
size of a living room wall - and realized that he'd seen her before in one of
his classes. As a young teacher in a high school,he was often the subject of
discussion among the girls. He had been classified as a 'cute guy' by many of
his young female students. She spoke again. 'Poor little boy! What's happened to
you?' The panic he had been feeling rapidly escalated when he saw her reaching
out to take hold of him! It seemed to occur in slow motion and he wondered if it
was deliberate. From her vantage point,the girl saw the terrified expression on
his so-small face. She felt sorry for him and excited by his helpless fear,all
at the same time! Then she took him in her hand and brought him up to her face
for a better look. He was squirming around in her hand and whimpering in a
squeaky voice. 'Please don't hurt me.' To her it sounded like 'peep peep'. His
legs were dangling from her hand as he struggled in her grasp. 'You're so
CUTE!'she said.'Now you're MY little man.' He couldn't really make out what she
was saying to him,but he could tell that her voice had risen an octave or two.
She was speaking to him as though he were a little pet or doll. 'I've GOT you
little baby. Don't be scared,I just want to look at you.' She brought her other
hand up and took him by the middle between her thumb and two fingers. Opening
her other hand she laid him in her palm face down. His heart was racing with
alarm at his total powerlessness in the grip of this giantess! She began to
fondle and caress him and his struggles subsided a little. When he felt his
right shoe come off he realized that she was undressing him. She turned him
around and around in her hands as she removed his
shirt,pants,socks,undershirt,and finally,his briefs. She smiled at his
tiny,naked,form with undisguised amusement. It was very titillating for her to
be holding her handsome young teacher - naked and helpless - in the palm of her
hand. He looked back up at her with a mixture of fear and wonder. She really was
a beautiful young woman,but out of bounds for him at only 16 years of age.
However,SHE was unconcerned about their age difference. This little toy man was
just right for her. She laid him face down in the palm of her left hand,while
with her right,she tenderly caressed his dainty behind. All the while he was
making those 'peep peep' sounds as she spoke to him in a very sweet voice. 'Poor
little boy,you're so cute and helpless in my hands. I'm going to make you be my
little baby.' Then she picked him up from her palm and held him around his
middle with her thumb and index finger. He made a gesture of supplication to her
as though he were praying. He felt so humiliated by her - the way she so
nonchalantly handled him. He had absolutely no say in what she was doing to him.
'He's begging for more!' she thought,so she reached out her index finger and
touched his tiny penis. This was exactly what he was dreading the most - this
total loss of control in the hands of this pretty,but gigantic,girl! As much as
he wanted to hang on to some shred of self-respect,he could not resist the
amorous play of this giantess. His penis began to stiffen and he pleaded with
her to stop. 'Please don't do this to me!' he cried,but again,all she heard was
'Squeak Squeak!'. She laid him face up in the palm of her left hand,while her
right index finger and thumb gently took hold of his penis. He was quite hard
now and struggled furiously in her hand. 'No,no. Please stop.' he pleaded. But
the young giantess had him right where she wanted him now. She knew that he
really WANTED her to do the things she was doing to him,and SHE was enjoying it
in any case. She moved his penis around between her thumb and forefinger,gently
squeezing and pulling it. It gave her such a guilty,pleasurable,feeling of power
to possess this helpless little man and to know that he really WANTED her to
possess him. She brought her index finger to her mouth and wet it,then did the
same with her thumb,and began on him again. She brought her thumb under his
balls and very gently crushed his penis and balls between her finger and thumb.
This elicited a very high-pitched squeak from him and he momentarily ceased his
struggles. He looked pleadingly up to her with tears in his eyes. She beamed
back at him with a loving but mischevious expression. She knew she wasn't
hurting him and that his tears were for his helpless predicament. 'You are so
adorable like this. I love your tiny little penis!' With that,she again took
took his diminutive organ between her moistened thumb and forefinger and began
tugging and fondling it. He struggled,trying to remove her finger and thumb with
his tiny hands - but to no avail. 'Don't cry little baby,come for Mommy now.
Come on little boy,I know you want to!'He could feel himself building to a
climax and knew he would have to let go soon. He pleaded with her in his
pathetic mouse-like voice. 'Mommy no,please...' She could tell he was about to
give it up for her. 'Come for me little boy.Come on...' And with an impassioned
squeak he let go between her thumb and finger. She was beaming down at him with
manifest delight. This was just what she had wanted. And in that moment,he knew
that he was hers completely. She looked down at the spent figure of this tiny
man in her hand and she knew that he REALLY belonged to her now. She tenderly
caressed his naked form with her fingers as he lay there whimpering and
defeated. 'That was SO adorable! I can't wait to do it again.' she thought to
herself. And she knew that this was only the beginning...

Helpless 2 (Mr McTell)

My name is James McTell and I’m a high-school teacher(at least I was). A few
short days ago I was living a normal life. Teaching my classes,enjoying leisure
activities,hanging out with my girlfriend. I just turned thirty a week
ago(although people tell me I look much younger).I sure didn’t expect to become
a tiny doll for a teenage girl – helpless to defend myself against her whims!

I was walking to my car after class when I felt like I was hit by something
soft. It was like walking into an enormous pillow. I wasn’t hurt but it stopped
me cold. Immediately after,I felt like I was falling down a deep well and I
passed out.
Sometime later I woke up on an enormous raised plain. I was groggy and
disoriented,but I knew right away what was happening – I just couldn’t accept
it. I heard a deep rumbling sound like thunder coming from above…and I looked up
…and up…and up…and then I saw her outsized,beautiful face. I recognized her from
one of my classes and remembered that her name is Dana. It was impossible! This
couldn’t be happening! How had I become so small? Why was I here with this
gigantic girl?
I heard a tortured moan and realised that it had escaped from my own lips. I was
panicking,shaking. I had the most horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I
wanted desperately to run,to hide, but there was nowhere to go! Dana was
towering over me like a building and she seemed to enjoy my fearful reaction to
my desperate situation. Her sweet face broke into a broad grin as her
slender,graceful HAND came slowly toward me. I couldn’t help thinking that she
was emphasizing her total advantage of me as her HAND closed on me. I peeped “no
please,don’t!” as she took possession of me.
The feeling of being held and dominated by Dana’s sweet hands is something
almost beyond description. I can feel every line in her palm and on her
fingertips when she holds me. Her hands are incredibly powerful – she
manipulates me so effortlessly – I am just a tiny toy doll to her! She is as
gentle as she can be but sometimes she bruises me when she plays with me.
Anyway,the first time she undressed me and played with me,she made me come
against my will. I didn’t want to be her sexual plaything,but I couldn’t stop
her from using me. After she removed my clothes,she took my penis between her
thumb and finger. She caressed and fondled me so tenderly…I couldn’t help it! I
was compelled to be her little baby doll – helpless to resist her erotic touch!

Now she keeps me in her dollhouse where I languish,awaiting her pleasure. Dana
lives with her Mother and a younger sister. I haven’t seen them but I have heard
them talking to Dana – me hidden away and afraid of being discovered. Maybe the
Mother might help me but I’m so fearful of what she might do if she were to
elect not to help me… Dana has her own room and has kept me to herself so far
but I don’t know how long that will last. I’m afraid her little sister will
discover me and want to play with me as well…
Dana must have come in! I hear the door open and I can feel my dollhouse shaking
with each mighty footfall. Oh no! She’s talking to another giant girl! It’s
difficult to understand what they are saying but I have learned to decipher
words in the rumbling. Dana has learned to interpret my high-pitched chirps as
well,so at least there is verbal communication now.
“So what’s this surprise you’ve been telling me about?”I hear the other giant
girl ask. “Oh,wait ‘till you see…you won’t believeit!”I hear Dana reply. Take
alook in the dollhouse Laurie,you’ll see!” “You mean to tell me you’re still
playing with dolls? That’s so immature!” “Just look in there and then tell me
that!” Dana retorts.

I’m feeling panicked as I look for somewhere to hide – knowing full well the
futility of it. Overhead I hear booming laughter as the roof of “my house”
ascends skywards. “Oh no!”I hear myself scream as two enormous,youthful,female
faces peer down at me.
“Oh my God!”the giantess Laurie exclaims. “Is he real? He’s alive!” She lowers
her head and eyes me intently,an amazed,amused look on her innocent face. Then
recognition dawns and…”It’s Mr McTell! So this is where he disappeared to! Where
did he come from Dana?” “I found him in the school parking lot”Dana replied.” He
was tiny and unconcious so I brought him here. Isn’t he sweet?” “Oh yes – he’s
adorable! Can I hold him?” “Sure but be very gentle – you can see how scared he
I am paralyzed with fear actually. Laurie’s pretty hand is reaching for me as I
idiotically try to evade it. I feel the soft,firm fingers and thumb enclose me
into her palm,then tighten,immobilizing me. Then I am rocketed up to her girlish
face. Her expression is somewhere between a pout and a smirk. Her other hand
comes to me as she takes one of my tiny hands between her finger and thumb.
“Oh look at his teeny little fingers,how precious!”she exclaims to Dana. “He’s
my cute little baby boy now”Dana dreamily replies. “Now I see why you’re still
playing with dolls!” Laurie quips. Laurie is feeling all over my body with her
slender fingers,turning me over and over and caressing me everywhere.I can
hardly breathe I’m so freaked out! “Please don’t hurt me – put me down, please!
I implore. “Listen to him squeak!”Laurie exclaims. He sounds like a baby bird –
it’s so cute!” I know,I love it when he squeaks like that – My
poor,helpless,little toy man” replies Dana with a faint touch of mockery.
“Have you…you know…undressed him?” “Well,I know it’s wrong but I just had to see
all of him – you know?” “Oh please let’s take off his little clothes. I’m just
dying to see him naked!” These giant girls are talking about me as if I were a
Ken doll! Obviously I am not going to have any choice in this! “OK,but we have
to be careful,he’s so delicate.” “Oh,of course! I wouldn’t hurt him for
anything! I’ve never seen anything so adorable!”
Now the girls have put me on Dana’s bed and are surrounding me with their
arms,hands,and overhead,their enormous breasts and faces. “Why don’t you do the
honors Laurie? I’ve undressed him before and I want to watch while you do it.”
“Oh,this will be so much fun!”Laurie answers. Now Laurie lowers her huge face
very close to me and says “Here I come little boy!” And her thumb and fingers
tug at my shirt,pulling it over my head. Then she lifts me in one hand as her
other takes my shoes and socks. I am trying to fight her,but it’s hopeless – I’m
totally outmatched. “I love it when he struggles – it’s so darling!” Both girls
are looking at me in a way that makes me feel even smaller than I already am.
It’s as though they’re stripping a doll – I’m not a man to them at all! Now Dana
reaches out with her long,slender fingers and tugs at my pants leg. Laurie takes
the other pants leg in her slim fingers,giggling at my feeble struggles to kick
her fingertips away. Both giantesses pull together and off come my trousers.
I’m now clothed only in my briefs as Laurie and Dana both run their fingers all
over my body. I’m being caressed everywhere as they take my legs,feet and arms
and stroke them tenderly. I can’t help it dammit! I’m getting an erection and
it’s making my briefs poke out! “No please!”I cry. “Please let me go. Don’t make
me be your baby again!”
“Did you hear that?”Dana asks. “Yes!” replies Laurie. “I don’t think Mr McTell
likes being our tiny doll.” “Oh yes he does! Dana chimes in a singsong voice as
she reaches out and tenderly strokes my miniature penis through my underwear.
Now I am extremely hard and panting heavily. I can’t help moaning with reluctant
pleasure at Dana’s erotic touch. “What’s the matter little toy man? Don’t you
like being our adorable baby boy?” Laurie asks teasingly. Now her finger
replaces Dana’s,gently pushing and prodding my inflamed penis through my briefs.
“Off with your underwear little doll”says Laurie,and lifting me between her
thumb and finger,she slides them down my legs and over my feet. Now I am
completely naked,helpless,and utterly at the mercy of these two
beautiful,charming,playful but also gigantic,young women.
Now as I am held aloft in Lauries plush fingers,both girls teasingly take my
legs between their fingers and gently,sensuously stroke them,not ignoring my
dainty behind which they caress fondly. They deliberately avoid touching my –
now painfully erect and throbbing – member while stroking and fondling all
around it. I’m so hard I can’t stand it! I’m in desperate need to let go but I
can’t do it without their help.
“Please!” I beg. “Please make me come. Help me oh God!” At this both girls burst
out laughing. “Our little hand puppet wants to come Laurie – what do you
think,should we let him?” “Oh let me give him a hand!” Laurie coos. Then Laurie
lays me face up in her palm and begins to stroke,caress and fondle me everywhere
except where I need it most! “Oh,you’re such a tease you naughty girl!”says Dana
as she gently traps my feet between her fingers and thumbs.
I am writhing,bucking - and now – crying in Laurie’s tender hand. I want her to
take me and use me so badly! The teenage giantess sirens are gazing at me with a
strange mixture of pity and delight. “Oh poor, sweet, little baby boy – don’t
cry! Laurie’s gonna make you come again. You want to so bad!”Dana sweetly coos.
Laurie takes my tiny penis gently between her thumb and finger,at first barely
touching it. Then she begins to tug and pull – sensuously rolling it between her
tender fingers. “Come on little boy!” “You’re so cute!” Both of the giantesses
are urging me on. “Oh,you like that,don’t you little doll?” “Your pretty teeny
weeny penis is so hard!” Mommy’s poor little man!”
“Ahhh…God!” I’m exploding between Laurie’s finger and thumb as she laughs
delightedly. Dana still caressing my dollsize feet,is giggling and cooing at me.
“Isn’t he just adorable?” she asks Laurie. “Oh he feels so sweet between my
fingers coming like that. It makes me feel so powerful and sexy to make this
pretty little dolly come for me!”
I’m regaining my breath after the most intense orgasm of my life. I feel
exhausted,ashamed,embarrassed…totally exposed. I have been toyed with and used
by these two giant teenage girls. The worst part is that I wanted them to so
badly…how can I ever feel like a man again? I really am a toy for these girls to
play with now. They know it – I know it…. I begin to sob quietly.
The girls put me gently back in “my house”again with my dollsize clothes. “Let’s
leave him alone for awhile”says Dana. “We can play with him some more later.”
“OK”replies Laurie.”Thanks for sharing your little Mr McTell doll with me!”
“This is our little secret. Right?”asks Dana. “You bet,as long as you let me
play with him again”Laurie replies half joking.

I’m falling again….falling…falling …

Helpless 3 ( Dana )
I’m Dana Mallory and I’m sixteen years old. I’m in possession of a
living,breathing man who’s only about 8 inches tall! I know because I happened
to measure him a couple of days ago. Of course it’s unbelievable except that
he’s really here – sleeping in his little doll house. Me and my best friend
Laurie played with him a couple of times earlier today, and now he’s all tired
and everything…
It’s strange how he came to be my little pet. I was always checking him out at
school – so were a lot of the other girls. He used to be a lot taller than I am
– probably around 6 feet tall. And he was slender but not skinny – I liked that
a whole lot! Most of all I liked him because he was a real man –not like the
boys that are always eyeing me at school. They always act so immature! They’re
either real dorky or else all arrogant, like I should fall over in a faint
because they say “hi” or something!
Anyway,I used to imagine what it would be like to…you know…be with him. And I
tried talking to him and stuff… And one time – I couldn’t help it – I told him
that I thought he was cute! He looked at me surprised - and I could tell he was
pleased – but then he tried to act all adult. He said I was much too young and
that “an association between us would be improper” or something like that. I was
hurt at first,’cause I hoped he would treat me more like an adult and I really
liked him a lot. After that though,I noticed he looked at me differently in
class. He watched me when he thought I wasn’t looking and then he’d look away
when I caught him at it. He always looked kind of embarrassed when that happened
and I started to like seeing that expression on his face! So,occasionally,I
flirted with him when I got the chance and that embarrassed him even more!
Especially if any of my girlfriends were with me. One time I noticed he had a
bulge in his pants and he looked all flushed! That’s when I knew that he really
wanted me too.
So anyway,a few days ago,I followed him out to his car. I just wanted to see
what kind of car he drove ‘cause I knew he wasn’t married and I figured it would
be some hot kind of car. Boy was I dissappointed! It was some kind of little
station wagon! But as he was walking towards it,something stopped him in his
tracks. He looked a little funny like he was stunned or something,and then I
couldn’t see him any more. It was like he just disappeared! I ran over to where
I had last seen him and I was looki
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