Fumiko Foot Worship

Fumiko Foot Worship


Fumiko Foot Worship

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Directed by Atsushi Ueda

When older man Tsukakoshi asks Unokichi to paint it is of his mistress, the geisha Fumiko. Tsukakoshi loves the feet and legs part of Fumiko's anatomy. The fetishism gives the art student a commission to put his talent to use.

81 mins 

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A perfect portrayal of how a beautiful physical feature can be both a blessing and a curse for the person that possesses that feature. Everyone is drawn to Fumiko's feet. I can't say I blame them. Unfortunately, they let their primal desires take them over and they all fail to respect Fumiko as a human being. 
She is more than her toes, and she deserves to be treated with respect. The movie portrays her insecurities and her rage effectively, through some interesting editing choices and the use of metal music, and it was really nice to see everyone that wronged her not come out on top. If you're into foot fetish erotica, look no farther than Fumiko's legs . Denden gives the performance of a lifetime.
This movie kinda hits... two dudes literally go crazy – like leap frogging around the house and becoming homeless crazy – because of some chick's legs. Also it's hilarious that she was in this movie and Shoplifters in the same year and I literally liked this more.
Man this really loses the plot towards the end. There wasn't much there to begin with, but the characters just completely lose it to a degree that is rare to see and almost had me in tears laughing.
Apparently this is based on a short story by Jun'ichirō Tanizaki and part of a trilogy that features two more films based on his stories ( Between Men and the Gods and Devil ). I didn't know about that beforehand though, and don't know how faithful an adaptation this is. Because really, this is a pretty awful film that spends 80 minutes straight up exploiting the poor girl that for whatever reason decided to take this gig, only to then try and disguise itself…

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