Gdrive Guide-Noob Friendly

Gdrive Guide-Noob Friendly

"This is the guide you deserve,not the guide you need right now" (jk)

Hello everyone,

I would like to start by reminding you something imp -


If you are a pro pirate -this is your stop (STOP READING THIS GUIDE!πŸ˜’ )


Lets get into business,shall we

Basic Terms :

Normal Drive : 15GB (Free)

Gsuite : Unlimited (Paid)

Edu (Gsuites by colleges): Unlimited (Refer RFS Pin)

The greatest thing about Gsuites/edu is that it can create Team drives to which we can add normal users with a basic plan (ie 15 GB) they also can have an unlimited storage. (Read RFS Pin for personal Teamdrives)

Pro Tip : To add members to your google group (without approving each time)


Let me Divide the topic into three now 😎 (If you have the tools u need..just Jump to Part II)

i)For Android:

a) Mixplorer (Best app as it will show your Gdrive as well as the Team

Drive you are part of)

>Alternatives: SolidExplorer , X-plore File manager (No TD Support)

>Link :

b)Nplayer (Best app to stream contents in your Gdrive and Team drive

without downloading) [Available for ios too]

>Link :

ii)For Windows :

a)Rai drive : (Best source)

>So this app let you mount your Gdrive as well as your Team drive as an

external it can be easily accessed from your file explorer(This PC)

Quick Tip :To add your Team drive- Go to Business Tab in Raidrive and add from there

>Link : (free version is more than enough/but i heard that they are removing the features of free version)

b)Air Explorer:

A really cool similar to mixplorer

> Really good gui

It has got a free version (you can use only one Google account with it) and a premium version (can log into multiple Google accounts)

>Link :


I am going to explain different types of transfer done with MixPlorer (Follow the Pics)

First step is adding your google drive to Mixplorer

To reduce the Data Usage with Mixplorer : (Credits: Tweetu's bot)

1) From my Teamdrive to my Internal storage (Downloading to my phone)

Advantage: You can download whole folder (Not possible with Normal Gdrive App)

Download will start now,,.just minimise the app and keep


Don't worry if your transfer gets stopped due to some internet problem..follow the same steps as above to download (CHOOSE THE SAME DESTINATION FOLDER) and download will be resumed from where it left off..

*** Use the same step to download even if u are downloading from your own "Drive" or even from "Shared with me" (Just change the source)

2) Transfer the files Shared with you -> Either to your Team drive/Own drive or download to your internal storage

****T0 do this, First open the link (which was shared with you) in your browser ,

after that, follow the steps below

3) Transfering files from one Teamdrive to another TD (Server side-Wont use ur Data)

Requirements: Atleast "viewer" in source TD and "Contributor" in Destination TD


Pro Tips :

-> There is this another tool called rclone (Command Line Interface aka CLI) ..which is the best of all..but it needs a little experience and patience to can install that in android via termux (pkg install rclone) or in ur pc or ur mac...

Its a very neat of the best

It comes with many features which you can check out Here

With these all guides you can transfer only 750GB per day

To overcome that we can use :

  1. Folderclone : (Fast) (Some errors)

2. Autorclone : (Slower) (Accurate)

3. Gclone : (Fast and accurate) (Recommended)

4. Fclone - (Fastest but not accurate)


Credits : Blackpearl Forum , RFS group and yeah Fucking Google! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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