Fetish Test

Fetish Test


Fetish Test
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There's nothing more fun or confidence boosting than starting out an article with a definition, so let's do that first:
Fetish - An object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
(Taken from the Merriam-Webster Online dictionary)
Now when expressed this way, a fetish really doesn't seem like fun at all, instead of being something one might refer to as 'fun', it's more like a sexual ball and chain, an extra set of conditions that must be met in order to experience sexual pleasure.
Fortunately, the term is wildly misused in many cases. In many instances, sexual kinks or predilections referred to as fetishes aren't really fetishes at all. If you find wearing stockings hot, but are still more than capable of getting it on without wearing stockings, then you really have more of a strong preference (often referred to as a kink) than a fetish.
The term 'fetish' is also commonly used in connection with activities, not just objects, as the definition describes. For instance, spanking is a common 'fetish' that many engage in to one extent or another, be it in the form of a playful love tap whilst walking past a partner, or in the context of a BDSM 'scene' where the spankee is tied to a bench and flogged with a rubber flogger.
If you're a little kinky, you might just be wondering if maybe you have a fetish. Take this fun fetish test to see if you might have a fetish, results are at the bottom of the page.
Simply Answer Yes or No to the following questions:
Do you ever dress in fetish wear in public?
Have you joined an Internet Pay Site in order to pander to your kink?
Have you joined more than one Internet Pay Site in order to pander to your kink?
Do you turn away partners because they're not kinky enough?
Did you have to stop reading this article to go and uh, well, you know.... because it made you think of your kink?
Do you look your kink up in the dictionary for a little thrill?
Are you pursuing your kink right now?
Do you try to hide your kink from others?
Do you try to demonstrate your kink to others?
Do you find it impossible to get into a sexual mood without thinking about your kink?
Does your kink have a widely known acronym?
Do you engage in your kink daily on a physical basis?
Do you engage in your kink daily on a mental basis?
Have you thought about starting a religion based on your kink?
Have you thought about starting a political party based on your kink?
Do you only make friends with those who can advance you in your kinkyness?
Have you lost partners solely due to your kink?
Have you spent more than you can afford on your kink?
Has your kink caused you to visit a professional kink specialist
Have you ever behaved inappropriately due to your kink?
(Just tally the number of "yes" answers to get your score)
1-5 YES - You probably don't have a fetish.. Unless it's simply a fetish for taking online tests. Be careful of them, they are addictive. They can rob your mind and soul within days if you allow them to suck you into their world of pseudo self exploration.
5-10 - Naughty One! Aren't you the kinky little thing. Your kink is still low to moderate however, so enjoy it, you're in no danger of becoming a hardcore fetishist just yet.
10-15 - Fetish Apprentice! Aren't you the fetishy little thing. You may be approaching fetish status, but you're keeping it in check, possibly just barely. Remember that there is life outside of kink once in a while and you will be fine.
15-20 - Fetish Diva! You probably have a fetish. This may cause you to have a limited sexuality, but an intense one. Do try to ensure that it does not rule your life however. Having a fixation on anything to the detriment of the rest of your life is not a good thing, even if it does feel good, oh so good, at the time.
(Disclaimer: This should not replace an expert's opinion or just plain old fashioned common sense. Anyone taking this test too seriously will be hunted down and whipped mercilessly. But you'd like that, wouldn't you? Naughty boy/boi/girl/gurl.)
I ended up being a 10 two different times taking it. Where does that put me?
woah man... i am BY FAR a fetish diva
A Fetish Apprentice, I knew that, looking to progress and discover more fun ahead ;-)
carolina muscle from Charlotte, North Carolina on November 06, 2009:
Rats. I scored pretty low, but I enjoyed it anyway.
Desiree Addams on October 15, 2009:
Hmmm...A fetish apprentice. Lovely. I did enjoy the quiz and the article. Very informative or ok, well revealing. Love the pix too. Very nice.
50 Caliber from Arizona on December 07, 2008:
There was a time that I would have been a Diva, but that over fixation thing caused problems living life. So now I'm just a naughty one, apprentice of my wife the evolving Diva..... mmmmmm
Damn! Only an apprentice! Really wanted to be a Diva (better outfit!)
Hope Alexander (author) on October 02, 2007:
I wouldn't worry about it too much Ashes :) There's more to life than intense sexual fixations on apparently unrelated objects. Taking meaningless tests on the other hand... well, life is all about that :)
ART WITH ASHES on October 02, 2007:
WOW....What a boring esistance I have had. I couldn't answer YES to any one of the questions. Maybe I need to stop taking these tests as they reveal too much about what I am not. Luv the test! Great fun!

A dark room filled with nightmares.
Proof that sexuality is more than just sex.
Fetishism is a concept commonly used by the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, and it is defined as a sexual desire for a body part that does not have a sexual function. 
Fetishes are nearly completely based on the subconscious and it can be very difficult and sometimes harmful to try to analyze them.
Take this interesting test to see which fetish you are most inclined to.
When you are just spending a lazy Saturday, the doorbell rings. When you open the door, you are shocked! There are two animals there. They brought you two letters. In them are prophecies about your future. You open them. One of them says that you should expect great news. The other one says that there will be much destruction in your life.
You love touching your lover's feet and even just seeing them. Sometimes you want to worship a clean, pretty, sensitive feet and sometimes you want strong, ugly and even dirty feet. You want to touch them, kiss them, and caress them. This has been in you since you were a child. Although this can seem like an unhealthy obsession at times, it actually is just a component of your sex life that makes it more colorful and interesting.
Your fetish is connected to the most complex organ known to mankind - the brain. It is the sparkles of intelligence that makes you let your guard down. You judge this intelligence by their ability to make connections and how they can answer others' questions. These people impress your subconscious so much that you stop caring about their looks. Because being able to conquer that intelligence gives you the most pleasure.
Normally, a scent becomes significant in relationships once the people get to know each other. However, for your brain, this is not how things work. You code the opposite sex based on their scent and you are highly selective about this. In fact, this matters more to you than any other sense. Your partner's scent is a huge aphrodisiac for you. If you don't like the scent of their skin, their physical appearance or personality loses all its importance. On the other hand, just the scent can be enough for you to fall in love with someone.
You are interested in power games. A standard sex life is not at all enough for you. However, using pain, you can reach emotions that you didn't know existed even in the most intense of relationships. This is more than just sex for you. It is a pleasure you feel in every area of your life. This also feels like a special connection between you and your lover and this is another reason why you feel pleasure. Another reason is that this makes you feel freer as you break out of societal rules. As long as both parties give consent, we don't see any problem with it!
Your biggest weakness is the mysterious magical body part that we call nipples. No matter what kind of a chest you prefer most, what really gives you pleasure is how the nipples feel. Obviously, this is all connected to your subconsciousness. Your mind still remembers the days of your infancy. Even just touching the nipples creates a special connection between you and your lover. They also feel so mysterious because most of the time they stay hidden under the clothes.

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People young and old, objects big and small, pretty much anything you can think of can be turn-ons for some people. From the funny to the disturbing to the "what the what?!" see if you can nail this quiz like a dendrophiliac would nail a tree (and I don't mean with a hammer).

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