Kali's Teeth Bracelet

Kali's Teeth Bracelet


Kali's Teeth Bracelet

A little personal back ground information relevant to myself and
Mistress Shivah.

I am a 21 year old 24/7 slave to Mistress Shivah, i have been owned by
her for over two years now, and we are planning our wedding as of now. I
have been a lifestyler since 16, and since then i have been owned by two
Masters and two Mistresses. I am an introspective and deeply inquisitive
little pup, question reality type of attitude, and a spirit to a fault.
I have had my trials as everyone else has had and then some and beat
them all. I consider myself an extremely lucky person to be where i am
today, although i have no luck personally *g*.

My experiences are pretty vast for the short amount of time i have been
in the lifestyle, and i pray that they never end in the new ones.
Im a lover of music, and of torment, i believe i operate and function
much better under chaos.

To start with, an explanation and examination of my sexual orientation,
basic orientation of fantasies, and some personal preferences.
I consider myself bisexual, fully, i fell as though i am genderless, and
thusly do not care which sex i am with. I often think of myself as a pup
or toy, if i think of myself as anything. One my strongest fantasies and
eroticisms is chastity belts, as i love the control, and the thought
that it could be permanant with a little solder or a piercing. As i
stated earlier, i operate much better in turmoil, torment, and
frustration, thus the chastity is a great thing to me.

This is basically what the bracelet looks like, except instead of
"Mistress" our lock has "Shivah's" inscribed on it.
The teeth insets are commercial, as the bracelet is a commercial version
of course. I did make a modification, but it has to do with a centurians
leather slave chastity device, for more enclosure/support. We did this
so the Teeth could be worn much longer without abrasion or irritation,
and also it locks and encloses the scrotum as well for even more pulling

The period in question here, was for a period of five weeks, involving
some intentional torture and overload on my senses. A prolonged
psychological and physical torture of my Mistresses device.

At the beginning of chastity, the first hour or two are always fun,
Mistress teasign and tormenting, you playing coy little subby. After
those first couple hours, i get the first uncomfortable adjustments,
trying to get everything to sit just right so nothing is pinching or
digging in or just doesnt hurt. Nearly impossible, but you try,
eventually you get soft. The changs you go through in experiencing the
control over yourself ar vaired. I experienced feelings of shock, fear,
and paranoia at times. Albeit brief moments, there are these times, and
they do make you reconsider a lot of things about yourself, and what led
you to this position. Inner reflection.

The fear and paranoia are brief moments, moreover the reactions you
experience come in four to five main stages.

The primary stage being "the rush" this is when before and after the
device is locked on.

This stage can produce sexcitement, fear, anticipation, "sub space", and
other highly emotional thoughts and feeleings.

You are being locked away by the one that owns you, and now they have
achieved another level of control, uncomparable to aything. They own and
control your complete sexual actions and reactions to everything. The
rush of emotions usually cause excitement of the penis as well, unless
you have control already, or are just too afraid to achieve excitement.
This stage fades after about four hours of noncontact from the owner
(when they stop torturing you in it :]), and you move on to the next

The Secondary stage is a multifaceted stage, and can change for a lot of
people dpending upon their personality.

On one effect, the person has realized that any sexual response becomes
painful very quickly.

As to this effect one of two things can happen.

The first being, when the person gets excited, which cause an amount of
pain. This causes th person to react and become more stimulated causing
even greater amounts of pain and fear for an hour or more. This
continues even while sleeping, until the person gains enough self
control to wear the device without being brought to tears. Masochists
have a real problem with this happening.

The second effect is that of the person being hurt a few times and
losing erection quickly, fear and pain set self control in quickly with
they person and they learn quickly that the device can be very painful.
Being as such they develope self control rather quickly. (Note: Even
those with the greatest of self control can be awakened very painfully
with an erotic dream.)

Eventually the person begins to accept their fate and stage three

The Third stage is where the person developes the final abilities of
self control.

In this stage the person wearig the kalis teeth has learned to control
his own feelings and stimulations, which brings on the next phase of
training and psychological adjustment. The keybearer(person who can take
the teeth off) now has the responsiility to try to stimulate the
submissive until he gains excitement, whereas it is the submissives
responsibility to restrain himself. If not he is caused great pain once
more. This is what i would consider the core. THe psychological and
physical emotions and responses have been gauged. The submissive is in
great fear of being in pain again, and it is 90% sure he will be until
he learns to control himself against your advances. The level of fear is
different though, it has changed from a fear of being in pain and just
hurting, to a fear of being in pain and disappointing the keybearer.
Their world is quickly moving towards the next stage. The next stage may
come before this stage is even finished.

The Fourth stage is the stage where emotions run higher, and the brink
of anticipation begins.

In this stage the submissive is beginning to feel remorse for his
excitement if they are still not in complete control. They are highly
submissive, but are on an emotional roller coaster, violent mood swings
are even a possibility. The subject is now feeling extremely vulnerable,
beaten, almost nothing. They are at a level to be programmed to almost
anything. But it must be done with great love and caring. A spanking at
this point can be an emotional overload which leads to a river of tears.

It can be
a good time to do so, if your submissive has been holding in a lot of
emotions, and you gauge very carefully that doing such will not cause
emotional damage or trauma. There is also a glimmer of anticipation,
since they are learning total self control, that they are reaching their
goal and may be released soon ( the ever present power of hope and the
human spirit) a good cheering on or even a present at this point can
mean the world and advance their training willingness by leaps and
bounds. At the psychological level the next stage may start after stage
Three is complete.

The Fifth stage is where the victim is under control of the physical

The submissive at this point has learned to control his excitement and
at this point is anticipating release. Bear in mind the time frame of
this whole event may be anywhere from one week to a couple of months.
Depending upon the trainers preferences. At this time psychologically
they may be okay with what they have learned, but can definitely be a
walkign time bomb of emotions. Lashing out is a common thing, but only
because they are so high strung on a vast range of different emotions,
including anger, humiliation, frustration, submissiveness, pride, joy,
strength, weakness, hopelessness. And all these feelings are not being
felt seperately o a usual basis, they are bombarding the submissive all
at once. This causes a reaction in the submmissive of being lost and
confused. However their overall reaction at this point is a very docile
and servile one. These other emotions only take over in sparatic rashes.

The time for release can be teased, gambled upon, played with as much as
is to the keybearers pleasing. And the sbmissive will be ever willing
and ready to serve, and ever anticipating release.

Release, this is where you must have the most control. The first few
days the submissive may still have a very docile attitude, but do not
forget the VERY important fact that they still have all these emotions
bottled up inside them. A variation that works for me, is a creative
outlet of some sort, music dancing, whatever the subbie enjoys doing to
blow off steam and release emotions, as well as a couple of long drawn
out scenes, which lead to release after much torture and physical and
emotional strain. These two things wil help drain the submissive of all
the fireworks they had stored up. Once you have fully accomplished this,
for a week or longer it is a good idea to keep a very firm and
controlling hand on your submissive, as they will have the urge to push
back and try to do as much as possible to retain the torture. But by
showing them a firm loving hand this psychological reaction can delve
them even further into their servitude towards you.

The emotional and physical roller coaster ride has ended for the
moment... please watch your step on the way out folks.

Dont forget that it is a tool like anything else in BDSM, and must be
accompanied by psychological training, love, caring, and above all else,
a sane controllling factor. The submissive will need a loving arm, a
port from the storm now and then. Please be there for them.

Page last updated 99-Jun-20 by:

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Chapter 4 - My Life As A Gate Slave

I slept. But in my dream I heard a bell ringing. What could that be? I wondered, in my dream. I lay warm and half awake in the sun. I heard a Lady’s voice calling. “Hello…..hello….open the gate!”
I jumped to my feet! Someone was waiting at the gate! I immediately ran to the gate, pulled the bolt, and swung the gate opened. A car had pulled up outside the gate, and a dark haired Lady stood by it. She did not look pleased. I immediately knelt, and put my head down. I heard her steps, and saw her feet before me. 
“You are the new one, aren’t you. You have a lot to learn, I can see! I’m going to report you to your Supervisor, for keeping me waiting!” she turned and went back to her car. She drove fast though the gate, and up to the house. I got to my feet, and closed the gate. I knelt on the grass again. I kept my eyes down. I heard Ladies voices up by the house. I heard a door close.
I had not made a good start at my duties! I didn’t like what she had said about being punished! I hoped it would not be too hard! I could not stand a lot of pain, I hoped they understood that! 
I was still very tired, but I forced myself to stay awake. I waited all morning. Nothing more happened. It was hot in the sun, and eventually I half dozed, but would not let myself sleep, just in case that Lady wanted to go out again.
I was dozing like that, when I realized the Lady from the house was standing before me. I was lying down, but I scrambled to my knees. She looked incredibly beautiful, in her leather clothes. I began to get an erection. I instinctively covered myself with my hands.
She watched my erection start. I immediately felt a sharp pain, as the Kali bracelet’s teeth bit into my swelling penis. The pain grew in intensity. It became agonizing in just a few seconds. The pain caused the incipient erection to stop, then rapidly subside. The pain immediately stopped as the erection ceased. It was very effective feedback, training me not to have erections, I realized. I definitely could not bear to think about masturbating, not until she took this bracelet off.
She stood and watched the process happen..
“Yes, the Kali Bracelet is very efficient, isn’t it” she said with satisfaction.
“For your own protection, try to keep your mind off sex. As much as you can! Try to think about baseball, instead” She laughed.
She held a plastic gallon jug of water in one hand, and a paper bag in the other. “Come over to the wall” she said. She poured the water into a hollow depression cut into the stone wall. She shook the contents of the paper bag onto the grass. Three apple cores, half a slice of bread, some scraps of meat.
“This your water for the day. And these are the only scraps I could find for you today. We don’t have any guests, so there aren’t many scraps today” she said.
I was hoping she would ask me if there was anything I needed. I wasn’t allowed to speak, unless she asked me a question, or even look up. If she would only ask me if I needed anything, I could ask for a blanket. But she didn’t ask. So I knelt in silence, my eyes on the ground.
“Now. I have just heard a complaint about you, from a Lady that was very annoyed with you. Apparently you were tardy in your duty to her this morning. I don’t accept poor performance from any slave that I supervise. You may have gotten away with slacking in your previous life, but here, you will not! All errors here earn consequences, which you will not like! I will give you a black mark in the punishment book. This means you will get 50 extra strokes on Sunday.”
“It’s your first day, and you already have earned yourself a punishment! For your own good, I suggest you try harder. Strappings here are intentionally very severe. Apart from the fact that we enjoy it, we find that this produces much better service from slaves. Hard strappings quickly make men into good slaves! So be a good slave. If you are a good slave, you will avoid additional punishments. It’s completely up to you. I have no sympathy for you”.
To make sure you realise I’m serious about discipline, I am also going to punish you myself. I have decided to put you in a Cravat tonight. I’ll put you in it later”.
She turned and left me kneeling on the grass. I had no idea what a Cravat was. I think it’s some kind of medieval restraint. And so I was going to be strapped. I had hoped the Lady in the car would have forgotten about it.
I gratefully drank some of the water she had left me. Then I ate the bread. The apple cores had hardly any fruit left on them, but I ate what little there was, then threw them over the wall. It wasn’t anywhere near enough. I was very hungry.
I still felt exhausted. I was scared to sleep in case I missed a visitor. But I literally had to sleep. I would have to take my chance. I went to sleep, lying naked on the grass in the hot sun.
When I woke up, it was getting dark. I sat up quickly. There was nobody in sight. To my relief, no one had needed the gate opened. I adjusted my collar to be more comfortable, since it was sore where one edge had been pressing on my neck as I slept. I drank the last of the water from my bowl. I regretted throwing the apple cores over the wall. I would have eaten them now, I was so hungry. I looked around. There was of course nothing to eat, and no chance of getting anything. I was tethered by my chain.
The evening sun had been on the wall, so I went over and sat with my back against the wall, my arms around my knees. The wall still retained a lot of heat, far into the night. My supervisor had said I was going to go into a Cravat tonight, whatever that was. But she didn’t come. Another example of the style of slave treatment here, I thought: I was just left on my chain, totally ignored. Nobody seemed to care that I was hungry and bored and cold. They were in the house, and I was stuck out here. I sat and dozed, waking frequently. At last I did really sleep.
I woke at sunup. That night had been much better than the first. I was getting used to being naked outside. I need to go to the lavatory. I crawled as far from the gate as my chain would let me, then did it, in the grass by the wall. I crawled back to the side of the gate. I was totally humiliated, chained like an animal, naked, out in the open in full view of anyone. I was dirty and sweaty, and probably smelled. My knees were filthy from crawling on the grass. Then I looked at my hands and arms and chest, and I realized I was dirty all over, from sleeping on the ground, naked.
Shortly after daylight, the Lady with the car came out of the house. She looked at me for a moment, then jumped into the driver’s seat. She immediately accelerated the car down the driveway. I got to my feet, ran to the gate, and swung it open. I managed to get it open just in time. I fell to my knees. She didn’t slow at all, but roared through the open gate. I just got a glimpse of her face as she passed. She was blowing me a kiss! Her car vanished down the road. She just made it around the turn. She must be insane! I think she had intentionally driven down the driveway as fast as she could, just to try to get me another punishment! I was shaking. Some Ladies here were obviously mad. And I was on this damned chain, at their mercy! But my Supervisor seemed reasonable, and hopefully would protect me.
I got to my feet, and closed the gate again. I sat on the grass by the gate, and adjusted my steel collar to be less uncomfortable. The constant weight and rubbing of the collar had made my neck quite sore, and it was hard to make the collar comfortable. It was best if I lay down, so the weight of the chain hanging from the collar was lessened.
My Supervisor approached. I noticed she was carrying her electric shock baton. I immediately knelt and looked at the ground. That baton really frightened me.
“Peter! Now I see you, I realize I completely forgot to put you in the Cravat last night” she said. “Lucky you! And today is Sunday, so I can’t do it tonight. Never mind, I’ll try to remember to do it tomorrow evening” She laughed.
“Now, stand up. Face away from me, hands behind your back. I’m going to cuff you for movement. It’s Sunday, and you are going for your first strapping!”

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