
"Free" Internet by "Free" TON 

“We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.”
- William Faulkner 

Hello, everyone!

It looks like we could be close friends with William Faulkner from the way he thinks!

I will not write how cool Free TON project is and how much I like it. It's obvious. Spent 6 months working in the Free TON community from 7th of May. And at least according to the statistics of the forum, I am the most active participant. As I learned the facts about what was/is happening here, many things surprised me, some upset me, and some just shocked me. During this time, I have collected a lot of important information about the inner kitchen and the people who are doing a variety of things here. Just in case... I hate when people are taken for idiots.

Already had a year of experience working in another crypto-community before and perfectly understand how "the things are doing". I warned the Free TON team about many things, but the locomotive goes in its direction. Not to the community but out of the community.

I can say with full responsibility that there is no community in the Free TON that decided anything. This is all fiction. Screen for fools.

The community is necessary for one purpose - to show the illusion of Decentralization.

Some questions for the "main" Governance.

*Who is behind those beautiful logos?

*Who are "THEY"?

*On what high mountain do they sit that they are not visible in the community?

*Where can the community members read their telegram @nicknames, pub keys, wallet addresses? (if they ask all the Subgovernance's initial members tg nickmanes, public keys and wallet addresses).

*How can the community verify that they are real persons? (Or maybe it is just one person sits there and "presses the buttons")

*Where is their chat (I would love to read it)?

*Why do people who are not in the community make decisions for all?

*Why Governance does not enforce the decisions they have made?

*What contribution did each of them before the launch of the network and how was the distribution of tokens among them determined and why exactly in this way?

*Who determined the sizes of the contest awards and why the hundreds of thousands went to some contests without any real development of the network, while other really useful contests were not launched at all or their budget was greatly understated (by whom?!)?

I can go on with this list for a long time. It is just not clear to WHOM to address all these questions. And others too.

This is an excellent position, bravo! If an active participant of the network (who has shown his contribution to the development of the network with his work and results) cannot ask these questions and get direct answers to them (not idiotic), then who can? I have no answer... May be YOU HAVE? We can conduct a full audit of all Subgovernance's, Proposals, Contests, Partnerships and votes. To show the community what's really going on...

Free TON (TON Labs team).

@Dedicate_s, @Ronmillow, @prigolovko - You have lost my trust and respect no matter how much you do for Free TON and how smart you are. You do not understand how communities are organized and what this word generally MEANS. Your corporate mindset doesn't allow it. The community is definitely NOT the people who follow YOUR INSTRUCTIONS. Direct or indirect. You make many mistakes like all of us. Only your mistakes cost people time, energy, and financial resources. Do any of you have any responsibility for this? The answer is NO.

Tags: Directives, pressure, manipulation, lying, withholding facts, and simply misleading.

And all this is beautifully wrapped in "this is just my opinion", only the filling of this "candy" smells bad.

I will need several pages to describe all "this"...

You have forgotten a small truth - we are not your employees. We are enthusiasts, members of the crypto-community and members of the Free TON community.

The main problem of the Free TON (from the community's perspective) at the moment - there is a narrow group of people who control processes and allocate resources, ignoring, slowing down and prohibiting the initiatives and aspirations of the community, under completely unthinkable pretexts.

What is possible for people from a narrow group is not possible for everyone else.

Because they are simply afraid of losing control. They don't need strong, free and independent community members. At the same time, at every meetup, on the forum and in the chats, we constantly hear: this is YOUR network, Free TON is for you! Go ahead and take initiatives, launch contests, etc.

STOP BULLSHIT! This is madness!

One day, all your games can lead you to the dock ...

Do you NEED the facts? Okay! I have a lot of them! But what will we DO WITH THEM?


Part II.

Part III.

Report Page