Commentary: Flawless Therapist Solves the Proles

Commentary: Flawless Therapist Solves the Proles

  • Updated: 2022-07-25
  • By: Dr. Floyd
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Video Title: Why EMDR Doesn't Always Work | Kati Morton



This therapist is flawless! Between tweezer and video editing, no one would even suspect that this therapist has an out-of-place facial hair, nor a need to think about what she says – much less a need to reference any notes to stay on track. Instead, her ruminating has paid off: she presents as a properly plucked and sufficiently edited stream of assertive and authoritative consciousness without any gray hair – definitely the kind of presentation that would earn a million-plus subscribers in an era of rampant social-media perfectionism, among despondent, less-edited people who crave the miserable validation of knowing that their get-happy-quick scheme is approved by a flawless.

Still, it would be interesting to know whether any subscribers would think differently if they were to suspect that this therapist–theoretically–were just a perfectionist who equates flawlessness with perfection and thus obsesses about flawlessness to feign perfection. First, that is obviously false, because reasons. Secondly, no reasonable person would suppose that any of that would even matter to any viewers and subscribers, because reasons. After all, people obviously appreciate this therapist for her honesty, candor, confidence, wisdom, etc. There is no possible way that her projection is a factor, because reasons.

Obviously, no one is try to live through her, nor incorporate her as a flawless extra in the movie of their life. So their approval of her surely does not depend on any projection that she has everything together: does not need to think, does not need to refer to any notes, has no facial hair out of place, and has no gray hair. Thus, all that flawlessness is just a coincidence, and icing on the cake. Therefore, the only reasonable prediction is that this therapist will continue to age and decline gracefully.

–Dr. Floyd

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