Feminism, Yet Again, is a Conspiracy by Satanic Men: Woman Arrested for Silently Praying Near Pro-Murder Abattoir

Feminism, Yet Again, is a Conspiracy by Satanic Men: Woman Arrested for Silently Praying Near Pro-Murder Abattoir

  • By: Dr. Floyd
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Feminism is a scam by satanic patriarchs. This was obvious in 1919, when the men of USA's government gave draft-exempt women the privilege to vote for powerful men's authority to force powerless men into war.[1] That same year, those same men in government were caging women who spoke peacefully against the government's war-draft.

Decades later, the U.S. Supreme Court—six whites guys and a mulatto—invented the right of men in government to conspire with murderous deadbeat moms to murder men's children with prenatal medical lynching.[2] By this right, satanic patriarchs pretend to empower their feminist minions, who pretend to speak for women — most of whom are not murderous deadbeat moms.

In the USA, feminism is a thin fraud. Yet elsewhere, the fraud is even thinner.

Today, in China and elsewhere, satanic patriarchs pretend a feminist interest in "gender equality" and women's right to work. Also in China, the satanic patriarchs of China's government routinely force women to submit to the prenatal medical lynching of the woman's child.[3]

Today, in England, the tradition of feminism as a conspiracy by satanic men continues. Today, in England, the satanic patriarchs of England's government allow murderous deadbeat moms to conspire with the men in government to murder men's children with prenatal medical lynching. Today, in England, a police officer arrested a woman — Isabel Vaughan-Spruce — for praying silently across the street from an abattoir for prenatal medical lynching in Birmingham, U.K.[4]

Feminism is a conspiracy by satanic men. The men routinely employ murderous deadbeat moms as social shields and political landmines — while targeting good women for destruction and death.

  1. https://www.oyez.org/cases/1900-1940/249us47
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/12/sarah-weddington-roe-v-wade-lawyer-legalise-abortion-america-donald-trump
  3. https://www.npr.org/2016/02/01/465124337/how-chinas-one-child-policy-led-to-forced-abortions-30-million-bachelors
  4. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/british-woman-arrested-for-praying-silently-outside-abortion-clinic/

–Dr. Floyd

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