Foot Worship Student

Foot Worship Student


Foot Worship Student
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It was a tale of two lifestyles for the people of Fodlan. While the land had been divided into three distinct regions that were constantly at each other's throats, a deeper divide that transcended regional boundaries splintered Fodlan’s citizens. For centuries the land had been bisected by a rigid caste system that split those blessed to be born from noble blood and the commoners who weren’t so fortunate. The nobility had it all since birth: wealth, influence, land, and access to divine Crests. The luxurious lifestyle enjoyed by nobles seemed foreign to commoners who seldom experienced a fraction of the amount of those privileges, a grievance that nobles, with their elitist attitudes, had difficulty empathizing with. With such conflicting and irreconcilable lifestyles, it’s not a surprise that the two sides often looked at each other with disdain. Even Garreg Mach, colloquially recognized as Fodlan’s melting pot, was not immune to the bitter feelings between the two class groups. The
Akira Kurusu the leader of the Phantom Thieves known for stealing hearts and helping society. Though no one would figure he had his own deep desires in his heart. A fetish for womens feet, his desire has been growing more and more for the smell and feel of a womans foot. Whenever a females foot would be exposed in front of him he would feel his body shake and his mind rush. It became worse when he started dating Sadayo Kawakami his teacher and personal maid. Whenever she would visit in her maid outfit he would look at her white tights and dirty soles as she worked. Times when she would massage him he could smell the musky scent of her feet after working. In classes he would find it extremely hard to pay attention as his female teachers would come into class wearing many different types of legwear. Even Ms. Chouno sometimes removed her shoes to curl her toes to Akiras excitement. Ms.Usami caught Akira staring at her feet when she wore very skin tight nylons and had him answer a few
 This story contains foot-related topics, if you don't like, you should go back.

It was a stormy night in the kingdom of Nohr as Elise, the youngest princess of this kingdom, was walking through the castle alongside Effie, one of her retainers and her best friend. As they were walking, they were talking about what were doing Corrin and her big brothers, Leo and Xander.
"But why Effie? Why can't I be in the strategy meeting with everyone? I am alredy grown enough to help!"
"I don't have idea, Lady Elise. I recall Lady Corrin talking with Lord Leo, saying that is better for you to not be there, because they threat topics innapropiate for you.
I apologize for the infrequent content. I know I keep mentioning the drafts I have and I was planning to steadily release them so I have time to write new ones. However, I was not too pleased with how several of them turned out upon rereading them weeks later. I often get into this trap of overanalyzing and endlessly editing anything I do. I made the difficult decision to either scrap several of them or drastically rework them. I’ll try to just work on them and then push them out as soon as I feel they’re done from now on.
This scenario is based on the earlier perception of Makoto before she joins the main gang. I figure in her desperation she would do anything to find out who the real Phantom Thieves are. I hope you enjoyed it and any suggestions of feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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I think you did a great job at capturing the essence of Makoto's character! I think regarding a suggestion, I'd pick Hifumi Togo since there is much less content of her currently available, but you do you☆ Can't really tell you what to do
Tucked deep within a corner of Tokyo was Shujin Academy. While normally an unremarkable school, life on the campus dramatically changed with the arrival of a certain student with a criminal record. Students of Shujin Academy could not possibly be aware of all the warts that lay below the surface of their unassuming campus and staff.
It all started when rumors began to swirl regarding the school’s volleyball coach and his abuse of students. The coach’s abuse was kept silent for several months through his manipulation and the staff’s indifference. Most of the students had a faint idea of what was happening but many chose to remain silent. Suddenly, the coach had a change of heart and confessed to his crimes. No one could explain the coach’s reason for admitting the truth, especially since he had everyone wrapped around his fingers, however a mysterious group called the Phantom Thieves claimed they were responsible for the man’s change.
Shujin Academy became the center of attention overnight after the coach's admission of guilt was made public. The school received massive negative press for allowing the monster to abuse his position right under their noses. Media camped outside of the campus waiting to interview students. The press had also been snooping around fishing for any information regarding the Phantom Thieves who have since claimed to have changed the heart of a famous plagiarizing artist as well. Why would this mysterious group target a relatively unknown teacher in an otherwise forgettable campus? A student at Shujin must have some connections to this group.
To say the staff at Shujin Academy were nervous would be an understatement. In just a few weeks everyone in Tokyo knew Shujin’s name and the public did not exactly see them in a favorable light. Publicly, the staff tried to rehabilitate their image through gestures such as hiring a psychologist to feign their care for students’ mental health. Behind closed doors, however, was an investigation operation created to dig up any information regarding the Phantom Thieves and the students involved. Only a select few on the campus were involved in this operation.
Class had just ended for the day and while you would normally be heading straight home, you were instead asked to stop by the principal's office to discuss something. You were not really sure why you were being summoned but you made your way there to avoid any trouble. You entered the principal’s office and closed the door behind you. Since arriving, you’ve only been in this office once. It was relatively unassuming and what you expected in a principal’s office. The walls were covered with bookshelves that contained books you knew were only there for decoration. There was a large table with various items on it and a chair on one end for students to sit. You notice that the large leather chair at the end of the table was turned back and was facing the wall opposite of you. Curiously, all the blinds were drawn down as well. You take a seat and ask the principal why you were summoned. The large leather turn turns and while you were expecting the fat and bald principal, you were instead ambushed by someone unexpected.
You were not met with the sight of the principal but instead you locked eyes with another student. It was Makoto Niijima, Shujin Academy’s student council president. While your interactions with her were minimal, you, and several other students at Shujin, found Makoto to be quite a looker. She had short brown hair with bangs that reached a bit above her eyes and an ornate headband that ran across the top of her head. Her eyes were red and fierce looking and often intimidated others. She was wearing Shujin’s summer uniform which consisted of a white short-sleeved dress shirt and a black checkered skirt. She wore black leggings that stopped half down her shins and she had black loafers on her feet. Everything about her appearance was prim and proper as expected of a student council president, she was “Ms. Perfect,” afterall.
While her nickname and appearance might make her seem squeaky clean, Makoto’s reputation was anything but that. While she was the student council president, Makoto wasn’t very well-liked among her peers. The students often saw her as bossy and cold, very few students had a meaningful relationship with her. In the limited interactions you’ve had with her, you quickly picked up on her prying and overbearing nature and decided she was someone you didn't want to associate with. There was also the fact that she failed to act upon the coach’s abuse even though she was supposed to be the voice of the students. In everyones’ mind, Makoto was the prototypical teacher’s pet who was only interested in advancing herself even if it came at the cost of others. As such with most rumors, the truth is often embellished with personal biases.
Makoto rises from the seat and walks toward the door to lock it. She then paces around the room and studies you which makes you a bit tense. You break the silence by asking her why she summoned you here.
“As student council president it is my job to gage the pulse of the students and investigate any issues. As you can tell from the endless reporters that are camped out at the school’s gate, everyone has the Phantom Thieves on their mind.” she says as she continually paces around you while you calmly sit in your chair.
“I have reason to believe you have some connections with this group. I’ve seen you on that shady website while in class.” she says as she makes it clear that she set up this ambush to interrogate you.
It’s true. Ever since the incident with the coach everyone was talking about the Phantom Thieves. Everyone was speculating on who they were and their methods of changing the hearts of people. You were interested as well and you spent several hours each week checking on the “Phan-site,” an anonymous internet forum dedicated to discussing the Phantom Thieves. You believed the Phantom Thieves’ form of justice and what they stood for. If they could expose crooked people like that coach then why should they be treated like criminals? The fact isn’t lost on you that Ms. Student Council President was invading your privacy by spying on you while you were in class. Your distaste for her grew ever so slightly. Makoto interrupts your thoughts by continuing her interrogation.
“You’re going to tell me everything you know about the Phantom Thieves. For the sake of the students on this campus.” she firmly demands as she sits on the table in front of you with her legs crossed and looks down on you.
You sit there and deny any sort of connection with the group. Why would you go against the Phantom Thieves’ brand of justice when it rightfully punishes awful people? Why would you reveal anything to her of all people? Of course Ms. Student Council President would work together to help the staff since it furthers her own ambitions while throwing the rest of the students aside. You sit tight lipped about your connections with the group as she fruitlessly tries to force the answers out of you.
“Fine. If you won’t tell me the truth then I’ll have to pull it out of you.” she threateningly states as she uncrosses her legs and places one leg on top of your shoulder.
Your eyes, for a split second, quickly glance sideways at her halfway exposed shin and that brief reaction told Makoto all that she needed to know. Makoto assuredly closed her eyes and exhaled a bit through her nose as she knew she had you trapped.
“You know, when I was watching you, I’ve also had time to see some of your “other” habits.” she calmly remarks as a cold sweat begins to precipitate on your head.
While she never explicitly stated what that “habit” was, both of you knew what she was talking about. Of course someone as perceptive as her would have picked this up, she only had to observe your eyes and the angle your head was facing. The cards suddenly shifted in her favor and now you were the one in trouble. She’s pierced your armor and now she’s going to wring out everything she can. Makoto lifts her leg off your shoulder and seductively moves it around your eyes. You remain strong and stay silent however your sweat is becoming visible as it trickles down your neck. That being said, you remain firm, you’re not going to sell out the Phantoms Thieves over something like this.
Makoto sees that she’ll need to do more to pry the truth out of you. Unbeknownst to you and the rest of the students is that was actually in a painful position. Makoto was aware of the abuse that was going on however she truly felt powerless to stop it. The principal frequently threatened to revoke her letter of recommendation in order to coerce her to comply. Makoto needed that letter in order to enter a prestigious university which meant everything to her and her sister who were living without their parents. Makoto was in an undesirable situation and it wasn’t fair for the rest of the students to loathe her had they known what she was going through. That being said, she sees an exit because of this whole Phantom Thieves incident and she’ll do whatever it takes to reach it, even if it comes at the cost of one insignificant student.
Makoto pulls her legs back and reaches down to pop her black loafers off exposing her bare feet. You instinctively glance down and get a glimpse of her perfect feet. Her feet were curvy and smooth. Her toes were shapely and her toenails were well-trimmed. The soles looked soft and the arch was pronounced. The sight of your glancing eyes tells Makoto that she is on the right path. You were screwed.
Makoto returns her feet, now bare, back near your face and alluringly moves them around in front of you. Now that they’re so close you can better see how cute her toes are. She playfully taunts you with her feet by moving them side to side in front of you. She will occasionally wiggle her toes in her revolutions which causes your heart to race. You grip your knee with an iron grasp as you try your best to avert your eyes from her feet but she stalks your line of sight so that everywhere you look you would see them.
Every completed revolution of her feet she inches them closer to your face as your heart pounds the walls of your chest like a jackhammer. As her feet get closer the smell of her feet become more prominent. Since she wore no socks with her loafers you get the “privilege” of smelling the full brunt of her sweaty feet. The smell enters your airways and invades your mind like a pheromone. Your breathing becomes erratic and if you had the wherewithal at the moment to observe yourself you would see what a nervous mess you’ve become. A smirk forms on Makoto’s mouth as she waves her smelly bare feet in front of her captured prey and silently dares them to make a move.
Even though it’s taking all your willpower, you hang on and stay silent; the Phantom Thieves mean too much for too many people for you to give them up like this. Seeing your resolve, Makoto goes for the kill. The student council president eventually moves her feet closer to the point where they are now touching your face. She seductively explores your face by gently stroking the surface area with her toes. The veins on the back of your hand protrude out as you apply a deathgrip on your knee trying to hold out. Makoto’s soft and smooth toes and soles rub curiously around your head and dares you to indulge.
Makoto continues her push by cupping your nose between her big toe. You get the full scent of her smelly feet now as her feet cage your nose similar to a tent. The scent enters your body and sends your mind into a tizzy like a shark smelling blood in the water. The student council president knows you’re close to cracking and leaves her toes there as you unwillingly (or willingly?) breathe in the scent of her smelly feet. She knows that it’s been a warm June day and that her feet must have been gently baking in her loafers. She’s a human, afterall, even she is not immune to having her feet smell on a hot day. Normally she would be self-conscious of the smell but today she’s using it to her advantage. Your nervous and inconsistent breathing certainly isn’t helping as you cannot hold your breath to try to calm yourself from the scent of her feet, instead you’re inhaling the musty scent by the mouthful which only makes things easier for her.
You fruitlessly look around the room and try to appeal for help but the room is locked and all the windows were blinded. While you’re not entirely sure, it’s more than likely that Makoto worked together with the principal to set this up, though she most likely did not divulge her methods to him. All you had to do was spill the beans but you were conflicted because you truly believed the Phantom Thieves could change the world and that they should be protected at all costs. You could leave but that would only make you suspicious and would most likely get other staff members involved, maybe even the police. You could continue to deny things but she could easily have your phone confiscated and they would find out more things than you would like. You could try to push her off but that could lead to disaster as she could spin the story any way she wants and no one would believe you. A war was going on in your head as you try to balance your own desires against those of the world. You’re truly trapped one way or another.
You were heavily panting and you looked like a nervous wreck, Makoto knew she only needed a final push to finish you off. Makoto moves her feet away from your nose and instead moves it down toward your lips. She then pulls your bottom lip down by gripping it between her big toe. She then released it only to grip it between her toes and pull it down again. By the fourth pull your will was broken.
You caved and grabbed her feet and began giving them a tongue bath. Your tongue moves through her soft soles all the way down to her heels. You tongue drags across the smooth skin as she lightly twitches her foot from the sensation. You grabbed her feet and placed both of them on your face and took a large inhale of her scent. The smell was musty and overbearing but the shame only made you more excited. The feet smother your face as you move your tongue between each foot and polished them off with your saliva. You cleaned any residual sweat off her feet leaving the sour flavor coated on your taste buds. Her toes tapped on your forehead as you stroked the soft arches with your tongue. After being teased by them for so long you cannot control yourself.
You let all your inhibitions go and put her toes in your mouth. You let both of her big toes inside and let your tongue weave first through her toes and then in between them. You lick around the curvature of her toes with your tongue. There was a bit of a sour taste from the leftover damp sweat on her feet but you ignore it as your tongue continues to move around. You then work on one foot and place all five digits into your mouth. Your tongue sweeps across each toe like a broom as the soft toes gently recoil back from the tickling sensation of your tongue. Makoto plays along and “rewards” you by wiggling her toes in your mouth which causes your tongue to be pushed in every direction. You move your tongue underneath her toes and clean the area there as well. You meticulously work your mouth around her toes and clean any lint stuck between her toes. Every inch of her feet were worshiped by your mouth as you let the girl’s smelly feet control you.
As your mind begins to calm down and you gain better control of yourself
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